Dr. Russel Reiter on the Miraculous Benefits of Melatonin

Russel Reiter Ph.D. is a professor of Cell Biology and holds four honorary M.D. degrees and one honorary Doctor of Sciences degree. He has dedicated his life to melatonin research and his papers have been cited more than 173,000 times in medical and scientific literature. He is the co-editor of Melatonin Research and is the founder and past editor of The Journal of Pineal Research.

Dr. Reiter and I discuss what melatonin does in the body, how to optimize production, supplementation strategies, how it works against cancer and covid, and this surprising little-known fact… Melatonin is produced in your body during the day by infrared light from the sun!

I know you will enjoy our deep dive on the miraculous molecule melatonin.

Note: Zoom had a major glitch with a recent software update, which affected several of my recent interviews before my team caught it. As a result, my side is audio-only.

Watch our interview below, or listen to it on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes or Spotify.

Show Notes
-How Dr. Reiter got into melatonin research [1:23]
-What melatonin does in the body [3:28]
-How blue light inhibits melatonin production [7:05]
-How melatonin is passed to the fetus and newborn [12:00]
-The anticancer benefits of melatonin [15:25]
-How pharmaceutical drugs suppress melatonin production [18:40]
-When should melatonin be taken during the day? [22:47]
-Does taking melatonin affect natural production? [24:36]
-Older people need more melatonin [29:20]
-How melatonin can reduce the impact of Covid-19 [31:15]
-The impact of alcohol and caffeine on melatonin production [34:45]
-Melatonin acts as an antiviral [37:24]
-How sunlight helps with the production of melatonin [44:35]
-Melatonin can reduce the likelihood of metastasis [50:45]

PubMed articles referenced in the interview:
Dr. Reiter’s PubMed clinical trials
Anti-Warburg Effect of Melatonin
Role of Melatonin in Influenza, Covid-19 and Other Viral Infections
Covid-19: Melatonin as a Potential Adjuvant Treatment
Melatonin May Decrease Risk for and Aid Treatment of Covid-19 and Other RNA Infections
Ebola Virus Disease: Potential Use of Melatonin as a Treatment
Melatonin and the Optics of the Human Body
The Paracrine Modulation of Melatonin Synthesis by Tumor Necrosis Factor

Dr. Reiter YouTube Videos:
Melatonin: Better Than Expected
Melatonin: Functional Significance for Optimal Cellular Physiology
Melatonin Deficiency

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