Update: Ed Moore passed away in 2017. He lived an additional 5 years after his doctors put him on hospice for stage 4 liver cancer by incorporating nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies including cannabis oil. Getting an extra five years of life after being sent home to die is absolutely incredible! If a drug therapy had produced this result, doctors would call it a remarkable success. Ed’s story and protocol, submitted by his wife Beate in 2012, and an update video from 2015 are below.
My husband of 34 years was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2012. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes. We decided to go home and called hospice which gave us morphine for pain. Ed hated the morphine which made him vomit and also affected his mind. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves.
This video update from Ed and his wife Beate was uploaded to YouTube on April 5th 2015.
Describe your experience with conventional doctors and treatments:
We were only in hospital for 3 days with severe pain. The cancer had blocked his bile duct, after that we choose a Naturopath doctor and have not had conventional treatments.
What alternative therapies did you do and which ones helped you the most?
In our area we grow our own cannabis medicine and we started making Phoenix Tears. Ed was off the morphine in one week after taking a gram of oil per day. Later we added juicing fresh buds and leaves mixed with veggies and also most of the same diet you followed. Ed is 65 and in excellent shape otherwise. Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life.
He is also using a daily sauna, epason salt bath, and castor oil packs to get rid of toxins.
We also do Vitamin C IVs with a Naturopath doctor.
We never saw an ocologist and only have done a blood test after the first diagnose CT scan. His tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and he is feeling well. We don’t know how this is going to play out, but enjoy every day and give thanks. He is up to 2 grams of phoenix tears now and does not feel stoned. I am also drinking the good tasting cannabis juice, with no effect. Not everyone could tolerate such a high dose of THC, but it works well for him.
Here’s what Ed is doing:
-Phoenix Tears Cannabis Oil, 4 times daily, ½ gram each dose (https://phoenixtears.ca)
–Infrared Sauna, once a day (twice if time), hot tub
-Vit. C 50 to 95 grams intravenously (we did that for 3 month, stopped now)
-Mineral mixture to boost energy (intravenously) once every other week
-Psolinum 7x (3 times a day) holds tumors, homeopathic but need perscription
Waking up
1. Glass of warm water with lemon juice
2. 3 Beta-1, 3-D Glucan (taken on empty stomach) https://aboutbetaglucan.com/
3. Epsom Salt bath (2cups) for eliminating toxins
4. Elijah tea (2 oz) in morning and before going to bed (we did that for 2 months and are about to start again.)
Health drink made in blender
1. Moringa Olifera Leaf Powder (tablespoon) tumor shrinking and high in protein
2. Vitamineral Green 1TB
3. Aloe Vera Juice (4 onces)
4. Kefir plain (4 onces)
5. Vitamin D3 drops (4) check for deficiency
6. Maitake Gold 1200 (dropper full)
7. Almond milk (cup)
8. Banana or other fruit
9. Lugol’s Iodine 3% (1 drop)
10. Flax Seed Oil 1TB (Lemon makes it taste much better)
Fresh juices: carrot, green apple, green veggies, turmeric root, ginger, as often as
possible. We are also juicing 2 handfulls of fresh cannabis leaves and buds, once or twice
No sugar, and light on carbs
Probiotics with every meal,
Meals are light, mostly veggies, some protein, all organic and not processed.
Supplements taken during day
1. Green Tea 100mg 2x (Green tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants.)
2. Multivitamin 1 3x
3. Vitamin C-1000 2 3x
4. L-Proline / L-Lysine 1x
5. Pancreatin Enzyme 500mg 2x
6. Liver Support Formula 2x
7. Meriva-SR (Curcumin) 2x
8. Mushroom Immune Defense
9. Vitamin B17 250mg 2x
10. Vitamin D 3000mg
11. CoQ10 100mg 2x
12. Selenium 200mcg 1x
13. Probiotics 2 before or after each meal
14. Omega 3 Fish Oil 3x with meals
15. R-Lipoic Acid 300mg 2x
16. N-A-C 600mg 1 3x (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine)
17. Turmeric Extract 1160mg 3x
18. Milk Thistle (Liver support) 3x
19. Orasal 2 3x www.drforsythe.com (we stopped this)
20. Papaya Leaf Extract 1 https://www.scribd.com/doc/34045075/Papaya-Leaf-Cancer-Cure
Ed also does castor oil packs and charcoal packs alternating for several hours at night. He feels these have reduced and eliminated swollen stomach. These are great for getting the toxins out of his system.
His energy has been great and he is even doing some physical work again. Everyone in our community is watching him and we have been contacted by several cancer patients. Unfortunately most patients even stage 4 ones first try the conventional methods, so by the time they get to alternative protocols their bodies are so depleted that it is hard to turn it around.
I have no idea how this is going to play out, but we sure have had quality time and no pain or discomfort.
I am glad to e-mail anyone interested our regimen and would love to connect with other cancer patients who are trying this.
PS. Hospice just cancelled us, which is the first time they left a liver cancer patient go.
-Beate Moore
Chris’s Comments:
I get a lot of survivor story submissions and normally I only post the ones that are several years out. The longer the survival time the better, because it has more credibility with skeptics; but occasionally I come across one that is so dramatic that it has to be shared.
After reading this I know some of you may be thinking, “Geez that’s a lot of supplements!” and it seems a bit overwhelming, but in my opinion that’s what it takes. They didn’t just try one thing. Like me, they did everything they could find and afford. They pulled out all the stops. That, my friends, is the attitude of a survivor with The Will To Live.
Way to go Ed and Beate. Blessings and Health to you. Thank you for sharing your story!
Please do not email me about where to get cannabis. I don’t know.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 111 Comments
I’d love to hear updates about and follow his story, what an amazing story, thanks for sharing this with us.
I too believe in the “shotgun’ approach. “But how will you know what worked?” I don’t care, I would just want healing. I don’t have cancer or any other life threatening condition, but have given it a lot of thought and prayer and have planned what to do IF. And I am at risk with lots of cancer close to me, 6 family members, including mom and dad. Trusting in God to keep me well by having a good diet and lifestyle. Good, encouraging story.
Ed, who knew this was what would make you famous? I’m blessed to know you. Keep shining the way.
I know Ed and Beate so I know the miracle in their lives! Bless to know you. Deathbed to Dance Floor in months.
A fine mix a supplements shown in the article above. For general liver support I usually recommend a cocktail of these supplements:
* milk thistle silymarin – cleans the liver, and supports regeneration of liver cells.
* Turmeric root extract – boosts the livers production of enzymes that processes sugars and fats and thereby helps the liver in general.
* R-ALA, helps detox, especially from medicine, before toxins reach the liver
* NAC (should be taken together with C-Vitamin) – increases blood to the liver and thereby also the flow of antioxidants etc.
