This article was first published June 19, 2021. Resources have been continually added.
In the last 9 months, an unprecedented number of pro-vaccine medical doctors and scientists from around the world have come out against the investigational/experimental, emergency-approved, spike-protein-producing mRNA injections commonly known as COVID-19 vaccines.
This historic monumental outcry, has been met with an equally unprecedented level of stonewalling, censorship, harassment and vicious personal attacks against scientific and medical professionals for voicing their concerns. Doctors and scientists have been deleted from social media platforms Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest, removed from Google search results and are being ignored by the media.
That, my friends, is not science. That is totalitarian medical and political tyranny.
When doctors and scientists risk their reputations and livelihood to speak out, we should listen.
And we should listen to each other.
One testimony of harm from a drug could be coincidental… Thousands of reports are not.
In a typical year there are roughly 150 deaths reported from vaccine reactions, mostly children. As of this writing there are over 13,000 deaths and over 600,000 adverse reactions reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from the COIVD-19 shots.
This is over double the number of deaths reported to VAERS in just 8 months for the COVID-19 vaccines than for all other vaccines since the reporting system was created in 1990. Roughly 80% of these reports are submitted by medical professionals.
A Harvard study found that most vaccine reactions are not reported, because medical professional don’t know they are supposed to and because it takes a long time to fill out VAERS report. Due to these factors, the VAERS database is estimated to only account for 1% of adverse events. This indicates that there may be somewhere between 10 and 100 times more COVID-19 vaccine reactions and deaths than have been reported to VAERS thus far. You can see the real-time totals and read the vaccine reaction and death reports at
The SIGNAL is loud and clear and should not be ignored.
To put this in perspective, in 1976, the swine flu vaccine was rushed to market in the U.S. by officials fearing another 1918 flu pandemic. But within 10 weeks of the rollout, after reports that 500 people developed Guillain-Barre syndrome and 25 people died, the vaccine campaign was halted permanently.
Only 36 deaths from the tetanus vaccine have been reported since 1968. Billions of doses have been administered.
We are now at over 19,000 reported deaths from the COVID-19 vaccines. (Updated 12/21)
Never before in history have patient testimonials of harm from a new drug been ignored, criticized, and deleted with such ferocity and in mass. Two COVID-19 vaccine injury groups totaling over 200k members were deleted from Facebook. Injury reporting groups have also been repeatedly deleted from Instagram. Questioning the investigational vaccine will also get you restricted or deleted from YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Question #1
Name a time in history when the people censoring information were the good guys…
You can’t.
Question #2
Tell me the 2-year, 5-year, 10-year, or lifetime increase in risk of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease, fertility issues, neurological disease, or death when you inject humans with spike-protein-producing mRNA?
You can’t.
Because no one knows the long-term risks of this brand new drug technology. The science doesn’t exist.
The global campaign to inject every human with spike-protein producing mRNA is the largest drug experiment in history.
We aren’t “following the science.” We are the science.
“Safe and effective?”
Calling drugs that were developed at “warp speed” with only 2 months of testing on younger and mostly healthy humans “safe” is a lie.
“Safe” takes 5-10 years of testing.
We were told these drugs are “effective” because they “reduce risk of symptomatic infection from COVID-19 by 95%.”
Another lie. Because that 95% figure is only a measure of Relative Risk Reduction.
There’s a more important statistic that the drug companies failed to disclose in their press releases. And that is Absolute Risk Reduction.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you have a stage I cancer and a doctor tells you that a drug will reduce your relative risk of dying by 50%. You would probably say yes to that treatment. However, your doctor could also explain it like this, “Your absolute risk of dying of this cancer is only 2% and this drug will drop it to 1%.” You would probably be much less likely to say yes to that drug.
Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is honest, transparent, fully-disclosed science.
Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is statistical sleight-of-hand. It’s extremely useful in drug marketing.
Analysis of the data published by the drug companies shows that the COVID-19 vaccines only reduce your Absolute Risk of symptomatic infection by about 1%.
One. Percent. Reduction. Of Risk.
Again, the same data measured two different ways says the vaccines are 95% effective (RRR) and 1% effective (ARR).
Relative Risk Reduction is a classic drug industry tactic to make drugs look like they work much better than they actually do and is one example of the many ways we have been lied to since the start of the pandemic. The drug companies originated this lie and then everyone repeated it, government health officials, the media, politicians, doctors, celebrities, and your friends and family.
