Stacy Jett: Late Stage Melanoma Survivor Since 2003

Hi Chris, I Love your info/blog- regarding cancer and  still need/want to browse through more of it- but so far, everything you have done, I did as well.

On April 1, 2003 I was diagnosed w/ a late stage 3b, malignant melanoma that had ulcerated and after a sentinal node biopsy they discovered that the cancer was in my lymph nodes.

The doctor, Dr. Chen, after telling me i had 2 years to live- asked if i wanted to join a study for Interleukin-2. I honestly felt like he had just written me off- and now was just trying to make his commission on sending another patient to do a study.

Two months after the initial diagnoses, the oncologists and surgical oncologist and radiologist told me I needed to have a “lymphnode dissection” to see if the cancer was in more of my lymphnodes. The cancer was on my inner thigh, right above my right knee- so they took 16 lymphnodes from the inquinal node area- only to find  the margins were “clear”.

Had I known then what I know now, I probably would have first opted to take the AMAS test (Anti Malignin Antigen Screening), just to get a less invasive reading- but nobody told me about this.

In the mean time, I was researching and studying anything I could do naturally, as I didn’t want to do the chemo route which my doctors suggested.  Three months after I had the node dissection which was “clear”  (also which left me w/out feeling in my right leg)  a “significant metastasis to the lower illium” was discovered.  My radiologist who was sitting with me as we reveiwed the scans insisted that I have a third surgery.  Earlier, I had already declined surgery to cut open my lungs to get out “mets” which I knew weren’t mets, but just scar tissue from bouts of bronchitis I had from being a competitive runner. The surgical oncologist told me “You have mets in your lungs” and insisted in cutting them out- He then told me that if i didn’t do the surgery, he’d dumped me as a patient- so I got dumped.

I am so glad I followed my intuition, listened to my body, and didn’t go through with that surgery.

But with the newly discovered “significant metastasis”, and the radiologist literally screaming at me to schedule surgery ASAP, as he followed me out the door, I found it much more peaceful and calming to never return.

I never went back to see a doctor- only 1 time to get a scan 3 months later to see where my progress had taken me (I turned completely to natural therapies- on my own and was very committed). When the scans showed 100% clear, followed by an AMAS test which backed that up- i have never returned- this will be 9 years ago April 2012. My oncologist (the 2nd one- Dr. Galani), didn’t even know sugar was bad for you- as he served suckers in his waiting room to his cancer patients!

I had already began growing all my own vegetables (organic non-gmo), juicing, sprouting and having a whole different veiw point on life and what was truly important.  I loved my new perspective, my new found knowledge and my new confidence in my body and how it could heal. I grew herbs and made tinctures and teas out of them.

I learned to follow my intuition, I learned that fear had no place (except to motivate) in cancer recovery. Too many patients put their life into the hands who have no true interest in your survival. Why do we do this? “Bad” patients i think have higher survivor rates because they are willing to actually think outside the box and don’t fold under “an authority figure”.

Raymond Francis, author of the books Never Be Sick Again and Never Fear Cancer Again, interveiwed me and stated that I “had covered almost every aspect of healing I could have”.  Yep, I did a little bit of everything.  But one of my biggest and boldest moves perhaps was that I drank DMSO with powdered Vitamin C (found in the book Politics in Healing by Daniel Haley).  A sciatica that I had had since giving birth to my children went away and any pain I was feeling was gone. A very natural pleasant feeling of euphoria came over me and I felt the most healthy I had in my entire life.

Three months after being told I had the “significant metastasis” I only returned to get another scan to see how i was progressing.  I insisted on the PET scan as I felt it was safer than the CT and x-rays.   The same radiologist who had insisted I schedule  surgery called me two weeks later to tell me “there is no sign of any cancer.”

I was very relieved and excited and I found it strange how the doctor wasn’t even curious as to what I did to get rid of it.

My experience with the medical community was partly what turned me against conventional medicine. Although, I do feel emergency services are incredible – but as far as a chronic condition or helping somebody heal from a disease, conventional medicine is not to be relied on, as they miss the entire point of what it takes for the body to heal and cure itself.  And they should focus on the reason WHY behind our diseases instead of  just focusing on the symptoms.

Cancer is merely a symptom that is telling us something is going wrong in our body.  We are not getting enough of the nutrients we need, and there’s to much toxicity. Both nutrition and our thoughts direct us towards health or illness.

