Chris Wark (Chris Beat Cancer)
On December 5th, 2000, a tumor mass of 3.2 cm was found in my pancreas by accident during a cat scan of my lungs and colon. I didn’t even know where my pancreas was located! I was surprised and shocked especially since this was all as a result of a routine check-up. After meeting with two surgeons at Kaiser Permanente, I realized that I was facing a life-threating disease.
They immediately wanted me to have surgery (called a Whipple). If I survived the surgery, then of course, chemo and radiation would follow. The best any pancreatic cancer patient could hope for was to extend their life 15 to 18 months. Without surgery, the life expectancy was 3 to 6 months. Considering the extent of the operation and the organs involved, I put off the surgery and started reading everything I could find from the AMA, the NCI, and books by MD’s and alternative medicine doctors. At that time, there was limited material to research as most doctors really feared getting involved in anything not approved by the AMA. However I found enough to start a vitamin and herbal regiment along with immune builders.
I was determined to not have the surgery so I read and investigated everything on cancer and my cancer in particular. Needless to say, I asked for prayer from family and church leaders, attended healing conferences and listened for guidance from the Holy Spirit. My Kaiser doctor had all kinds of tests done in the hopes it was an endocrine tumor and not a carcinoma.
During this time of investigation and research, I contacted and spoke with Dr. William Donald Kelley, read Hulda Clark’s book and used her remedy, read every book I could get my hands on dealing with cancer and various cures, spoke with a Cherokee medicine man and attended a Christian healing meeting. My research firmly convinced me healing was a combination of renewing the body, gaining knowledge, keeping a positive spirit and walking with God.
In February 2001, since I still refused surgery and chemo, my general practitioner urged me to have a biopsy. Pathology at Kaiser and Mayo Clinic confirmed the mass as a 3.2mm carcinoma in the head of my pancreas or pancreatic cancer. While talking to a doctor in CA about a Rife machine, he directed me to a trial test being conducted by Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Linda Isaacs for alternative medicine and Columbia University Hospital for standard medicine.
I submitted all the blood test, cat scans and medical documentation to Columbia and was admitted to the trial, I thought. I flew to NY just to learn that I was not eligible for the trial program since I could have surgery even though I chose not to.
(Note from Chris: The clinical trial that rejected Ann was grossly mismanaged and essentially rigged. Dr. Gonzalez documented it in his book What Went Wrong: The Truth Behind the Clinical Trial of the Enzyme Treatment of Cancer)
Dr. Isaacs and Dr. Gonzalez showed compassion and offered me their services. I jumped at the chance and have never looked back. I know in my spirit if I had chosen another route, I would not have lived to see my only granddaughter, Sarah, named after 5 generations of Sarah’s, born and now 11 years old.
By this time my family had vacillated between wondering if I was in denial or just not understanding my choices. They were worried, however they were standing with me on my decisions. Each of my children decided they would go with me on a trip to celebrate life. My husband, Jim, and I went to Mexico to a beautiful and peaceful resort for two weeks. My eldest daughter and her son enjoyed Disney World for a week with me. My son and I took a road trip from Denver to the coast of California, from southern CA to the state line of Oregon and back by a different route. I had my protocol with me and kept faithfully on the regiment. Then my youngest daughter, her two sons and I traveled to Santa Fe and on to Taos, NM. The trips, the sites and the love we shared were just wonderful beyond belief. There was no time to worry or fret. Only time to enjoy life and see the beautiful country God had given to us. Love of God, Love of family and Love of country and the beauty of it gave me the hope and faith to trust and listen to that quiet, still voice to keep going.
It has been nearly 13 years since I was given my fatal news. I know people will say I’m crazy, but the experience, the lessons I’ve learned, the people I’ve met, and the walk with God is something I count as a blessing. If I could wash it all away, I would not.
It has not all been easy, but whose life is perfect? I’ve been in good health and able to do anything I wished to do including speaking to groups, teaching classes to others about alternative medicine, giving cancer patients hope, and I have appeared on radio and TV talk shows. I have started writing a book which I hope will be an inspiration and hope to all who are diagnosed with cancer.
