10yr old Amish girl Sarah Hershberger flees U.S. to escape chemo. Exclusive Interview with her grandfather.

Nov 2, 2013

I have an exclusive interview with Isaac Keim, grandfather of Sarah Hershberger, the 10 year old Amish girl who has fled the U.S. to escape being taken away from her parents and forced to do chemotherapy by Akron Childrens Hospital in Ohio, against her wishes. This story will make your blood boil.

Donate to help the Hershberger family here!

Related post: Watch the movie Cut Poison Burn.
It’s about another family who was forced to give their son chemo.

We did it! Akron Childrens Hospital has dropped their case and is no longer trying to take custody of Sarah!

Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


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This Post Has 72 Comments

  1. Augie

    I just started watching this. Thank you. Isaac just told me you wanted to call me!

    1. Augie

      Thanks for linking to my story

      1. Ms M

        You sir a a true hero I am also healing naturally

    2. paul caissie


    3. venox6625

      This has been a common problem for many years between the courts and Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding Blood Transfusions. Many children were taken from their parents because the families wanted to obey the Bible’s command to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20) I’m happy to say, advances in the medical community showing the advantages of avoiding blood transfusions has convinced many courts in the land to back off from taking children from Jehovah Witness parents. For more information, visit http://www.jw.org.

      1. Steve

        There are benefits to avoiding blood transfusions? I’d love to hear them.

        1. NightFlight

          Me too.

      2. Laurie

        I do not Pollute myself by drinking blood or in idol worship or fornication. This is what Acts 15:20 is talking about. By pulling one piece of the sentence out of context you are “polluting” the meaning… right?
        Anyway, if it weren’t for a blood transfusion, my husband would not be here today. I thank the Lord for the people who provided that lifesaving transfusion.

  2. Pearl Lady

    Thank you for sharing this story. The more we help spread it around the greater awareness there is of what is going on the the medical community.


  3. PP

    Something very similar happent in Portugal with a 4 year old child called Safira. The parents along with her stepfather were real heros by fighting the system, taking her to Germany and saving her. A summary of this story is available at http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1877023

  4. Doug Schmitt

    Chris, thanks for doing this. My cousin Rick and I run http://www.rickthehealthsensei.com. Nothing more than a fancy blog done with the intent to bring people the truth about health. I just liked your page on facebook and sent you a message as well. If you do not mind, I am going to republish this interview over on our site and share it to our small facebook audience. This needs to go viral. Keep up the good work. You’re a true champion!


    1. Ms M

      The same thing happens over and over in oncologists offices They refuse to tell the truth, they pretend that cancer is curable by nearly killing patients with chemo and radiation Its all about the dollar and its so sad If only people would get this knowledge I do what i can to pass it on

      Keep living Chris!

  5. sally t

    We have had the same thing happen here in the UK – a mother went on the run with her son because she didn’t want him to have radiotherapy, but the father did. The mother wanted to try alternatives, but she was tracked down, the little boy given radiotherapy. So far he seems to be ok…….

    1. Michele

      yes Sally, I’ve been trying to find updates on the little boy, Neo. Again, the mainstream media have tried to make the mother out to be a nutcase. She’s not. She’s very knowledgable and wants the best for her child. the father is just plain ignorant and scared.

  6. David

    Great interview Chris! Chris you should try to have a National TV station play this. We as Americans have RIGHTS! This is all about BIG PHARMA making MONEY! You should contact Mike Adams with Natural News. I sure Mike could Help out! My prayers are with Sara and her Family! God Bless! David

  7. Rebeca

    No one should be forced to do chemo. It poisons the body. Why should anyone be forced to poison it’s body? Chemo is not the solution but instead nutrition and strengthening the immune system.

  8. Cortney Campbell

    Chris!!! Holy Cow. IN-SANE! How scary it must have been for them when they got in that room with the doctor, lawyer, PR people. Way to go Grandpa for not being afraid to stand up for your granddaughter! Even though we went through similar pressure back when I was diagnosed, it still is shocking to hear the behavior of medical professionals and the dogma of their training. I’m almost speechless at the lack of understanding and complete ignorance and insensitivity to people’s belief systems. Although I do believe it is an issue of money, I also believe it is a pride thing with all of the individuals trained and employed in dispensing chemotherapy and the cancer industry. It is their medical religion of sorts and hard to get them to accept that it could be harming people. They have too much to lose.

    My prayers are that Sarah and her parents can come home soon and level out their anxiety levels and calmly heal in the comfort of their home with the foods that they know will rebuild and heal.

