In this 11-minute video recorded in 2013, I share some of the most important things I’ve learned about cancer, health and healing– things I wish someone had told me when I was first diagnosed in December 2003. If I re-recorded it today, I would say the exact same thing.
English closed captions are available on this video: just click play and then the “cc” icon.
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You’ve watched this video, now what?
If you or someone you know has cancer, download my free guide 20 Questions for Your Oncologist. It will equip you with the most critical questions to ask, before starting any treatment.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. This program contains the specific step-by-step nutritional strategies and natural protocols that I used to help myself heal, plus new discoveries. These are the same strategies that nearly every other holistic survivor I know also incorporated.
SQUARE ONE will give you a roadmap to transform your life and start your healing adventure. The program also includes access to our incredible private online support community.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here.
Beyond that, has hundreds of free articles about healing and preventing cancer with nutrition and natural therapies. This is a massive resource that I created for you!
If you want to know the details of my diagnosis, check out my FAQ page.
Learn from my 70+ interviews with people who’ve healed all types and stages of cancer here.
Use the search bar! Search for things like: specific cancer types, vitamin D, vitamin C, aloe, chemo, radiation, turmeric, etc.
If you are trying to help someone you care about…
Please don’t ask me to contact them out of the blue. Send them to this page. If the video above resonates with them, then my site will be a huge help. It is critical for the patient to take control of their health and become a seeker of information. They have to be in the driver’s seat of their healing journey. I talk about this in more detail in my video How You Can Help Someone Else.
I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 241 Comments
You’re awesome!! I wish my Dad would have seen this… Thanks for sharing!
It says error has occurred try again later. Video would not work at all.
I also have a story of success that I would like to share.
Lesley you can share your story at
Thank you – cancer free through diet etc.!!!!
See you at Healing Strong
Can you heal yourself with just the points you mentioned in this video? Or do you need to also take supplements? I have been eating healthy, but don’t have the money for the supplements you have mentioned from the start.
Hi Renee, contact me and I might have a way to help.
Mr. Savage I would also like to know of a way you might have to help. I can tell you more of my story if you need to know.
Thank You,
Beth Harris
From the arctic to the tropics there are people who never get cancer. The Innuit (Eskimo’s) until ‘civilisation’ reached them, never had cancer, heart disease, diabetes, athritis, etc, and how much fruit and vegetables did they eat? I have read many books on nutrition and health, but the one that surpasses them all by far is a book called ‘Trick and Treat’ by a Barry Groves. A finer book I could not recommend. His research is staggering. Over 50 years of looking into the diet of man from all parts of the world.
Exactly, Michael Cook! i hear you, but no one else is going to listen to you, unfortunately. People are too brain-washed by the veggie/raw food craze.
Is Barry Grove’s book advice anything like Weston Price, who also traveled all over the world looking for people with longevity, good health, etc. His findings are: wild meat, raw high fat dairy, root veggies.
No carbs, gluten, sugar. Sounds like the paleo diet I am on for last 3 and a half years. Not always possible to get wild meat (elk, venison, organs) but I shop for pasture fed meat and dairy such as butter.
No inflammation, aches or pains, lots of energy, slim body (waistline evident and i’m in my early 60’s!) if i had cancer i would confidently continue on with the paleo diet, as carbs (veggie diets) feed the cancer and healthy fat does not (ketosis.) I will check into Grove’s info too. Thx for posting that.
Mara and Michael – I love Weston Price, practice self-dentistry and make my bone broth in the winter. However, the work of Dr. Campbell in his groundbreaking book The China Study, categorically shows that animal protein feeds tumor growth and plant protein reverses it. If you are battling cancer, studies seem to show that the best way to give your body the boost it needs to heal is on a plants only diet.
Weston Price isolated a few vitamins that cannot be found in plant foods. One of them was vitamins K2 which we now know if found in natto. The other D vitamin that primarily comes from animals can be obtained from early morning sunshine, and it should, because early sunshine has numerous other health benefits.
All animal protein creates some level of toxic by-product in the body. When dealing with cancer, HIV, or any other disease or illness, the idea is that if you give your body a chance to not have to deal with added toxicity, it is able to heal itself.
Lucy, the China Study has come under a lot of fire for faulty research methods. (Look around yourself for the criticism.)
How can the diet we evolved with for millions of years be wrong for us? Animal food, leaves, roots, fruit, that’s what the archeological evidence shows we evolved to eat.
Beans and grains, we have only been eating those for 10,000 years, and we are not well adapted to them. they didn’t even exist before that; we created them from tiny seeds by plant breeding. In up to 70% of people they cause leaky gut syndrome and villous atrophy of the small intestine.
Archaeological evidence also shows that pre-agricultural people lived longer, and did not have arthritis and other degenerative diseases that came with eating grains and beans.
Uh.. they also lived before the chemical revolution.
Nowadays people are eating far too much meat and researches are showing now a strong connection between colon cancer and over consumption of meat. You forgot to mention our ancestors used to eat plants a lot and had meat not that often as they had to HUNT to eat it. Today you just take your car and go to the supermarket and buy it… and beans and grains didn’t exist before 10,000 years, so we just created them? where did you get that information from?? I think anyway we need to keep it simple instead of debating with carbs, or plants over meat, the more we stay away from PROCESSED food the healthier we will be, bringing a good variation of all nutrients that you body needs. Cheers. Ps: there are scientific evidences showing that rich people in the middle age were dying with degenerative diseases younger than poor people who could not afford to buy meat and therefore were eating more of a plant base diet…
Yes and grains are genetically modified
This video should be watched not just by cancer patients but the entire human race. Thanks Chris!
This is good information even for people that do not have cancer. And what a positive, hopeful message for those that are dealing with cancer. Thank you, Chris!
Thanks for sharing your experiences to those out there who are desperately needs help. It really help them to have an alternative besides using the conventional ways of treatment. I’m very impressed and blessed by your sharing. I ve been sharing to my friends about your blog especially to who are diagnose with colon cancer.God Bless you , Chris.
This video means a lot to me. I had breast cancer in 2007. I went through an operation to have the tumor removed, chemo, radiation, the whole kit and I got depressed, my immune system got very weak, I ended up being worse than ever before. I am now in remission or cancer free and it was an enormous struggle getting to where I am now. Had I known then what I know now about nutrition, juicing,etc.. it would have been an easier journey back to better health. I am not where I truly want to be but I will get there. Thank you Chris for all that you do and say. Your knowledge and encouragement is most appreciating and inspiring. Bless you for being there for us who need you.
Hello Chris, thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us all. You have truly encourage me to believe for healing and not fear cancer. I am newly diagnosed with stage zero beast cancer. I changed my diet over 6 months ago after praying for wisdom and seeing Elaine Cantin on CBN. I was very sick with inflammation and swollen lymph nodes in my neck. Started seeing changes within 2 weeks. This summer I decided to have a lumpectomy to give my family peace of mind and that’s when the found cancer. The follow up MRI found a gray area that was 1/3 of my lower breast so they ordered an other biopsy with MRI contrast that came back with same result. Non-invasive breast cancer stage zero. The recommended treatment is Radiation. I have asked my doctor to give me 60 days and follow up with an MRI. Praying for healing every day, exercising and eating all the foods God created for our bodies to be healthy. Read and reread the testimonies on your site often for encouragement. Thanks for sharing this great news so we all can learn and be encouraged. God Bless you!
Sherry, you may want to check out my blog: I chose no radiation and no further surgery after 3 lumpectomies left me with still 1 close margin and pressure from Drs. I am so grateful for the internet and continue to learn about natural healing and feel compelled to help and support women diagnosed with DCIS. Low grade DCIS is mostly a case of over-diagnosis. Blessings, Donna
Thank you Donna, I’ll check it out.
Hello, your story is amazing and I’m very impressed what your doing. I was wondering if you could add me to facebook or if you have facebook, just to keep in touch. I would love to see more stories about patients. My long term goal is to change our government system to advance our future. With your stories and help it could possibly happen. Thanks please e mail me or add my facebook. I’m from winnipeg. Thank you and god bless.
Thanks Chris. Love a lot of the stuff you put out, but one part of this didn’t stick well with me. Stating that all pharmaceutical drugs are iummno-suppressant and cancer-promoting is slightly irresponsible/incorrect. Immunotherapy drugs are being studied and fast-tracked in record numbers now; they are showing breakthroughs in several areas. *Most* pharma treatments do not fall into this category, unfortunately, but the general feedback from ASCO is that immunotherapy and targeted treatments are on the horizon as the standard of care. So while the broad statement that many pharma drugs do inhibit the immune system, it should be noted that quite a few new treatments and clinical trials are focusing on pharmaceuticals that take the brakes off an individual’s immune system, and let that, not the drug, fight the tumor cells. I just don’t want anyone to be misled that all pharma treatments are toxic when in fact the industry is (finally, slowly) coming around to tailoring treatments that support internal healing, vs carpet-bombing via chemo and radiation.