* Omega 3, about 3gr of DHA and EPA acids
All of the above is already part of the program mentioned in this article, but in addition I usually also advise the following two which is worth to consider:
* Astaxanthin (10-12 mg) – is ascribed a multitude of benefits but especially regarding detoxification of liver cells
* Chlorophyll – adds oxygen into the blood that is essential for optimal liver function and rejuvenation
Jon, do you have a medical background? Or are you a cancer survivor? I’m not trying to question your credibility, I was wondering about your credentials for “recommending” supplements. My brother was diagnosed with Stage 4 liver cancer a couple weeks ago and after review of his medical records, the University of Michigan said his condition was untreatable and gave him 6-8 months to live. His situation is complicated by cirrhosis and hepatitis C. I’m desperately looking for options beyond waiting for the inevitable.
Have you considered whole body photodynamic therapy? Google NGPDT in Giuangzhou China – I was treated there for stage 4 breast cancer. The treatment definitely works – but it maybe that his liver issues are too severe. But worth asking anyway – email Scott Peters from the NGPDT website.
Mike Steinmann, how is your brother? You wrote this post 7 months ago, and said your bro was given 6-8 months..so how is he now>?
Chris, congratulations on your achievement, it’s great to hear success stories like this. I am doing a similar protocol to combat my Lymphoma but certainly haven’t investigated cannabis oil yet.
Thanks so much for publishing this information.
Great story! By the way, there is an error in the email address, it should say [at] earthlink.net, instead of earthink.net.
Thanks Justin!
So glad they could get the cannabis oil easily. you can find out how to get or make at via Rick Simpson’s facebook page. He’s the man who fought to make the information available to everyone.
Just an update on my husbands journey. We just had a CT scan, the first one since he was diagnosed in March. It showed great improvement. His 13cm tumor had shrank to 5cm, with Tumor markers still normal. It had not spread and all other organs were working well. Ed went through a health crisis a month ago with fever and diarrhea, he also lost 10 pounds. We thought it was the cancer or a flue, in retrospect he might have been detoxing. He meanwhile gained the weight back and is feeling better every day. Getting back into exercising. We realize we still have a way to go, but hope that the cancer is dead or in remission. The radiologist put in the report that his treatment was working, not knowing that Ed was not on chemo or radiation, but is using natural remedies.
My husband’s ONE liver tumor was a 1/2 centimeter initially, with chemo he was in (remission) for a year, now he has three since April 2.1 2.2 and 2.9. Two weeks later after 6 ct scans they are 2.9, 2.9 and 2.5. His AFP were 490 not sure but had gone down to 277. Doctors gave him a death sentence. OMG ! My prayers are with you, and thanks for the good report and hope.
Hi Beate can you please send me your email address i want to ask you some questions about cannabis oil please thank you
Hi Vinkie, my email is be********@ea*******.net
Hi Beate. Glad Ed is doing well. Can you tell me if he had the mutated gene or the wildtype gene? Did his liver cancer start from colon cancer?
Dawn, he had primary liver cancer which went into his lymph nodes
Hi Beate, I’m a little late to the game (4 months of chemo/radiation, 2 operations liver & colon stage 4) but I am doing many similar things to cure/heal myself. Specifically Chris’s green juice, tons of juice… And the cannabis oil (live in colorado). And heavy meditation. My last scan 4 mnths ago showed 3 marble size tumors. I started all of this natural approach about 2 months ago. It’s going awesome for me. I truly am excited for the first time to get my scan n June 2014. I’m just letting you know because you said you wondered if anyone else is doing this. Yes!!!!
I love your story. Thank you for sharing and best of health to us all.
Good to hear that and wishing you the very best healing
Raw Fresh Cannabis Juice, is an excellent supplement for EVERYONE, cancer or not. You provide the body with all 8 essential amino acids, and a perfect blend of Omega 3 and 6 fats. You also get an exclusive plant protein called Edestin. I do not have cancer, but the juice has helped me lose 30lbs with no special diet or exercise, just sensible eating and staying hydrated. According to Dr. William Courtney of Willits California, 20mg of juice per 2.2lbs of body weight. You need a Cannabis strain high in CBD, which Cannatonic, Harlequin and Northern Lights F1 pheno-type provide for high amounts of CBD. I urge folks to look into CBD. It is NON-Psychoactive and has no affinity for Cb receptors, unlike THC. Raw fresh juice keeps the Cannabinoids in acidic state, making them more effective without side effects. Hemp Oil knocks most people out, due to the cannabinoids being decarboxylated. If ANYONE has questions regarding cannabis, visit:
they have a plethora of verifiable Cannabis information,mostly from the National Institute of Health.
I so agree, we juice all sommer. CBD’s are very good, but I believe the THC is very much needed too.
I suffer from Breast Cancer, which for me, is basically a Death Sentence on my life, the thoughts of having Breast Cancer burns and itches simultaneously in my heart that i was dead alive (and looks hideous). I heard that Hemp Oil could help, and for the price i was willing to try anything that would save my My Life. What I found out was astonishing! It was instantly getting better and better and most of the virus are gone and just little medication left for me. It’s also a light, i am very grateful to Doctor Henderson for Selling the Hemp Oil for me and his Medical Advises, for all those that have problems with Cancer Please Please Kindly let the Doctor Know at:he*********************@gm***.com,
He saved my Life that is why i will keep on giving his testimonies.
United State of America
There is no Dr. Nathan Kisper, Dr. Mike Henderson, Dr. Smith Williams, Dr. Sedney Carey, Dr. Mac Donnald etc.. Only the big scammers hiding behind these names. Unfortunately I am the one of their victims. Be careful and don’t trust them and in any of their “stories”!!!
There is no Dr. Nathan Kisper, Dr. Mike Henderson, Dr. Smith Williams, Dr. Sedney Carey, Dr. Mac Donnald, Dr. Bryan Vance etc.. Only the big scammers hiding behind these names.These people pick on poor, sick people. It is the most disgusting crime of all.
see these posts relating to this scam. http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=2049547#i
Just wanted to mention it may be possible take too much CBD. A colleague of Dr. Mechoulam’s, Marc
Feldman at Imperial College, London,
tested CBD on mice who had a version
of rheumatoid arthritis and found that it
reduced inflammation by almost 50% at
the right dose —5mg/kg of body weight.