  9. Jennifer Quiroz

    God bless you Chris for getting this child’s side of the story told. I donated, and i am spreading the info on Facebook.

  10. Susanelizabeth

    Mks me ill to think about it. Travesty! Chris, you mentioned you’d put below what protocol or what they are doing naturally. I’m always interested in that. What I love is that it tks what it tks and so many have healed with different natural protocols, which I think is wonderful! God bless you for sharing this story today and my prayers(and support) will be for this family!

  11. Carolyn Holmes

    Whatever happened to ‘Do no ill’?,unfortunately, I think many doctors nowerdays are more interested in the bottom line than healing. I feel for this family, and sadly as you say this is the tip of the iceberg. The real cancer is not in little Sarah but in the medical industry and big pharma, they could use a good dose of their own medicine. I am sure a mega dose of chemo would work wonders!! with possibly a side serving of radiation!

    1. Dave

      Exactly. I’ve witnessed it firsthand with 3 different relatives. One was cancer, two were heart treatments(bypass). All three were on Medicare(MediScare). Only one of the 3 refused treatments. The 2 who accepted treatments were dead in less than a year. The one who refused is still alive 1.5 years later. So, if they die tomorrow(not likely), they have still outperformed the doctors. Simply by using nutrition and not falling for scare tactics emanating from greed.

  12. Linda

    My husband and I just finished listening to this sad story about the government trying to force chemo on Sara of full Knowledge of the parents and Sara not wanting this chemo. I am glad to know the parents took their child in hiding. How dare the government forced chemo now when it is not needed, all they see is $ signs going down the drain, instead of celebrating Sara’s healing, they cause stress for the family and Sara. Our prayers and our donation is with you Sara and the family, God Bless, Linda and Robert Wolfe. Ps: Our government always wants to do Harm to the children all for the money, sickening

  13. Keith

    There are way too many proven non-invasive treatments available. Essiac, Jim Humble,Raw food….the list goes on and on. Jim Humble has a treatment center in Bulgaria that will treat her and the cost is very affordable and includes lodging for family and all……

    1. Hayam

      Hi there
      Can you please give me more details about this center


  14. coral

    My heart goes out to this family. What a horrible ordeal to go through. God bless

  15. Jacky Manchester

    There are enough people who survive this treatment, that people are fooled into thinking that chemo is the way. But in my family 7 people died, and maybe from the treatments, not the cancer. Can’t know that for sure. But I will not have chemo, or radiation. If need be I will have surgery to remove a mass, as Chris did. First I trust in God, and what He has provided in His creation.

    1. April

      Being a nurse of many years I have not heard of many who truly survive. I believe I heard at one time it was less than 3% that survived Surgery, Chemo and Radiation trio. Chris do you have any updated stats on this? I would like to hear from those who say they survived with this combo and hear what their quality of life is like. I am curious.

      1. Dave

        I’m positive my family member, who underwent Radiation, died from the treatments. It was obvious to me before she died. I told the other family members, who chose to believe the doctor. When the crook sent her bill to Medicare for the second treatment, they refused. They said that it was too close to the first! That’s when some of the family started having second thoughts, but that was after the funeral. The doctor still pocketed 10’s of thousands of dollars from Medicare. Outrageous.

  16. Ed Miller

    Chris, it is a sad story of how people are coerced into receiving this conventional treatment. As a retired servicemember of the Navy, I have been diagnosed with a mass in the right lung. I started seeing A Naturopathic Physician a year ago and watched in amazement how this mass reduced in size. I wish all Americans their right in their Freedom of Choice in whatever medical treatment they wish to have. Unfortunately, we all live in a Capitalistic Country that believes Government has control over us and that we should do as they say. It’s time for Americans to stand up to these control maniacs and tell them our children belong to us, not them. I wish this child the best and hope she wins her battle with this disease. Unfortunately she’s also fighting the disease of greed and corruption.

  17. Corey Steinbacher Booth

    Unfortunately this is the reality of conventional cancer treatments… They rule with FEAR, luckily the Hershberger family have faith in God above. I have been following this story closely since it first broke. Thank you Chris for seeking out Isaac and revealing the truth behind all the media/political fluff.

  18. Charmaine

    It is not crazy! My sister had breast cancer, they cut, burnt and poisoned her until the week before she died. My husband was chemoed until he got sepsis and died, my nephew was burnt and poisoned until he died. A friend got an aneurysm from chemo and died waiting for a bone morrow donor.