I understand your point TJ, but let’s not split hairs. Immunotherapy drugs are not part of the problem because greater than 99% of Americans are not taking immunotherapy drugs. The amount of people taking immunotherapy drugs right now is probably somewhere in the .001% range.
Fair enough. I just want the target audience for this – the recently diagnosed neewbies who are being inundated with information – to be sure they know there are some options more in line with what you or I believe; that a healthy body can defeat cancer. In my very limited exposure to others facing the “what now?” question, most don’t know about the recent strides made in this area.
Keep the good info coming, and hopefully we’ll see a major increase in patients using their immune system to beat this, whether it involves pharmaceutical assistance or not.
Hi Chris,
thanks so much for creating this website for sharing and helping who needs. I send you an email but it doesn’t sucess, so I try by this way.
I heard about you by a friend of mine (…)I was diagnosed colon cancer since may 13 (but I have it before, inside me). All…,tell me that I need surgery, then chimio or/radio
So please could you email me your nutritional program ? Could I cure my disease without surgery ?
Since three weeks now, I drink fresh vegetables juices every day,about 6 glasses per day. Sometimes fresh fruits juices. Clay mixed with water, 3 glasses per day.I also take some essentials oils. As other foods I have some soups (chicken + vegetables),sometines fishes. I still have pains. So thanks so much Christ to help me by your advices, to send me your natural programm. I want to cure naturally like YOU. Brigitte
Unfortunately, although “Big Pharma” is realising the immunotherapeutic approach is the logical approach, they still won’t use anything they can’t patent. They need to recoup the cost of the whole drug approval process, including expensive clinical trials, through protected intellectual property. They will normally develop a synthetic “equivalent” of effective natural treatments, even though they can never fully duplicate the original or its effectiveness.
NOTHING except vegetables, nuts and seeds is appropriate. NO Breads, Rice or Cereals either. Must be strict on this…..
Lots of water and maybe Reishi Mushroom Extracts, Green Tea Extracts, Ginger, Soy/Genistein Complex and resveratrol and curcumin.
Barry I have Marginal Zone Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma diagnosed 4 weeks ago by biopsy and had a pet scan last week ( nervously waiting for the results ) Doing Chris’s Diet and will try for a year and then see if the pet scans improve.
Barry bd******@ce*********.net
SO SO SO Happy to see people waking up and realizing that there are alternatives. The main stream cares more about money than us!!!!
Excellent video, Chris! I wish I had known those things when I was diagnosed (already) a year and a half ago. They scared me to death; I thought I was going to die, and had no time, no choices. Thanks for giving us all hope. May God bless you!
Going in today for Mammogram. First one since breast implants removed last June. Thanks so much for your encouraging video! God has certainly put you in my life for a reason . So glad God is a part of your life and testimony!!
Thanks Chris for your inspirational story, I have a condition that has been plaguing me for 9 yrs, Sarcoidosis of the brain. It’s a sneaky disease, Doctors don’t see it on any tests. I was diagnoised with it in 1987, then it went into remission, came back but they don’t see it. It’s robbing me of my vision in one eye, the pressure around my eyes from it causes my eye pressure to go up (glaucoma) I now have lumps in my neck and the side of my head. Blood tests show nothing. I’ve tried everthing to rid my self of this monster, I’m now following your 5lbs of carrot juice a day diet. I do carrot, celery and beets, I drink 8oz every 3 hours, just started 3 days ago, already feeling better, but I’m sure this is going to take some time to get rid of since it has been deep in my tissues for a long time. I’ll post my progress as time goes on. Thanks again for your encouraging story.
Great Denise. I am excited to hear about your progress!
Thank you for this!!
A friend of mine, 33 years old, recently told me he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. I immediately shared info about diet and lifestyle and I dont think he was interested so I’ll need to keep at it but wanted to know if pancreatic cancer could also be eliminated by diet. I know it’s one of the deadliest forms of cancer… but I dont know too much about it. Any idea? Thanks Chris!
Chris, you are shining light to me today. I have been so down. My wife has had one dose of chemo and was in agony for 5 days. It’s been an awful experience. She is ready to change. I will show her this video.
Thank you for sharing this wonderful information.
Awesome. Very inspirational and informative. I’m watching a loved one go through esophageal cancer right now. The frustrating thing is when folks just choose to go, for lack of a better term, the “hospital” way rather than attempt to change lifestyle and take care of themselves. Most people view doctors as alchemists or even magicians and expect to be taken care of that way. Thank you for what you doing.
Can I ‘megadose’ on Carrot Juice if I have Candida?
Hi Brian – Donna Gates would say so, and I was thinking the same thing. However, I find it hard to imagine that Chris himself didn’t have some sort of major yeast overgrowth when he was diagnosed, and it seems it worked for him. I’m speculating that, combined with the entire diet and lifestyle changes, including the salad he designed with lots of antimicrobial allicin vegetables and cultures veggies as well no more cooked grains or processed sugars, that your gut balance gets restored in the process. The food he ate seems to be highly anti-inflammatory, which is a major part of battling candida and restoring healthy microflora, which are fed most by eating raw greens. Just eat loads of fermented veggies!!
But if you’re having yeast trouble don’t forget to research self-dentistry and mouth stuff. It’s so related.
Well said as usual, Chris. Thank you for continuing to put the info out for us to share.
So grateful for you, Chris!!!
Right on target Chris. Listen to this man who has discovered the hidden truths most mainstream news covers up for corporate controlled pharmaceutical profits. Disease is not rocket science, it’s re-education and natural healing with all organic foods, detoxing, exercise and ph balancing.
The simplest Cure to all Disease & Illnesses
is an open, objective and curious mind…
A willingness to seek True KNOWLDEGE…
The Cause of all Disease & Illnesses is
sheer blissful IGNORANCE,
too much overly intellectual nonsense,
lack of an open objective mind & Excessive
(worthless BABBLE.)
The Creators Menu: “And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.” —-Genesis 1:29
fb page: Modern Medical Quackery Robert Csiki 2013
God BLESS you Chris.
I wish my mom would have listened to me and NOT my younger sister.
R.I.P. I miss you every day.
why are we asking a doctor for time you tell him or her that you want to more time dont ask tell
Good point Dave. You are absolutely right. You don’t need a doctor’s permission and I certainly didn’t have a doctors permission to do what I did, but some people feel more comfortable knowing they have a doctor’s permission.
Hi Chris, I was diagnosed in Feb.2013 at 59 with colon cancer following a colonoscopy. Immediate message from Dr. was surgery within a week and follow-up treatment.I don’t have to tell you what happens to you after hearing that diagnosis. However, I had started on a nutritional program, like the one that you chose to cure your cancer at age 23 and had been amazingly healthy for 36 years. So I was perplexed and at at first extremely dissappointed. I was extremely disciplined and boring (diet) by most stds. never changing course (cheats now and then)over the years. But never being sick,feeling great every day, boundless energy, never needing to see dr’s,no medications,etc. was truly the reward. So how did i get cancer??? I still believed in what I was doing and to the chagrin of others insisted there was still a natural way to heal. At some point fear took over and I did agree to the surgery. But knew that chemo and radition would never be my choice. The pathology report showed stage 3( 3 lymph nodes affected).Went to oncologist, pathologist,my surgeon and they all recommended chemo within weeks.I refused….The pressure from the medical profession and friends and relatives was great ( understood as they believed in it), but I persevered in my convictions. No poison for me. Day one after the colonoscopy I started my reasearch 24/7. as soon as I got home from the hospital I went back to my protocol determined to find the answer. And… amamzingly enough I didn’t have any fear left. I started researching alternative medicine, knowing my lifestyle was correct but there was a missing link to the puzzle and I needed to find it. I am on your site almost daily along with,gerson,budwig,day,simoncinni,
furhman,and more, and research and include in my diet every thing having to do with every natural protocol there is.Along with testimonies of those who cured themselves naturally. I do know that diet is key but there is more to it, and I know (as you state) that it is not only physical, but emotional, spritual, physchological, physiological, etc. Toxins can build up from more than just food.
I am working with a group of dr’s. (medical and naturopathy) on board with these protocals and will continue improving on my health. I’m still positive this is correct and find all these years later that you can never stop learning. Keep up the good work Chris. God Bless you and your continued health!! I was 23 when I started working with a biochemist/nutritionist who had esophogeal cancer at age 55, she healed herself, very similiar protocol and she lived to be 93. She was and still is my mentor. Were she still alive, I may not even have had the surgery. Sorry for the length of this. But happy to be in your circle!!
Thanks Karen……..very encouraging.
Hi Karen, I am now in the same case (52) since the same date than you ! Please, would you email me urgently the nutritional program, like the one that Chris chose to cure his cancer ? Thanks Karen – waiting ….
Brigitte, please send me your e-mail address….
