If you’d like request an interview, book me to speak at your event, collaborate in some way, or send me something, skip to the bottom and send my team a message at
support [AT] chrisbeatcancer.com.
My team will review and forward your message to me if it’s a good fit.

If you have a health question…

Chris Beat Cancer gets millions of visitors per year, which means my story and message are reaching a lot of people, which I’m really happy about! But this level exposure has also gotten to be too much for one dude to handle, which is why…

I cannot answer health questions via email.

Please don’t send them, because it makes me look like a jerk for not responding.

But I do want to help you! That’s why there are hundreds of free articles on this site about healing with nutrition and natural therapies, and interviews with over 50 people who have healed all types and stages of cancer. I know that’s a lot of information to sort through. Use the search bar too narrow it down to specific cancer types.

If you have a specific question related to one of my posts, please submit it as a comment on that post. That way it’s visible to everyone. You may get an answer from me and/or others in this community, and the thread might be helpful to future readers.

Share Your Story
If you have completely healed cancer with nutrition and natural therapies,
I want to help you share your story with the world! Share Your Story Here

If you’re trying to get well, but you’re feeling confused, overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, I recommend…

The SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program
This course is the culmination of my own healing experience, plus 12 years of research learning from doctors, experts, survivors who’ve healed naturally, and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one. I’ve taken the best, most powerful, most effective healing strategies that I’ve seen work for the most people, and integrated them into a comprehensive straightforward program for you to follow. THIS WILL HELP YOU. Learn more here.

Questions For Me
Please read my FAQ page and watch the Q&A videos first. There’s a very good chance that you will find your answer there.

Occasionally I get messages like this: “…the doctors removed my breasts, ovaries, uterus, most of my intestines and half my liver. I’m currently doing chemo and taking several prescription medications to stay alive. Please help me!”

I’m sorry, I can’t.

If you have serious health problems directly caused by surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or prescription drugs I can’t give you any specific advice. Being poisoned, irradiated, having body parts removed, and taking prescription drugs will drastically change your internal anatomy. Those procedures complicate healing to a level beyond my experience and knowledge.

Please don’t ask me to contact someone I don’t know who has cancer.

If you want to share info about nutrition and natural therapies with a cancer patient, send them to my site. If the information here resonates with them, and they feel like this is the path they want to go down, then they should contact me. It is critical for the patient to take control of their health and become a seeker of information. You can’t heal someone by proxy. Make sense? Watch this video I made about how to help someone else

Recap: I cannot answer health questions via email.

Thanks for understanding.


This Post Has 72 Comments

  1. JDixon

    Chris – I was trying to contact you privately with regard to your disclaimer. Is there a way I could speak to you about that? – Jaclyn

  2. Riyyah Hawkins

    I watched your interview on the Heal Your Gut Summit and am very interested about your information about the sheep not releasing stress hormones. We raise sheep and have different kinds and were wondering if they would all be the same or if any particular breed would be better.
    We appreciate the information that you are so willing to share and hope to hear back from you soon.
    Thank you, Riyyah

    Sent from my iPhone

    1. Tanja

      I wish there was a way to beat HIV-1/AIDS if there was away I wish I could find it

      1. shannon Knight

        CMN Hospital does treat HIV/Aids.
        Dr. Payan is the doctor you will want to talk to. at their website http://www.cmnact.com. I know this for a fact because he successfully treated a friend of mine who contracted it by accident from a needle stick.

      2. Janet Staackmann

        Not sure if you’ll ever see this but there are definitely ways to heal from that. Please find me on FB messenger or email me at


        . Thanks. Janet Staackmann

  3. Boyan

    Hello, I was trying to log in SQ1 but the page crashes. Is there a problem as I was not visiting the site for a while.

    1. Suz

      Hello, I experienced this too. the page for the download is no longer available. I filled out my email and address but the certificate had expired

      1. Candy

        I am having the same problem.

