So David pulled me aside at the Healing Strong conference in Atlanta and shared
how he healed his leukemia naturally. I’m so glad he did. Check it out!
Here’s David’s story in his own words…
My name is David Lingle and I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) 2 years ago (Oct 31, 2011) while having routine labwork done. After having bone marrow testing, I went to an oncologist for the diagnosis. He told me that at most I had 10 years to live. I told him at that point that I was only there for a diagnosis and that he wasn’t treating me, because I was going to heal my body naturally.
I am happy to say that in August 2013 my latest test showed that the leukemia was gone.
I began my journey with healing the very same day I received the diagnosis of CLL, though in many ways I felt prepared due to dealing with type 1 diabetes since the age of 23. That’s another story, but through that, my wife and I learned to think about health very differently (in our forties).
The first thing I did was pray.
I was never afraid of having cancer and told God that I have been a Type 1 diabetic for 38 years and that this cancer wasn’t going to kick my butt! I asked God to give me strength and direction in my journey ahead to heal my body. I get up each morning and thank Him for the day . I would ask for healing because this cancer did not belong in my body. I NEVER had any doubt that I wouldn’t beat this. I went home and cleaned everything out of the kitchen the first day and turned it into a vegan kitchen. I became a vegan, eating about 70% raw and 30% cooked. I stopped eating all processed foods.
This journey would have been a lot more difficult without the loving support of my wife, Brenda, who has been right alongside me the whole time. She eats basically the same diet I do.
My typical day would begin by checking my pH. Most cancer patients have low Ph and I got into a routine of taking about a teaspoon of BioTech Tri-Salts or baking soda in the morning and before going to bed. I also take either two Maitake Gold or Maitake D-Fraction capsules in the morning. You can take 4 a day.This helps build the immune system.
For breakfast (and lunch) I eat Dr. Johanna Budwig’s protocol of flax oil and cottage cheese with ground flax seeds and organic blueberries. I make a green drink which consists of 2 tablespoons of Dr. Schulze’s Superfood Powder, 1 tablespoon New Zealand Barley Grass Powder, 1 teaspoon of chlorella powder, 1 scoop of One World Whey Protein and 1 scoop of Medicalicious Protein Powder by Balance Nutraceuticals. I take the protein powder to help maintain weight.
I drink one cup of organic green tea and also take 2 Life Extension Green Tea Extract supplements each morning.
For the first year, I also drank organic dandelion root tea but I stopped because it is also a diuretic and I was still losing weight then.
We have a Green Star Juicer and I juice once a week. I keep 3 days worth in the refrigerator and freeze the rest and take it out as I need it. I learned from Hallelujah Acres staff that it can be kept in the refrigerator for 3 days without losing much of the live enzymes and you can freeze it for up to 2 weeks. You will lose some nutrient value, but not much of the live enzymes will be lost. For 2 years I drank six 8 oz juices a day plus six 8 oz Barley Grass Powder drinks. I would drink a vegetable juice the first hour and a barley grass the next, rotating all day.
I juice the same things which are all organic including carrots, beets (including tops), celery, cucumbers, parsley, cilantro, lemon, ginger and chard. I tried juicing broccoli and leafy greens but usually get more foam than juice so have stopped juicing these.
For lunch I repeat the Budwig flax oil and cottage cheese with ground flaxes seed and organic blueberries. I also have a green smoothie that I make in our Vitamix. I put loose leaf lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, a granny smith apple, chia seed, stevia liquid for sweetener and I also add some ground steel cut oats and an avocado to help with my weight. I also drink organic green tea, cold or hot.
For dinner, I usually eat a large salad with loose leaf lettuce (mostly home grown), broccoli, garlic, onions, cucumbers, raw nuts, and zucchini. Sometimes I make a raw kale or collard salad using organic Tamari sauce which is similar to soy sauce – just let it sit for an hour to marinade. Once in a while we will have an organic pasta with cooked veggies; our favorite is one made of mung beans. I also eat organic brown rice and organic beans (we buy them dried).
I make raw organic sauerkraut and homemade kombucha. We drink it daily and add the kraut to our meals a few times a week. For snacks, I eat raw brazil nuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts. The almonds need to be soaked overnight and then let dry before eating. I also eat 8 raw organic Buy Apricot Seeds & B17 Products from Apricot Power Here daily (get the bitter ones) as they kill cancer cells. Sometimes I will also eat some organic hummus and organic rice chips.
