This recipe is from BEAT CANCER KITCHEN: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes.
The Giant Cancer Fighting Salad
To strengthen your body’s ability to fight cancer, you need to eat what I ate:
The biggest, baddest, healthiest salad on the planet!
It consists of raw organic vegetables, sprouts, nuts, seeds, and homemade dressing.
This salad is super healthy, and delicious and will fill you up without zapping your energy.
A raw food diet was a huge part of my anti-cancer strategy and I ate this salad every day, sometimes twice a day, during the first few years of my chemo-free cancer journey.
I wanted to put as many vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes into my body as possible and there’s no better way than juicing and eating fresh raw organic fruits and vegetables.
There’s really no secret formula to this salad, but there are some guidelines to follow:
Absolutely no cheese, meat, or store-bought salad dressing.
It is important that you use organic produce, which is free of toxic chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
And of course, wash everything before you eat it. Then just chop it all up and throw it in a bowl!
Note: You’re gonna need some bigger bowls. The bowl in the photo holds over 6 cups. That’s six servings of vegetables! 10+ servings per day of fruits and vegetables is ideal for cancer prevention and healing. That’s why I ate the Giant Cancer-Fighting Salad for lunch and dinner every single day.
Salad Recipe
-1 handful of leafy greens: kale, spinach, Swiss chard, watercress, arugula, parsley
-1 handful of broccoli
(The best source of sulforaphane which promotes liver detoxification, and Indole-3-carbinol, an anticancer compound)
-1/4 cup Broccoli Sprouts
(Concentrated sulforaphane & I3C. Do not exceed four cups of broccoli sprouts per day)
-1 handful of cauliflower
-1 to 3 purple cabbage leaves, chopped (cheapest source of antioxidants per ounce in the world!)
-1 red, yellow, or green pepper, sliced
-1 to 2 slices of red, yellow, or green onion
-1/2 leek, sliced, washed, and rinsed in a colander
-mushrooms (Bella, cremini, or shiitake)
-1/2 avocado, sliced
-1 to 3 tbsp sunflower seeds (sprouted is better)
-1 to 3 tbsp hemp seeds
-1/2 cup legumes, sprouted (garbanzo beans, lentils, mung beans) or cooked (black, garbanzo, kidney beans, …)
Then I top it off with one of these naturally fermented foods:
I like Bubbies Old Fashioned Sauerkraut because it is made with only three ingredients: cabbage, water, and salt. It is fermented and cured with all natural enzymes intact and there is no vinegar added. (Bubbies Kosher dill pickles are super tasty too.) Look for it in the refrigerated section of your local grocer or health food store.
-Kimchi (Pronounced “Kim Chee”)
Kimchi is a spicy Korean version of sauerkraut typically consisting of fermented cabbage, onions, garlic, and pepper. Kim Chi has high concentrations of Vitamin C and Carotene in addition to Vitamin A, B1, B2, Calcium, Iron and beneficial lactic acid bacteria. Recognized as one of the Top Five “World’s Healthiest Foods” by Health magazine. Also in the refrigerated section.
Fermented foods are great for digestion and repopulate your intestinal flora with beneficial bacteria essential for health and a strong immune system.
Drizzle on my Anticancer Vinaigrette
-Add 1 tbsp organic extra virgin olive oil to your salad
-Add 1 tbsp organic cold-pressed flax oil to your salad
-Lightly drizzle Organic Apple Cider Vinegar to taste (another super healthy fermented food!)
Then shake on my Anticancer Sprinkle (page 19) or add as much of these Four Cancer-Fighting Spices as you can stand:
-Organic oregano
-Organic garlic powder
-Organic turmeric or curry powder
-Organic parsley flakes
-Organic cayenne pepper (this will spice it up quick, go easy the first time)
I can’t tell you how many times I have eaten this salad! Over a thousand I bet. The Giant Salad was my staple meal to help my body heal cancer and I ate it for lunch and dinner. I didn’t mind eating the same thing every day because it was simple and quick to prepare. I didn’t have to put any time into planning my meals. I knew exactly what to buy at the grocery store every week, and it is so delicious and full of flavor it never got old!
One final note: The salad really doesn’t have to be “giant”, I make big ones because that’s what it takes to fill me up. Not everyone needs to eat that much. A small version is fine too. Just focus on getting as many nutrient-dense vegetables in there as you can and make it big enough to satisfy your appetite.
Watch a 2010 video of me making this salad here

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 120 Comments
I find the simple meals to be the most satisfying. I too, purchased many raw food books, read raw blogs, etc. and still, a nice salad, green smoothie, veggie platter, nut butter sandwich on sprouted grain bread, that’s what I live on. The kelp noodles are pretty good, and I’ve made some great meals with those. Good for you for doing all this! Question, where you a vegetarian before you started your diet shift? I was, so I think that made it easier on me than most.
Hi Shanna Thanks so much for your comments! Sounds like we eat exactly the same thing! Except I’ll have to try the kelp noodles. I was not a vegetarian, but it wasn’t hard to convert to raw vegan in 2004 with cancer staring me in the face. :)
Hi Chris!! I recently saw you on the Ricky Lake show and this is how I heard about your story. I just have a quick question does your salad, smoothie, and juice work for every cancer or only for colon cancer??
Hi Liz, what my diet does is it puts massive amounts of raw nutrients into your body that it can use to detox, repair and regenerate. The body can heal any cancer. The goal is to give your body what it needs to heal. :)
Are the explore Asian brand of mung and black bean noodles ok? Or are legumes to be avoided?
Shanna can you send me some recipes with the kelp noodles? Please? Im trying this vegan thing. It’s not easy since Im so not used to eating veggies. But never fear Chris! LOL Im trying! Im gettng there I promise.