I was just dialouge with colon cancer stage to, which cancer already spread to T12 lymph nodes. I hope that you are still out there that you can help to give me that nutritional program. My email address is :ph************@ya***.com
Karen I had a total hysterectomy on the 20th of Aug. cancer was in uterus tested and also in fallopian tubes he wants me to take 6 rounds of chemo. That was told to me in the hospital my first appointment with him will be this Wednesday but am thinking no chemo so would also like the nutritional program that would be good to follow.
Thank You
Beth Harris
Very encouraging…nods.
My mom at 61 was diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 3. She had suffered with I.B.S. FOR 7 years before that (we’ve been told that’s a precursor to ovarian cancer.
She went through 3 rounds of chemo, had a hysterectomy and while recovering from surgery while still in hospital, she suffered 3 massive brain bleeds.
We were told it was a side effect from chemo.
She is unable to finish her next 3 chemo treatments bc her brain isn’t healthy enough now.
Talking to her Dr that provided the chemo a few weeks later, I was told that,”even if your mom had all 6 chemo treatments and a successful surgery, she only had a 5% chance that the cancer would not spread somewhere else.
We really wish that was told to us before we pumped her full of toxins. I even asked the dr about diet, other option etc. She said that chemo was the best route. If she had been honest about the chemo, we would not have chosen this option.It would have made the difference in my mom’s last year’s on this earth. She lost partial vision in both eyes, had to learn to walk and feed herself. Has short term memory problems and seizures.
Bottom line. Chemo kills. It kills brain cells, healthy cells, brain cells. It does not kill cancer.
Karen, could you send me your nutritional program? My father got lung cancer, should it be different from yours?
Thank you.
Contact me at solazzo.dome AT
Hi Karen,
I’am extremely amazed by your story and would love to have more information on the nutritional program. Please I’am trying to undo all the damage I have done to my body. thank you,
Julia Aznoe a mother of 3, and devoted grand daughter who is working extremely hard to take of my 90 year old grandmother :)
Hi karen, can i you also email me the nutritional program you choose to cure cancer so i can do it to my mom. Please. dh***********@ya***.com.. Waiting for your response. Thanks . Godbless
Karen, I have a few questions for you. I am inspired by your story. Would you mind emailing me? Tracy
Karen, my email is tr***@bh*****.com. I forgot to include that. Thank you
Hi Karen. A very inspiring and informative account… thank you!
I know you have had many requests but I am hoping that you can also send me some nutritional tips/your program?
My father was diagnosed in June… cancer in lung, spine, brain, kidney. My mum is in pieces. Started chemo/radiation and to be honest, he has rapidly gone downhill since that. Bones and muscle mass shrinking. Hip broke last week. Looks game over and I am devastated. My own wife had a brain aneurysm rupture and is now disabled (4 years ago). I am 42 now and the latest round of news regarding my dad is really hurting me inside.
PLEASE help with any tips. I have read about baking soda; any thoughts?
Thank you!!
Hi Karen, Thanks for sharing your story. Would you please email me as I would like to ask you a few questions. My email is ha***********@ym***.com
Hi Karen,
My dad was diagnosed with a colon cancer last year. He refuse to have a surgery coz he believes he will be cured by a natural healing. No, my dad he felt nausea and sometimes he felt to vomit. Now, i am worried about his health condition. I would like to know any idea about the remedy that u applied it will be a big help to me and my family. I will be looking forward for your reply.. or email me at jillamarante@gmail
Best regards,
Hi Karen,
Thank you for your inspiring story. I, like others, am interested in you nutrition program if you’d kindly share. A friend my age (32) was recently diagnosed. She has a one year old baby. She lives a very natural lifestyle, organic foods, exercise, etc., so we are all shocked. I’d love to share your program with her as she considers her options. Thank you in advance for your kindness.
Karen could you please e mail details of your nutrition programme as I have just been diagnosed with Throat Cancer
Hi Karen.
Thank you for the information. I have only recently heard about the Gerson Therapy and the chrisbeatcancer site. I would love to learn more and wondered if it was not too much trouble could you email the nutritional program.
With thanks Lyn
Hi karen
i was diagnosed with endermetrium cancer stage 3 in October 2013 after having a full hysterectomy surgery , i was advised to take 4 sessions of chemo and 20 sessions of radiotherapy, i am 52,. I have refused this and changed my diet completely losing 2 stone although not overweight, but i am completely confused! Weather to eat high fat like the paleo diet? or low fat?, to include organic meat or no meat, i am living off veg and fruit and would love if you could share with me what you ate please? Also porridge is it ok? I have given uo bread
Thank you
HI karen would also like your protocol if I may. r2***@ya***.com
Karen I would also love to have your nutrition program to follow. If it is not to much trouble would you email to me at; kj*****@ub*****.com. I thank you with all my heart.
Hi Karen, your story is inspiring. Could you also send me your nutritional program and whatever else you found successful in curing your cancer? Thanks for posting your story! My email address is mi***********@gm***.com.
Hi Karen…..Like so many others I am interested in your nutritional program. Please email me…vo******@ao*.com
Hello Karen I have a tumour in my breast and I am not wanting to go near a surgeon even for a biopsy – Please may I get our nutritional program urgently ca****@wa*.za thank you so much and I am inspired by yourself and Chris
Dear Karen please check out Dr Michael Greger’s site. Specifically search for cancer, breast. Many who just follow Gerson do get help but she doesn’t bring out the new evidence like Greger who has more time and knowledge of things like flax seeds ground up, broccoli sprouts.
Best wishes, My sister had her breast taken off and the doctor told her nothing else. Dr Esselstyn quit doing breast surgeries because of the research he found see vid Forks Over Knives on Amazon.
I wish I had heard about you a year and a half ago when I was dx with Breast Cancer at 30yrs old. I went through chemo, surgery and radiation. I will be following your blog from now on!
Dave, I agree. Why “ask”? TELL! We are in control of our bodies. I get so tired of people saying things like, “Have you got the all clear from your doctor to do that?” when my close, super-fit family member with stage 4 PCa is going on a vacation or planning a move to an island, or whatever. He is like Chris. On a super-healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, Reki, and belief in a higher power and he has lost 45 pounds deliberately, thrown out his heart meds and is the healthiest he’s been in the 28 years I’ve known him. We’d never dream of “asking” a doctor’s permission for anything. We are respectful to our team members, ask their expert advice on specific things, and research the heck out of their responses. It could be a question of semantics. Thanks Chris. You rock.
*Reiki…and I’m a practitioner. Duh!
Thank you for doing this video. Love how you said the body created it the body can heal it! <3
Thank you for telling your story and all of your tips. I had breast cancer a year and a half ago. I had a double mastectomy. I was told I had to have chemo and radiation. I was distraught about it. My oncologist said I will order the onco test for you so you can see that you will have to have chemo no question. Well I went to my next appointment with her forgetting all about that test. Guess what! My score was a 8 which is super low. That means the chemo would do more harm then good for me. I ended up not having to have radiation either. Can you believe she still said you may want to have the chemo anyway for protection. Yeah right! She said I have to go on Tomoxifen to get rid of my estrogen. I won’t get into how bad that drug is. I have refused the drug and am doing everything natural like you. My two year cancer free is coming up. If it wasn’t for you and others I would have never known how to go down this path. Thank you so much! I love that you are a Christian. I am as well. I know God has given me this gift of cancer.
Dear Chris What a wonderful service message your sending to the internet community about the real deal regarding Cancer which is really a metabolic condition that is out of balance. I am glad that you addressed the 4 factors of the cause of cancer. I am posting this important video on my face book time line to help people understand better that Cancer can be controlled and full recovery is possible. It is estimated that a person today can be clinically diagnosed with cancer many times over with in their life time but for some reason it just goes away with the person making a healthy life style change in diet , movement of body and or emotional healing through forgiveness. Great video Chris. Holistic CHef Barry
I was diagnosed with stage lll/lV melanoma in 2009. I refused chemo and did all natural therapy! I feel great since ive changed my lifestyle.
Hi there,
I’m 32 and have been fighting stage 4 melanoma for 2 years now. I’ve had a combination of surgery and chemo but have also radically changed my diet too.
I did get clear 9 months ago but have since relapsed.
Could you give me an idea of what elements of the nutritional approach you focused on. I cant face more chemo and really believe I can cure myself naturally, I just need some melanoma specific advice.
Would really really appreciate the help.
Rachel……Just a thought. Stop the Chemo and Radiation and just use TOTAL Raw Diet….and NO BREAD or Cereal….NO GRAIN Or Corn….
Just a thought. ALSO…add Reishi extract, Green Tea Extract, Soy/Genistein Complex, Lots of ginger and Curcumin…..I’m a newly diagnosed Marginal Zone Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and will try this for 6 months or so to see if my Pet Scans stay the same or get better.
Thank you Chris. I wish my mom would have seen this. My daughter tried to tell her about diet and lifestyle but she believed the doctors and took 20 different medications a day. RIP MOM xoxo
Wow!…..what a blessing you are. It almost seems that your getting cancer was necessary in order to reach out & help so many people.
…and your right, the only good & true answers to anything & everything come from Yahweh.
….as I said, what a blessing you are!