I work outside doing our yard and garden work for exercise. I walk the dog for about 30 minutes a day and on rainy days I jog on a Needak Rebounder for 30 minutes.
I also have a Far Infrared Sauna and do that for about an hour 2-3 times weekly-more during the winter. I take 2 Thorne Heavy Metal Support capsules before going into the sauna, drink 20 ounces of water during and take one 1000 mg vitamin C capsule afterwards. Infrared saunas are excellent to help the body detox effectively. After the sauna I immediately do a hot & cold shower (hydrotherapy). I start with cold water for a couple of minutes and then switch to a couple of minutes of hot, and keep rotating this for about 20 minutes.
The main things for me during my healing journey were my faith in God along with juicing and eating lots of fresh organic green vegetables, most of them raw. Also, you must believe in yourself and that you CAN heal, otherwise, no matter what you do, you will not get the results you want.
The only concern I had with this diet was what I could take for low blood sugar. I am not the typical diabetic as I have very few high blood sugars; mine goes low and can drop very fast. So what I do is drink organic rice milk when my blood glucose is low. My other concern was my weight. I weighed 168 lbs at the time of diagnosis and I lost 13 lbs during the first year and a half. I have added Raw Organic Protein Powder and One World Whey Protein Powder to my green drink each day and my weight is back up to 162 lbs. I am still juicing and staying on my diet and will never go back to my old lifestyle. Surprisingly, my low blood sugar has also improved dramatically on this diet.
I am in the process of getting all mercury fillings removed as well as all crowns with mercury fillings under them.
About 4 months ago I felt like I had plateaued and I went to consult with Dr. Rashid Buttar, an integrative medical doctor in North Carolina specializing in what he correctly calls Advanced Medicine. He reported that I was “more than halfway there” and tweaked my program along with identifying heavy metal toxicity, especially lead, for which I am receiving chelation treatments.
I recommend several books:
Killing Cancer – Not People by Robert Wright,
Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle Non-Toxic Healing by Bill Henderson
Cancer: Step Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger.
Several good websites are:
I can be reached at blingle2 (at)
Here’s another great healing story:
Earnie healed leukemia and brain cancer with veggies and vitamins

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 29 Comments
I love hearing about natural therapy cancer survivors, but one thing I do want to say is that juice does lose much of the enzymes and the life energy force after 15 mins or so and the juice just doesn’t taste the same. Charlotte Gerson stresses this fact in all of her books and videos about using juice therapy. If you are going to the trouble of juicing drink it immediately to get all the goodness.But the amazing thing is, and what makes me so happy is that there are so many different ways to heal the body. Its what the body WANTS to do! Congrats, David. I hope you tell the world your story! xxx
I learned through Hallelujah Acres class to preserve the enzymes in juices by putting into a mason jar and putting this lid below onto it. Then you take the below hand held vacuum devise and it vacuums the air out. I have used this for years and love it. Who likes to drag that old big jalopy of juic er out and clean daily? This is great for days when you are in a rush too.
Hi Karen,
Those are awesome, thanks so much as Ive been looking for something similar for if Im on the go.
Love, Courtney xxx
Yes Chris is amazing and as a person living with cancer i am also optimistic I am in the battle to win! Way to go Chris
Thank you for these testimonials. It reinforces my choice for natural healing and encourages me!
Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go
Thanks for posting this verse, it is wonderful and inspiring.
Hi. Thanks for sharing all the great stories and information. For me, living as healthy as possibly is the right thing to do and the only thing to do, as being a nonbeliever. I respect you think otherwise, but I am confident that living healthy and having a positive and loving mindset is good enough. :-) I wish you all a very good day.
Congratulations, David! You look wonderful…healthy & happy! Thank you for sharing the details of your protocol.
And Chris, thank you for these videos. I can’t tell you the excitement and encouragement I feel whenever I hear one of these amazing stories. The verse “We are fearfully & wonderfully made” immediately comes to mind. God knows all the intricacies of these bodies of ours, He designed them, and He is able to make things right.
I love this story….
so encouraging …thanks for sharing this !