Absolutely love this site! You are helping so many people with all of these tips and regimens! People like you are helping save lives. Thank you for sharing! < 3
I KNEW IT! Kimchi!!! I am half korean and I LOOOOOOOVVVEEE KIMCHI!!!!!! I’m so glad I don’t have to give it up!!!
Chris, you top the salad off with kimchi? Do you eat it any other way? I like it with a hot and spice noodle dish that my mom makes
Hey Angee, I really don’t eat it any other way. But it does sound good with noodles now that you mention it. I’ll have to give that a try!
Tubu kimchee: kimchee and tofu. I use saute extra garlic and then the two. Mmmm delicious. Learned in Seoul.
i’m just wondering why you have tomatoes pictured on your salad when you said not to eat fruits and non-sweet fruits like tomatoes together? and did you put all the veggies in the list above on a salad, or just a few? there is no way i could eat a salad that huge in one sitting!
Hah yeah! Cindy I’ve been waiting for someone to notice that! This is an early post and that is the best salad picture I could find online at the time.
(I’ve since updated the salad pic)
I do put them all in the salad and it’s huge! Hence the name.
I still recommend putting them all in there, just use a little bit of each. That way you’re making sure your body gets a wide variety of nutrients
every day. Watch the video I posted and you’ll see how I do it.
ok i get it! you didn’t make that one. that explains the radishes (you didn’t even mention those:) and other stuff missing from the salad that is on your list.
sadly i cannot watch your video; i have dial-up, i have not downloaded updates ever, and there is a ton of spyware on my machine.
i had stage 3-c colon cancer in 2008. the tumor was on my right side. surgery and 9/12 chemo treatments then more surgery to repair a hernia. i got my yearly c.a.p ct scan last wednesday and my onc told me thursday that while my abdomen and pelvis came back ok there are spots on my lungs that were not there last time. they are very small so she referred me to a pulminologist whom i’m seeing this coming tuesday. if they are tumors, i cannot imagine doing chemo again. at least they are very tiny and maybe it’s nothing.
i am enjoying reading past blog posts, some have made me curious so i do some research on my own, like the one on the farmed fished. i found the pure salmon campaign site and holy crap! seems like nothing is safe, esp. when your fighting cancer!
My wife and I are giving these awesome salads a go. However, we think that some more protein is good so sometimes add a boiled egg. Any comment?
Also, I notice some advise keeping away from all fungus including mushrooms if fighting cancer but they do make it nicer.
Hi Ken!
I’ve never put egg on mine, but that’s probably the healthiest animal protein you could put on a salad.
I’m a huge fan of mushrooms.
Mushrooms have powerful immune boosting and anticancer properties, especially maitake, shiitake, and reishi.
Fungus could be a problem if you are on chemo and your immune system is compromised.
There is a mushroom supplement I took copious amounts of called Garden of Life RM-10. Google it.
Thank you, Chris.
I look forward to my daily salad. Mushrooms are a regular part of it with a boiled egg being an infrequent addition.
I have not gone so far as to try juicing yet as I like to get the fibre.
Hello Salad Eater, I purchased an inexpensive Ninja at Target to see if I wanted to go all the way with the VitaMix, which can last 15 to 20 years. I love my Ninja, insert food, push button, wipe counter, drink some water and poof, wahoo-beverage. I, too, prefer fiber with my drink. Sometimes I must refrigerate a bit for a snack.
The book “The China Study” has study after study demonstrating that ANY animal protein including egg is cancer promoting. I think an egg is one of the better animal proteins, but I would not use eggs for cancer. The pseudo-scientific world is full of the idea that we need a lot of protein, and that protein is good. We don’t. A department of the US government, the USDA, is a virtual advertising agency for the milk, egg, and meat industries in the USA. Their propaganda has had a huge effect on the psyche of health advocates.
Dear Chris,
I’m dutchwoman and my husband had Kalher its a cancer of the blood and bones. He was given 3 to 6 months to live and we start by eating fresh food growth natural.He had chemo. but now he is cancer free. A miracle for the doctor. Because the soft spots on his bones are gone and that happend never before. We believe that good food can help cure cancer. succes and be blessed.
You should think about adding BRAZIL NUTS to your salad too, for the selenium content, which is known to reduce cancers too, google it. I agree with mushrooms being great. Look into EPICOR too, its a kind of fermented yeast type product that was accidentally found to keep people amazingly healthy that worked at the plant making it for YEARS….so when people stopped calling in sick, they looked into it. It was originally being made for farm animal food, but then they made a human version called epicor. Vitamin D is known to keep cancers down, most americans are deficient in that. Also, instead of using olive oil, i use coconut oil, since it cures candida as its a FIERCE antiinflammatory, and some say candida is the precursor to cancer. Most people with cancer have/or had candida. Coconut oil destroys it, but go slow at 1st, to avoid feeling bad during detox. I love your list of food, but I would add chopped up garlic too. Walnut oil is said to be a natural ALA, cancer fighting tool that is all natural so a little drizzle of that would be great along w/ coconut oil, and yes, coconut oil is a very healthy oil. Lemons are great to getting your PH high, and I would toss in some spinich, and kale into my salad as well. I love turmeric and it provides TONS of energy and nutrition its rediculous while fighting off cancer. As far as supplements go, you should really check out pancreatic enzymes which are known to be the cleaning agent that goes into our bodies and gets rid of foreign matter like scarring, and tumors. its literally eats away at any proteins hiding around that ought NOT be there, like cancer, and helps destroy them. A great one I use now is virastop, but use any good one that has a range of enzymes. They also help us humans with digestion too which saves our body energy to clean house. I use chlorella and blue green algae, and spirulina in my daily shakes too with natural vitamin C like AMLA or CAMU-CAMU…i dont use synthetic anymore. Also try Vitamin E to build your immune system up strongly. Hope that helps. Cayenne is amazing. Take a pepper with turmeric to make is more than 10x stronger than when taken alone. Broccoli sprouts are SO much more potent than regular broccoli. I just add some water and blend the sucker up in my blender and drink it. Its sooo good for you packed with nutrition. Keep your PH over 7.5 also, since cancer is found in most cases with high acid people wiht PH under 7.0. Check it w/ PH strips or ph meter and keep it over 7.0. Baking soda, lemon juice, coral calcium all are known to get your ph higher. But all green leafy veggies also do…like spinich, kale, broccoli…anything high in chlorophyl. Love the site!! :) Sheila
Hey Sheila thanks for sharing so much good helpful info. It definitely helps validate my message.
