Suzan Macco, R.N., C.N.H.P., L.D.H.S.
Breast Cancer, Stage 2
Diagnosed April 27, 2007
Hearing the words “you” and “have cancer” in the same sentence was overwhelming. I couldn’t process it. It’s an unimaginable shock. Why, when I was promoting natural health, would I get cancer? Why me?
It was frightening for sure. But I started to believe that I could use this too. As I realized this, peace came over me and I knew I would be okay in spite of the type of journey I knew all too well that I would have to take.
Green Bay Cancer Center
This was now a race. I needed to gather as much information from as many sources as I could. My decision would not be reversible. I started with the local Green Bay Cancer Center (with a bowl of candy in the lobby). I was on a conveyer belt, no choices, no say in the matter, no coordination. When I asked about nutrition, I was given a binder with the four food groups and the recommendation to eat Jell-O if nauseated from chemo.
I asked about supplements to strengthen my body and to offset the damages of the proposed treatment and the Radiation Oncologist actually said… “Vitamins just cause expensive urine.” I was stunned, and told him so in no uncertain terms and walked out.
On to the next appointment with the Chemotherapy Oncologist. Encouragingly he felt that I probably wouldn’t need chemo; just a lumpectomy and tamoxifen; maybe a little radiation.
Although I was pressured to make a decision, I wasn’t comfortable that I had heard all I needed to hear. My husband felt prompted to do some research on his own too. So between the two of us, we were a research machine; the procedures, the treatments, the drugs, the options. We did not limit our options to what was available within our local area. We started discovering multiple options, all still traditional in nature but some with a potentially less damaging methodology, IE Toma radiation, Mamo-cites et al. We also started narrowing our options and came to realize that Tamoxifen, with its profound side effects, was not a risk I was willing to take.
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Mayo is a nicer facility and more organized but essentially the same conveyor belt as Green Bay. After hours of waiting in exam rooms for late doctors, and ridiculous protocols, I ended up sobbing through my lunch in the cafeteria. But it was a pleasant spring day so we went out on the patio after lunch to wait for a phone consult we had set up with Sanoviv Medical Institute in Mexico.
That phone consult was a breath of fresh air at a very perfect moment. We still made no commitment but at least we were starting to have choices.
On second day at Mayo, my husband and I were sitting in the office of plastic surgery wondering why they had scheduled this appointment. Up to that point we had assumed we were all talking about a simple lumpectomy. It was apparent Mayo was assuming mastectomy. So we left for the day.
Another result of this diagnosis is a bond, you are now in a club you really didn’t want to join. But during dinner at a restaurant in Rochester that evening there was a young family with a child maybe 10 or so with no hair and clearly undergoing a difficult time, we paid for their dinner as we left.
Seattle Cancer Center
That evening back in our hotel room we took a phone consult with the Seattle Cancer Center to discuss and learn more about a procedure they promote there. It was a frustrating and unproductive call with a Doctor clearly steeped in what passes for modern breast cancer protocol here in the US.
We may not have figured out what was best for us, but we were quickly understanding what was not best for us. After Green Bay, Mayo and Seattle all sounding as if they are following the exact same outline we understood we needed a different path. We called the Nurse at Mayo, canceled the rest of our appointments that week, and went home the next day.
One more option left…
Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
They advertise that they incorporate nutrition and spirituality in their treatment. But we would soon find out that their basic protocol is quite typical. The tour included a very nice facility along with a stop at the “heart” room. I ask why we would need to tour the heart room. We were told that “If you have radiation, we know that you will probably have heart damage.”
We then had to walk through the chemo room at CTCA. Chair after chair of severely compromised sick people with buckets next to their chairs. I had enough!
What alternative therapies did you do and which ones helped you the most?
Sanoviv Medical Institute in Rosarito, MX.