Thanks for the post. Been overeating and almost like ‘punishing myself’ for no reason. Dumb. ish. nEwayz evenif i’m not living the example now i guess it’s good to hear. truth is truth. our bodies are meant to be healthy and heal. you’re great!
I love this video. I too was diagnosed with stage 0 breast cancer Feb 2 of last year. After my lumpectomy, I refused to go on Tamoxifen and do radiation. I even had a radiologist tell me that the radiation would not affect my heart. It was my left breast where I had the micro calcifications. I have changed my diet completely. Juice everyday, no junk food, sweets. Gave up meat. Started to exercise and am doing alternative medicine. I found God and a new faith, new out look on life. I am glad that I found your site. Thank you!
I am not saying all doctors are bad, but you have to keep in mind that doctors do get kick backs for prescribing certain drugs and treatments from the pharmaceutical companies. Chemo is a big bucks business and they have repeat costumers….just saying…They won’t make money off of you eating the right foods and taking supplements
“… your situation is not because of the lack of a pharmaceutical drug.”
THAT is the best quote so far I’ve ever read or heard about avoiding drugs for the benefit of healing your body.
I added your video to my older blog about the very same issues. Keep up the battle. When the cellular terroir is altered cellular signaling is off and the neuroimmune system is off because of NF Kappa beta and IL-6 release.
Thanks so much for your website and videos. You are an inspiration!
Thank you for all the info. May God continue to bless you.
An RN who absolutely believes this!!!!
Chris, thank you for such a great and inspiring video, something that truly is invaluable to many. I was wondering if you could offer the same encouragement to those of us who have succumbed to radiation and chemo first only to have our cancer spread, then got educated and decided to go the healthy, alternative route. Can we also hope for recovery?
Hi Chris,
My name is Trish. My husband was just told he has stage 4 pancreatic cancer spread to liver. my sisters and I have been doing coffee enemas 2-3 times a day and we are able to get some sour sop tea into him but he is having a very difficult time drinking the green drinks and carrot juice. We are giving him supplements and have an appointment at an alternative treatment center, AIM Clinic in Paramours, NJ on Thursday. The center follows Dr. Ravici’s method. Mike (my husband) and I have 3 beautiful children and would like their father to be around to see my daughters and son married some day. Any advice you could give on the weight loss would be much appreciated. You and Penny are both very inspiring people and I pray that God continues to bless you and your families.
Thank You.
Hi Chris,
I need to email you please. I have some questions regarding my cancer that you could point me in the right direction.
Please let me know.
I am impressed with your approach to fighting cancer, and I certainly appreciate your dependance the Lord Jesus Christ, our ultimate healer. However, I wonder how this approach would have worked for my first husband who was diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia in early 1995, given several units of blood at our local hospital and rushed at the suggestion of his oncologist to a teaching hospital the very next day. So, in less than 24 hours from his diagnosis, he was receiving aggressive chemotherapy plus IV antibiotics because he was so immunosupressed. He went onto remission twice but they always thought it would come back. We were never given more than 20% odds of beating the disease. He eventually was told that bone marrow transplant was his last hope for living. We had faith that The Lord would heal him with the treatments. Then we lost the battle in late 1996, almost two years after his initial diagnosis. The bone marrow transplant never engrafted and he never had a viable blood count again. So his organs began shutting down and, hard as it was to do so, I told this man I loved so much that it was okay to go and that I would be okay. His body had been unimaginably ravaged by the chemotherapies and the radiation treatments.
So I wonder if he really did have “time” to try an alternate form of therapy since this type of cancer is in the blood and the bone marrow. And it is coursing through every organ of the body. Of course, as the one who was left behind and who micromanaged his treatment, I may always wonder of I did enough.
Thanks for listening, and keep spreading the good word! I appreciate you.
Hi Elaine,
I am so sorry for this pain you’ve had. My brother left us last year with colon cancer. It is sorrow that is sometimes hard to bear. But I, like you, know we will see our loved one again, that our separation is only temporary! God bless you while you ‘occupy until He comes’…
The God thing kind of lost me…
Chris my lady friend was diagnose with stage 4 brain cancer she had surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, six weeks after chemo she started feeling very run down so they put her back on chemo, also allot of pills, i am very concerned about her, she looks really bad, is it to late for her, how can i help, people talked her into this action and i knew it would not work, can she add something to the chemo to give her some strength that she has lost.
Hey Chris,
My father was just diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer. 8 of his 20 lymph nodes showed positive. I guess that means 3-III. He had a tumor removed and is meant to start chemo about a month from now.
So I started reading up on it and think this site is spectacular. Do you have any charts or statistics of people that used your diet so that I can show the family how much of a better option this is?
Thank You and I think you have done a great job of making people aware!
Hi Chris I would like you to send me your diet plan for someone with colon caner and I would like my family to go on that diet too. A doctor just blunt out something to someone I know with the same problem and have them cant sleep at night. thanks
This is amazing. I know that God has all authority over life; He is the one that created life. I show gratitude for your expression and explanation.
I have a similar experience as you. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis when I was 18. The diagnosis given was coupled with a “backpack” full of fear and intimidation of what would happen if I did not comply.
After 7 years of numerous MS relapses and hospitalizations despite being “treated” with chemo, IV drugs, prescription medication, numberous MS shots, surgeries etc. I was led to realize that it was not the medications that getting me better, it was my inner will to do so.
I realized that the stress in my life had manifested itself physically and the pharmaceutical stress, stress given as fear by the dr., had all culminated into a symptoms that they rationalize as a diagnosis.
I stand here 3 yrs later as a self healer. I no longer associate myself with the dx as the Lord has shown me how to cure myself of it.
I am also doing my part to share and empower individuals to be active participants in their health and healing process.
Please do not be dismayed- and know that God is using us- each person that He feels strong enough to send this message to.
I daily ask him to be used as His tool, to allow me to be a witness of his true and everlasting mercy.
Thank you once again for sharing your experience.
My holistic health practitioner has found some “active cells” (I had stage 1 cancer in 2007), and has suggested a strict macrobiotic diet for me — veggies, brown rice, fish (no dairy). Does this sound extreme to you or is this accepted protocol? Thanks.
Great info Chris. I got a diagnosis of Stage II prostrate cancer last year and have been doing some of the things you mention but have taken it a step further. Spent last January at Hippocrates Heath Institute in Florida and have been following Dr. Brian Clements program: Basically a raw vegan diet that emphasizes living foods which carry the most vitamin, mineral, enzymes & probiotics nutrition. No sugar for 2 years which excludes fruit & all carbs. Tough at first but you learn to be creative.
Awesome Fred! Keep me posted on your progress!
hi, I have an unusual lump in my left breast that I was told could be breast cancer. This was January this year. They said to get it removed for testing and till now I haven’t done anything about it but the lump is still there. I don’t want to get the lump removed as I’ve been told that any surgery could cause other problems. I’ve been worrying to hard about it and sttressing that it could be cancer. It disturbs me.
After reading this site, I will need to eat more healthy and no meat and junk food. Is there anything else please.
Hi Joanne, my mom had a lump for ten years and then one day it was gone.
You should definitely make some significant life and health changes to promote healing in your body.
Consider a coaching call with me.
Thanks for the positive energy. It is totally amazing that it is SO easy to get support including financial for chemo, radiation or
surgery, and not for God given natural products.
Person: “Which would you prefer, Poison or
Fruit Juice?
It is SO hard to weed trough all the this and
that on websites, blogs, groups etc.
Really refreshing to hear a straightforward positive no nonsense communication.
I write songs and a week after I was diagnosed with Marginal Zone Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma I woke up with this story in my brain. I turned it into an Inspirational Song and hope you guys don’t mind as I’d like to share it with you.
I always wanted to do the all natural diet but had to get cancer in order to be able to do it. I consider that a blessing….
I don’t know if this radical change in lifestyle will work for me but I’m going to try it for at least 6 months and see how I do. We are NOT Designed to be Carnivorous Animals and also cannot digest Grains…..
Barry bd******@ce*********.net
Thank you for this video! I was recently diagnosed with Stage 1B Testicular cancer and after surgery, felt rushed into chemo as the only solution. I wish I would have seen this video sooner although I ultimately did not do any chemo. This video would have gone a long way in providing positive reenforcement. I now feel empowered with knowledge and have a renewed spirit!
Thanks for all this Chris! I was diagnosed 4 years ago with stage 4 melanoma and also did not have chemo. It’s beautiful what good nutrition and exercise can do :) thanks for educating, we need it!!
My mom cured her melanoma with the Gerson Therapy 5 years ago. My husband has been recently diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma and we are preparing to start the therapy for him. LOTS of organic fruit and veggie juices, coffee enemas, and some supplements. Will keep you posted…..
Awesome Michelle!!! Yes please keep me posted!
By the way-love your video with Dr. Vickers on the Gerson therapy. Very informative. Thanks.
Thanks Chris, I’m going to need to watch this again. I have neuroendocrine tumors also known as carcinoids and I’m following a lot of your advice, as well as your guest posts, as I come up to speed with this cancer thing.