-Ann Cooper
Here are the Pancreatic Enzymes that Ann took in mega doses (60 per day).
Nutricology Pancreatic Enzymes
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I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
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This Post Has 33 Comments
How inspiring, that is so true, the day of my mastectomy a dear friend died and she was supposed to be with me that day, after she went through 10 months of chemo and radiation…I heard also God telling me “You don’t want to do this, chemo is not for you” and God has giving me ALL the answers I need :)
Amen. Amen. Amen. May God bless you, and may you continue to inspire us. Beautiful and wonderful story… so happy for you. My heart sings with joy. We live in a beautiful world.
Do you have any testimonies from people using Budwig protocol or any info or thoughts?
Thank you so much for telling us your story, Ann. You are truly an inspiration. My Dad had pancreatic cancer, had the surgery, but nothing else. When he went home from the hospital, my mom helped him with cleanses and juices only for a couple of weeks, at which time he seemed to improve, but my mom began to make small meals and less of the juicing.I wish we knew about the pancreatic enzymes then. He died at home a two months after diagnosis. This was in 1999, when we didn’t know a lot about changes of diet, and all the alternative treatments . He was a Christian and thankfully had no pain throughout .The one thing good to come out of this is that I am aware of so much more I can do if I should encounter cancer or illness.
My oldest sister passed this past june for pancreatic ca. She was a registered nurse, worked at a local hosp. She was really not that into natural healing therapies, trusting instead to our current medical establishments. She only did chemo for a short while, succumbing to this nasty disease only 9 months after diagnosis. She did not live a very healthy lifestyle however, eating high carb, high fat, junk food, working long stressfull hours. I am still grieving her passing, wish I would have had access to this info even though she probably would not have followed it. Thank you for sharing this..God bless you.
Dear Ann,
Your wonderfully inspiring story confirms that there is so much we can do to harness health and healing!
I’ve just lost my darling mom to mesothelioma (cancer of the pleural lining around her right lung) caused by exposure to asbestos. (We don’t know where/when or how…)
She endured three chemo sessions which simply knocked her immune system and severely weakened her. The oncologist punted this as an effective treatment, while all the literature (even the conventional studies done) showed that the prognosis was very poor even with chemo.
The person who had done the best with this condition who lives in Australia, had rejected conventional oncology treatments and gone the alternative route.
Unfortunately my mom felt the pressure of the medical profession and trusted what she was told by them.
If possible, could you give us more specific info on what exactly your protocol involved/involves?
Many thanks to you and also to Chris for giving your story exposure.
God bless you both for all you’re doing to share your knowledge with the world !
Enjoy your beautiful life,
What a great story!
Both my father (69) and grandfather (37!) passed away from pancreatic cancer, and I feel like I am probably next in line.
Are you aware of any risks of taking enzymes as a preventative measure? Or if that would even help?
Hi Leigh,
You also may want to take the metabolic typing test here (this is the original Dr. Kelley long questionnaire) to estimate your metabolic diet:
And then enzymes AND diet and other supplements recommended by a COMPETENT alternative doctor/healer/renegade. Hard to find but worth the trouble. Consider having a hair mineral analysis if you can find a reputable practitioner/lab.
And look up Dr. Richard Schulze’s 20 Steps (in book links at right of page):
I hope this helps! Have fun and enjoy life. You rock for asking this question while still healthy.
Thanks for the info!
Thank you, Ann, for your very inspirational story.
Please explain the protocol for us. For example, did you take the enzymes on an empty stomach? What did you juice and how often? What was the remainder of your diet? How often did you do the coffee enemas and is organic coffee necessary for this? What were the various cleanses you did and how often?
I look forward to hearing your information.
Similar protocol for me but different situation/cancer severity (not so bad, basically normal now). Here’s what I do:
Empty stomach, at least 1 hour before or after food. To be hardcore (and effective, because they are the same thing), I space them evenly through the day every few hours, including in the middle of the night (around 3am). They can work when the body is AT REST, instead of being wasted on digesting food. I take them with small doses of magnesium and bromelain/papaya most of the time.