But this “beautiful antiinflammatory
reaction was lost if we went up to, say,
25 mg/kg,”” also despite being an excellent supplement it is perhaps advisable to AVOID CURCUMIN. She might be wrong but Janet Sweeney from phoenix tears believes there was an interaction that slowed someones recovery from prostate cancer whilst they taking curcumin and although it’s since been retracted there was a scientific paper saying that curcumin and resveratrol blocked the cannabinoid receptors. For this reason I’d avoid resveratrol too. Krill Oil may be a better fish oil to take and naturally includes the astaxanthin Jon advises above. It should be considered that Milk Thistle contains quercetin a flavenol inhibits 2C9 and 3A4 two of the three enzymes that metabolize cannabinoids in the liver. However after initially inhibiting 3A4 new supplies of 3A4 are provided and it ends up acting more like an inducer of this enzyme. Whether the positives of using one of the rare inhibitors of the main metabolizing enzyme is worth inducing a lesser enzyme isn’t something I can judge but might be worth bearing in mind. Milk Thistle is very good for the liver though so balancing the pro’s and con’s for liver cancer is particularly tricky. Grapefruit and ginko gilboa are also inhibitors of the enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids. (As are piperine and valerian but these may be a little tough on the liver) Grapefruit’s inhibitory effects are utilised in this example with another drug http://www.thaimedicalnews.com/health-care-medical/woman-fights-cancer-with-grapefruit-juice/
Inhibitors should in theory mean the liver is slower to metabolize the cannabinoids. There may be a reason to use CoQ10 rather than ubiquinol supposedly a superior more usable form of the same thing but this might be considered and checked and I’d look into perhaps using a subligual D3 rather than a tablet and I’d perhaps investigate the benefits of “budwig-ing” the flax with a probiotic yogurt before adding it to the drink. Check these “fine tuning” suggestions yourself though as it’s clearly a very thorough and well researched protocol whose success speaks for itself.
Just an update on Eds recovery. He continues to do well. We have added Honokiol (magnolia bark) to the regimen and also AHCC (Mushrooms). Ed looks great and his tumor marker continues to be normal. We just wish there would be more research on Hemp oil, there are so many unknowns and we have to find our way on our own. His liver is slowly recovering, but he still gets fatigued at times. Over all he has had a great quality of life and is enjoying every day. We are getting many e-mails people inquiring about the hemp oil. Unfortunately we have not way to get it to people and wish it were more easily available as it is a great medicine.
My dad has 26 tumors on his liver and was given 2 months to live. He has already had colon and pancreatic cancer respectively. For these, he was treated with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. With this most recent diagnosis he refused chemo, and we FINALLY convinced him hemp oil was his only hope. He is taking it regularly, but is frighteningly weak and still eats next to nothing. Hospice did nothing but push morphine on him and told us to wait. We researched morphine, and that was the end of that. Now he still takes his oil but just sleeps most of the day with little to no pain. Is there any hope of beating this and him recovering with all the damage that has already been done?
Since your dad is not eating much, I would look into juicing. You might want to check out the Gerson Therapy. There are a lot of videos about it on YouTube.
A big part of what they do could easily be done at home if he can’t travel there (or afford it). Charlotte Gerson says that most of the patients they work with are the ones who have already been severely damaged by standard medical treatments and are literally on their last legs.
In my opinion it’s probably good he refused that last chemo. Who knows? the most recent cancer could possibly have been caused by the previous chemo and radiation. The doctors don’t tell us these things, they only say “sorry, the cancer’s back.” Sometimes it is, but sometimes it’s an altogether different cancer.
Best wishes to your father, and the family. I know this is a stressful, hard time for everybody.
Hi Melissa, I really don’t think anyone can answer your question. So much depends on the individual. I do know that the oil has palliative properties and that Ed got off the morphine in a couple of weeks. If your dad is still with you you might want to make sure he gets a full dose of 1gram a day. I think a little bit does not do much other than make him comfortable. Sending you my best wishes
I am so grateful to Dr.Kish for providing me with Hemp oil here is the United State of America. I was diagnose with brain cancer 19 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Kish could provide me with Hemp Oil here is the State, i contact him on: dr******@gm***.com for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months. Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr. Kish Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Kish at: dr******@gm***.com,
I’ve read in numerous places that this post is a scam. Avoid “Dr. Kish”!
This is an amazing story and I am so happy to hear of Eds progress and that his tumor has shrunk. I would love to know as much information about the Cannabis oil if you and Ed have any research that you would like to share please email me. As I am doing a huge research project for Cannabis Oil. I work for a Naturopath and we are trying to “go big or go home” thank you so much for your time and hope to hear from you soon.
Tiffany :)
Hi Tiffany, we also have local chapter of the ASA interested in Eds case and we are putting together an article also. Please email me privately so that we can talk, beate
Thank you for your reply could you let me know your email address I dont know it or how to find it lol
Hi, im glad things aren’t impossible to acomplish on our own, I would love to and be very interested in future updates.
Hi Beate. My thoughts are with you and your husband.
I am just wondering to make sure there was no typo.You mentioned in your first message that his tumor was 7cm but later in your comment you said it shrank from 13 to 5 cm.Is it just a typo?
Nazir, the 7 I quoted were inches, which is about 13cm
hi Beate, just want to get an update with your husband’s condition. hope all is well.
I am so thankful to see this needed info. my husband consented to radiation today and I am sad. We’ve been juicing, no sugar, salt, flour, diary, using black cumin seed oil, just got hemp today, colonics, prayer, trigger point, reiki next month, alexander technique, but now he was scared into believing by his surgeon, and radiologist that he is gonna die without treatment. My life is turned upside down because I KNOW THIS IS NOT RIGHT FOR HIM. HIS tumors stayed the same for 6 months without any treatment until he rec’d six cat scans 3 with contrast within 2 weeks. what a killer in itself. I have high anxieties with medical prof. and afraid of his forced decision. desperately seeking legalized cannabis oil in this country.
I’m so sorry, Anna. My husband has liver cancer and we’re doing a number of things found on Chris’s website.
Please keep us updated as to how he’s doing, and also you.
I pray that my husband does not become another medical statistic. He has lost too much weight, his skin has darkened, he needs 21 more radiation treatments and I know that this is not the way. How sinful to see and know of better alternative/wholistic avenues but the medical m b wont allow ….If it were affordable we would move to another state/country to get the life saving medical care he deserves. Our prayers are with you, Keep up the good work !
Anna, I can understand your fear, however you can help by adding all the good nutrition you can. There were several month we both thought Ed would die and we tried to spend as much time together. We had so many sweet moments. We really do not know how long he and myself will be in this body, but just have to trust that there is a meaning and lesson to all of this.
Hi guys, so glad people are talking about this; I have had HEP C sine a young girl, am 57 now and was infected by a namvet when he returned home addicted to junk in the 70s…..OUR GOV. CREATED HEP C TOO, to kill the baby-boomers off early and have found support for my beliefs but this is a story for another time. Anyway, I was told when I was young I would/might have complications when I was older but no one really told be the truth as had I known I never would have DRANK A DROP OF THE LEGAL STUFF, BOOZE…….
LONG STORY SHORT, started getting really sick in 1999 and started smoking pot then for pain.
What I have discovered is exactly what you guys have, as long as I have the cannabis, and at least a gram plus daily, I am without pain or other related liver failure complications. I have been forced to go without my medications here of late and have rally notice the difference and how fast my body goes down hill!!!!!!