I pretty much agree with everything you just said and even mention most of that stuff in various other posts on the site!
I eat Brazil nuts often, usually just by the handful, but yep they’d be great on a salad.
I eat a whole coconut nearly everyday and we use coconut oil for cooking so I use olive oil on my salads for variety.
I will definitely look into epicor and virastop…thanks!
Hi Chris! Where do you find the young green coconuts? We are in Louisiana and they are impossible to find here and SO expensive to ship.
What an inspiration you are. God’s got big plans for you!
Hi Leann. Thank you so much!
In Memphis we buy young thai coconuts at local asian and international grocery stores for $16 for a case of 9.
That’s where you should look if you have any ethnic stores like that. Whole Foods also has them sometimes but they are like $3-4 each.Too expensive.
i’m in louisiana. in baton rouge you can get young coconuts at the vietnamese grocery store on florida calle vinh phat. they’re cheap. like $10 by the case (9 in a case.whole foods has them also. I stopped eating them when I became insecure about pesticides
You are sharing great staff. You are inspirational. We should do more for our brothers and sisters around the planet that do not know where to look for.
This is called unconditional love.
Nice to interact with you.
Thank you so much George!
This looks amazing, but how do you prepare raw artichokes for the salad?
Here’s how
i don’t have cancer but want to eat better and healthier. i dont get on the computer much considering my many roles (wife, mom to 2 toddlers, student, AND employee), so Chris what book would you recommend as “the most have” book to get me started on this journey AND how may i get your blogs to come to my email account which will be easier for me to follow since i have a so-called “smart phone”? ;) hats off to you and thank you for sharing!
hi Chris!
i want to start eating this salad, but i have reservations due to pastexperience with alot of raw veges especially broccoli. after eaten, my stomache will swell up with painful gas and bloating making me look like i am 7 months preganant. did you have any problems with this? any suggestions or ideas you have to help me avoid this unpleasant effect?
Hi Audra I don’t have any problems with that…
Sounds like a pretty serious reaction.
You might look into taking digestive enzymes with meals
and taking probiotics to repopulate your intestinal flora.
I like Garden of Life products, and they’re easy to find.
If that doesn’t help, I have no idea
I agree with Chris that taking digestive enzymes can help…you need to take a good multi-enzyme that breaks down the cellulose.
Also, don’t drink with your meals, chew your food well, and you can also puree your veggies which makes it easier on your stomach.
Hi Audra,
I also had the same symptoms of stomach bloating and swelling after a meal which then turned to stomach pain as time went on. I decided to get tested for a bacteria called helicobacter pylori and I tested positive. I took mastic gum instead of antibiotics and felt relief very quickly. It worked wonders for me. You might consider getting tested as well. There is a lot of information about h pylori and mastic gum on the web. Hope this helps!
As far as I know, I’m well and haven’t had a bout with cancer. I did lose my mother and aunt to it though and I wish that I knew about these approaches then. At any rate, I just started experimenting with large salads this week and Monday I could totally empathize with Audra. So of course, I googled and came across the simplest solution – chew chew chew. Eat that big ass salad slowly. Yesterday, it took me 3 hours to eat the whole thing and I plan to do the same thing today. Take your time and drink plenty of water during and after the meal to aid digestion. I know I ate Monday’s salad waaaay too fast given its size. I know this post is old, but hopefully this advice will help someone else. Our body produces digestive enzymes, but if we eat too fast they can’t catch up…that’s what I think anyway.
I know the salads worked for you and I am happy for that, but I wonder about the fact that the broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are consumed raw in this salad. I have been a follower of Dr. Airola and he writes that these vegetables, as well as asparagus, rhubarb, spinach and any other in the cabbage family contain OXALIC acid when raw and should therefore be steamed or boiled (but not oversteamed or boiled, of course) before consumption. Have you ever heard anything about this?
Hi Sally
Yes I have. Dr. Norman Walker (the father of juicing) has the opposite opinion:
“When oxalic acid has become inorganic by cooking or processing the foods that contain it, then this acid forms an interlocking compound with calcium, even combining with the calcium in other foods eaten during the same meal, destroying the nourishing value of both. This results in such a serious deficiency of calcium that it has been known to cause decomposition of the bones.”
I’m not sure either is completely right… There have been studies that show this occur, but not to a level that is harmful.
Oxalic acid is not going to completely block nutrient absorption.
I eat spinach raw and cooked.
There’s more info here:
Kimchi? Seriously? I just read this again and I’m terrified of Kimchi! A group of people opened some Kimchi in a train we were on and we thought we would die! It stinks so bad! Substitutes please!
Jeanne Newberry, it may not accommodate your nose; however, it is not only delicious, it is also nutritious. Try some at a Korean sushi restaurant. You may like it, if you like spicy food.