I made a video I made to share my experience and to help others discover the many things we can use to give our body the nutrients it needs to be healthy. Watch it here:

I’m so glad you have put the energy and passion into your blog- one day i’d love to do the same.

-Stacy Kneeshaw Jett

Recommended Reading:

Never Be Sick Again: Health Is a Choice, Learn How to Choose It

Never Fear Cancer Again: How to Prevent and Reverse Cancer

Politics in Healing: The Suppression and Manipulation of American Medicine

Beat Cancer Kitchen: My New Recipe Book, Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anti-Cancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally, published by Hay House, is a National Bestseller as ranked by USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly! Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 60 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and everyone I know who has healed cancer with nutrition and natural, non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


Chris Beat Cancer is reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from the affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!

This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. shanna

    Thank you for continuing to share these kind of stories. It inspires me to continue on my own healing path, seeing others who have gone before me and succeeded.

  2. Lynda Hungerford

    So many people don’t understand all of this but it’s amazing. I understand that feeling of good health and euphoria that going the right way for your body, I felt that way after my diagnosis I read a book on diet by the 7th Day Adventists and began my journey into diet. Thanks so much for this healing path, I would like to know more so I will learn more I am being guided. Thanks to this writer and Chris I am truly appreciative.

    1. Stacy Jett

      Lynda, thank you. You may also find the book (if you haven’t already) called “The Makers Diet” by Jordan Ruben of interest.

  3. Angie

    Good for you Stacy! It really works. I did a lot of carrot/spinach/celery/beet juicing, along with the organic raw food diet. My doctor thought I was crazy until she saw the results. She has been supportive of me for 13 years…

    1. Stacy Jett

      Angie, that’s fantastic- hopefully by your actions, your doctor will see how important nutrition is and one day, they will be able to share this information with their patients- w/out getting in trouble from the FDA

  4. Stacy Jett

    Thank you Chris for posting my message and video- I didn’t expect it.
    Sometimes it’s very scary to go outside of our conventional way of thinking- but with the way cancer has been gaining on people,
    something different needs to be done.
    People just need to understand the body does respond beautifully when we give it what it needs.
    The book “The Makers Diet” is also good- along with soooo many.
    People can succeed – and do, it’s just nice to know they are becoming more and more in numbers.

    1. chrisbeatcancer

      You’re welcome Stacy. Thank you for sharing your story!!!

  5. Jacky

    Proud of you, that is lots of work and effort, so many just want to have it “easy” not realizing they are killing themselves. Keep up the good work, don’t let down. God bless you.

  6. Lisa

    Hi Stacy, I
    enjoyed your video. You mentioned you took IP-6. Where did you find this at? thank you

    1. Stacy Jett

      Lisa, I”m sorry, it was long ago- but i read a bout about IP6 and it was one of the first things I took. Look on the internet and just get it from a source you trust. There was a researcher here in San Diego (La Jolla, Scripps- who wrote the book)

  7. Kathy

    Hi Stacy,

    You’re story fascinates me; overcoming metastatic melanoma in only 3 months! I’m anxious to know more details. Could I contact you personally and find out more? I have cancer and so does my father-in-law and a quick recovery is very appealing to me.

    Thank you.

    1. Stacy Jett

      Kathy, I’m so sorry I haven’t seen this until now- Of course you can contact me. My email is:

  8. Jessica

    Hi Stacy,

    What a great story you have to tell. I lost my mother 25 years ago (I was 4) to melanoma. She knew there was a mole changing on her back but thought it was nothing. She didn’t see a doctor until it started bleeding and by that point it had spread to her lungs and throughout her body. She was told there was nothing that could be done. Now, I am 28 and have already survived cervical cancer (very early, non-invasive) but honestly, my biggest fear is melanoma. I know that being fair skinned, freckled and the fact that my mother died from it puts me at a higher risk. I have started to change my lifestyle and diet since the cervical cancer and only wish someone would have told my mother about alternative treatments. Instead, she was gone 9 months later. I am interested in the details of what you did to help your body heal itself as I use alternative treatments as preventative measures. Thank you so much for your time and the hope you are giving other for taking their health into their own hands.