So happy for you David! I am also using the raw food diet, supplements, a naturopath, spiritual healing and faith in God on the road to curing colon cancer. Did have surgery, but no drugs, chemo or radiation. Have embarked on Vitamin C IV, hydrogen peroxide and glutathione. Have followed Chris Wark from the onset and continue to research while doing. God bless you both!!
David is amazing – his commitment to heal himself and his dedication to his routine are impressive. The most amazing fact to take from this story is that we can all empower ourselves when we believe in the healing power of food, our bodies and our minds. David is a wonderfully triumphant example of the choice we all have to heal ourselves.
I tell my family, that if this ever happens to me, i will not have chemo or radiation i will deal with it by supplements and nutritional foods, i am always laughed at.
2 years ago i had 9 mini strokes, i was told by the neurological surgeon i had to have steroids but i refused them, so he refused to see me again, i got on the internet and i did research, i found an amazing lady called Nicolette Dumke, who had an article about Silent inflammation caused by food, i then changed my diet, i then went gluten and wheat free, my inflammation levels halved within 6 months of my new healthy lifestyle, it costs alot of money going organic and gluten and wheat free, now i am lactose free, its expensive, but i have not seen a doctor now in over a year, i have refused now for 3 years flu jabs, and i have gone a whole 12 months with no colds or flu. I take supplements daily, when i am around anyone with a snuffle i up my vitamin C.
Your story is an inspiration, and it keeps me motivated, reading this i know what i am doing for myself, is healing from inside out!
Blessings and greatest of respect and luck for the future. xx
Love hearing stories like this! I wish I had found this website last year when I had cancer.
I just loved hearing from you, thanks so much for the inspiration!
Thank You Chris for bringing your testimonial to the forefront to let people know the truth about Cancer and Immune System function related to diet and life style. I am sharing your video to my face book time line for my readers to know about this. Holistic Chef Barry
I am hopeful that God will also heal me I have her2+ breast cancer which was diagnosed in 2012 Can you post some ideas for a woman who also wants to reverse this dreded disease?
Thanks Chris
Chris: I am grateful for your wisdom and your desire to help others by sharing these stories with us; they are inspiring, amazing and rays of hope and light for healing and health. Many thanks.
Rock on, David!
I am interested by some common threads that I have noticed in various success stories. I am on a metabolic diet program and it also works to the point that I am basically normal at this point. But here are the common threads I see:
– Saying Thank You each day
– Some immune builder (I use beta glucan)
– Using a rebounder
– flax oil/cottage cheese mixture
– green tea
– dandelion root (I use powder from Harvest Haven Health)
– Juicing beets (and carrots, chard, cucumber, ginger, parsley and NO fruits except coconut/raspberry smoothies — in general I eat fruits, juice vegetables)
– Raw organic sauerkraut or some good probiotic
– Raw almonds, brazil nuts and macadamia nuts as nuts of choice
– Removed tooth with troublesome crown over mercury
– I did hot-cold hydrotherapy for about 7 months and also take SuperFood powder occasionally
This is in addition to a prescribed diet and lots of supplements. Just thought it was interesting to highlight the commonalities I am starting to see. I think Chris did some (not all) of these same things, as part of his program.
What a great story! Congrats and hallelujah on your success, David. I love your positive, grateful attitude.
I try to maintain my thankfulness factor as high as possible always as well. So far so good – I have healed from Stage 4 Her2+. ER+/PR+ breast cancer, even though the docs said I’d be dead in less than six months. That was in January of this year.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Hi Chris: I know this was video was posted over a year ago and i can see one of my postings there :) I was diagnosed with Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma and still continue to battle it with grace and tons of faith. I am doing the best i can with what i have available, as this can turn into an expensive journey; especially when you are a single person like me. The best i do is 100% raw, vegan, organic, supplements, rebounder, purified Berkey water, acupuncture, and i have been trying the Budwig protocol for the last month an half, i like it. I look up to to you Chris, Dave and Cortney Campbell for their healing stories. Thank you for all you do Chris.
Is it normal for the smoothies to make you run to the bathroom all day?
Do they have flax in them? If yes, then yes it is normal. Also, the fiber in the fruits and veggies will also increase your bowel moments significantly.
cottage cheese isnt vegan though. ?
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