Dear Chris beat cancer,
A lot of your subscribers I see are very informed and your content is excellent and informative. I am glad to sign up to take part in your wellness and health movement. Kim chi is loaded with Enzymes and natural probiotic friendly bacteria that supports your intestinal health. When I lived in Korea it was served often at every meal and is considered a health food in their country.
It works with many of my recipes and you can spice up your salad dressing with it in a blender.
With any raw foods including juices and smoothies you should eat ,chew,drink slowly to allow the natural digestive enzymes in your mouth to properly prepare your food chime for complete digestion. Digestion really does start in the mouth. Eat a rainbow diet of many colors and rotate ,and add variety at all times for complete nutritional support. I add Seaweed , sprouted nuts , sprouted seeds, and even sprouted legumes raw or blanched or lightly steamed.
If the meal is at least 50% Raw then there is less likely chance of your white blood cell count going up to combat the cooked foods meaning that your immune system is treating the cooked food like it is diseased and foreign to your digestive organs.
Chris is correct about eating fruits alone as fruits have a much faster transit time through your body compared to vegetables that take at least twice as long to digest and transit through the body. Mixing the 2 together would cause fermentation and a possible problem with assimilation of nutrients.
Some foods are OK to Blanch (Blanching is placing the Thick stems of the roots or greens into hot water for a while then take them out )add a bit of marination and your set to go. All leafy greens like broccoli and cauliflower can be eaten raw.
Your rainbow salad looks great and tasty Chris.
Barry Gourmet & Raw
Sheila you are spot on with your health tips for cancer prevention and for treatment. It is amazing to me that almost every Oncologist is trained to tell the patient that supplements and diet would interfere with their Chemo results. What do they mean by that? Do not believe them.
Connecting with nature with your food choices to boost your immunity is your best defense against cancer. Cancer does not stand a chance against a strong immune system with a persons internal environment made hostile against this condition using potent whole plant based foods on rotation.
Right diet and exercise with some dry steam room therapy including cold showers in-between will open up all your elimination channels to expel waste and toxins.
I keep my plant based diet simple eating all the rainbow colors , herbs, vegetables,sprouted grains seeds and nuts, with coconut every day . Seaweed , dry medicinal mushrooms contain vitamin D and make a great tasting broth for many of my recipes.
Pineapple and Papaya fruit will provide natural enzyme nutrition to any meal.
If you do cook your food add lots of raw leafy greens and other vegetables with the meal always to support your liver and digestion.
Thats it for now I hope this information was helpful?
Barry Gourmet & Raw
Posted once before. I’m the 66 yr. old lady with breast cancer. Eating my ‘Large’ salads everyday and enjoying them, like you, adding lots of variety and color! Only problem so far is my weight. I love finally getting to a healthy looking me (as people tell me this all the time, and my skin is also good…they say) but was worrying for awhile. Exercing good about 5-6 days mostly on treadmill but added weights to build my muscle too. Re-read all above messages and enjoy your site so much. As I also have heart blockage (stents done after 1st Chemo) I am fighting this as well…and having no problems so far. I’ve been encouraged to do all raw (mostly by my hubby and daughter) and yet I feel that I need some carbs like a piece of whole grain bread or baked potatoe a couple times a week. Did you ever have that feeling or need as your body may have told you? Just wondering…I know our bodies reactions may be different and I always consider this when reading any helpful cancer site. Keep up the good work of encouraging people here!
Hi Jeri
I recommend the coconut fruit smoothie, Manna Bread or Ezekiel Bread,
also a sweet potato a few times per week is a good carb source.
OLE!Chris!! I’ve been going to a nutritionist working on her master’s degree ( ) and has super explanations of health issues including cancer…I believe you and her that the right supplements will not interfere with chemo…she aims to work WITH the doctors, not against them. Of course you have to bump up your immune system with all the damage that chemo does. Legume beans are the absolute highest soluble fiber there is and will take out those toxins and fats circulating in the GI system because they can’t get through the membrane at the junction of the small and large intestines, thus exiting the bowel. In all the literature I’d read and things heard before I came up with breast cancer, I never ever heard that, only that “fiber” is good for you but not ‘why.’ And, you would have to eat multiple cups of oatmeal to equal just a fraction (1/2 or 1/3) of a cup of legume beans…any kind of legumes, prepared any way! So, this salad is fabulous. And, cancer is fed by/lives in sugar so adamantly refuse to eat it! (also estrogen, which can be suppressed with eating right…see website…I hope that is all right to recommend in addition to this GREAT site which I’ve signed up to get. THANK YOU for sharing this online!!
Well wishes for life-long health my friend. Thank you for sharing your wonderful news & information.
Love & light.
This raw organic salad sounds a great idea but not too sure people like myself who unfortunately have IBS will benefit but possibly worth a try!
IBS means the doctor doesn’t know what is wrong with the digestive system.
The problem could be something like microscopic colitis which is hard to diagnose, as the colon looks find during colonoscopy, and the inflammation is visible only under a microscope. It is very important who performs the colonoscopy as not all doctors look for microscopic colitis or collagenous inflamation of the colon. Instead they just say it is IBS.
For microscopic colitis and other inflammations of the colon, jarro dophilus probiotics together with candid amazon can work wonders. As far as I know candid amazon is not available in most countries, but maybe you can get something similar.
Hi, Angela!
my name is Anya and I have been fighting ovarian cancer for evelen years.
I eat tons of raw vegetables processed in my mini-processor for lunch and dinner.
I put many different veggies including lots of parsley and cilantro.