“What would you really like to do about this?” John asked. From my training I knew that cancer is the body at dis-ease, from my mind and science I knew there were other options and in my heart I was sure that it could be treated naturally. That’s what I wanted and I didn’t know anyone else who did that except the professionals at Sanoviv.
I would become the first person I knew to treat their cancer naturally. So with the help of our parents we made the initial payments to go to Sanoviv and were on our way.
May 30, 2007
We were picked up at our San Diego hotel by the very attentive and friendly Sanoviv driver. And even now, six years later, I’ve stayed in touch with some of the staff and some of the other patients who I now call friends.
My first impression upon entering the lobby at Sanoviv was pure healing.
It was a feeling that has never left me. From that moment on it was everything to do about diagnosing the root cause of dis-ease, and healing the body, the mind, and the spirit. From the meals to the water, the clothing and the salt on the tables all organic and systematized to augment the overall healing process of this unique medical complex. The next day began the exams and testing like you’ve never seen. Special lab work, I can’t begin to name them all, but the dark field live blood analysis was particularly impressive. Other evaluations in addition to medical, were nutritional, chiropractic, psychology, fitness, digestion, chemosensitivity testing, allergy testing, measurement of toxic chemicals, thermography, and biological dentistry. The atmosphere throughout the facility was a welcome change from Western Medicine.
Me getting dark field live blood analysis.
Therapies I received based on my evaluations:
A mostly raw organic detox diet, each morning started out with warm lemon water with cayenne pepper, then green juice twice a day, wheatgrass juice twice a day, fresh salads and some meals having salmon or other white fish; ending each night with some fresh coconut water. Smoothies on occasion, and every Thursday was juice day. No solids that day.
Vitamins and minerals (mostly Usana Vitamins)
Colon Hydrotherapy
Daily IV therapy: High dose Vitamin C, Glutathione, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and possible other nutrients in
Various Detox Therapies
Vichy Shower and Spa detox therapies
Rife Therapy
Electro-Acuscope Myopulse Therapy
Mistletoe Extract
Dental mercury filling removal
thalassotherapy pools
fitness room
walking track
energy medicine
Lumpectomy and removal of 12 lymph nodes.
Tumor sample sent to a lab for antibody prep in making the Specific Transfer Factor
Home Therapy:
Nutrition plan and recipe book
Nutritional supplements – Usana Vitamins & Minerals, IP-6 Inositol Hexaphospate,
Protective Breast Formula with calcium-D-Glucarate (instead of Tamoxifen),
AHCC mushroom complex, CoQ10, Omega Fatty Acids,
Vitamin C, Wobenzym, Primal Defense (or a probiotic).
Mistletoe Extract subq injections – given to myself once a week for six months
Thymoject intramuscular injections – given to myself once a week for 3 months
Specific Transfer Factor – oral doses intermittently scheduled weekly tapering off over 6 months.
Phone consult follow-up every three months
Sanoviv was a life changing event. Not in the sense of life or death, but in the sense of life and living.
What books, products, and supplements do you recommend?
I recommend many of the books on my website favorite books page, at
Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer–And How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place by Suzanne Somers
Beating Cancer with Nutrition by Patrick Quillin
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer by John R. Lee M.D.
Nature’s Ultimate Anti-Cancer Pill: The IP-6 with Inositol Question and Answer Book by L. Stephen Coles M.D.
AHCC: Active Hexose Correlated Compound by Dan Kenner PhD, and any of the enzyme books listed.
I would also recommend any of my Home Therapy supplements with the exception of those not available in the U.S.
I can be reached by email through my website at
Thank you Chris for the opportunity to share my story!
Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon hereI've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 23 Comments
Hi thanks so much for posting this. I’ve been waiting to hear your story! Can you talk about cost a little. Maybe just a ball park figure of how much your treatment cost in Sanoviv? thanks so much!
I just chatted with some one at Sanovive and it can go from $1700.00 ( for a week stay) to 29,000.00 I was told. They can have some one check with your insurance company for possible re-imbursement amounts to you ( they do not deal with insurances). They also have some ideas to assist with raising the money via family and friends if that is an option. They really try to help.