Hey guys, I am also doing GOMES, DOCTOR JOEL FUHRMAN, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joel_Fuhrman
Getting the right amount of enzymes daily from our food is a must……LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF ONIONS, GARLIC, MUSHROOMS, C, JUICES and things with high enzymes. It is awful that American doctors are allowed to do what they are doing to people they poison……yes, our gov and these criminals that call themselves doctors, big phar, our congress, senate and especially U.S. DEA are criminals who place their ZIONIST DEVIL WORSHIPING ASSES AND wallets above us and our well being and comfort here on this earth…..I pray they suffer deaths 10 fold worse then what this liver disease they have forced upon us for greed, profit and money….THESE PEOPLE NEED TO BE STOPPED….IN MY STATE, MD, it is a joke, they legalize cannabis for med treatment but, IT IS ONLY A CANNABIS DEFENSE SO, IF THE FREAKING CORRUPTED JUDGE IS FULL OS SHIT, AND THEY ALL ARE, YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL TO DIE OF LIVER CANCER OF DISEASE……..AWFUL, AWFUL, AWFUL PIGS THESE PEOPLE ARE/DICTATORS…..
Hi Beate,
It was wonderful to read your husbands story. Really really informative and encouraging.
My partner had liver cancer stage 2 and did 123 months of chemo ending this past April. He had cirrhosis too. His oncologist has said that the cancer is gone and the cirrhosis has repaired.
I don’t know what the future holds. But I am desperate to do everything I can to make sure the cancer does not return. From everything I have read liver cancer does return and stage 2 statistically has only 28% survival rate at 5 years. We have three small children and I can’t lose him.
Do you think it would help to follow your diet and supplement regime as a proactive measure?
Thank you so much and Godbless you for sharing your story!
Hi Brigid, please don’t believe the statistics and your doctor. Everyone is an individual and has their own journey. Enjoy this time and do your best regarding nourishment and many of the supplements listed here. Yes I do believe that it is very important to do preventative therapy, without getting consumed by it. I am doing most things right along with him, and I am am very healthy with 70 years old. Your children would also benefit from a simple healthy drink in the morning and organic food. Most of all stay positive, don’t let this scare you and treasure as many moments as you can. We really are not in control and can only do our best.
Sorry that should have said 12 months of Chemo (not 123)!!
Hi Brigid, hope you see this post. Ed is still going strong, and feeling normal and healthy. We still are doing most everything with a little less of the cannabis oil. Meanwhile there also is oil available which has hardly any THC, which means you just get the CBD’s and dont get stoned. I know it is not available in some states, but I believe the law is about to change nation wide. Just too much evidence that we need this medicine. I think it also is important to think positive and live life the best we can. Reading all these stories there is so much hope you have your husband with you for a long time, but yes I would do organic, juicing and some form of detoxing. good for you also
Hi Beate, I would like to know if RSO and RSHO would have the same effects on cancer that Ed is having from self made RSO you’re doing growing your own hemp.
The product is sold via eBay, and it compares to RSO saying it has scientific testing.
I would be going to get it from Mexico this Friday so a quick answer will be highly highly appreciated.
Thanks for sharing your story!
Hi Beate
Hope Ed’s still going from strength to strength..
Dad has a 13cm primary cancer tumor on his liver and is considering his options. Not interested in doing the conventional treatments. We can import pure hemp CBD oil from the States (since it has no THC) but I read in a study that they found Liver cancer responds more to THC? (Cant import THC as its illegal here)..
If you or anyone has any knowledge on this, would love to hear..
Thanks & best wishes to all.
Hi Jagz, I believe that there is much on this site you can use for your Dad. Remember we did not only do the hemp oil. The regular non THC oil has the CBD’s but there has not been enough research to know what benefit it has shrinking tumors. One of the other main things was finding a good doctor who uses and is familiar with alternative healing. The best to you and your Dad, beate
Thanks Beate for sharing your story. For everyone inquiring: Here is an article on Hemp oil and where to buy.
HEMP OIL and where to purchase-
Hi all – regarding the properties of CBD and THC cannabinoids, you need both. Dennis Hill, who used cannabis oil to heal his cancer in California, explains why scientifically with the two pdf papers he wrote. He is both a cannabis cancer survivor and biochemist with prior experience as a cancer researcher at the MD Anderson Cancer Institute in Houston Texas. Watch his video and download his two papers at
Just to be clear – my comment is regarding cancer cures. Some say CBD is all that’s needed for epileptic seizures.
Hi Beate
I’m so happy of your husband’s success. My mother has stage 4 metastatic breast cancer that has spread to lungs liver and bones. She was diagnosed about 3 years ago. We too believe in natural she has never taken chemo or radiation, she too treated her cancer with Rick Simpson oil. She has had a lot of success in doing this; however she stopped for a while and the cancer has now returned. She now has a condition called ascites which is fluid build up in the abdomen. This is very uncomfortable and painful for her she is getting drained often because of the recurring fluid. We are back to our cannibus oil with hopes of a speedy recovery. You’ve mentioned that your husband had a swollen belly is this ascites that you are referring to? And if so has that been reversed?
Thanks Evette
Hi Evette, how is your mother doing with ascites now? My mother has the same condition. She has stage 4 breast cancer and ascites. Her cancer has spread to bone and brain and effecting other organs. We have just started on hemp oil. I am very curious to know about your mother’s condition with ascites an overall health. Will be waiting to hear back from you. Thank you.
My name is Margret t from Alabama,i was once a ovarian cancer patient i did chemo and radiation many times but no avail it rather-weaken my immune system and i was unable to move from one place to another. i was living in pain for 3 years until i contacted the Traditional Healer centre via ( li********@li**.com ) for help to get rid the illness and after following his procurement for treatment for 1month,there was a great changes and as i am writing this article I’m not suffering from cancer again. cancer patient out there reach Priest Hallifat for help today
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and was severely ill for 12 years. I began medicating with concentrates (tincture and coconut bud capsules) toward the end of 2010. I had retained so much fluid in those years, and most of that left in the first two months. I was able to come off of both BP pills (one had a diuretic in it which they didn’t give to me for the first 10 1/2 years of this nightmare because they thought I was just eating too much), all pain meds, and the Metformin I had to go on because of the RA meds. I ended up insulin resistant of course. I’m only on Humira and Sulfasalazine. At some point I hope to discontinue the Humira. I also include raw leaf in my smoothies. I don’t like bud because it’s a little strong and takes over the taste of the smoothie too much. I use hemp hearts in everything including the smoothie. I also in June 2011 became gluten-free. That helps reduce inflammation as well. I began about a year or so ago making RSO. I include that daily as well. Cannabis clearly saved my life and put me into clinical remission. This is so wonderful that you relied on what you already know and took care of yourself. There really is no other way until doctors embrace cannabis and understand our symbiotic relationship with this plant. All the success in the world to you!
who ever is reading this testimony today should please celebrate with me and my family because it all started like a joke to some people and others said it was impossible. my name is Michael i live in Chicago i am happily married with two kids and a lovely wife something terrible happen to my family along the line, i lost my Grand Mother to Cancer 7 years ago and now my wife has been diagnose with breast cancer with metastasis. She has just undergo several Chemotherapy and radiation, even took B17 and other medication to her cancer return with more aggressiveness to take her life. I saw a forum where someone testified about the Rick Simpson Cannabis oil which saved his wife life, I immediate did some research to get my wife starter ed on this miraculous treatment.