This incredible video by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance breaks down the Pfizer trial data and shows you how the trial was poorly designed and the data was manipulated to make vaccines appear to be safe and effective when they clearly weren’t. Pfizer’s 6-month data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death occurred in the inoculation arm than in the placebo arm. Watch this first:
How many doctors and scientists oppose what’s happening?
It’s hard to know. Many doctors in the corporate medical system and scientists who rely on government grants are afraid to speak out because they risk losing their jobs or research funding. The loudest voices in the beginning were from those who are completely independent and did not rely on money from drug companies or government agencies, or were near retirement or fully retired.
In June 2021, 60% of 700 doctors surveyed by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons reported not being fully vaccinated.
May 2022 Update: 17,000 physicians and medical scientists now publicly oppose the global covid-19 vaccine campaign and declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.
I’m an author and full-time health and wellness researcher, I read articles and studies and listen to lectures and interviews with doctors and scientists nearly every day. I learn from the smartest people I can find and I share what I learn. You can do the same.
Here’s a proposition…
What if you stopped listening to politicians, bureaucrats, and mainstream media outlets, who take money from drug companies and who manipulate the public with lies and fear.
And instead, you to take the time to educate yourself. Listen to the medical doctors on the frontlines who are successfully treating their patients and saving lives with available medicines. Listen to the researchers who understand virology, vaccines, and the immune system. And use your deductive reasoning skills and the common sense that God gave you to draw your own conclusions.
I have compiled a list of interviews and papers from courageous doctors and scientists to help you gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue.
You’ve heard one side, now hear the other…
-Listen to French Virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, who discovered HIV, on why we should not be giving experimental mRNA shots to humans, and how they can produce more aggressive variants, reduce your immunity against them, and may even cause neurodegenerative disease within 5-10 years. Two short clips here and here.
–Listen to Dr. Peter McCollough, the most published MD in heart and kidney research in the world, and the most published MD on COVID-19, testify to the Texas Senate HHS Committee on how he and a team of doctors have been saving lives with early treatment using a combination of off-label drugs that doctors were told not to use. McCollough published this highly-cited paper in August 2020 on their findings, which informs doctors on how to treat COVID-19 with inexpensive widely-available drugs. Dr. McCollough also believes the mRNA shots are more dangerous than the SARS-COV2 virus. Dr. McCollough and 56 other scientists and doctors authored this paper demanding the spike-protein-producing shots be halted. This interview is a good one. And his December 2021 interview with Joe Rogan on Spotify is an absolute must-watch.
-Read the urgent plea from Tess Lawrie, MD, PhD and her team of scientists to the MHRA to stop the COVID-19 vaccines, based on analysis of the adverse events and death data in the UK. Dr. Laurie is a co-founder of the non-profit British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group ( Dr. Laurie is also a co-author of this June 2021 meta-analysis on Ivermectin studies which found that Ivermectin reduces the risk of death by 49% and reduces infection by 86%, on average. Listen to her interview with Bret Weinstein, PhD here.
–Listen to this censored interview with Dr. Robert Malone (the inventor of mRNA technology!) and entrepreneur/philanthropist Steve Kirsch, inventor of the optical computer mouse and multiple tech companies. Both men got the spike-protein-producing shots and now oppose them. Kirsch is the author of this monstrous and virtually irrefutable article highlighting all the problems with the COVID-19 vaccines and has even offered a $1 million reward to anyone who can prove that fluvoxamine is not effective in preventing hospitalization and long-haul COVID-19 symptoms. He has also offered a $250,000 reward to Fauci whistleblowers.
-Listen Dr. Robert Malone’s blockbuster interview with Joe Rogan
-Listen to this interview with Pierre Kory, MD (also deleted by YouTube) co-founder of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance discuss how he and his colleagues around the world have been successfully treating patients and saving lives with a safe, anti-parasitic medicine for humans called Ivermectin. 31 randomized controlled trials (so far) show that Ivermectin is highly effective for prevention and treatment. It has also been found to help with long covid cases, and even for post-vaccine illness (protocol here).
Ivermectin is the #1 solution for prevention and early treatment and it’s being ignored because it’s off-patent, inexpensive, and is a threat to the multi-billion dollar vaccine campaign currently underway. Get the Ivermectin protocol here and find a doctor online to prescribe it here or here. We have prescriptions and keep some on hand just in case. My wife took it once a week for a month with no discernible side effects.