Hello and congrats on your recovery. I take my hat off to you, that was a very powerful decision you made. I wish that the U.S. had a better way of treating all cancers. My wife is a sarnovial cell sarcoma cancer survivor so far so good, 20 years now. She did go the traditional route, operations at Cedar Siani in L.A., radiation, and chemo but we had problems. No need to get into all that. I wish you continued success.
Awesome! I have heard good things about sanoviv…so clean they have never had a staph infection…over 2 million in the U.S.
I just looked at their website and it looks awesome
Thank you fr your story..I contacted Sanoviv..they charge 28,000 not sure for how long..
It’s so wonderful to see yet another success story. Thanks again to Chris for this website as it helps me stay positive about our situation.
My husband was diagnosed with liver cancer, an MRI shows a large mass on the liver. However, he still has no symptoms of illness at all and feels well. (He has hep C and because of that, cirrhosis of the liver.)
I fully understand about the doctors putting a lot of pressure on patients to hurry and treat with chemo and/or radiation. My husband refused chemo. They were trying to schedule him the same week he was diagnosed and they pushed hard.
We worked up a more natural protocol, especially the raw foods (organic) and have stretched our budget to get some of the supplements we’ve seen listed by other natural survivors.
He went to his regular MD yesterday for bloodwork, as we intend to stay on top of the situation. The first words out of the doctor’s mouth were “Well, I hear you’re giving the University hospital some problems.” In the end though, he did agree that it was my husband’s right to choose whether or not he would take chemo.
“Get/Read “Medical Mafia” it’s still on Amazon. You would be amazed how greed plays a major role today in the sector of health care. It is no longer about the truth and keeping one alive. It is about many…. other factors. The body was made to heal naturally. Look up Apricot Seeds From Or By God. I ordered from them. The Hopie Indians use them and never get cancer. “Go Figure” If there were a cure for cancer and there is naturally.. and the docs exposed it.. the whole pharmaceutical industry would go down and profits.. Wall Street would probably too. The Government is trying to control everyone now.. scared about word of mouth and natural cures that have and do work. So.. that they don’t take a huge hit/fall.. again.. all about the money here, they are mandating insurance OR Else we the people get fined. It is no longer a free country. Part of their system is scare tactics and making sure they sign you up quick so you don’t have time to change your mind OR.. look wisely at alternatives. They know chemo is not the answer. Neither is radiating your body. Cancer is in fact a condition not a disease and can be treated naturally. I would go to Mexico for natural therapies before the USA for chemo and radiation and more and more tests with radiations. It is a plan in my opinion as I see with my own mother whom the doctors took her life, going against her POA. I think they rather weed out the sick and dependent on the health care system. Your only as good to them as your insurance policy and that is all they want to run up until it maxes out. I read a story recently where a man was responding to chemo and the insurance ran out.. he released him of care. Sent him home to die. Even though he was gaining ground. His wife had to take out money against her home and knock on doors. Many were told not to accept him back in order to side together. It is a mafia indeed. Thank God.. people are wising up!
So Susan you naow have 6 years from the date of your first diagnosis.
you´ve made some follow up with traditional medicin?
How is now your healt and how do you feel?
Some Follow up from the Mexican Clinic?
Wonderful article. My mom who just passed from stage 4 pancretic cancer was on the same path using anne frames book a cancer battle plan and lived 7 months. She went to the Contras Clinic for laetrile in 1977 for melanoma. I know these protocols work and myself and my family have studied natural protocols for 35 years.. My question is this in the end what was the total cost while in mexico. At 53 I have come to a point in my life as I am uninsured that I feel I would rather let cancer run its course than spend what savings I have to get better and leave my family broke. This is the worst part of being ill on this earth it can cost your life savings to get well. Very sincerely suzanne andrews
I used IP6, 8 pills am 8pills pm, cell food 30 drops in each bottle four bottles per day, fulvic acid one oz. Daily, good vitamin, before chemo i asked the Dr. If this would reduce the effects of the chemo… he said no so I continued and added 8,000mg mushroom complex. I also maintained my ph at 8.2. Eight months latter myPET scan said no cancer. This is the least expensive protocal I risked my life over it. Thank God it worked. Dale Cancer Coach, New Jersey, USA.