Other supplements and a few more enzymes with food.
I use organic beet/carrot and carrot/greens juices. I believe Chris said he also drank beet combo juices. I never juice fruits, I think it’s counterproductive (for me).
Ideal diet is probably somewhat unique to you. There’s a metabolic typing test that can help you estimate a metabolic diet:
One big thing I do is avoid animal protein after 3pm on most days. It gives the body more time to be at rest rather than digesting heavy food late in the day.
This is the road I followed for Joe for 5 months until he went into the hospital for testing, then the treatment could not be followed there. He died that month. If you have pancreatic cancer or know someone who does, please follow this advice, it works, chemo does not. Joe lived a happy and normal life for 5 months.
Maria I am so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing this.
I’m so sorry! My brother had the same thing happen. As long as he was home and following the natural way, he was fine. He lasted 2 months after conventional medicine” treatment”. The great thing though, is that we KNOW he lives with Jesus!
Hi, sorry to hear about Joe. An alternaive doctor has seen lots of cases like this and gave everyone advice: do not go to hospital for any ailments at all. All they can give you is surgery, chemo, radiation and scaring you with how many month you have left to live! He has helped many cancer patients to get well with only ginger juice, heating pack and new massage method invented by him.
AWESOME!!!!! I find it amazing that so many are testifying that God said “This is not for you”.
He knows!!!
Its the ploy of the enemy to have us die of poison / pestilence (chemo and sprayed food etc).
Its His plan to heal and lead us to body stewardship and health. He is good!!!!!
This is a fantastic story. I had a whipple in 2004. I never knew I was unwell until one evening I had shocking back and stomach pain. My surgery was relatively smooth compared to the very many stories I read on the Whipple Warrior site, some truly shocking. Fortunately chemo/radiation was not required and I refused point blank to continue with any prescribed medications. Like Ann, I read everything that moved and now have a substantial library. I am very careful with my food and take enzymes to help with digestion. I wish at that time I had done something like Ann – that is – wait and think a little more and not to have been so frightened. My body is different now but it is what it is. I do the best that I can and more and quite proud to say, I am rarely sick. Surgery again – NO way, I will go find the nearest hill and enjoy the sunrise and sunsets thank you.
Thank you for all of the information you have posted! Very informative. I have salivary gland cancer, stag 4 I’m told. I also refuse chemo however I did allow surgery & radiation prior to my wake up call! I’m currently following a holistic protocol and I feel great.
Thank you for your encouragement chris!
An informative and encouraging experience. i was diagonised colon cancer on feb 2013 ,due to my family pressure i underwent radical surgery mid March and followed by chemo 6 sittings aprilto august 2013 .Ihad lost 21 Kgs 73to 52.Today iam 55Kgs Iam ok but underwent unpleasant and uncomfortable situations apart from high expenditure for surgery and chemo.Now i have understood remedy through food control and other techniques viz relaxing,reading,writtingetc
I have to say I have had radiation and didn’t realise the damage this does to the rest of you , I recently (in april) have had a mastectomy and no further treatment ,I have to say I wouldn’t have chemo as I think it destroys any good cells left . Whilst its easy for me to say that ,but I have had cancer twice and even if it reared its head again I wouldn’t have it , it was on offer the first time I had cancer , but I didn’t want to take that route .I do wish it was easier to take the nutritional route not all of us have juicers to be able to start that route and can ill afford to buy supplements and other things that are out there .
Sorry when I say no further treatment I mean no chemo . I have however not healed and have had 2 debridements and one further scrape of the wound only last week as its not healing ,they say its down to the radiotherapy I had in 2007 ??? they don’t tell you there is a possibility of not healing in the future
Here is an interesting video on pancreatic cancer.