It has been extremely difficult for me to take care of her and my kids at that particular time. i manage all through five years, no wife to support me to take care of the children and there come a faithful day that i will never forget in my life i met an old friend who i explain all my difficulties to, and he introduce me to Rick Simpson and his Cannabis Oil. advise me that my wife cancer was going to be cured within 3 months with rick Simpson medication, he ask me to contact with his email: ri*************@ou*****.com i was assure that everything will be fine and my wife will come back to a healthy life after the wonderful work of cannabis oil. my wife has successfully been cured of her breast cancer with mets within the last 4 months of treatment with Rick Simpson cannabis oil will bought from him at: ri*************@ou*****.com and today my family is so happy. i advice you if you have any problem email him with this email: and you will have the best health result ever and you can also call him for purchase +447031923617 at ri**************@gm***.com
Ed…. I have no comments other than YOU give hope for some of us who can’t seem to find our head from out bottom when we get the diagnosis for the first time…. Good vibes and lots of love for life… sunsets and butterflies….
This is Anita from USA i am so very happy to tell the whole world about my through life testimony,i was a victim of Neck cancer for close to four years just recently i came in search of some one who could help me with an infective cannabis oil because i head it can cure me of my cancer and just one faithful day my cousin said he saw this man Dr.Raymond Wallace how people where sharing testimony on line,i had to ask for his contact and he gave it to me and that same day i was able to contact him through his email and he told me not to worry that it his own works perfectly than you can imagine i tried it and behold my neck cancer for close to four yes started healing fast and now i am perfectly ok thanks so much Dr.Raymond Wallace for your help your service is very genuine and i will let the whole world know of your good work and to whom it may concern if you are still there searching for everlasting solution to your Cancer problem i advice you contact Dr.Raymond on his email (dr*******************@ho*****.com)
From everything I’ve found on-line and also liver cancer survivors, I believe Paul Fassa’s comment to be very true. THC appears (in my uneducated opinion) to be the component in cannabis that shrinks tumors, although I believe CBD is also necessary. The whole plant has good things to offer.
However, that being said, I also found someone who did not do as well on cannabis oil because he did not change his way of eating from the Standard American Diet (SAD), fast food, lots of sugar and processed/microwavable meals. He believed the oil to be a magic bullet and wasn’t willing to make other changes for his health. This fight takes everything a person can possibly do and afford.
Some cancers are particularly aggressive and fast moving, so I believe it’s very important to also look into the supplements and other things Beate had listed such as coffee enemas, castor oil packs, etc.
Congratulations ED…Amazing story! Keep up the fight! I too have the will to live and I hope that in time, my story will be shared too.
Hey! I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all cancer patient in the world i never believed that their could be any complete cure for lung cancer or any cancer,i saw people’s testimony on blog sites of how Doctor Bryce cannabis oil brought them back to life again. i had to try it too and you cant believe that in just few weeks i started using it all my pains stop gradually and i had to leave without the drugs the doctor gave to me. Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any pain and i have just went for text last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any cancer again. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Doctor called Bryce Knorr. I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you that is thinking that their is no cure for cancer,just contact and get the oil treatment from Dr. Bryce. Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. One thing i have come to realize is that you never know how true it is until you try. There is no harm in trying. Remember, delay in treatment leads to death. Hear is his email(dr**************************@ho*****.com) Contact him and be free from cancer ever after…..
It is so true about Rick Simpson Cannabis Oil’ I want to use this medium to applause the Rick Simpson cannabis oil for curing my Fiance cancer with his Hemp Oil, my fiance has been suffering from colorectal cancer for the pass three years now, but ever since we started using the Rick Simpson Cannabis oil for the treatment of her cancer for the past 3 months according to the instructions on how to use it, my future wife has fully recovered from her colorectal cancer. The Rick Simpson hemp oil is a great success on cure for cancer, with his cannabis oil i give a lot of credits, my fiance has completed her treatment of 4 months of successful treatment, am getting married to my fiance as her colorectal cancer has been totally cured with rick Simpson cannabis Oil which we purchase: ri**********************@gm***.com, It has been 4 months now of the successful cure of my fiance colorectal cancer and since my fiance stop treatment and her health has been perfect and marvelous. as I am writing this testimony to notify you that my fiance has been completely cured of her cancer. any one out there who need help, please feel free to get in touch with Dr. Rick Simpson at: ri**********************@gm***.com.
Does anybody know where can we buy Cannabis oil from ?
Thanks to Dr kish that sold the Hemp oil for us that we used in curing my Husband.
Once again i want to thank Doctor kish his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy
family with my Husband back alive ,strong and healthy. you can contact Dr.kish on
every medicalissue on his E-mail: dr*******@ou*****.com for more help.
Mrs Sandra
this email address is not valid…I tried all contacts available on this forum providing cannabis oil most of the addresses do not exist or are closed…it just makes the whole thing more scarry…
I am so happy today to share my testimony of how Doctor Raymond cannabis oil cures cancer,i was with Pancreatic cancer for 3 years and 4 months i have head a lot about how cannabis or hemp oil really cures cancer but the problem was where to get it and to make sure it is the right one i was then directed by an old friend she is a doctor in south Africa she told me how people whom were diagnosed with various cancer in Her hospital are now been cured with Dr Raymond cannabis oil,i ask how how i could get this miracle oil,she then gave me Doctor Raymond’s email i contact him and explained every thing and we arrange for the the shipment to my address in USA and the oil treatment which only cost me some little money because nothing good comes easy and glory be to God i received it in less than 4 days and i started the treatment as instructed in the label attached to it and also a video disk was giving to me on how to take the treatment also to cut my story from the day i started taken the oil treatment my cancer today is gone i just went for a test last week to confirm it and the doctor said their is no cancer again so happy i met the right person Doctor Raymond Wallace and is Only God that will reward him for what he did for me because i hated Chemotherapy or ionizing radiations used in cancer therapy it often cause damage to the surrounding healthy cells. But, this cannabis oil does not impact the healthy cells.safe to use by anyone even those suffering with diseases such as cardiac problems and diabetes. It is not addictive even after long term usage.So my Advice for you that are still thinking of where to get help kindly contact Doctor Raymond Wallace on his email (dr*******************@ho*****.com) just purchase from him and the oil will get to you any where in the World i already directed few person’s in the last 2 weeks to him in the hospital i was formally taking treatment in the United states they have all received their cannabis oil and have started taking the treatment.Some times i really think God sent this Doctor from heaven to save cancer patients.
hi Beate,
are there any studdies available on cannabis oil for patients who have liver cancer developed from Hep-C and have cirrhosis. are there any harmful effects of hemp oil for these type patients? also if you know how hemp oil is for ascites (fluid build up after liver damage) ? I need this information asap as am using hemp oil for some one with above conditions?