    1. Stacy Jett

      Hi Jessica, Im sorry to hear about your mother, I believe that for me, the vast amount of information on the internet truly made my healing possible, so 25 years ago, your mother didn’t have at her fingertips the information we can access today. Also, please make sure your level of frustration is dealt with in your life. It’s also great that you are taking preventative measures. Nutrition is the biggest thing you can focus on to give your body the tools it needs to stay healthy..

  9. sonali

    Hi stacy,

    Congrats for your achievement. Proud of you. Last month, my mother-in-law was diagnosed with node melanoma. You mentioned you took IP-6. Where did you find this at and I want to know all the steps, herbs, veggies, everything u took to achieve this. Her sodium level is down. Docs told she will live for another 6 months. Could u please send me the details. Thank you.

    1. tieuvodanh

      Her video above described her stuffs in details and also look for this video on Youtube where she answered the comments.

    2. Stacy Jett

      Hi Sonali, The IP-6 was just one of my many tools- but nutrition, medicinal mushrooms, enzymes, Vit C (w/ bioflavanoids 6-10 grams a day) and juicing and focusing on raw foods was my biggest help. I consumed my “superfoods” ie. Spirulena, Chlorella, chia seeds, raw cocoa nibs, Laetril (apricot kernels). Juicing celery can naturally raise sodium levels- read about the sodium/Potassium balance. As well as using specific things to kill the cancer and build my immune system, I drank, lots of water w/ lemon juice (raises the pH level) and took things like: Graviola, XPC (from Diamond V- inactive, fermented yeast), ESSIAC tea, and many more things were all parts of my daily routine. One thing I feel people miss in doing- is truly making their healing their number 1 priority. If you are dealing w/ cancer, but yet you are still holding down a 9-5 job or travelling, it makes it very difficult to keep your routine consistent and intense. My salads and juicing alone took time. I couldn’t imagine having a regular job while dealing w/ my cancer. I also find it VERY irresponsible for any doctor to tell any patient how long they have to live- this only sets up the patient a mindset that they will be gone in a specific amount of time. And remember- that doctor was giving that time slot based on the patient USING CONVENTIONAL METHODS, not the patient using holistic, whole foods, whole body approach to healing- so your mom can just disregard that doctors prognosis.

      1. Stacy Jett

        Sonali, I forgot to add too, that GreenTea Extract w/ my Vit. C was also a crucial part of my therapy

  10. chia

    Hi Stacy,

    I completely agree with you on thought of conventional medicine and doctors today. My family is going through the same situation and I’m putting less hope on how doctors “help” with some cancer patients. They don’t really tell you what you can do to help with your body but maybe that’s against their “believes” and “practice”, and I’m not sure if those are to save your life or to kill both you and cancer. It was hard making the decision on alternative treatment because there’s just too much information on what you should eat and what you shouldn’t and sometimes confusing. But one that spends time and effort to find out will succeed. You are definitely one of them and I admire your courage and will. My dad is doing alternative treatment and got rid of cancer but we are still waiting to get a second opinion so we can truly celebrate :)

    1. Stacy Jett

      HI Chia, I think one of the things that allowed me to feel confident about turning away from the conventional medicine and all the testing the doctors suggested was that I asked myself: “If I am doing all that I know will give my body the nutrients and tools to heal what more can I do?” I always took note of how I was feeling and my energy level- these were my tools to guide me. There was absolutely no reason to continue my doctors appointments, which instilled fear in me, when i knew I was doing the absolute best that I could.

  11. Dale

    Stacy, would you be willing to share the amounts of DMSO and vitamin C you took? And the number of times a day you took it?

    1. Stacy Jett

      hi Dale, Yes, I began with the amounts that I read in the book by Daniel Haley “Politics of Healing” which was “7 drops of DMSO mixed w/ Distilled water” and a few teaspoons of vit. C powder. I was nervous about taking it at first. But then, because I found that feeling of euphoria ( a natural, not drugged feeling)I increased my levels to about 1/2 a capful, then began using a whole capful- but the DMSO was merely the Delivery device for the Vit. C- which was the therapeutic agent. I cannot remember the exact amount of powdered vit. C the book calls for now- but I know I was using about 3 grams or a few teaspoons of vit. C. 2 times a day. (so the total vit. C i was using was probably 6-10 grams) Everybody has a different “Tolerance level” of Vit. C- so you need to find what your personal “Bowel Tolerance Level” is. If you begin to get diarrhea you have reached your bowel tolerance level- back down a little on your vit. C amount and you have found your personal level needed for vit. C.