I too have a compromised digestion, but recently I came across a remedy that stops diarrhea, gas, bloating etc in its tracks. it is true.
try to get hold of chicken feet and make a strong stock from them. you would have to cook them for about 3-4 hours. You can put onions or other vegetables for taste.
after it is done, cool it, pour into glass jars and freeze for consumption. since I started adding half to a whole cup of that stock in my salads my digestion is great.
the explanation is gelatin that chicken feet are very rich in.
you can probably achieve similar result with chicken drumsticks that you should cook for a very long time, like from 6 to 24 hours.
if it is an emergency, you can use plain gelatin. it will work too.
lot of luck!
I was diagnosed with CMML, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia. My WBC was 35,000 when first diagnosed. It is now 19,000. I get my WBC checked every three months. Can you recommend anything to help build my immune system for this type of leukemia. Thank you.
I’ve read that freshly juiced organic beet juice is very good for leukemia as it purifies the blood.
In addition read about Romano Zago aloe arborescens recipe. If you can’t find the fresh leaves, it is available for sale. But make sure to get good quality.
Also read about Rick Simpson.
For more ways to boost the immune system check the cancertutor website. There are recommendations of very strong immune system supplements on the website.
Lots of health
Hi Chris, excellent site, treating my tongue tumor the raw food way and am sure it will be ok,it came back after surgery, not on raw diet at the time. Do you allow for cooked sweet potato or do you consume it raw?
Thanks Gerry! I eat cooked sweet potato.
80% raw 20% cooked was may main strategy for several years
Great site, I’m fighting stage 4 N.H. Lymphoma went through chemo and now in remission 6months mylow w.b.c. how to raise it naturally jucing now and trying to eat right .no more chemo for me, it tore my body down bad now trying to go alternate way ty.
Chris, congratulations. My husband recently had surgery for Stage 2 Lung Cancer, a 6 cm tumor. The surgeon got the entire tumor, with really good margins. He was tested for prostate and colon cancer and is cancer free.
The surgeon and oncologist want him to have 4 rounds of chemotherapy. No radiation. They both explained that this is preventive only. We have both heard so much negative press on chemotherapy killing good cells as well as bad, and he does not want to have chemo.
Would you recommend the salad and juices alone, or should we still be seeking holistic medicine?
Hi Brooke a radical change of diet and lifestyle is critical. Working with a naturopath can also be beneficial.
See my FAQ page.
Hi chris,Im getting huge inspiration from your self and want to thank you for sharing your story with the dad had cancer same year as you, 2003.It was terminal so we went down the natural path ,the research we did back then was a huge eye opener to what my instinct told me about mainstream medicine.sadly my dad died ,the pain made it impossible for him to not have pain relief and hard to continue with such a strict health regime.
I have just had a thermal image scan which has revealed advanced breast cancer.I Havant been down the medical route as my mum has just had a mastectomy and her experience of an intrusive biopsy and extreme surgery have put me off.Plus (and its a huge plus) my gut still knows are bodies are an amazing piece of design and work best when being fed on what was intended and chemo is poison ,my mum was told last year when she had chemo (as a precaution) after she had a large ovarian cyst removed,that chemo was like bleach.Who in there sane frame of mind would drink bleach?
Anyway here I am on my natural path to health,already i feel the benefits as I have much less pain than I was experiencing,it has only been a couple of weeks and its not an easy option,friends and some family think im nuts and im tired of explaining my self.I am also feeling huge changes in my body chemistry that are giving me insomnia and adrenaline surges, not pleasant at all and its weakening my positive out look as I am so tired.I have so much more to implement but am well and truly on the right path,It is a costly process and so I am having to buy stuff a bit at a time but I know I can do it.
I would love to know how you physically and emotionally felt early on in your recovery.
Hey Chris-
Happy new year a little late… I have been reading your site, watching your vlog, checking your links and all the references you provide. Thank you so much for it all.
With your growing family it must be tricky to make time for everything, but bless you for keeping on with what you have started here. I pray that somehow this work you do is a blessing to you also, as it is to so many who read it.
Quick synopsis of me:
42 yo married homeschooling mom of two girls; found a lump in July 2012; dx Sept 2012 of stage IIIc, triple positive, non-invasive ductal breast cancer; started chemo October 2012, completed first rounds in Nov; bilateral mastectomy in Dec (just what I always wanted for Christmas!) and was to start additional chemo followed by radiation and then even more chemo.
My husband and I have opted not to go that conventional route at this time and I am gagging down as much veggies as I can. (I am sooooo not a vegan kind of gal, but I will take this medicine.) Blood work will soon let us know how I’m doing in that regard. So far, I’ve been on the raw vegan course for about two weeks. Since I’m not a huge fan of anything green or raw, I’m having some difficulty eating enough. Funny how that had never been a problem for me BC (Before Cancer).
Regardless, I feel fantastic and am so excited about this new path. I received an answer to a prayer I never knew I prayed when I found your site.
No question from me, just gratitude. Thanks again for your good work and may God bless you and your family richly.
Hi Chris,
This salad looks awesome! I was just wondering where you get broccoli sprouts? Also, do you sprout any of your own seeds/beans/nuts?
Whole Foods has the sprouts and the seeds. :)
Chris, THANK YOU SO MUCH for this salad suggestion. My husband has CLL (leukemia) and we have been trying to go vegan for the past 6 months and have been pretty successful, but I have to say it was very stressful on me (the main cook in the house.) We’ve been doing this for about a month now and the simplicity and ease of making this salad every day has really released me from the stress of being sure I’ve got something healthy on the table and figuring out what to do for every meal. When I shop, it’s so easy and stree free too. He has been more than satisfied with the salad and I can put a little more thought into adding something else to it instead of a whole meal every time. Many times we just have the salad, it is very filling and satisfying. It is so easy, I just packed up a salad and he took it with him to the golf course today. Out of the 8 guys he plays with every Friday, two of them are now joining his vegetarian effort. We’ve also added your supplement plan and have an appointment with a naturopath next week to help us along with all of this. THANKS SO MUCH!