I just started a blog as well. Also, I posted a free infographic on my blog if you would like to use it. I think it came out pretty good. It’s at:
Anyhow, if anyone is a carcinoid patient I would love to make contact with you.
ya had me until you brought god into it.
Hi Chris,
I’ve been reading your blog for a while. My husband had stage 3 colon cancer. Its been 20 months now since surgery, but his August CEA was high. It was never high originally. Now suddenly 6. Now he did have a medium bad bout with sciatica in mid-late July from camping on ground for 10+ days. He is 44. Thinking about you, I wonder if your CEA ever fluctuated or if they even tested that on you. I understand there is a huge overlay with CEA when it comes to people who have inflamation. Please talk to me this time. I’d really appreciate it.
I’m so glad to find your website! I don’t have cancer, but I have lyme disease and have become very debilitated- I have made many life changes- eat organic, rarely any grain, whole fruits, no sugar, no crappy stuff, big time crossfitter so very muscular and now, but still continue to get more ill. I have not tried the juicing on a large scale and I think I would like to try this, as I continue to get sicker- I am hoping that perhaps what works to get rid of cancer may work for my lyme disease- have you heard anyone’s experience in this regard?
Hi Rayzel juicing and coffee enemas should be very helpful
My nutritionist John Smothers in Memphis TN is an expert on Lyme
Also consider the Bob Beck protocol
Rayzel….NO GRAINS and see…
Thank you for sharing this inspiring video. I originally watched because a close friend has Stage 3 rectal cancer, but I also found your message to hold truths for my son who is suffering from ulcerative colitis. The doctors at a renowned hospital in the northeast seem only interested in cutting his colon out.
A colectomy is a very profitable operation to this ‘corporation’, but my son gets offensive when I mention this to him. He truly believes that he is getting the best advice and that his doctors “care” about him. He is young, 22, and is an all knowing college student making it very hard to get him to change his inimical view about his treatment methods. I sent him a link to your blog and I am hoping that another young male who was facing a different, yet still scary set of circumstances can have a little more influence on him than his nagging mom.
We have tried the holistic approach before, but he would not follow-up with it. His condition hasn’t improved despite the heavy doses of pharmaceuticals that he has taken over the years. Maybe your message will inspire him to revisit the holistic approach again with more motivation and determination to be well – once and for all. Keep your fingers crossed that he’ll take the 11 minutes to watch this video.
Anyone else deal with people too stubborn or too deceived by the medical world to change their ways? Any advice on how to handle people like this? The old saying, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” seems to be the unfortunate theme between my son & I.
You are not telling the truth, I have worked in oncology for 15 years
I am telling the truth, but it seems false to you because you worked in oncology. Conventional cancer treatment has no interest in healing the body, only cutting, poisoning and burning it. I suggest you start reading the testimonials of people who have healed their cancers in my survivor stories section.
Hi Chris: Thank you so much for helping the internet community by creating such an informative and truthful website. I worked in medical field for a total of 22 years. I agree with everything you post about CA. I am glad I am OUT OF THE BOX and I can really help friends and relatives now with my knowledge. I did learn some new info from you. I really appreciate it. I really admire you because you dare to say the truth. God bless you and your family Chris!
Chris- Would you say that animal fat is the cause of blocked arteries? I just found out my brother’s brother-in-law (who excercises, looks fit, and is not overweight) had 95% blockage in his widow-maker artery near his heart.
I can’t help but think that animal fat/cholesterol was the substance that was blocking his blood flow.
He had a stent put in and is okay now, but do these raw veggies and fruits reverse this process or at least stop the buildup?
Yes excess animal protein and fats can lead to arterial blockage and yes fruits veggies can reverse this!
Hi Chris,
I just put up a page that you might like. I am putting up free images for cancer blogs. I guess other blogs too but, mostly for cancer blogs. Let me know if you like it.
Great video, Chris! Congratulations on your health success and beating cancer. I have a family friend who is close to 70 and she was just diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer. She was told if she refuses chemo and radiation she has 2-3 months to live. Does she have the time it takes to change her lifestyle and eating to beat cancer in such a short period of time? Thank you for sharing your amazing story.
I have a family member who’s ulcerative colitis is symptom free – all from changing his diet. No suggested surgery or meds – just diet. He is the only one in his support who is living a healthy, symptom free life. Diet is key. Unfortunately most people will not give up the diet cokes and their donuts in order to get better. They believe they can fill their body with junk, pop a pill and get better. In the end, it’s just a slow death…..
You hit on almost all the areas of the field of natural hygiene, all your missing is 30 minutes of sunlight a day, getting a full nights’ rest and basically “digging in the dirt” also known as earthing. It is curing my dad of an auto-immune disorder the doctors can’t figure out.
Chris, met you @ HealingStrong (your fellow Tennesseean) and it was a pleasure. I’m starting a Cancer Prayer Support Group @ my church in a couple of weeks. We don’t have internet access there. I would love to show this video @ my first meeting. Any way I could get a downloadable version? Thanks & God bless!
Hey Chris! Love your videos please see our website as we also have a cure for cancer! We are looking to partner with as many people about this as possible. We can all unite to fight the big giant monsters. We filmed a documentary called “Eat Dirt Monsanto, Love Frick-n-Frack” but won’t release it until the Whirled Up Fundraiser is more established. Please watch our video as each school that hosts a Whirled Up Fundraiser will see the video and is estimated to make in upwards of $100,000 as our recent partnership with Door to Door Organics and has blown our goals through the roof. All we are asking parents to do is buy groceries at retail value. Many thanks for your bravery!
God Bless you for what you are doing. Sharing your testimony and knowledge. Giving people hope. My mom died of breast cancer five years ago. And i always getting told that i should be doing mammograms bc i could get it as well. But screw that! I know what to do if i ever get sick. And i will not fear!
“The body created it, the body can heal it” – I totally agree with you.Great video Chris!Gonna share it with many beautiful souls.Thank You.
This guy is absolutely genius.
I love that you are spreading knowledge and awareness! I work in healthcare and I am 100% sure you are correct about the cause and cure of cancer. You rock, thank you!!!
Dearest Chris,
My best friend posted this on my FB wall. I’ll keep this short and just say a heartfelt Thank You. What you said about reaching out to God made be blubber. I relocated to the United States from Kuala Lumpur Malaysia and it has been a challenge, but a few weeks ago, something happened – I surrendered and things are slowly but surely falling into place.I am in Michigan, don’t know where you’re at, but oh, for an opportunity to give you a big huge hug and send you all the love I’m feeling for you right now. Take care.
Do you not think it’s important to sleep on your side, rather than on your back?
I have a question. When you say eat your fruits and vegetables….how much fruit are you talking about? Does the sugar in fruit cause the cancer to spread? I realize that staying away from manmade sugar makes sense, just do not know about the sugar in fruit. Are some fruits better to eat then others? I was told once to stay away from fruit from North America(apples, cherries, etc) and go with fruit from the tropics (oranges, mangos, kiwi banana etc.
Curious to see what you feelings are on this?
Thank you and God Bless.
would like to see the response to this comment. how do i see this?
Thank you very much for sharing all your information!!!! You are so awesome. I’m 100% behind Gerson Therapy. So exciting that you faced the fear of death and listened to your instincts and then shared it with the world!!
i was diagnosed with a very rare type of cancer called small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, which has a high death rate and which has not been studied – the histology is quite unknown. i am 28 and have led a very healthy life – i have always juiced, incoeporated ginger, garlic, tumeric etc in my cooking, exercised 5 days a week, never drank soda, barely ate out, etc you get the point. i have always been a health nut – so how do you explain the fact i have a very rare type of cancer that is not hereditary? when i started telling people of my diagnosis, people would respond “but you’re SO healthy.’
i am all onboard with people changing their lifestyle to help cure their cancer but for those of us who have cancer and have always lived their life healthily, what else is to be done?
any open dialogue would be appreciated!
What is your stress level like?
Very low by lifestyle design. :)
I would like to know as someone just transitioning (this week) to a clean veggie/fruit diet what to expect to happen with my body. The first few days I felt very tired and washed out. Is this normal?
Thank you in advance for any info.
Hi Lisa, yes that is very normal. Detoxification and junk food withdrawals. Hang in there, you will feel good soon!
Chris I first want to say CONGRATULATIONs! This month will mark the third year of remission for me, I had hodgkins lymphoma and walked around for a year and a half,before diagnosed,
never felt anything but tired. I did do chemo but opted out of radiation, I did 6 months of chemo because I have four children and was scared to
death….I hated knowing I was putting those chemicals in my body but didn’t know any other way! Fortunately my family had started a new vitamin regimen,ZIJA, they asked me to try it while going through all this. I took the vitamins daily and got foot baths every Thursday before my treatment…after 4 months of every other week chemo and keep in mind the holistic nutrition “overload” and foot bathes the cancer was gone!!! I fully believe to this day it was the vitamins and cleansing that helped me supersede my doctors expectations of recovery. Prayer was a given through this period in my time as well! Today I am healthy and to the disbelief of my oncologist have had my fifth child! And she is healthy and such a blessing to our family! I wish people would educate and change THIER lives I stead of playing the medical game of roulette. I really enjoyed your video and again congratulations on your life turn around!