  12. Healingthyme

    Hi Dale ~ Stacy provides the amount of DMSO and Vit C she took, and how often, go to the 6:20 mark in the video posted above.

  13. Faith

    I love Stacy’s story and I love the video that she did! Sharing this information is so empowering and helps remove the fear. Thank you Chris! Thank you Stacy! Keep up the great work and sharing your tips on becoming stronger and healthier.

  14. Sherri

    Thank you for sharing your story!! I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer last Sep. I’m a 34 yr old mother and wife. And although I chose conventional medicine and I’m going through chemo. As I felt I had NO choice, I’m SO scared about what I’m doing to my body with this toxic medication. I’m desperate to learn everything I can do to stay CANCER FREE!!!!!! And in all honesty, I trust nothing the doctors tell me. I’m not a very big believer in conventional medicine. Thank you for all the valuable information! Best wishes to you!!

    1. Stacy Jett

      Sherri, I wish the best for you. One of the many things I read, I read that Green Tea Extract combined w/ Vit C (both of which I used religiously) was a great thing for oxidative stress and the side effects that radiation and chemo create. I would use this in the arsenal of healing. Regarding Breast cancer- please look into your significant relationships- as breast cancer has a huge emotional link regarding our significant relationships. Let the healing begin!!

  15. Colleen

    Thanks for sharing. Your story is encouraging and helpful.
    Would you consider telling us what your diet was like before the cancer diagnosis?
    Did you ever use activated charcoal for detox?

    Thank You!

    1. Stacy Jett

      Hi Colleen, I loved my cookies and bread!! But I was a competitive runner in College, and always a competitive athlete. Two weeks before I was diagnosed w/ my cancer I had just won the North American Grappling/jui-jitsu Championships. So my nutrition was okay (I didn’t know about rancid versus healing fats and I wasn’t juicing or growing my own vegetables or focusing on raw foods or living foods w/ enzymes) BUT I was training 3 times a day, very very rigorously. So i was really depleting my body of many needed nutrients and NOT giving back to my body. Knowing what i know now, If i had been on a vitamin/juicing/wholefoods regimen- even if my body did get the cancer, I more than likely would have had a healthier immune system which would have dealt with the cancer w/out me even knowing about it. I have used Diatomacious earth, here is more info about that:

  16. Michael Shoemaker

    hi stacey
    back in feb 2012 i was diagnosed with cancer
    after surgery i did the chemo, and 4 surgeries altogether, all they offered was radiation that i refused, i am at stage 3C metastatic melanoma, i am doing a little of everything i read. and will know my progress when i get a petscan later this month,
    but finding people with melanoma posting online is a rare find, and good to see that some of us are out there still, my journey has just began, nice to meet you, good luck with your journey also

  17. Sara

    Hi Staecy!

    Thank you for your beautiful video and forsharing your storey! I found out in january this year that I have metastatic melanoma and I am doing everything I can to cure myself, naturaly. I think I am progressing for I have a lot of energy and feel very strong in my bodey and I feel much more ” light hearted” then ever before. For me this i a new way of living and I will never go back to where I was 6 month ago.


  18. Jadzia

    Hi Stacy

    I’m happy for you that you’re doing well.
    My sister was diagnosed of melanoma 10 years ago. After doing a lot of research, I put her on supplements that were very similar to what you have used, including the IP6, DMSO, enzymes, megadose of vitamin C, and many other antioxidants and anticarcinogenic herbs, such as pau d’aro and green tea extract. She was taking close to 30 pills 3 times a day. But she didn’t make it. Now looking at your regimen, I think the missing links are the diet and juicing. We made no changes in her diet and we haven’t done any juicing. So I would like readers to learn from my failure that nutrition is a crucial part in healing.

  19. sarah

    Great to hear the positive effects of diet and juicing! I am 3 yr survivor with stage 3b melanoma (groin lymph nodes removed). I juice almost daily, predominantly carrots, eat well and exercise (running, cycling, weights and high intensity training). I also take OPC3. If anything I also have learnt that you yourself are your best advocate. Make sure you know exactly what your options are and make sure that you understand everything. Diet is the key! I wish you all the best Stacy! Sarah

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