I am so glad this has helped you and your husband.
Your testimonial made my day.
Keep me posted on his progress. :)
Pinky, I find when you have rushed days and perhaps you want *fast food* meals…if you make a green smoothie in a good high powered blender ( I use VitaMax )…and bake a potato…this gives you a break from having to create a good meal. You can pack a bunch of veggies in green smoothies and obtain your 6-10 servings easily. I love it!
You say not to eat tomato with salads. Is it okay to eat with just avocado and cukes and tomato? Even if you took a good digestive enzyme?
Are avocados okay to eat if you battle cancer? Seems I read somewhere to eliminate all fats out…and they said avocados even though they are the healthy fats. I love my avocados!
Tomatoes are nightshades, they don’t play well with others, and can create excess acid when eaten in combination with other foods. If they don’t bother you, go for it. I ate lots of avocados. :)
Hi Chris,
I’m keen to eat more garlic, but I think I’d be struggling to eat it all raw. I can think of many ways to eat it cooked and in cooked foods though. What are your thoughts on this? Also, what other ways did you eat it raw apart from just crushing and swallowing it?
Very inspiring and thanks for sharing. We all know what we should be eating but thinking and doing are two different things. Congratulations on fighting the fight. All the best
I thank God for you and your “ministry” of good health. (For some reason, I keep typing your name as ‘Christ.’) I was given your name by my hubby’s son. I thank him for sharing your posting earlier on FB.
I will start this new lifestyle regimen soon aka tomorrow. What dishes do you eat in between? I had ovarian cancer and the key-moe is making me sicker… and I’m losing weight. I started key-moe last week.
I will continue to pray for you and your family and what you have done to rid the world of this ugly dis-ease. God is the ultimate healer & you his assistant. LOL.
Hi Chris,
I have been following Kris Carr for awhile now, LOVE your site. It totally gives me some new ideas and inspiration. And backs up what I’ve learned so far. Thank you! (I don’t have cancer, but just trying to eat really healthy foods and give my body its best chance to do what it needs to do).
Question: Do you cook the legumes at all? They are so hard, I can’t imagine eating them raw.
I know this post is quite old and you may not see this, but either way, thank you for sharing!! :)
Legumes soften up when sprouted. :)
good day… chris pls help me,im very much worried i diagnosed with a cervical cancer 2B non cergical, my doc wants me to under go chemo and i refuse it,becoz i heard many people that chemo has side effect. i’ve been trying to do the ketogenic diet on our own, but i’ve been searching for a professional to help us get it perfect! I would really appreciate to hear from you. My email is va*********@ya***.com… vanessa
Hi Chris,
I’m wondering what happens if we exceed 10 cups leafy greens in a day? Just curious…
Hey Chris,
Congrats on being cancer free!! I was diagnosed last month with Stage 1 breast cancer, non genetic. But I will need 2 lumpectomies and radiation. In the meantime, I am scouring the webs for dietary changes. I didn’t eat junk food before that much, but I had room for improvement. I’ve been trying to switch to a mostly plant based diet to help my body fight this disease and hopefully not ever go through this crap again! I’ve been eating lots of greens and noticed the more I eat them, the more I crave them! I noticed you added artichokes to this amazing salad….do you boil them first? how do you prepare them? or are we talking artichoke hearts???
Thanks for your time!!
Hi Leana I understand wanting to get lumps removed. Please read my post on radiation
Can you do some kind of anticancer diet on $40 a week? Am I doomed to die horribly because I am at the poverty line and it looks like for me I am nowhere near to getting out anytime soon? If you or anyone else has some insights on a meal plan for one I would love to hear it!
the smoothie recipe he has is about 3 bucks a day, times 7 is 21 but if you only drank half the amount you’d be at 10.50. The vegetable juice is probably close to the same so I’m thinking you could just drink half the amount he recommends. As far as this salad goes, you could purchase sprout seed for the sprouts which would lower your costs, and attempt to grow as many of the greens as you have space for. When you purchase, purchase EVERYTHING in bulk. This will make you eat the same foods every day but you are no longer eating for pleasure you are eating for survival. Maybe your chances are worse due to the lack of money, but you’re gonna FIGHT as hard as you can and you’re gonna make up for it with your will to live! If you have to cut corners like use dried coconut to make coconut milk rather than buying young coconuts like in the fruit smoothie recipe then you have to do what you have to do. Throw as much money as you can at your survival. Talk to people in the organic food community, maybe a local farm would be willing to donate extras or produce they can’t sell so you can juice it due to your circumstance. Don’t ever give up, if you lose this fight then you are going to lose it KICKING SCREAMING AND PUNCHING and you’re going to do everything you can to try and fit the anti-cancer diet. Don’t give up hope, don’t let your monetary circumstance stop you, keep things in perspective and give it your all. SQUEEZE THE JUICE out of the vegetables if you cant afford a juicer. start thinking like this is a fight. good luck and god bless you :)
Hi, isn’t avocado, a fruit?
Any thoughts on Chia seeds?