  19. Patricia

    The only problem with alternative medicine is that insurance does not cover it and it can be costly.

  20. Patricia Davidson

    Chris, thanks again for the great content from your blog. This post really moves me. I am amazed that the hospital and courts can rule against this families wishes. I really think you should report this to The Blaze TV, they might make it more public to help out the family.

    My prayers are with the family and this little girl.

    1. Matthew

      please get informed….take a look at Bill Henderson’s book…hardly expensive….real food is not expensive….less than a fancy cell phone plan and movie tickets once or twice a month…”expensive” is just propaganda to keep people from healing themselves and yet lining the pockets of big pharma with billions at the expense of people!!

  21. Janet

    I think some of them are actually psychopaths…and when we think about the power they have over their patients, it’s not surprising that the profession would attract sadistic criminal minds.

    1. jane hand

      and many of them are so arrogant and controlling…they get very angry if you so not do all they say..

  22. Annette

    Thank you for sharing these stories Chris. As more and more people become aware of the draconian methods of treatment and control in our medical systems of the world,change will be more likely to happen. However, it takes courage to stand up and report on this type of dictatorial medical bullying, and I applaud you. God desires truth in this world, and sometimes it requires us to be outspoken against the status quo. I pray that God will intervene on behalf of this family and that somehow He can use this for His glory and to bring about positive changes within “the system”.
    Keep up the good work, and keep on spreading the message of truth….cancer is not a sentence and poisons are not the answer. :)

  23. April

    This is real, My friend Elaine was diagnosed with colon cancer that had metastasized , just six weeks after delivery of her first baby. Being a nurse of 10 years she knew she did not want chemo, radiation or surgery. When she asked her doctors ( 5 of them ) to allow her to try althernative therapies they dropped her and refused to be her doctor saying they would not allow quackery. Elaine told me anyone fighting for their life should be allowed to make these choices with out being dropped or humiliated. For health care professionals to do this is a form of abuse, manipulation and cruelty. I am ashamed of them and I am a nurse and FNP of 30 years. patients if doctors refuse to follow your wishes and you have it in writing ( a living will or advance directives) you can acutally file an assult charge against your providers!

    1. jane hand

      yes my doctor dropped me days before my surgery he was so angry he aged to do something he did not want to do..I now believe he could have killed me as had to delay getting the lumpectomy for almost 6 weeks getting another doctor to agree to what I wanted, and just found out days ago though it was not in rest of breast or lymph nodes (Had I listened to them and not insisted I would not do it) I would have in my case refused these organs for nothing..unfortunately it was found inside a blood vessel in the tissue they removed so likely spread already..it was right on the edge of the tumor and had he not dropped me this may not have been there then as my cancer is aggressive and he knew it and yet his being in charge and his thinking he had control of my life and was my savior outweighed my very life. They really should be ashamed I was treated so horribly for refusing to do it all. not hjust by him by 3 of the 4 doctors including the one who finally did the surgery..she spent my followup defensive and rude and angry..but I got what I wanted so put up with i I will soon be done with her and can try to get a better doctor if I later need one.

      I think maybe one should just say they are scared to do it and not mention alternative health though I did and just do it on your own trying to get as much or little of the conventional treatment YOU want..

      I know Dr Lorraine Day -a respected doctor–did not want chemo or radiation etc she just wanted lumpectomy (her cancer was sticking out of her body like a third breast) and her doctor would not do it and said he is dropping her if she does not do whatever he said to do…she walked out and found someone else who would do what she wanted and did an aggressive alternative health program for her 4th stage cancer and this was back in the 90s I heard her videos-cancer doesn’t scare me anymore–and she is still alive outliving their predictions and education others.

      Be forewarned if you act like you are too scared to do it all or worried about the risk of permanent side effects especially on the brain, they will try to minimize the side effects and use scare tactics so just be strong and stick by your guns..you can just do this on your own without even telling them.

      Also pray and have others pray as the events with me where so amazing how it all worked out as far as the surgery had to come from god as it was just so implausible

      I definitely felt abused –when they canceled my surgery days before saying they wore dropping me cause I got a life or death test to help me make a final decision that he said he would do and then decided to use as a bargaining chip saying I could not have the est that was crucial to my life unless I did full mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes and chemo and promised If I would not I could not get the test so I got another doctor to do it and it turned out to be good news then..he violated my hippa rights and illegally accessed my records and contacted the doctor trying to make her droop me too but God prevailed..when I in shock they were canceling this after I waited 5 weeks called them crying and pleading them to not cancel the surgery the cold hearted nurse when I said I could die from this decision to cancel this and I do not want to die, she stated to me.”you do want to die if you did not you would have done everything he said.”