  4. Betty

    Hi Chris,
    I want to check on something I hope is not a scam. I got an email “from you” talking about Truly Free laundry detergent. Was this actually from you? Thanks, waiting to hear from you.



    or text 8655993366

  5. Gary

    Do you promote health products as part of your current products. We have the worlds #1 Heart and Health Drink Supplement. It’s backed by Doctors and Universities. Are you interested? It is formulated with a blend of Nitric Oxide Blends. Fruits and Veggie Blends. Antioxidant Blends. Packed with Vitamins & Minerals.?

  6. Anna

    Hello Chris, I have followed your work for many years now. I’m writing not to ask for health advice, but to ask if you might know of a family whose child had cancer & has recovered. We know a Christian family whose young daughter has leukemia, has been in treatment for years, and is now at a hospital in Memphis getting ready for bone marrow transplant. As they are not at all familiar with a natural approach to healing, it would be best to put them in touch with a family who has been through a similar situation. Or if you know of any functional medicine specialist or herbalist, who has treated this condition, please let me know.

  7. Mary Jean

    Hello Chris,
    Thank you for all you do to help and educate us, You are heaven sent. God Bless you.
    My question is how do I find a Naturopathis Oncologist in my area. Is there a website ??

    Many Thanks for any help you can provide.

  8. Shon

    Hi Chris,
    In your interview with Dr. Talib you spoke with him about his studies including Lemon/Garlic water which you included a recipe to make. On his studies for Thymoquinone and piperine and thymoquinone (TQ) from black cumin and Resveritrol I didn’t see any links or info on how one can get consumable versions of this. Can it be bought and consumed as a supplement pill? Or is it something you can get raw ingredients and make?

    My daughter has stage 3B breast cancer (Hormone +/HER2- that has spread to her lymph nodes and has already done chemo and it failed. We are desperately searching for an alternative lifestyle, nutrient based approached. I have purchased your book and cookbook and we are helping make some significant changes but i am looking to do whatever we can to fight this.

    Thank you for all you are doing!

    If possible to respond with any info/links on above questions:


  9. Angela Morrison

    Do you do individual coaching?

  10. Sharon Danek

    Chris, my daughter, Sandie is 52 years old. She had an accident stepping out of a vehicle and the door slammed into her forcing her one leg up and the other leg down. She experienced severe pain. The doctor put her on muscle relaxers and pain meds. Time went by and she continued to have unbelievable pain. An MRI and several other tests were done. They told her she appeared to have cancer in her pelvic area. It’s been about two months and she has non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. She was admitted into the hospital yesterday. The oncologist called us all together and recommended chemotherapy and to start immediately. She has stage 4 non-Hodgkins lymphoma B-Cell. Her bone marrow test was clear. We all were in a tailspin. I bought your books and read them and gave her your books right after her accident. I purchased them a few months back not knowing we would be facing this today. I’m a firm believer in natural, holistic ways to heal the body. I trust you and your knowledge and experience. I purchased Ann Cameron’s book as well. I gave her that book as well. I also bought another one for myself. Chris, she consented to starting chemo this morning. She’s scared. The doctor convinced her to get it going because he told us it’s at a very aggressive stage. They are also wanting to have her go to KU medical center in Kansas City (we live in Topeka, Ks) in about ten days to start a trial run treatment called Zumba 23. Something else about Car-T? Chris I can’t stand the poison going through her veins! I ordered the 10 module program of yours. Just received that the other day. I’m sitting here with all this life giving help to avoid the poison. She’s supposed take 6 treatments with three weeks in between each treatment. I know it’s her decision. Can she take these rounds along with me juicing daily for her? I’m just terrified of the damage her body will have with this decision. Please advise me on what to do for her. Thank you. I look so forward to hearing from you. God Bless you, Chris.

    1. Janet Staackmann

      Sharon, I know of a doctor who gives minimal chemo based on saliva testing so everyone’s is custom. He makes his patients take Essiac Tea along with the treatiments because it boosts the immune system and the hair does not fall out. No nausea either. Hope this helps.

  11. Kim Lopez

    Please call me:561-847-1252

    I have some questions re: my son’s symptoms and what direction to go to get diagnosis, etc.
    Thank you,

  12. josue

    Hi, How can I get in touch with you PRIVATELY?