This may be a silly questions, but do you buy everything and then cut it all up and store it in the fridge for the week…or do you just cut up what you need for the day and store the uncut portions in the fridge. I don’t know if you lose some of the nutrient value by cutting everything and storing it…
Hi Chris
Thanks to Ricki Lake,i am checking out your site. I battled colon cancer last year and after removing several inches of my colon and lymph-nods i went through chemo therapy. I still dont feel good most of the time,chemo was very hard on me,and caused nerve damage in my feet and fingers. I going through test again as my levels are rising again and its looking like i may have another battle on my hands. I dont want to poison my body again,i want to try this.I was never for chemo to begin with,but i was scared and just wanted to live. Thank you so very much for sharing your story with everyone.
Hi Chris – After reading about your salad and how vegetables and fruit should not be eaten at the same time I am wondering if the smoothie I make some mornings is a problem. In my smoothie I will combine greens such as spinach or kale along with frozen berries and a banana. Is it a good idea to just do the greens or the fruit from now on?
Unless it gives you indigestion, keep doing it. no worries. :)
Hi Chris – I am curious as to what you eat for breakfast?
Hi Chris. My dad was just diagnosed with colon cancer a few days after his 45th birthday. I’m trying to get him started on a raw foods diet. How much nuts or avocados are okay to eat for a cancer patient? I’ve read all sorts of different conflictions. I fear I may have been giving him too much nuts (fats) in his diet. Also is it okay to use the Bragg Aminos? (Natural soy sauce) please let me know ASAP
I ate some nuts and an avocados daily, but it depends on liver function, if the liver is very sick it can have a hard time with fats.
I used Bragg Aminos occasionally.
Hi Chris
I’m a 5o yr old Aussie who was diagnosed with locally advanced prostate cancer late april 2013.Meaning the cancer had spread to a pelvic lymph node. The treatment recommended was hormone treatment followed by nearly 3 months of radiation. I agreed to go ahead with the treatment as I thought “doctors know best”. If I could go back in time I certainly would not have taken the hormone treatment given the side effects and not to mention they’re not guaranteed to lower your PSA. I’m three weeks into radiation and I’m not convinced that it will make a difference. Chris, I was wondering if you know of any similar cases to mine who have opted for a cancer diet rather than oncologist treatment and have had success? Look forward to hearing from you.
All the best
Hi Craig yes I do. My friend Bill did it last year.
Let’s do a coaching call
This salad is delicious! :)
Hello, I desire to subscribe for this website to get newest updates, so where can i do it please help.
Hi Chris,
doctor said there was a small spot of cancer on my cervix and want to do a radical hysterectomy ASAP but I was 4 weeks pregnant at the time so I refused. The doctor said we can preserve the pregnancy with close monitoring for now to see what happens but I am terrified they may tell me that at a later point that it is too dangerous to wait and the pregnancy must be terminated. I do not want a hysterectomy! I want my baby and I want to have more babies after this one as well. I am going to check out the book that you recommended and take it to my doctor to see if it’s ok to do during pregnancy, even thought I don’t think that he will agree with your unconventional approach. Do you have any advice for me? Do you know anyone that has had success with this type of protocol during pregnancy? Thank you for your story and your website. You have given me hope that this caner is so small that there is hope for me and my dreams of a big healthy family some day. I believe that my body knows what to do but the doctors are so misinformed it scares me when I talk to them <3
Hi Chris. I don’t have cancer. I have a thyroid issue.. well, had it irradiated 5 years ago, so don’t have one (had Grave’s disease). Stuck with taking a synthetic thyroid hormone for the rest of my days. Anyways. I eat pretty healthy. I’m vegetarian, but still have quite a bit of processed items (mainly pasta, cheese, almond milk, hemp cereal, veggie patties, some tortillas every once in awhile and occasional snacks/crackers, canned black/cannenelli/navy beans.) Would love to go vegan and raw for the most part. My question for you or your readers…. after I started eating mostly vegetarian and juicing I had a huge kidney stone! I’m on a new insurance and they won’t cover another for 2 years (1 day in hospital, catscan, surgery, $20k in medical bills, etc.)… I know that many foods contain calcium oxalate – but those are the foods I eat and don’t really want to stop. Any ideas on how I can prevent another kidney stone while eating this way? I’ve heard that apple cider vinegar daily and 12 glasses of water daily… anything else?
Thank you!
Hi Chris,
I’m wondering did you switch from one day to another to go on vegetables, enzymes etc.?
It feels like im getting sick from it. The body has first to adjust? It’s better to take small steps, or to it at once?
Yes I did it immediately. Most people feel bad the first few days. This is due to junk food withdrawals and the detoxification process that has begun in the body, both are a good thing. Power through it, you will feel really good soon!
Are corn chips considered processed and therefore bad for you even if they are organic?
Do you ever get sick, like with a cold or flu virus? If so, what do you do to battle it from turning into a secondary infection? If you do not, what do you attribute to that? I’m sure you would say your lifestyle, but I a just curious if anything sticks out to you that you could list? Also, is it a complete losing battle if you can not go ALL organic?
Great article
If it is marketed, doesn’t Bubbie’s sauerkraut have to be pasteurized? That would not be beneficial to health. It is so easy to make your own.
You said not to include any fruits, yet you have avocados in your salad. Avocados, like tomatoes are fruits. Why the discrepancy?
I was wondering if there is any danger in exceeding ten cups of leafy veggies a day? I ask because you said not to exceed that amount in the recipe. If there is any issue, does that apply to juicing more than ten cups of leafy veggies also?
Lots of good information here. I have a question, what do you suggest if you don’t like vinegar or mushrooms?
Lemon juice can be substituted for vinegar. Mushrooms need to be eaten anyway. :)
How did you ever become such an expert and inspiration Chris? Your on FIRE SON! Awesome…keep up the great work. We need to reach many more people who still follow the Modern Medical Quackery of fraud for profits system. Wish we could get on national tv or major news.