Ed did have Hep-C for prob 20 to 30 years before he developed cancer. Because of his clean life style the virus was kept real low and his liver panel blood test turned out just a bit out of range. Still he did develop cancer. He has been on the hemp oil in various dosages for over 2 years and has had no bad side effects. In fact it kept him from loosing weight and also is destroying the tumor cells and keeping the cancer from spreading. The doctor mentioned that once it is in the lymph nodes he had not seen a reversal. You have to get on a high enough dosage to hold and kill the cancer, also the oil has to contain both THC and CBD’s. Hope that helps
Many thanks Beate, very much appreciate your quick response and its certainly very helpful. Can’t just thank you enough, you are doing an amazing job and saving people lives. My father is just loosing his health fast and am struggling to do every bit I can. The part of world I am from, I do not have access to all these sophisticated graded ingredients…Anyways I made the oil finally with best available ingredients and got it tested in one of the pathology labs where they do these drug testings and our sample came positive and the readings from 2 samples came out to be 92ng/ml and 119ng/ml. not sure how good are these contents couldn’t find any studies….This confirms it does contain THC however i M not sure on CBDs. do you have any suggestions how can i verify that?
I have to go for AFP repeat in next few days however when the last AFP was done (almost 8 days back), that was day 2 for the oil and i noticed a decline in AFP from 1600 to 850, not sure if this was because oil or some other reasons but at the same time PT/INR and bilirubin went up from the previous one month old results, Which made us more worried and now we have some fluid in the belly as well (ascites) indicating more liver damage. The tumor was around 5 cm when CT was done almost 40 days back thats when we found about the cancer. this was when we noticed a sudden jump in AFP from 12 to 550 in 3 months time and then went for a CT etc.
will share the findings from upcoming blood work…I really hope things get stable and under control for us. Its a lot of stress for the entire family.
pls confirm the strength of milk thistle u are using for Ed, i got two potencies 7 gm(recommended thrice daily) and 35 gm (once daily) do u have any suggestions which one i should start from.
would appreciate any suggestions for ascites (fluid in the belly)
Once again thanks very much. Hope Ed stays well and you two may have lots of quality time. You are very encouraging and Ed is very very lucky to have you taking care of him.
Tanzeel, Ed’s swollen stomach responded quite well to castor oil packs, soak a clothes in castor oil and put it on his liver when he is laying down, the put a towel over it and a hot water bottle on the towel. Ed would lay there for half an hour or so. His stomach went down after about 2 weeks, but I think it was also the hemp oil which helped it along. Everyone responds different, but if you are using the hemp oil remember he needs to get up to a gram slowly and than it will still take at least a month before it kicks in.
Thanks Beate…I’ll give it a try and hopeful to see results..
hi Beate, its good to see your regular updates and keeping this forum alive.
Do you have any suggestions to help blood pressure to stay at normal levels, with all these conditions and medications, hemoglobin stays low, though taking iron to help it.
Blood pressure usually stays low and can’t take more sodium as it elevates ascities.
Also now a constant fever between 99-100F.
Tumor Marker AFP, still going up however not at the same rate as earlier.
I have high bloodpressure and keep it at nearly normal with a low dose of cannabis oil mixed with coconut oil. I just take it at night and it seems to not only lower my blood pressure but also help my insomnia
Hello Beate, My name is Gen, my husband of 34 yrs, and together since we were 10 yrs old, is dying of primary liver cancer. We went to Mt Sinai hospital in NYC, because that was supposed to be the #1 liver hospital IN THE WORLD…well, needless to say,they gave him one Y-90 (liquid radiation) directly to his liver, and it worked! one tumor completely dead, the big one half dead, then tumor markers came in, and it had spread to the lung. They can give us Chemo pills to hold the lung cancer at bay…REALLY? So I bring him to Sloan Kettering, another #1 cancer hospital in NY..the same..”we can give you chemo pills” I think they do that because there is nothing else they CAN do. So, we started Cannabis oil and the supplements on your page. Maybe it won’t cure him, they give him a few months, but maybe this can extend his life, and if he does die, he will die with more dignity, and not pumped up on dilaudid and all the other meds they gave him, to keep him comfortable. I will let you know! Thank you, Gen Monteforte
Hi Gen, I am just hoping that he will have the same results as Ed. You can speed up his CO by making suppositories or just put a mixture of coconut oil and cannabis oil in a syringe. Many people are having excellent result with it. Also if you are on facebook I would join these pages “Budwig Cannabis Protocol” and Cannabis Oil Success Stories. There are over 30000 people who all are taking the oil on line, helping each other.
I am Doctor Prince a registered traditional herbal doctor by world health organization i specialize in curing all kinds of disease or illness with the aid or root and herbals contact us today via he**********************************@ou*****.com so we can be of help to you, our herbal drugs cures all kinds of diseases such as AIDS/HIV,CANCER,Fibroid,SSI and many others contact us today and get well again within 3days as soon as you take our herbal drugs.
Thanks as we look forward to hear from you quick.
Doctor Prince
yes, very distressful to see people promoting fake businesses and missleading others where people are dying and desperate for help.
Thank you for sharing your story! And yes, that is exactly what it takes to survive western medicine. the desire to survive and the willingness to go extreme sometimes. It is how I won the battle and I will not endure chemo again. One must research and become proactive in every aspect of your health instead of blindly following every pill and chemical they prescribe. My father in his 70’s is very healthy and yet those damn doctors keep niggling away at him oh you need this or we think you are getting that so take this…
i was suffering from Breast Cancer and the doctor told
me that there was nothing that he could do to save me. Then a
friend told me about the Rick Simpson hemp oil that can cure cancer, i told him
that my breast cancer was in the last stage that i don’t think the hemp
oil would cure it and he persuaded me to try it, i
decided to give it a try. I did some research and i found ri*************************@gm***.com they helped me with the cannabis oil to
cure my breast cancer and the assured me that after 3 weeks the cancer
would be on remission, I bought it and i used it, it worked exactly as they prescribed it.
Thanks to rick Simpson cannabis and hemp oil for taking away sorrow in my life. can you all imagine,
that i have a 6 years old daughter and a 3 years old son, what would i
have done. God will bless Rick Simpson for helping me with
cannabis and hemp oil and for his support and care.
contact: ri*************************@gm***.com
what can i say unto my LORD, all i have to say is THANK YOU LORD.
