Today I have the great pleasure of sharing an interview I did with my dear friend and fellow cancer survivor Suzy Griswold, founder of HealingStrong.
Suzy was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009. Three months after surgery and radiotherapy, the cancer spread to her lymph nodes. When chemotherapy was recommended, Suzy began investigating alternative, natural and non-toxic cancer treatments and discovered the Gerson Therapy and the power of radical life change and faith. Eighteen months later she was cancer free!
In September 2013, with a team of big-hearted volunteers, Suzy organized a faith-based holistic cancer conference called HealingStrong, and asked me to speak and emcee it, which was an incredible honor. The conference was a really special gathering of like-minded survivors and thrivers that birthed a big idea.
Three months later, Suzy started a HealingStrong a free monthly support group in the Atlanta area with a focus on education, encouragement and sharing empowering resources to help patients take control of their life and health.
The HealingStrong support group model is about rebuilding the body, restoring the soul, and renewing the spirit. In the last seven years, HealingStrong groups have been founded in hundreds of cities and is now the largest network of holistic cancer support groups in the world. And it’s still free.
I’m a huge fan and supporter of HealingStrong and Suzy Griswold is one of my favorite people in the world. She is a truly an amazing person with some wonderful wisdom to share. Enjoy!
Watch our interview below, or listen to it on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes or Spotify.
Show Notes
0:00 Introduction
0:50 Suzy’s thyroid cancer diagnosis
3:15 Creating her own cancer-healing protocol
5:40 Getting worse before getting better
7:50 What radical transformation looks like
12:00 Use encouragement to conquer excuses
16:35 How to make your healing process work for you
18:40 Believe you can get well
22:10 Gratitude is a Superpower
25:25 The power of simplicity and insights from Beat Cancer Daily
28:20 How HealingStrong was born
33:50 How HealingStrong grew STRONGER in 2020
37:20 What happens in HealingStrong group meetings?
41:00 Not your average cancer support group
46:00 How to join or start a HealingStrong group
48:40 Why Chris loves to support HealingStrong
50:20 Stories of a “Get To” Attitude
57:40 Suzy’s words of wisdom for anyone with a cancer diagnosis
Selected links from the interview
HealingStrong Website
Around the Word in 80 Days
The Gerson Therapy book
A Cancer Battle Plan Book
Beat Cancer Daily book
Holistic Survivors I interviewed at the HealingStrong 2013 conference
Cortney Cambell – Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Ann Cooper – Pancreatic cancer
David Lingle – CLL

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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