  13. leland

    Brother, I am 78 have SQ1, psa is going up a little since i had vc drips, totally on your suggested program now.
    i am 78, had a norwalk press in the 60s, been on an off for years. What do you think of fenbendasole,
    Blaylock reccomends it for prostate c. seems to be like artemisinin in possible results, also little hard on liver, milk thistle for sure.

  14. Regan

    Hello – I am a square one member but I no longer work at the job I had when I created my account so the email I used is no longer in order. Can I switch to a more updated email address? Thank you!! :) Regan
    PS You are the best!!!

  15. Lisbeth

    Hey, I was wondering how much you spent on groceries a week. And how can someone lower income afford to heal naturally?

  16. Maureen

    Does your site not have any stories about someone who has done natural treatment for lung cancer? Every time I put it in the search bar, nothing comes up.

  17. Chrissy

    Hey, I’ve been reading over the “what I eat in a day” post and had a question about the mornings leaf powder. The fine print on the package states that it has a prop 65 co lamination warning for lead other contaminants. Is that concerning to you? Have you found moringa that does not have that warning?

  18. john jacobson

    Does chris ever do any research or coaching with dogs that have cancer?

  19. Candace

    I can’t remember my password, and when I tried to reset it, you never sent me a way to reset it.

  20. Paul Normando

    Chris, I love you square one protocol and your interviews with cancer survivors. Do you have any interviews with people who have healed CML (Chronic myelogenous leukemia). This seems to be an odd one and I would appreciate it if you steer me to any interviews with cml survivors or info on natural healing cml.
    Thanks, and keep up the great work.

  21. Lynda

    Hi team
    I have difficulty in sourcing some supplements from New Zealand. one shop I buy from vit K complex is made by Garden of Life. I seem to remember Chris quite a few times does not think this is a good brand? can you please help. and can you recommend another brand this has K1 and 2 different K2.
    with warmest wishes

  22. Lauren

    My name is Lauren Loboda and I’m with Loboda monuments. My friend who had breast cancer and brain cancer and survived, told me about your organization .

    Recently a couple of moms from our children’s school approached us about creating a memorial for a mom, Jennifer Tatar. In September 2023 Jen (Prebish) Tatar passed away from cancer leaving behind her husband and two children who attend school with our children. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer 11 years ago and then beat that. But then brain cancer took her life.

    The daughters’ Girl Scout group and the moms who lead the group wanted to purchase a memorial to be placed on our school property.

    At our monument company we work with foundations often to create beautiful tributes. We are wondering if that is something you would be interested in? We are working very hard to create a beautiful tribute to this woman. If this isn’t something that you do, would you be able to advise me of any foundations I could go to?

    Thank you for your time,
    Lauren Loboda

  23. Peggy Steele

    Hello Chris,
    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2020, had a lumpectomy, chose not to have radiation or take an aromatase inhibitor-hormone drug. I also make my organic carrot juice and drink a glass of it every morning. I have been clear of cancer until recently. Last fall I began having deep breathing issues and 8 upper respiratory infections. A few weeks ago I had a PetScan, due to the urging of my pulmonologist, which showed that I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in the nodules/lymph nodes of my lungs….No wonder I was having trouble breathing!
    I met with a radiation specialist today who is referring me to an oncologist with a suggestion that we start with hormone therapy and see if that will either shrink the cancer cells or get rid of them. What are your suggestions about this?
    An appointment with my kinesiologist is not until July 8th and I really want to do things naturally, not constantly be putting drugs into my body. I started using the dried parsley today!

    Thank you for any suggestions you can give.


  24. angie turnbull

    Hi there, I can’t seem to find where the link is for the 2nd access to your site for a family member. could you please advise how I do this. Many thanks

  25. Wilma

    In the interview with Dr. Chad Nabhan the cost of growing organic produce was mentioned. advancingecoagriculture.com has a different story. I love your interviews. Thank you.

  26. Joy Rouille

    I purchased the Modular’s a while back and can’t seem to get on with my password.
    I have a saved password that I can get on with one link but it doesn’t show the password.
    Also, I can’t figure out how to send the Modular’s with my buddy pass.

