Essiac Tea Cures Wife’s Leukemia and a Cat’s Bone Cancer!
Enter John Tod. My first cancer experience was with wife number two. She was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia in 1997. She was terrified having
Enter John Tod. My first cancer experience was with wife number two. She was diagnosed with Hairy Cell Leukemia in 1997. She was terrified having
Sid Aust…I had colon cancer (stage 3) and was diagnosed Dec. 2007 and had surgery on New Years Eve of 2007. I did have surgery
My name is Marcia, I was diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid Cancer in December of 2010. We found out it was metastatic thyroid cancer in January.
Nicola. Aged 40 at diagnosis, January 2010. Stage IIb/IIIa invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. 2 tumours measuring 2.5cms combined. Onset of Pagets disease of
On April 1, 2003 I was diagnosed w/ a late stage 3b, malignant melanoma that had ulcerated and after a sentinal node biopsy they discovered that the cancer was in my lymph nodes. I learned to follow my intuition, I learned that fear had no place (except to motivate) in cancer recovery. Too many patients put their life into the hands who have no true interest in your survival. Why do we do this? “Bad” patients i think have higher survivor rates because they are willing to actually think outside the box and don’t fold under “an authority figure”…
Hi Chris,
Just found your website through Bill Henderson’s monthly newsletter.
Excellent website! Good for you!
I beat breast cancer. I was diagnosed in 1998.
My doctor wanted me to have a mastectomy, do chemo & radiation.
I opted (against her advice) for a lumpectomy with NO chemo or radiation.
I followed the raw diet, juicing, fasting, vitamins, coffee enemas for 2 years.
I have been cancer-free for 13 years!
I went back to eating a SAD (Standard American Diet), but your website has given me inspiration to get back on the raw, organic foods diet. I had much more energy then…
Recommended Reading:
Cancer-Free: Your Guide to Gentle, Non-toxic Healing by Bill Henderson
In early January I received a message through the blog from a young woman diagnosed with cancer at 26, just like me.
She shared a little bit about her survival story and alternative therapy strategy.
I thought it was so great that I asked her if she would do an interview. And she said yes!
Instead of chemotherapy she decided to make hardcore diet and lifestyle changes along with alternative therapies,
and had a huge surprise along the way.
I really enjoyed this interview and I know you will too.
Very powerful stuff.
20 Questions
for your oncologist