My dad had stage 4 lung cancer that has been metastases to lymph nodes and bones. He was misdiagnosed and had treatments for some other diseases, then finally we found out that it was cancer. and it was too late. He passed away 5 days ago.
besides, my Mom also had breast cancer too, she had mastectomy and 6 round chemo. Doctor said cancer was gone, hopefully it will forever. She is not particular in diet programs, she just minimize consuming animal protein and processed food, and eat more vegetables, juices, and fruits.
I will share link of this video to the world, maybe it could help someone’s life.
Thank you Chris for giving so much information in your blog.
Gandy from Indonesia.
I was fighting against a stage IV cancer and i won, lucky my husband who helped me all the time.I think it is very important that family support to win, because i was very weak;really helped me participate in one group of victims of cancer, so my mood improved, also helped me a adviser of recomended not surrender, because sometimes the first treatment does not work as me, and change doctors if it is necessary.Read positive thinking books gave me more energy.During my cancer,i changed my diet,now i eat vegetarian organic food(now i not eat meat).I think is a set of things that help me.
I am a 68 yr old male who was living in what I considered a normal healthy life with no major issues and maintained myself with a yearly flu shot and checkups. My body functions were fine and all seemed ok until I awoke one morning with awful stomach pain. Thinking it was appendix or hernia my wife rushed me to emergency.I had emergency surgery about 2 hours later, Aug 15 2012, and there was a massive tumor on my colon that was removed along with 14 lymph nodes. One week later my insides broke open and poisoned me and that led to a second surgery.Starting to feel better 4 days later, I was on my feet and slowly getting mobility back and I started to bleed out. Back for surgery number 3 and a day later had a mild heart attack. Shortly after that -33 days in ICU- I was discharged and toting an OSTOMY BAG. The bag was with me 8 mos and a reversal surgery was done with no complications.
The surgeon said cancer had not spread beyond the nodes. In spite of that they marched me to the Cancer Clinic and started to discuss Chemo and radiation as a “follow-up.” Standard protocol they said. BULLSHIT said I! There will be no radiating my body or poisoning it more with Chemo or Radiation. The oncologist at the Cancer Clinic did not argue and outlined follow-ups every 3 mos for a year, which entailed a CT Scan and blood work.
I sourced the material as outlined by Rick Simpson and produced the RSO. Following all instructions for the extraction process and using Naptha as my solvent, I had the finished oil in syringes and started to ingest it twice a day, a tiny amt each time. I completed my 4th follow-up at the Cancer Clinic and they stated that the CT Scan does NOT show anything that would indicate the presence of CANCER. The blood work showed CEA level at 1.4, but what the heck, everyone has a cancer cell or two in them. They consider anything 5+ to cause concern.I am now preparing another batch and will ingest daily as a preventative measure.
To ANYONE suffering now from cancer I suggest you do the same. We have NOTHING to lose and everything to gain.
You are beautiful Chris and your message is so important. Thank you :)
Hi Karen, can you email me the nutritional program you choose to cure cancer Please. st*********@ya***.com
Makes sense
God bless you Chris and thank you.
Thanks Chris
Wish I had access to this information five yrs ago,never heard about alternatives to Chemo -radiation treatment .I can’t complain I,ve survived this long but the only way I heard about Carrot juice &vegetarian diet was thru the Doctor who operated on me to take out the cancer that spread to the lower intestines from the lung. & while he was in there saw that it spread to the liver.He did not promise miracles,when it goes from the lung to the liver not good.What he did offer me was quality of life to do what I have been doing since I have been on carrot juice (about 25 lbs a wk )& I do not eat anything with eyes,I play 9 holes of golf every day,cut the grass,do normal chores ,been on six cruises,enough already I’m thru
Chris – Question for you. If you had to do this over again, would you have had the surgery you did have?
Hi Karen! Could u plz send me your nutritional programme? My e-mail add is qu**********@ya***.com
I had surgery the last week in May for a huge cancerous mass that was blocking my colon completely. It had spread to my uterus and appendix, all of which we’re removed. My colon surgery also fell apart inside me and I was about as septic as I could be. A second surgery was done and I died on the table twice. I was in the hospital for almost two months and endured grueling rehab. I would have NEVER consented to surgery if I hadn’t already received four wrong diagnosis from four so-called doctors. By the time the mass was found they told me I was dying and without the surgery there was no hope. I have steadfastly refused chemo and radiation. I have been on the vegan diet and continue to loose weight. I was always small, 5′ 2″ and 115 lbs. I am down to 92 lbs and no matter how much or often I eat none of the foods are helping me keep or gain weight. My family physician told me yesterday to begin adding back some regular foods daily to ward off cachexia. He said many cancer patients die from that instead of the cancer itself. I don’t know what to do. I am so disheartened and my energy level is almost non-existent . I am also on the Cansema tonic protocol with Ajo Te and Sangre de Drago drops. I just began that two weeks ago. Please, any advice would be welcomed.
Listen and watch Charlotte Gerson. There is a wealth of information to be found about the Gerson Therapy. I encourage you to take what she has to say into consideration about what to eat and juice and how much. GT also involves detoxification via coffee enemas. Keep encouraged.
Oh well.
Hi Chris,
I’m weekly checking out your website. I really like the information. Now i was reading about hemp oil. I saw a lot of stories and video’s from people that healed quickly with that oil. What do you think about it?
You are truly an inspiration Chris. What type of juicer do you own, and do you have different ones for fruits and vegetables?
Thanks Chris. And thanks all who post inspirational stories and provide information. My wife was just told she has breast cancer stage 3ish and Doctor says she needs chemo perhaps with surgery following. She wants nothing to do with Chemo, however, I disagree. My selfish reasons are lack of education, fear, mistrust and, did I mention, I’m scared very scared. She has been juicing for some time now and will continue to focus on nutrition, exercise, 0 stress and spiritual closeness. My how life can change on a dime, it was only 2 years ago that she qualified and competed in the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Las Vegas.
Our research and her healing continues.
Thanks again.
Phil loves Anne
Hi, my dad has been sick and finally went to the doctor. They told him he had pneumonia and started treating him for that. A week later, with fluid build up only in the upper part of his body, they changed his antibiotic and sent him home. On Christmas night we all get together at dads. When I saw him he was unrecognizable from the swelling in his face, neck, and chest. He is 42 and a fairly healthy man so when I seen him my heart stopped for a second; I knew something was wrong. After 3 hrs of asking and convincing he went to the ER. Long story short, he has a mass in the center of his chest, a little to the right, but too close to the heart to operate on. It is on one of his main vessels, causing pressure and giving him poor circulation; this is why he is swollen and around his eyes and ears were blue when I begged him to go to ER. Yesterday, dec. 26 his lung collapsed from the fluid, they drained 1 1/2 liters from his lung. They are saying it is either lymphoma or small cell cancer. And the only option is chemo to shrink it to get it off his main blood vessel. He has never smoked and seldomly drank. This man is the most selfless man I know! He raised my sister and me, my sister was 3 &I was 3 months, after he and my mom divorced when I was 6. He remarried, tried for children for 9 yrs and now has two girls 5 yr old and 2 yr old. Please help us, he deserves to see his own children grow. He has given so much of himself to everyone around him and I need your help, anyone’s help to help me save my dad. Where do I start?
Hi Becky, Heather & Phil,
I am so sorry to hear this. My dad has been battling with lung cancer for many years now and I learned it just spread to his thoracic sternum and vertebrae.
I have researched hundreds of pages of information about cancer cures and would love to help any way I can.
Please write to me at matrix_neo_matrix -at= hotmail dot com.
In addition, I can say that the raw food diet is a very very important part of getting rid of cancer.
However, there is just so much much information that I can mention only that the original budwig regimen, the aloe vera solution, vitamin c IV are really great ways to heal yourself.
Hi Karen or Chris could you please send me the nutrional recipes/menu.My Father inlaw was diagnosed with prostate cancer:(
Dear Chris, I agree with everything you mentioned and live to the best of my ability from your guidelines. However, some cancers with aggressive growth need immediate treatment. I had ocular melanoma (choroid part of eye). This was fast growing and needed immediate radiation or I would have lost my eye and/or life. Very rare cancer but sometimes can’t wait. Otherwise, great advice. All the best to you.
I LOVE this! I was diagnosed with stage II Malignant Melanoma in July of 2012. Like you, I used nutritional therapies and emotional work to heal. I ignored the suggested treatment of additional surgery and lymph node biopsy. I found it a bit of a lonely process, unsupported by the medical community and even friends and family (at first). Thanks for this; it’s wonderful to be able to support one another.