  27. Patricia Burgess

    Reading your Square One Complete 10 Module Transcripts. So helpful. Thanks. I recently watched a video of Don Tolman advising to rinse fruit and veg in a mixture of filtered water and apple cider vinegar to eliminate toxins if they cannot afford organic food. What is your opinion about that? Thank you.

  28. Donna J. Dees

    Dear Chris::

    I ordered your book Square One from Amazon and it cost me $111.00. After talking with some friends who showed me the book and said to order it through Amazon, they said did I get the DVD, and I said No. They said I paid way to much. I have read the book through except a couple of pages at the end.

    My husband had colon cancer and prostate cancer. He had surgery for colon cancer before knowing about how to overcome cancer the natural way – that was in 1998. He started on chemo and after the 4th dose he ended up in the hospital and one doctor said his whole digestive tract was scolded – too much chemo. After that I started juicing and reading literature to see how he could beat the cancer ad he never went for more chemo. I also read literature from George Malkmus, Doctor Gerson and also his daughter, Charlotte. and others. His colon cancer never returned. I am an RN BSN and very much into natural lifestyle. With prostate cancer in 2012, I put him on the Gerson program and the surgeon said Norm had to lose 15 lbs and be o.k.ed by a heart doctor. The heart doctor told him he would need a stent because of blockage. I said (no} I have you on a good diet and that will correct itself. After 7 months on the Gerson program, the blockage disappeared and he had lost 18 lbs. Because of the previous chemo, he got 10 glasses of juice a day. I bought the Norwalk juicer and followed the Gerson protocol, including the coffee enemas. Norm had prostate surgery after that and it never returned. I now have a friend that has prostate cancer with metastases and I am helping juice for him. My whole life is about helping others. I am 86 years old and if I didn’t have a bad back from falling off ladders, I could do a lot more.

    I am writing you to let you know I paid $111.00 for the Square One book without the DVD. I was glad to get the book but realized that was a little high. A friend that showed us the book, said I should have gotten the DVD with it. My husband, who was in a car accident a year ago, died on May 9 of this year, after 68 years of marriage. He was 90 years old.

    If you can either give me a DVD or another one of your books, I would appreciate it. I now only have one Social Security check, so money is a little tight, but the Lord is good and I am thankful for what I have.
    Your book on Forgiveness and Spiritual Healing, plus all the rest was very good. Thank you and I am glad for you that you are well and love the Lord. Sincerely, Donna J. Dees

  29. Maurice Geiger

    I haven’t been getting the Q&A links to Chris or Theo lately. Am still being billed for Theo but don’t think I’ve done any thing to not receive the links. HELP! Thanks

  30. Adel

    Hi Chris, If I could not drink the extracted carrot juice because I do not like it and feel like throwing up, is there any alternative way?

  31. Evelyn Chapman

    I tried using


    but it did not work for me. So I am contacting you this way.

    I purchased the Square one membership with access email dated 9/25/2017. And can still get into it digitally.

    I would like to share the digital Buddy pass with someone … will the link still work? I just noticed the email said that it was temporary and would expire. Is that after I send it to her?
    Does the buddy pass include access to the private Facebook group and the square one q&a?

    Also, I signed up for the Facebook group but cant seem to find it to access it again.
    It’s been a while since I have been on it. Did y’all move to a different platform?

  32. Peggy

    Suddenly I can not bring up your interviews on my iPhone. Help?

  33. Judy Thayer

    Chris, there’s a protocol that I can’t find searching your site, but I’d be interested in your opinion of it. It’s called ‘protocel’, and it’s supposed to work by reducing the electrical capacitance of our cells by 10-15%, which isn’t enough to phase a healthy cell, but, since anaerobic cells are already at a lower capacitance, they don’t have the strength hold together to make energy. They fall apart and die. That’s the theory, anyway. In the book I’m reading, the author details the suppression of this protocol and blocked larger testing. The creator, Jim Sheridan, originally called this protocol, Entelev and it was later called Cancell, then Protocel. It might make an interesting topic here.