I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 2 years and 3 weeks ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak and helpless. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil here is the State, i contact him on: ri************@gm***.com for the procurement of this medication, to my surprise the medication was procured and delivered within 48 hours and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months. Am now here to testify that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total transformation in my life with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: ri************@gm***.com
i never knew there were still better and effective cannabis oil due to the fact that the ones i bought from Canada was really hell, but thanks to Master Bugiba who introduced me to this Dr Arinjale whose oil was indeed wonderful like Magic. immediately my Husband started using the oil, it was something else now he can move freely and eat all by himself just within two weeks of usage that’s why i am here giving Kudos to his cannabis oil for help you can reached him on his email address’ sp*************************@gm***.com
Susan Wong
my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from rick Simpson which he said he has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the foundation who supplied my brother in law with this email: ri**************@gm***.com Wagner
I am so grateful to cancer centre London for providing me with Rick Simpson Hemp oil here in Australia. I was diagnose with pancreatic cancer April 2013, and ever since then i have done Chemo and Radiation that have not help me, but only damaged my immune system and render me weak. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw a Post on cancer Centre London could provide cancer patient with Hemp Oil, without delay,i contacted the centre through email lo****************@gm***.com to order for this medication, to my surprise the hemp oil was delivered within a week and i have been on treatment for 7 weeks now. I have experience a total transformation in my life with hemp oil medication.
Valeria Diego
I am here once more again to show my profound gratitude to the Rick Simpson oil which i purchased through Dr Palmer, i have been living a healthy life away from cancer since the usage of the oil for the past 8 months i am free from cancer now.You can get your from Dr Palmer at dr**************************@li**.com
A.F. Timpson
This is probably a scam. Do not buy the cannabis oil over the internet, make it yourself or go to a dispensary with good reputation.
Cannabis oil will kill you because it causes more disorientation and confusion from Hepatic encephalopathy which if you have cirrhosis they believe 80 to 90% of people have some level of this neurological condition. This neurological condition is extremely sensitive to dehydration, those on cannabis may be too disoriented to remember to drink enough water and eat without an IV or a nurse, so it can cause hepatic coma. Think about it really hard before you take this totally dangerous drug, my X husband invented alcohol extraction oil, is a biochemist and believes as well as I do that it is toxic and will kill those with stage 4 cirrhosis, hepatic encephalopathy. Do know ANYTHING that makes you more disoriented, confused or sleep too long can cause hepatic coma and you will die. If no one finds you within 48 hours and puts you in the hospital ICU you will be dead. It is not safe at all. It is a disaster and I am writing this from Washington State and warning liver patients. Please do not do this. Please.
Interesting, Ed has used only the oil and a good clean life style and he is in excellent health. He does not look disoriented or sleepy, but is vital and alive. Have you checked out website at http://cannabis-cancer-info.org?
Luckily the first trials are starting in major hospitals all across the world. Cannabis has so many benign uses and no one has come to harm using it. I think you are either very uneducated or blinded by the media, which by the way is changing now also.
My story has to do with the healing power of Rick Simpson cannabis oil.”My sister Khloe, age 65, was diagnosed with Bone Cancer on the inside of her backbone 2 years ago, which had metastasized from breast cancer she didn’t know she had. I prayed for a total healing with NO operation, no chemo and no radiation. not everyone has had the experience of knowing Rick Simpson as their Healer… but they can! Rick Simpson, father of all natural hemp.
May the grace of God be upon Rick for his good work and courage; and with his Hemp we are healed”.
Early this year i traveled to Europe( Slovak) to visit a good friend of mine when i heard Rick was around so i traveled to him and meet him one on one and purchase the healing oil from him, now am so happy and filled with joy that my sister is no longer a cancer patient and she’s completely healed with his miracle healing oil. The doctor himself confirmed to us on Tuesday last week that my sister Khloe is fully OK. No sign of cancer in her bone or breast again…Wow…Am so so happy that my family and I have been thanking Rick for his good work of saving this world with his cannabis oil. Please people i don’t know how to thank him enough so am dropping his contact here*** ri*********************************@ou*****.com *** +447024078253 ***, am begging if you can spear 5 minutes of your time and please help me to thank him, he is truly a hero of this world and i pray for God’s strength and wisdom upon him.
Rick definitely got the ball rolling with the cannabis oil. However there are many new patients out there who do not use his oil and the process he uses. I myself would only use organic alcohol to make the medicine. Coconut oil and olive oil are also good mixes. Do not use naphtha, its is a poison if not extracted the totally, even than I would not use it.
So sorry I hardly ever look at this post. Please join the discussion and connect with other patients on facebook “Cannabis Oil Success Stories” Have you had the oil tested? Also are you taking at least one gram? 19 drops or rice size pieces makes about 1 gram. You build it up over several weeks. You also have to eat a great diet and de-tox.
This is amazing! We just found out Thursday 7/10/14, my grandmother has cancer cells in her liver and the lining of her stomach. They said she can have a biopsy done to see what type of cancer and what stage it is in. She has went thru breast cancer and thyroid cancer and I feel she can get thru this. Right now she is very weak and in a lot of pain. She also has severe nausea and has no appetite. She just registered with hospice yesterday. I think marijuana would help in so many ways. How do I approach her about this because I think she wouldn’t approve.
My Mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Dr.Kish cannabis oil that we bought at dr*******@ou*****.com, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother in-law breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear.
My name is Camille bruno Valdez my partner and I have been trying for a baby for over two years now, We were going to a fertility clinic for about 5 months before somebody told us to contact this spell caster who is so powerful, We contacted him at this email; ar*******************@ya***.com, for him to help us, then we told him our problem, he told us that we will either conceive in February 2014 or March 2014,but after two years of trying we were at a point where we were willing to try anything. And I’m glad we came to Dr Dahiru, Because his pregnancy spell cast put us at ease, and I honestly believe him, and his gods really helped us as well, I am thankful for all he has done. contact him via email: ar*******************@ya***.com if you are trying to get a baby or want your lover back. he has powers to do it, he has done mine, he also have a natural healing for impotence you can as well add him on facebook (Drdahiru Arewa) To enable you have a taste of his nice work too.
I am so grateful to DR LAWCY for providing me with cannabis oil here in the United State of America. I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 6 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the cannabis oil a lot and saw the Post that DR LAWCY could provide me with cannabis Oil i contact him on: dr**************@gm***.com for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with DR LAWCY cannabis oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your cannabis oil from DR LAWCY at: dr**************@gm***.com………..
My wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little he could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but a friend of mine came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from RICK which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. by chance if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact RICK who supplied I and my wife with this email: ri***********************@gm***.com
my wife has been suffering from thyroid cancer which was confirmed to be stage four, the doctor told me there was little she could do since she wasn’t responding to treatment but my brother in law came to our rescue by ordering this hemp oil from rick Simpson foundation which he said has been helping some patient fight against cancer of various types so we decided to give it a chance, so far my wife is improving perfectly very well and presently she can walk around the house all by herself. I felt its necessary i let others who are suffering from this acute disease that once you have a good hemp oil it can really give one a sound second chance of living. if you happen to be in need of this hemp oil you can contact the foundation who supplied my brother in law with this email: ri***********************@gm***.com
Cancer cannabis oil on sale at excellent rate. Medicinal value,contact me for all type of cancer cure. Contact Email: ba*********@ya***.ca
Delivery as Per Customer Requirements…..