A friend of mine sent me your link and you have confirmed all the things I believed in my heart and soul about cancer for years! I was just diagnosed with cervical cancer (from a PAP test) in November 2013. Like you said I your video, I felt fine and had NO SYMPTOMS of any kind. Once I was diagnosed, the whirlwind of tests and surgery and hysterectomy etc. hit me like a hurricane from all medical staff, friends, and family members who wanted to “help”. Everything was moving soooo fast I couldn’t think straight. I prayed for Gods intervention and instruction. He confirmed my feelings by bringing articles in magazines, people, and many other tools across my path. Everything I needed at exactly the right time. I have canceled all my appointments for “more painful tests” and have decided to treat my cancer spiritually and holistically and so God has now lovingly brought me to YOU! I thank Him so much for that. It is good to find someone who has “been there and done that” when you are looking for confirmation of your beliefs and support of your choices. Thank You for sharing your story with so many and for encouraging and uplifting us all with this video. I am 62 years old and I have never had a broken bone, only two surgeries C-sections in my life, and I have everything (body wise)that God brought me into the world with except for two teeth. In 1996 I donated my body to MUSC for student research and any parts of my body that can be used to help someone else upon my death, so I want to be as intact as possible. God Bless you for all the info you are sharing with others. I will pay it forward. You have my word on that!
Hi Chris,
I Thank You from the bottom of my heart. You have given me something that is priceless, HOPE! That means everything. I talk about you and this method to everyone involved in my situation(my boyfriend was just diagnosed w synovial sarcoma.) I want to give them the same hope that I have gotten. I truly believe G-D brought me to this blog and I want to spread the word.
With all of that said, I was asked a question and didn’t have an answer so I’m hoping that you can help. We know that this country is not interested in curing cancer bc of the amount of money it makes, but why wouldn’t a country with universal health care be more interested in using this method ? Wouldn’t it save them money?
My second question- I have heard hydrogenated oils are not good when you have cancer. I read that you should stay away from ‘extra virgin’ olive oils. What is your take on that?
Thanks for any info you can give. Much love to you Chris. You are truly an angel.
hi Chris ,my name is Ursula , i’m a 16 year old teenager . i’m Asian ( Indonesian – South East Asia ) and i read literally everything in your blog , also watched everything in your youtube acc. i’ve had some symptoms of cancer which i am very afraid of , and i just hate doctors . So i decided to change everything in my diet , because i’m Asian ,so it’s pretty hard . for 15 years i rarely eat vegetables and fruits , actually i kind of hate them . all i ate was processed food and others . Now , i decide to change my life . And i’m getting used to it , hardly . I love everything you write , it’s my inspiration on eating . So i want to say thank you for everything , your blog changed my life . and now i have something to ask you , you said you juiced vegetables , because i need time to get use to my new diet , is it okay if i start of by making fruits into smoothie ? and i live in Asia , foods here are different from the US , there are some foods that are alkaline , plant-based ( soy ) , but to eat it , you need to fry it . so i’m torn now . i really want to change my diet 100% and live a healthy life with anti-cancer diet program . if you have some advise , do share it :) Cancer is the one thing i totally fear , a teacher in my school has brain cancer and i’m freaking out now , reading your blog helped me a lot , it kind of calmed me down and showed me that nature is made for human , and i am grateful to the Lord for that . But still , the fear is in me . also , another question , i LOVE broccolis , spinach , cauliflowers , green tea , etc , but i’m used on eating them cooked , now i usually saute them with olive oil in low heat for 1-2 minutes . is it okay like that ?i’m still learning on drinking green juices , anyways love your blog , sending prayers for you , your family , other cancer fighting people , and all the love from Indonesia . Thanks :D
Hey Chris!
Do you still update this blog? I see the last comment was 6 months ago.
You have a true gift, Chris, and you are a true gift. Your message is so important. I especially like your Youtube interviews with Dr. Vickers and all the information you’re providing about The Gerson Treatment, which I wish my mother would have done. Thank you for spreading the truth.
Great post! My 7 year old daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor last July and subsequently underwent radiotherapy for 8 weeks. The doctors declared zero residual neurological deficit after the treatment. A recent MRI scan revealed a return of the tumor.
Do you suppose the carrot juice therapy might help? Any additional advice would be welcome.
You were only 26 when you got cancer! Did you have a really bad diet, no exercise, stress etc? Why do you think you got it when you were so young and why are some babies or young children having leukemia?
I totally agree with changing diet, behaviour to stress and exercise etc. Wish I’d know this before my Dad died. Well done for beating it.
I think he has good messages in healthy diet and lifestyle, but I think some of his points are misleading. He jumps back and forth between cancer and things like heart disease – these are 2 separate conditions with different causes. Obesity and lack of exercise predispose you much more to heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, diabetes etc. These will kill you earlier than cancer if you consider these factors. Cancer is caused by carcinogens such as smoking/tobacco, alcohol, industrial toxins etc. His message of “eat food from the earth” and “exercise” is good for preventing chronic disease such as diabetes/hypertension and possibly cancer, but I think it is bad advice to rely on these once you have cancer. The simple message of “once you get cancer, let your body heal itself with nutritious food and exercise” is folly. Your body’s immune system conducts surveillance to destroy cancerous cells, but cancer develops once the immune system fails or the cancer mutates to find ways to evade the immune system or simply overwhelm it. Yes, the body has capacity to fight cancer, but more often than not it fails because the cancer has gotten to the point it has because your immune system let it get there. The message of healthy lifestyle does not do a damn thing to help someone who has metastatic cancer – they need chemo, radiation, surgery to remove the cancer. Overall, his message of healthy lifestyle is good at preventing cancer and chronic disease, but does not apply to actually treating cancer.
Furthermore, his message of people not needing pharmaceutical drugs is ridiculous. Yes, for people who have things like hypertension and diabetes, the main treatment early on and throughout IS diet and exercise, but drugs can help control the disease and prevent complications such as heart attack, stroke etc. His message is too general; you cannot group every single pharmaceutical drug into one overreaching group. People who have genetic predispositions to various diseases and who have disease that has no link whatsoever to diet/exercise are wrongly misled by this message. Another misleading message is that “things from nature” are inherently good things for the body while “man-made” things are inherently bad – this is simply wrong. Everything that happens in the body is a biochemical reaction, and just because something is “made from man” or “from nature” doesn’t really matter – I am referring to pharmaceutical drugs and these “natural remedies” that people put out there – crap like honey. The stuff that is actually “nature-made” works because it has a specific chemical or compound in it that interacts with your body’s physiology – a prime example is cranberry juice – it prevents urinary tract infections because the juice has a chemical in it that prevents bacteria from binding the urinary tract lining. People drink the juice because it does prevent UTI’s, but if a drug company were to reproduce or isolate that same exact compound then people who go on sites like these would decry it as “man-made” and call it a toxin.
I was just diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma this last Thursday. I’d just like to take the time to say thank you for posting this video. I 100% believe that every reason you say people end up getting cancer is absolutely true. If I would have just exercised and ate right the last year I more than likely would not be going through this at 20 years old. So thank you very much for the wise words. It really made me feel like I can beat this piece of cake. Your video is very encouraging. Again, thank you.
Hello Chris and all. This is my first post…and there’s so much…but for time’s sake let me just ask, “Didn’t I see something about food combining on here somewhere?” Well, let me take a couple words to give God some praise: He got me a Jack Lalane juicer (seems pretty decent) and a Vitamix within a week’s time, absolutely free! He is so good. He loves me so much and He loves you too! God bless.
After 8 months of 100% raw diet, 20 less pounds, a lot of meditation, change of thinking and loving myself, the cancer has being growing from stage 2 to stage 4. I am not sure if everybody can be healed in the same way. I will keep on raw, because I love it, but I might give a try to regular treatments.
Chris, this brought me to tears!!! You are such an inspiration. I had TWO people in my circle that were diagnosed with Cancer this week. I’m just sick about it and am trying everything I can to keep myself and family healthy and I just shared this on my FB page. God Bless you brother!
Hey Chris. Don’t you want people to watch Jerry Bruneti’s life changing Food as Medicine video?
Hi everyone- my wife was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last November, she had a rather large tumor removed and a radical hysterectomy in December. The tumor was causing her a lot of pain and she was not able to eat, so at the time we thought removing it was best, when her oncologist discovered we did not want to employ chemotherapy as part of her protocol she basically threw us out of her office. We have found a local MD that is also a Holistic doctor but he does not carry malpractice insurance and therefore he does not have hospital privileges and cannot order fluid removal procedures etc. We are only three weeks into the raw food vitamin C, Laetrile and IV C treatments. She again has some fluid build up and this makes her a bit nauseated so she is finding carrot juice and hydration a problem again. We cannot get an order for the fluid removal because the oncologist will not order it, the same doctor whom we dislike because she does her best to terrify my wife and is basically rude and arrogant will not refer us to another doctor, without a referral we cannot get into the hospital as an outpatient. So we have to check my wife in through the emergency ward were they keep her for a week and will not administer the supplements we choose. this all seems like something that would go on in Liberia not the US but it is, any suggestions on how we can win this card game with a marked deck so-to-speak. thanks , blessings Darrell
Thanks Chris, my prayers have been answered. I have always believed that the body can heal itself given the right resources and changes required. What have said resonates true within my being. I now feel I trust my inner being to heal myself and be empowered in that choice. God bless your wisdom and inspiration.