  34. Greg Scapellati

    God Bless you and your wonderful family! I wonder how to find someone in the Charlotte area for holistic approaches to great health. It seems that the traditional pill pushers seem to control most of the possibilities. You know the routine .Go to a Dr. that your insurance covers, when you know they’re all in bed with each other.Once you are retired they want you out of the picture, since your a recipient of aSocial Security!

  35. Bill Hanley

    I know you’re not going to leave either one of my posts where people can see them but, after Chris’ comments about LC/K, I thought everyone there should know something about it.

    Please show my posts to Chris. I’m sure he’s busy, but this is something he needs to know.

    Diabetes causes as much death and heartbreak each year as cancer. Please don’t forget those poor people who are lied to and mal-treated.

  36. Curtis and Kerry Rozman

    Hello Chris and team!!
    We have been praying about what God would have us do with our unique property.
    Well, my wife was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma just over a month ago. Jumped right in to your square one program 100%.
    My wife’s tumor is 1/2 size already. Cataract on her eye is mostly gone. I’m doing it with her as a supporter. We are seeing many health benefits. After over 30 years of research and supporting alternative health healing we have been amazed at your overall program. All I can say is WOW, what a blessing!!!!!!
    You can see our castle at air bnb 7x castle. After trying to wrap our minds and spirit around all of this, it occurs to us that maybe we could use our tranquil, peaceful, beautiful place as a JUMPSTART to square one. A place that people could come and get started 100% into your program. They would be able to receive a juicer and they would get hands on training and encouragement. Bible study and prayer would be available. Too many details to list in this short message. In short, we would love to be able to facilitate helping people to get started on their healing journey along with you.
    We simply did not know if you would like to actively participate in this or not.?? If not, would it be okay with you that we actively pursue this with your approval? We would require every participant to purchase and review your materials before being invited to come and begin their healing journey.
    I’m sure that for some people getting started and being able to come to a place where they can receive the first hand support and encouragement needed would be a tremendous blessing.
    One of the reasons we would like to work with you on this is that we can see setting up JUMPSTART locations all over the globe. We would love to work with you to set up a very high quality experience that could be replicated many times and be able to bless people all over the world.
    Thank you for the way you have blessed us. Thank you for what you are doing. We are so thankful to the Lord for you, your family, and your team. Not only has it blessed us but we have already been able to introduce others to this blessing as well. Praise the Lord!!!!
    God Bless You!

  37. Laura Gabel

    Hello! On the podcast I’ve heard reference to a book/reading list Chris keeps on Amazon. Does anyone know how to access it?

  38. Marilyn Gilak

    Hi Chris——Thanks for everything you have done in helping people! I do have a question, though….there is a lot of discussion about methylene blue these days, and was hoping you could weigh in on this subject, it is interesting, and i think your readers might be happy if you could address this. Thanks!

  39. Dean

    High I Purchased square one and more…. but didn’t got any media. Paid with Paypal 2 hrs ago.


  40. Sam Hatman

    Chris, enjoyed the interview about Breast Cancer. I enjoy all your good information about eating healthy, being positive and trusting your gut. Thank you for all you do to help people beat cancer and reminding the rest of us to live healthy. Love & Light.

  41. dc

    do you know any functional doctors that can treat mestastasis in bones from breast cancer

  42. Linda Sharp

    Chris I want to donate to your friend Theo but don’t feel comfortable giving so much of my banking information. Is there another way to send money?

  43. Robert

    Chris Wark ,

    Just letting you know my wife Angela followed your square one program after being diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer. The testimonials gave her hope. She told everyone about it and had such determination and strength. Sadly she died 3 months ago leaving a shattered husband and 2 children. This evil system we live in is horrible . Only Jehovah will bring and to sickness and death. I will see her in the resurrection. Until then the pain is very real.


    Yahoo Mail: Search, Organize, Conquer

  44. Just a gal in Michigan

    What are your thoughts on an ulcerative breast tumor

  45. Maria Sindoni

    Hello Chris,
    I’ve see your videos and love your work and I wonder if you could tell me what type of system you recommend for water? I don’t have a good source of clean water and I would like to know what you think.

    Thank you,
    Maria Sindoni

  46. Maria Sindoni

    Ooops, I did not mean to post my phone number on an open forum, could you please delete that?