Our daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer at 33 years of age. She had chemo and radiation. At that time we had no idea of any natural healing websites and she followed oncologists orders. She did however start reading up on other therapies and followed diet changes and a vitamin regime. In 2010 on a trip to the USA she tripped and fell and chipped her spine. On her return to South Africa she had surgery to help with the pain. Cancer was found in the spine. We then went into natural healing and she then went the complete natural way after reading Step outside the Box by Ty Bollinger. Finding food free of GMO in SA is not easy. Free range is expensive but she tried all these routes. In February 2012 the Dr gave her a 2 month diagnosis. She however lived until June 2013. That is 16 years after the breast cancer diagnosis of stage 3 and only 5 years to live. She did coffee enemas used digestive enzymes but sadly her natural health practitioner suggested chemo which she then opted for. That was the mistake. Cancer spread quickly through her body and she died quietly on 16th of June 2013. She lived life to the fullest attending her son’s graduation in the US on 13th of May 2013.
Dear Ann,
Thank you for sharing your story. I have been trying to research Dr Nicholas Gonzales and wondered if he only works with Pancreatic cancers or other cancers as well and if anybody else reading this may have had any experience with him.
He works with all types of cancers
Hi Chris, I subscribed to your channel when I found out my 48 year old husband was told he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer. We looked into seeing Dr. Gonzalez however, we can not afford the treatment. Can you recommend a way to try the enzyme therapy on our own. Is there a way to order everything needed online? My husband, Mike also rejected Chemo. He was not a candidate for surgery or radiation. We have been seeing another Dr. near NY, in Paramaus, NJ., Dr. Radu Krammer.
Hi Chris,
I too do believe in the foods you eat can either make you sick or be your medicine. I was inspired by a book I read called “The Hidden cure” written by a Homeopathic doctor from Barbados called Laurens Maas and his theory is that fungus is what is killing people. Often disguised in most things that we eat you can find fungus in yeasty foods – bread, pizza, crackers, beer, alcohol, cigarattes (they dip the tobacco in a yeast and sugar solution to enhance the taste as well as the addiction) The yeast (fungus) main duty is to break down organic matter and what it in fact does is breakdown your good bacteria in your intestines which is in fact the basis for your immune system. This is why we have so many auto -immune diseases. By the way cancer is a fungus. Foods rich in something called B17 fights cancer. They do so because they are anti-fungal foods like flaxseed, cassava, lentil peas, quinoa, and seeds in general – grape seeds, apple seeds and any seeds. Check out the bible on the first page God told us how and what we should eat I am not going to quote it for you because I want you to look it up – Genesis 1:29. (He wanted us to eat the seeds) I believe in supplements as well and take pro-biotics everyday as this puts back good bacteria into your intestines. Check out patients who have been diagnosed with cancer – they all have a very high candida albican level. Check out
Sugar also gives yeast new life so if you were on a vegan diet, with no processed sugar and no yeasty foods along with supplements then you were definitely on the right track
I was inspired to create a gluten free, yeast free, preservative free and low glycemic bread alternative called Tapioca Coconut Wrap Mix – you could look me up on face book
I am very proud of you. I lost a friend to cancer at age 34 and she left behind a 2 year old and I tried to help the alternative way but they went the conventional way.
Tracy Lee Son
My sister , 43 years of age, has been diagnosed with 4th stage BAC dominated mucin secreting adeno carcinoma in the LUNG before 2 years. 5 lines of chemotheraphy gave only lot of unbearable side effects with a disease progression. And as per the doctors now there is no treatment left.
Can anyone guide me if there any other alternative treatment ?
Incredible! I am looking into a more nutrient dense and plant-based, not to cure cancer, because I do not have cancer, but as a preventative measure. Does anyone have any advice on foods/herbs/plants/supplements that are great for unexplained infertility? I am determined to get my body in great working order in order to conceive naturally, rather than the IVF route, if at all possible.
Listen to Dr. McDougall on Pancreatic Cancer
Thank you for sharing such an amazing testimony! I wholeheartedly agree that eduction and understanding is KEY! The more we accept responsibility for the health and wellness (and spiritual aspects) of ourselves, and our body, the better people we will be. I am writing a book on this subject, if anyone would like to co-write with me, to add their story. Take it upon yourself to be the best YOU can be! Namaste, peace, love, light, and blessings to all.
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