Can you email me with the protocol you did, I don’t have a lot money but am in desperate need of help! I’m a single mother with 2 little kids and I have breast cancer that has spread to my spine. My email is aprilrain1228 @
My husband has GIST and we are currently juicing and eating healthier for sure. I have heard of the Hoxsey Clinic in Mexico from a friend who went and was cured of their cancer. Hoxsey is considerably less at around $5,000.00 Just wondering how to choose an alternative cancer center. We also have a good friend with Glioblastoma and needs help fast so hoping to find a cure for both of these wonderful people.
Wow thanks so much. I am a nurse too and recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I have believed in alternative therapies for years and actually ran a chelation center many years ago. Having said that I got so sick, was having trouble breathing and swallowing and allowed them to remove my thyroid and just learned that they removed the para thyroids as well. I can not believe how close I was to iodine scans and iodine ablation. I called it all off at the last min. I went to a Natural MD last week who helped. He is now questioning if I actually have thyroid encephalitis as I had been developing antibioties for quite some time and no one addressed this with Hasimotos thyroiditis. I went for a full body and brain CT scan today. I just ordered my champion greens apparatus for my juicer and the Big Berky for my water and have de-chemical zed my home. I was with out thyroid meds for 6 weeks and my memory, recall and judgement are all off. I can not believe how close I came to saying yes to something I do not believe in (radiation tx). I love hearing stories of people in our profession who know what really happens and makes alternative choices. It validates my journey helps me immensely. Thanks so much and keep sharing it does more than you will ever know.
Hello, My name is Renee and I have just been dx with breast ca with mets to my right femor of all places! I was an oncology nurse for 6 years, I had to change specilities because of what I saw taking place in the chemo suites of the hospitals and doctors offices, people holding on…their quality of life going down with each treatment. Now im the patient…faced with chemo, can anyone help? I don’t want chemo, I am single and have to work, limited funds prevent me from being able to take off to mexico, which I believe would be ideal….anyone have any advice for me
Hi, I am not a Dr, nor do I have a science background, but I have read a lot recently. Look up black salve for breast cancer, it appears to be amazing. Laetrile (apricot seeds) needs to be taken under consultation with a naturopath probably. There are answers out there and many of them are available at the grocers, the market stall and the supermarket. I wish you the best of luck. If I was diagnosed with cancer, I would not have surgery, chemo or radiotherapy either. Check out Charlotte Gerson, Harry Hoxey (1950’s) and Renee Caise (I’m not sure of the spelling (1920/30’s) Inspiring stories.
Hi Renee,
Please read my comment at the beginning of the posts here. I would love to be able to help you of possible! :-)
Best wishes!
MY name is ASHLEY from uk my wife was diagnose of cancer in 2013 i
became devastated on what to do since i was told she was going to die i
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that he was the spellcaster that casted the spell
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My name is Florence. I’m a retired nurse, using Holistic remedies on patients to battle health problems…. Cancer has recently been added to the list as a dear friend is now battling cancer. I’m treating her with various protocols, including my electro ACUSCOPE. Any tips any one has I would appreciate it! I’m willing to try to help out anyone who has no other options.
Please feel free to email me at BOTH:
We all need to come together on this! We can survive these attacks if we, the people, band together against the big pharma/big business/elite that has high jacked our government….Running EVERYTHING for PROFITS!
I can’t seem to find a contact e-mail on your website and was hoping to connect privately
Hi I am curious how long you were at the clinic for receiving treatment
How long did you receive treatment for?
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