      They are almost evil some of them..do your research and trust yourself not you doctor,. they do not even tell you most of the facts, They certainly do not care as much for a child as the loving parents who care so very much..it is so sickening I remember a case like this from the 90s that was so horrible..the child was getting better and they forced him back and put guards at the door so mom could not sneak in herbs or anything and gave him the chemo killing the little boy.

      I also recall billy best form the 90s who the courts forced chemo on against his and parents wishes who ran away to Canada and did alternative medicine I saw he has a book now and is still alive and well.

  24. April

    Did you know if you have a living will and/or advance directives and your physician or provider refuses to honor your wishes you can or your family can press assault charges against the provider. I used this once for a family who father was needlessly suffering a horrible death. he had a living will and his entire family agreed to it. He had died once before and was brought back. I had several docs who refused to allow me to move him to hospice as he wished. He looks good on paper they said. I said well go look at him laying in his bed, writhing in pain and suffereing and tell me how he looks. I then told the family the situation and that they could press assult charges against the MD’s. A few mins later the MD wrote on the chart transfer to hospice and threw the chart at me! We kept this poor man on all him medications and started pain meds for compfort. He died with in 24 hours. Again makes one wonder what is the motive of some health care providers. What really is the motive and do we have a right to force our will our way?

    a few seconds ago · Like

    1. mike

      i am sorry to hear that about this
      fortunately we had a DNR put on the hospital computers while my father was still coherent to agree as it was his wishes and ours too.
      we have these made out already for my wife and i since i have stage 4 metastatic melanoma, anyways back to the issue, they made him comfortable and monitored him and when close gave him a dose of morphine to help with his passing, we all were there when he passed,

  25. letty

    Thank you for the information here…i am glad to hear some happenings about the people who was ill of cancer and was survive by natural healing.But i was sad about what happened to Sara. I appreciate the decession of the parents, bear in mind that God give you the power over you children don’t allow anybody to usurp you authority.God bless you.

  26. ON

    Chris, you are my brave hero…spreading the truth…please be careful …blessings

  27. Rayzel Lam

    So glad you posted this. What a horrific tale- the audacity to think perfect strangers are more qualified to make such decisions for the little girl is just atrocious.

  28. Tony

    Thanks Chris for your enlightenment around Natural Healing. As Charlotte Gerson says
    this conventional cancer ‘treatment ‘is an ongoing Medical Holocaust. I am appalled by
    the absolute brutality of these medical experiments. I did volunteer massage for a year at a large hospice so i have seen the end result… A lot of people passing away from chemo poisoning not the cancer on their death certificates. I think Alex Jones [infowars.com ]would be most interested in this breaking story . Tony

  29. Andrea

    This is terrible that this family should be harassed like this. These poor parents are already experiencing the stress levels that can actually cause their own immune systems to break down. It is a known fact that the majority of oncologists in the U.S. would not give chemo to themselves or their own family. I’m happy that the family has fled the U.S. to get away from forcing chemo on this child! I’ve met a number of people that chemo had just about killed before they found the true answers are to make changes to their diets!

  30. Eileen

    Thank you, Chris, for getting this important story to us. I will pray and donate and share this on Facebook. I appreciate you and all you do.

  31. Erica

    Its to bad they havent counter sued for harassment!!!!

  32. Gabriela

    Chris, thank you for doing this interview….we need to join forces to make sure the government and big Pharma don’t continue taking away our rights. We need to stand together and fight for what is right! Where is the post that describes the protocol Sarah is following? My heart goes out to her family, this is so unfair….

  33. Karin

    Hi Chris, congrats on bringing this information to people!

    My sister died from chemo poisoning last March. I was also amazed at the food being served in the London hospital. What is going on? Are healthcare professionals not trained in nutrition? The treatment my sister received was revolting and the system totally failed her.

  34. Marie C

    I believe we should begin a boycott on the services of Akron Children’s Hospital. I would not feel comfortable taking my children to a facility where they put money above the best interests of the child. God bless Sarah and her family, and God bless Chris for being brave enough to fight against the cancer industry. I shared this story on facebook and will spread it as far and wide as I possibly can.