  47. Cynthia

    Hi, Chris. I just listened to module 1. You mention asking your doctor if your disease is fast or slow-growing. Slow-growing disease is then addressed, but not fast-growing. What would be the message for fast-growing (high-grade) disease? Thank you!!

  48. Mary Beth

    I don’t see any testimonials of anyone overcoming stomach cancer. Is there any record of someone recovering from stomach cancer, and perhaps the steps they took?

  49. donald

    I am currently watching your videos and I am noticing some discrepancies between the videos and the Square One guidebook as far as the food you ate and what you put in your drinks, smoothies, oatmeal etc. I just want to know which one is more current and also do you still agree with the older information or have you replaced it with the new.? Hope that makes sense.
    thank you

  50. Charisse Dimitrova

    Hello, I purchased the Square One Digital package and have not received an email regarding access. I also purchased another module for $47 that was some type of compiled information to also support optimal health. Something about flooding your body with oxygen, etc.
    Please advise when I can expect to receive these products.

  51. Janice C Meier

    I am trying to find out if you, your team or anyone has been able to put the ingredients you use in a capsule or any kind of medicine form? I have more ultrasounds to go through but it looks like I could be positive for breast cancer. Thank you for your help. Janice Meier Email:



  52. Pamela

    Trying to access the free episodes but I still haven’t received an email to allow me to do so. I think I’ve already missed at least two.

  53. Zina

    I am trying to purchase additional hardcover books for my family members. It appears they are all sold out on Amazon, my only options are used.
    Will you be releasing any more in hardcover?
    Thank you in advance!

  54. Tawny

    I don’t own a juicer. Is it ok to use my Vitamix blender for all the juice drinks?

  55. Shamsa


    Just wanted to ask whether you know of safe alternatives for tissue biopsies. I have a few health conditions and concerns and the ct and mri and very contradictory whereby im told I have cancer then told I don’t. Having said thatbhave a history of blood cancers but recent rgcc has shown positive for ctc upto 75% 50% and 25.% for several cancers.

    I’m not sure if there are liquid biopsies test thst can detect active cancer. I appreciate they’re only going to be around 80% accurate but with my over all health – or the lack of heart and gut/weight I no longer qualify for chemotherapy in uk esp for aggressive lymphomas and plus due to health have to outweigh the risk to benefit ratio. Being advised against tissue biopsy due to seeding and I’m hesitant myself but without some info on what I’m dealing with I’m.afraid no clinic will be willing to accept and treat esp as they can’t just administer anything and treat blindly.

    Any test companies youd recommend to be more reliant. I’ve had a small test so far with rgcc looking at ctc cells (mentioned above)

    I’d appreciate any advice


  56. Eunice Mathews

    My wife, Eunie Mathews recently ordered from you – but we have not
    received a confirmation of payment.


  57. Rev Juanita Cordero

    A while back you mentioned a good filtering system for clean drinkable water. I don’t remember the name of the company. Could you e mail it to me.

    I have your tapes and books and have shared them with others. I do not have cancer and am a senior in good health.

    Thank you for your work


  58. Riccro

    Hi it exist group telegram or what up of no chemio persons ? Can you help me?

  59. Riccro

    What up or telegram groups

  60. Eva Jäger

    Do you know Lothar Hirneise, who wrote the book “Chemotherapy heals cancer and the World is flat”.
    He is a German critic of conventional cancer treatments and it’s worth knowing him. I would be happy to see him in an interview with you.
    Best wishes , Eva.

  61. maria

    Just a note. I googled groundedandcured.com after watching the interview and you cannot fint it on google (except links to the book). So you have to type the actual website letters instead. Perhaps this is obvious to everyone, but I did not know google hides it.

  62. Teresa

    Chris, I am trying to decide about low intensity vibration platforms. It would be great if you could do a video about them.

  63. Paul Hamby

    Hi Chris, this is Paul Hamby. I’ve signed up for your book and I think I’ve signed up for more stuff than that. I’m just having trouble resetting my password to gain access to the site consistently. Please have someone help me with this as soon as possible. Thank you. 206-669-0440

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