Roberto Csiki, Montreal, Canada
Hi Chris, My Dad aged 75 has just been diagnosed with colon cancer and I am so happy to read your inspirational story and the mountain of useful information that you provide. After weighing over 110kg for the past 10 years, his weight suddenly dropped to under 90kg in a matter of 3 months and he was complaining of blood in his stool and having problems with his bowel movements. After the gastroscopy revealed he has colon cancer, he refuses to go for surgery or chemo-therapy even though it was recommended by his doctor. He is in good spirit and very active. Fortunately he does not have any pain, just the discomfort of the irregular bowel movements and blood in his stool. Would you agree with him not go for the surgery and recommend that he just try eating healthy as he feels that he is already old and wants to enjoy the rest of his life without being bedridden and he believes that his illness must takes its course and whatever will be, will be.
My name is Frances and I want to share a testimony as a wife, unveiled, uncovered and wide open, to purge my heart of the pain I have encountered and to encourage other women in the world who are, have been, or will soon be wives. Marriage is an interesting and complicated relationship and no one should feel like they are going through it thinking they are the only ones with their problems. I have gone through complications in my marriage that i thought all was lost but i was proved wrong at spirituallove@hotmail. com were i got the spell to set things back on tracks again in my marriage. After a spell at spirituallove@hotmail. com, my husband was flabbergasted. He is loving my new attitude and my body now
Hi, I was wondering if you know anything about chanterelle mushrooms? If so can they be used instead of the ones you named? Also what about Mustard greens? They are not real dark green. But I like them. And if we can’t get sprouts, will just the veggie do? Thank you for all your help.
It isn’t right that you make such claims regarding your “raw salad diet”, especially without declaring what your background is (MD, certified nutritionist, whatever..etc). Did you know that eating raw mushrooms exposes you to tumor causing chemicals known as “hydrazines”? Read what Dr.Weil states about mushrooms as well as others online say.
What I would say is “you got lucky” when you had your surgery but refused chemo, as they must have caught it all. Frequently, with many cancers, a surgical team will remove the tumors and then do a round of chemo to make sure all the cancerous tissue/cells were eradicated. For you to then go on to ask for “donations”…HUGE BIG RED FLAG!!!
I had a family member who took the course of action you are advocating and she missed her window of opportunity for conventional medical treatment that could have prolonged her life…she changed her mind later, but too late…she is now deceased! She insisted on doing things her way…by what I call “romancing the herb”…and she paid with her life! What you are doing is WRONG! You, dear, are playing doctor…and that is not something you qualify to do!! Do you really believe that you cured yourself by eating salads? Unbelievable.!!!..this sounds like a scam to me!!!
And nothing in your post matters. You clearly don’t even know who writes the curriculum for the medical profession. You should go ahead and watch “Cancer: The Forbidden Cures.” It’s been known for some time that cancer can be cured by natural remedies. Also, that the Vegan Raw diet can cure humans of multiple “incurable” diseases. Your “family member” probably did nothing of the sort. Stop “playing doctor” by being a mouthpiece for mainstream “medicine” (more like pharmaceutical industry) and using your “family member” as proof of your claim.
YOU’RE A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FRAUD & FAKE!!! Sounds like you just needed to take a good CRAP!
Hi Chris, love the info on the site! Quick question about the salad: what’s the reason you’re not supposed to exceed 10 cups of spinach/kale a day? As I imagine this would be quite easy to do, as I tend to juice it as well. On a slightly different note, I wondered if you had any advice on the anti-cancer benefits of propolis? Many thanks!
Chris, forgive if you’ve answered this somewhere else, but I’m overwhelmed right now. Are you saying that one (with cancer) shouldn’t eat fruit, cheese, or meat?
What about fish? I also saw a raspberry recipe. A little confused. Or are you just saying no fruit, cheese, or meat in the monster salad because they shouldn’t be mixed due to enzymatic activity? Please elaborate.
No cheese or meat period. No fruit in the salad because it may cause indigestion.
Hi Chris, Your info is brilliant! I’ve been following the Rainbow diet and have just browsed Dr Richard Schulzes book ‘There are no incurable diseases’ I’m hoping to keep my inoperable prostate cancer at bay. I have a testosterone antagonist injection every six months to keep my psa down, but am hoping to keep it in check by dietary and other means such as walking daily, yoga etc, and great support from family and friends. I’m going to modify my diet in your direction. All the Best, Fred.
How much did all of this cost?
hi chris,
thankyou for this info
Hi Chris,
I’ve been eating 14 cups of the veggies in your ‘Giant Cancer Salad’ everyday for the last two weeks in addition to three HIGHLY potent alkaline waters. (I didn’t want to leave out ANY veggies and wanted to really boost my recovery with supplements.)
But within the last three days, I’ve noticed symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, mild memory problems, and muscle pain. So I stopped and started eating acid foods like beef and white bread (sadly, containing corn syrup).
How many cups of the ‘Giant Cancer Salad’ were you eating with each meal and/or every day in the first three months you had cancer? I want to start eating it again when these new symptoms subside, but in more reasonable quantities.
OMG don’t eat the white bread or beef, you should know better. The negative side effects is your body ridding itself of toxins!
Was ur diet high fat Raw or low fat Raw? Dr Robert Morse uses a low fat Raw vegan fruit based diet to heal cancer. What do u estimate ur macronutrient ratio to be?
Chris, I have a a Carcinoid Tumor also known as endocrine. I can’t eat Cabbage, Kale, Spinach onioins as they give me terrible flatulance and pain. Broccoli and Cauliflower which are two of my favoite foods are also on the no list. Have you any sugesstions for anything else?
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