  35. Cathie

    Thank you Chris for sharing. I will donate and pray for positive outcomes. (Australian citizen) ps, wouldnt it be great if money donated exceeded all expectations, to really bless this family when life gets back to normal.

  36. Masego

    Good day, my prayers are with the family. My mother was diagnosed with brain cancer graded 4 in August this year. I immediately found this block and started researching on natural remedies and also taking her to church for prayers. We started juicing vegetables and cut off all the salts and sugar and diary products.

    Mid Sept she was walking again and independant, the blood tests were all normal. The Dr even started that she was misdiagnosed.

    My mother is back sickly again because I went outside the country on official purposes so she refused taking her meals and the natural medication – apricot kennels etc. We have had no choice but to take her for radiation which is really depressing me because I know the impact.

    I believe that God healed my mother and I am angry that she is not appreciating the hand of God.

  37. Jenni

    We are so blessed that I got cancer and not one of our girls! We would also flee if faced with this. So scary.

  38. Connie St. James

    My payers go out too–I would never have chemo-it is about eating well before any chance of chemo–big foods–and avoiding the poisons later. One doc had me get radiation on my eyelid–rather than molhs surgery–forcing me to have a large gold contact put into my eye–it didn’t work and I had to have it cut away and repaired plastic surgery–bottom line– that chemo doc made a ton on me and it was all in vain.

  39. robin arvizu

    When are they gonna next have the elders lay hands on her for healing?

  40. Judy Stephens

    PLEASE contact me, Chris. I have a facebook group called curecancerkindly (It is a closed group, but I will be doing more). I have terminal brain cancer and DECLINED TREATMENT. I’m doing very well!!! PLEASE CONTACT ME: 860-985-7104

  41. rb

    Best wishes to the Hershbergers and all other cancer ‘patients’. Lets hope this medical terrorism stops ASAP.

  42. Sharon Smith

    Thank you for sharing this. I posted it to my facebook page and also made a donation. Praying for this family.

  43. April

    Here is a thought- they could place this little one on a hospice program. All they need is a primary care physician to say with the course of the disease her prognosis is less than six months with no aggressive treatment. The hospice medical director then concurs and she is enrolled onto hospice allowing nature to take it course. In the meantime if she and her family choose alterative therapies like diet it is their choice. If she gets better with in the 6 month period they discharge her from hospice and everyone wins.. It is a way around the system and her choice for hospice must be honored.

    1. skjoldur

      A competent primary care physician wouldn’t dream of making such a pronouncement.

  44. Judy

    Where can I find info about Sarah’s nutritional program?

  45. Curt Linderman Sr

    Hi Chris, I was just given your name and link to your blog regarding a request for an interview to talk about this particular case as well as parental and personal rights regarding the cancer industry and alternative treatments. Your blog is amazing and I am wondering if you would be interested in doing an interview. My show airs Monday through Friday, is taped so we can do the interview at your convenience and it airs on natural news radio (an internet radio STATION. Please let me know, Thanks

  46. King Reggin

    These Amish people are crazy and should just get with the times already! That girl’s gonna be dead within a month tops if she doesn’t get what she needs.

    1. channea

      But she’s not dead, yeaa! Chemo is an extremely toxic treatment; parents deserve the right to make this decision for their child.

  47. Dianna

    This family lives about 15 min. from me. The Keims and Hershbergers are a wonderful family. They are very hardworking and dedicated. They are fighting for the rights of the home –OUR HOMES too. If this can happen to them, you KNOW it can happen to you. The government has taken away so much of our freedom and this is one more avenue they are trying to control. In this interview Isaac even said that Sarah is refusing treatments because of what it is doing to her own health. It is the sole decision of Sarah Hershberger and this Amish family to decide what is best for the health of Sarah. Her parents didn’t decide alone, they sought council from their parents–great godly advice. Not one that will benefit from money, but one that benefits from the love of this 10 year old Amish girl, Sarah Hershberger. We stand behind Sarah Hershberger and her family 100%

  48. disqus_g7VMcXYmfs

    If Sarah Hershberger no longer has cancer, why isn’t the family able to return home? The hospitals surly wouldn’t demand forcing chemo onto a child who doesn’t have cancer would they? I know they’d stoop low- but that low? It would also be nice if the grandfather, or family would/could share w/ others what natural treatments they have done for their daughter if she truly is cancer free- it would help many others.

  49. peachescm

    How do you explain babies and children getting cancer, it makes no sense to me. If both siblings are exposed to the same background, environment, etc, and only one gets it.

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