Dr. Valter Longo – Fasting Mimicking Diet improves breast cancer treatment

“The most powerful medicine is the medicine from within.” – Dr. Valter Longo

It’s been two and a half years, since my last interview with Dr. Valter Longo, and today he’s back to share some exciting updates on his ongoing research, specifically on fasting to improve cancer treatment.

Valter Longo PhD is the author of the book, The Longevity Diet, and one of the foremost researchers in the world on fasting, immune system regeneration, and longevity.

Dr. Longo and colleagues also developed the Fasting Mimicking Diet, a 4-5 day, plant-based, calorie-restricted diet, which is used clinically under the name Xentigen (formerly Chemolieve) and is available to consumers under the brand name ProLon.

In this new interview, Dr. Longo talks about three new studies published in Nature on the impact that a Fasting Mimicking Diet has on cancer cells and cancer treatment. These studies found:

-Breast cancer patients who did a four-day Fasting Mimicking Diet around each chemo cycle had the same amount of side effects as the control group doing chemo, but without taking an additional drug to reduce side effects. The FMD group had a five times better response to chemo than the non-FMD group. They were more likely to experience 90-100% tumor loss and they had far less long-term immune cell damage.

-The Fasting Mimicking Diet combined with IV vitamin C worked better than vitamin C alone.

-Hormone therapy ER+ with FMD caused increased tumor regression and reversed treatment resistance.

It is an absolute thrill and an incredible honor to be able to interview Dr. Valter Longo again.

Dig in, learn some amazing stuff, and then share this interview with the people you care about!

You can also listen on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast in iTunes and Spotify.

Download interview transcript here.

Show Notes
-The best fasting practices [02:29]
-The Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) [06:08]
-How fasting regenerates your immune system [09:15]
-Fasting during chemo increases immune cell regeneration [11:20]
-Fasting causes immune cell redistribution and reorganization [12:40]
-The exciting effects of combining vitamin C + FMD [15:24]
-A clinical trial on breast cancer patients doing chemo + FMD [16:35]
-Remarkable results, despite the odds [21:24]
-The key factor in major tumor cell shrinkage [27:42]
-How to experience less damage and side effects from chemo [29:29]
-Vitamin C + FMD causes “death by confusion” in cancer cells [34:29]
-A groundbreaking method to avoid hormone therapy resistance [38:41]
-Possible future FMD study expansions [42:52]
-Using molecular biology for individualized patient diets and care [44:52]
-How to reduce cancer-promoter leptin [50:07]
-The Create Cures Clinics in Los Angeles and Milan, Italy [51:57]

Watch my first interview with Dr. Valter Longo here

Get his book: The Longevity Diet: Discover the new science behind stem cell activation and regeneration to slow aging fight disease and optimize weight by Valter Longo, PhD

Learn more about the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet here

Studies mentioned in the interview:
Synergistic effect of fasting-mimicking diet and vitamin C against KRAS mutated cancers
Fasting mimicking diet as an adjunct for breast cancer therapy in phase 2 DIRECT trial
Fasting-mimicking diet and hormone therapy induce breast cancer regression

Connect with Dr. Valter Longo:

Create Cures Foundation
Create Cures Clinic Los Angeles

More interviews with fasting experts
Dr. Michael Klaper, MD on fasting benefits and the dangers of keto and carnivore diets
Dr. Frank Sabatino on healing with water fasting and plant-based nutrition

Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


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