My Wife was diagnosed with Breast cancer with metastases with bone/liver/ovary involvement, after so many Chemo and Radiation. I came across Patrick Moore through several testimonies of his Cannabis oil and I was able to contact him at: ri************@qq.com, but the cannabis oil from Patrick Moore and I have been using Cannabis Oil to treat my wife cancerous diseases for the past 5 months. It’s been about 4 months since She stopped using it. All of the positive effects are still there. My wife is now healthy with no cancer in her body system anymore. Essentially her body feels like a 20 years old girl,while in reality she is 41 years old. Within 5 months of being on the oil She started to loose pounds, her metabolism is super fast. She can eat burgers at fast food joints and still loose weight. She sleep through the night, her digestive system works better than it ever has. she have NO back pain whatsoever. Even after being off the meds this long. This stuff is simply amazing. For help email: ri************@qq.com,she is no longer a victim of cancer and I would love every other cancer patient at there to contact Patrick Moore for help via: ri************@qq.com she do not have cancer anymore, but she still use her follow up medication for other cleansing of the body system. she started to use the oil to find its other benefits. Patrick Moore told us about how he believes the oil can reverse aging. I’m hoping it will slow it down or stop it completely. Not sure what to expect after prolonged use. I will update you guys to my findings of Patrick Moore HEMP OIL. Am using this medium to let you know that Patrick Moore HEMP OIL Oil will guarantee the total eradication of all types of cancers and other diseases as well. for help email: ri************@qq.com
you are certainly bringing some life and more hope into my life……thank you for sharing yours…I am where you were…..working on it…..got lots of things happening around here holy!! mostly thank you !!!!
Everyone, I would not buy cannabis oil over the internet. Just about all of them are scams, like the one below from Fred. Rick Simpson has no organization selling the oil. I would try to connect to the closed groups, who’s members are battling cancer themselves, but keep a good eye on scams. You can get recommendation there where it is safe to buy. If you are in a med. cannabis state, I would go to a dispensary to make sure the oil is tested. Or I would buy the cannabis flowers and make it myself.
Facebook group I found helpful and vigilant:
Cannabis Oil Success Stories
Cannabis Cures Cancer
Cannabis Budwig Protocol
Caregivers of loved ones using alternative Therapies
Hi Beate My husband has been diagnosed with liver cancer. He is in a lot of pain. We are searching for any thing. He doesn’t have an appetite. We have three small children. Can you please help us. Suppose to start chemo on Friday.
My husband is in the last stages of liver cancer, swollen stomach, legs, feet, yellow eyes and skin. I gave him cannabis oil and he sleeps so much I’m afraid he will not wake up. I wish he had finished his full 90 days months ago but he started a different type a cure that his family recommended. I was very upset by this but he made up his mind and now he is worse. I sit and watch him suffer and think, why why didn’t I put my foot down about staying on it for the full 90 days.
Laurie, just wondering how far along your husband is with his cancer? I’m also grasping at straws trying to find something, anything that will save my husband. I do not recommend Chemo, but sometimes it has its place. We have gone that route 5 years ago and hate the lies. It came back 3 years later in the Liver. My husband turned his back on the system and we have been going the natural route. Plant base diet,supplements etc. and started the Rick simpson oil but he did not finish because he started Haelan 951 which did not work and he got worse. He needed to finish the Rick simpson oil for the full 90 days, he did not like being high all the time but to save your life its worth it. Now my precious husband is near the end and it’s killing me watching him suffer. Not sure about giving him the oil now because he may sleep and sleep and not wake up with out any quality of life near the end. If you have come up with suggestions I am open to any at this point. Also, my husband has traveled and enjoyed life so much these last 7 months because he did not do the chemo, compared to a friend of the family who lived out her last 7 months bedridden from the chemo she took and past away last month with no quality of life.
I would love to talk to you more about those regimen mi have breast ,,bone & liver cancer. I am a 44 year old happily married woman with a life that is being taken away breath by breath I have a 13 ( almost 14 on Sunday August 24th ) her only wish is that we can cure this cancer.
Of course my prognosis is poor & I need to make every effort to save my own life .
Every Oncologist said the same thing bin have Incurable cancer that I will fight every day of my life. However long that might be.
I refuse to sit here & die. I’m to young to fight with everything I have left.
. My email is kr******@sb*******.net
I have questions in regards to the oil you ma oil Vs CBD oil. I am researching as much as I can but I’m growing weaker by the day. I felt very weak & extremely fatigued 10 months ago. After 20 doctors visits or more I insisted on a CT scan. Then the shock began. ( The oil you make Vs the CBD oil) what is the difference. Do you sell it .? I reside in Oklahoma. Is this legal .?
Time is of the essence. Any help you can offer me is greatly appreciated !!!
I do not know the answer to any cancer regimen, or absolute cure but after reading book after book and trying to figure out what is best for my Husband. I wish that we started right after he was diagnosed with the Colon Cancer. It would have been different, For starters No surgery, No Chemo, we would have started immediately on the Cannibis oil (aka Rick Simpson oil) for a full 90 days. At the same time using black salve by a reputable company. Changed diet completely to a plant based diet and would have eaten a steady diet everyday of organic cottage cheese and flax oil, while drinking Essiac tea. If I could go back, I would have given this the biggest go. Now my dear husband is in his final stages of Liver and lung cancer he is yellow, his eyes are yellow he has a swollen stomach,feet and legs, 4 years after the shitty chemo lie. So nice of the Oncologist to just walk in the room like nothing and say well buddy your cancers back, you got about 3-9 months. No wonder one of the drugs they give is FU.
I am unable to post this in the Success Stories for whatever reason, so I posted here. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on October 18, 2013. I was advised by my doctor that my only options were to get a prostatectomy or have radiation seeds implanted in my prostate or receive regular external beam radiation. I declined. I knew there had to be other options.
I scoured the Internet and discovered a wealth of information about cannabis oil curing cancer. I was able to obtain some medical marijuana oil through Dr Palmer (Rick Simpson Oil) from it and consumed the recommended dosage by mid January. On January 26th I had a cancer reassessment which consisted of an MRI with a state of the art Tesla 3 MRI machine. Results – NO SIGN OF CANCER! CANCER FREE!One of the things that helped me while going through all this was reading the testimonials and the success stories of those who have used the oil and were cured And with good food diet. Now that this wonderful oil has cured me, I feel I need to let others know as well. Please feel free to contact me, ask anything
should you like more information or directly contact Dr Palmer at: dr**************************@li**.com were i purchased from. Thank you, Arthur Mike ~
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