Ivermectin has been prescribed nearly 4 billion times to humans. The developers William Cambell and Satoshi Omura won a Nobel prize for its discovery in 2015. It is safer than aspirin and Tylenol and also has anti-cancer effects.
Physician List and Guide to Home-Based COVID-19 Treatment
–Listen to Richard Fleming, MD, PhD, JD, present a masterful comprehensive analysis on all of the missteps, consequences, collateral damage, and benefactors of pandemic promotion. This 4.5-hour presentation “blows up the island.” If you only watch one thing, this should be it. (Don’t only watch one thing.)
Read why a group of scientists and doctors including Peter Doshi, editor in chief of the British Medical Journal, have petitioned the FDA to not grant full approval to the COVID-19 shots.
–Listen to Dr. Roger Hodkinson on why spike-protein-producing shots should not be given to children (his interview starts at the 11 minute mark).
–Read this article by Kamran Abbasi, executive editor of the BMJ, on the politicization, corruption and suppression of COVID-19 science by the medical-political complex.
–Listen to Professor Byram Bridle explain why the spike protein is a dangerous pathogenic toxin and how the shots circulate it throughout the body via the bloodstream, which could lead to life-threatening blood clots, heart and brain damage, fertility issues, and risks to unborn and nursing babies.
-Listen to Professor of microbiology and immunology Sucharit Bhakti, MD discuss why the shots are “entirely senseless and useless” and why “every jab is potentially fatal,” how the risk of harm increases with each shot, and how spike-protein-induced blood clots damage different parts of the body. One chilling example, a clot in the umbilical vein will abort a fetus.
-Listen to immunologist and vaccine developer Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM who has worked with the WHO, the Gates Foundation, the CDC and UNICEF, raise the alarm on how the global vaccine campaign is creating evolutionary immune pressure and driving variants that are a threat to the “vaccinated.”
–Listen to David Martin, PhD, founder and CEO of M-CAM, which monitors patent activity, innovation and economic activity in 168 countries, give a masterful overview of the history of SARS coronavirus research and patents (there have been over 4,000 filed since 1999) and why the SARS-COV2 coronavirus was not “novel” (new). For example, Pfizer first filed for a spike protein vaccine on January, 28, 2000 (U.S. patent # 6372224). Dr. Martin raised the alarm about this research in 2001. His analysis of the players involved and the paper trail is astounding. I suggest you take a look at his Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier as well.
Listen to Michael Yeadon, PhD, former VP and Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory Research at Pfizer, one of the very first scientists to speak out against lockdowns, masking and emergency vaccines, elegantly explain why the science does not support the idea of asymptomatic transmission, why PCR testing is a fraudulent diagnostic tool, why lockdowns and masking have harmed more people than they helped, the immense long-term danger of injecting spike-protein-producing mRNA into humans, and why scientists have been afraid to speak out. “Basically everything your government has told you about this virus–everything you need to do to stay safe–is a lie.” -Dr. Mike Yeadon
Listen to Stephanie Seneff, PhD, senior research scientist at MIT and co-author of the peer-reviewed paper Worse than The Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against COVID-19. Dr. Seneff anticipates that the mRNA shots will lead to an increase in auto-immune and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD), a prion disease comparable to mad cow disease, in the next 10 to 15 years. She also explains the mechanisms by which foreign messenger RNA can be converted into DNA and the plausibility of spike-protein exosome shedding via breath, sweat and breast milk from those injected with spike-protein-producing mRNA. She also wrote a book on the dangers of glyphosate (Roundup). I interviewed Dr. Seneff about this and her concerns with the new vaccines. It was taken down by YouTube. Watch it here.
Listen to Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vladimir Zelenko, MD testify to a Rabbinical court in Jerusalem on the lack of safety, efficacy and necessity of the COVID-19 vaccines and the low-cost solution to preventing and reversing COVID-19. Dr. Zelenko and his team have successfully treated over 6,000 patients and he has trained hundreds of doctors around the world. The Zelenko Protocol is similar to the FLCCC protocol.
Whew! I know that seems like overwhelming amount of information to digest, but believe me you need to digest it!
Scroll up, dig in and expand your knowledge and power.
Additional Resources:
Doctors For Covid Ethics
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance
Bird Group UK
Trial Site News
Rational Ground
Dr. Robert Malone’s website
Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon hereI've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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