My OP: (I try to stay open minded/I’m utilizing natural after failed chemo).
Wouldn’t it be amazing if all the (alternative and/or sent home to die) survivors could form a class action lawsuit to sue the FDA. someone has to do it. I’m normally not a litigious person, but this needs to stop. They are presenting false claims about chemo for certain and I waiver on radiation. I have been a nurse (RN) for 13 years and I believed in traditional cancer therapy 100%. I also have a BA in psychology, therefore I consider myself well educated in mainstream America and the practices/treatment/patient education related to Cancer. There is no attention being brought to this matter at present. I am so grateful to Chris and others like him for opening me up to see this side, it may save my life too.
Oh ya! You are totally awesome!
thank you for putting this out there – I believe you 100%!!!
Thanks for the valuable information, my brother inlay has the same cancer as you and I hope it will help him to, thankyou.
I also had stage 3 cancer and was rushed into surgery. While I don’t discount the importance of eating well, you don’t comment at all on the stats that the Dr clearly talks about when discussing treatment. I was told that even without chemo, the odds were over 80% that the colon cancer would not return after it was removed by surgery. The chemo simply increased that percentage/odds by dealing with any remaining cancer cells that might have remained in my body My guess is that you were told even higher odds given your younger age. I think it’s pretty dangerous to suggest to people who may be in completely different circumstances than you that they should not follow doctor recommendations and that they can simply heal themselves. Sometimes they do not have time. My mother took her time and it became too late. As the Dr. later said, she did it her way – green juice and all – until she died. It may be, as much as you believe in this, that you would never have gotten cancer back at any rate – that surgery beat cancer, not single handedly Chris. This disease is not yet understood. For every “cure” there is out there, there are people who wholeheartedly believe it cured them. Including chemo. Unlike you, it seems, I do know people who have done chemo and have been cancer free as long as you. I also know someone who was filled with cancer and experienced spontaneous remission just before surgery (and it wasn’t his first so there was no false diagnosis). Eating well, exercising, being at peace all must contribute to wellness, but sorry Chris, your continued well health certainly isn’t proof that people should ignore their doctor’s advice and follow this alone.
They gave me a 60% chance of living 5 years. The reality was actually 28%. See my FAQ page
It is like you said Chris: You have to do what is right for yourself. You need to do a lot of research and make sure you understand cancer from every side. Also, God decides when our time is done. Nothing we or any doctor can change that. While we are here we need to do everything to glorify God and our savior Jesus Christ!
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said!
I also had stage 3 cancer and was rushed into surgery. While I don’t discount the importance of eating well, you don’t comment at all on the stats that the Dr clearly talks about when discussing treatment. I was told that even without chemo, the odds were over 80% that the colon cancer would not return after it was removed by surgery. The chemo simply increased that percentage/odds by dealing with any remaining cancer cells that might have remained in my body My guess is that you were told even higher odds given your younger age. I think it’s pretty dangerous to suggest to people who may be in completely different circumstances than you that they should not follow doctor recommendations and that they can simply heal themselves. Sometimes they do not have time. My mother took her time and it became too late. As the Dr. later said, she did it her way – green juice and all – until she died. It may be, as much as you believe in this, that you would never have gotten cancer back at any rate – that surgery beat cancer, not single handedly Chris. This disease is not yet understood. For every “cure” there is out there, there are people who wholeheartedly believe it cured them. Including chemo. Unlike you, it seems, I do know people who have done chemo and have been cancer free as long as you. I also know someone who was filled with cancer and experienced spontaneous remission just before surgery (and it wasn’t his first so there was no false diagnosis). Eating well, exercising, being at peace all must contribute to wellness, but sorry Chris, your continued well health certainly isn’t proof that people should ignore their doctor’s advice and follow this alone.
I put in my post just to have it removed later. Do you remove every post that doesn’t agree with every word you say?
Hi Chris I was diagnosed with stage lv cancer of the cervix and had surgery as well as chemo. Had I known about your site I would have decline the chemo. My last scan showed that I am cancer free – but since reading your story I am now changing my diet to 100% raw to promote my health. What other advice can you give me to help with my journey? I am only 44 yrs old with 2 very young kids.
Hi I just found out from my barium enema I have a malignant stricture in my colon and have a colonoscopy scheduled so I began research immediately.I’m so happy I found your page.thanks so much for sharing and helping,I now fully understand how my body and cancer work.I started on your diet right away and began removing stress from my life.I’m completely prepared for my diagnosis and the pressure my doctor has already begun to put on me.
You’re amazing. I am so happy I finally found this site, keep up the amazing work! I lost my 26 year old boyfriend & bff last year to brain cancer, and have been doing research and have learned so much ever since. Now I’m a huge activist and spend my time telling others the truth about the killers chemo & radiation as well. Thank you :-)
I would like to preface my statement towards your video by saying that I am a physician, that I do agree with some of what you are saying and I believe that you mean well and have some good general advice for how people can live healthier lives. Unfortunately, you should have placed a disclaimer at the beginning of your video stating your education in medicine, specifically oncology, and in molecular biology of cancer (or lack there of, which I suspect is the real case). I believe that everyone is entitled to their OPINION, but you should not be advising people to go against mainstream medical recommendation and treatments. It is nice to hear what has worked for cancer survivors, but, unfortunately, for the mass majority of cancer patients, straying from their oncologists’ recommendations and treatments will result in their death (probably sooner than would occur with treatment). As a Christian, I believe that in all cancer patients His will be the final decision in their lives (or deaths) and that faith in our Savior and prayer are the best healers.
As a physician then you are a scientist. My understanding of science is that when something does not agree with your model or expected outcome then you have to reevaluate your theories. Can cancer heal with natural means? Why is Chris not dead? I am sure Chris does not want to put himself at odds with the medical profession as he did not request this illness.
Why are the scientists not queuing up to find out how this healing occurred. Is it explainable? Is it repeatable? Can others benefit from this outcome? There is a deadly silence from the so called science world. Hide behind science when it suits, but when it doesn’t then ignore it. Keep pouring money into researching drug based cures but ignore natural ones. It is about time that our health services stopped ignoring or patronizing people like Chris, and started asking the right questions, and looking for the answers. Then maybe we could have a world without cancer!
Very interesting but some people with pancreatic cancer only last a few weeks. I wouldn’t say that’s plenty of time.
I am unsubscribbing from your site
You are awesome and so inspirational. I never want to have to try your approach AFTER I get cancer. I have no intention of getting cancer. I am all about preventative maintenance. Thank you so much. I will share this and simply hope others will listen.
And this is why Monsanto is poisoning our foods..its called population control.
Another great one Chris! “Truth is simple.” Absolutely, we like to make things more difficult to satisfy our complex mind, but it rarely has to be complicated. Thanks for what you do!
I beat cancer, too. thanks, Chris. you are an inspiration.
I am going to share this on Facebook. I think everyone needs to be educated on this, it is crucial and important information to anyone in any shape or form even those that are healthy.
Thank you Inge!!!
Hi chris I love your website. When you went on the gerson therapy? Did it help? Because I’m thinking of doing that therapy in the future. I know chemotherapy doesn’t help cancer. How did the doctors listen to you when you decide not to take chemo? Most doctors don’t listen to their patients? Was it hard to start the raw diet? How did your cancer heal so fast? I want to try the raw diet in the future. Do you have any advice on what I should do to keep staying healthy? Hope to hear from you soon. Lynda Medeiros
My wife has ovarian cancer in stage 3C since December 2011.then she had 3 cycles of chemo total 19 chemo last in march 2014. Cancer spread in media stain.we donot want to take more chemo now.we are jain and vegetarian.kindly advise the diet and guidance.
Is it ok to drink wine if one has colon cancer?
Hi! I´m from Argentina, I saw you on a video conference and I google your name, It took me here :). I love the way to talk about cancer. My dad also has colon cancer. He is 60 years old. I can understand this video because I know english, But my father doesn’t.
May I suggest a subtitles for your videos? I don´t wanna seem rude, or something, It´s just a suggestion. the point is helping people, and I think this would improve.
Thanks for let us know about your story!!
Florencia. To speed up the process you could document the video subtitles and send them to Chris? In the mean time watch the video with your Dad and translate? You could always pause and go back over things with him.
Chris- Do you know if it is the same with animals? My friends dog has cancer and they are giving her 90 days to live. Do the rules for humans and “spontaneous regression” apply to animals? Thank you
I agree with Chris. He is so young and so smart. I recently was told I have a type M protein in my blood. I have somehting called monoclonal gammopahty of undetermined significance. It is when you have an abnormal protein in the blood. This leads to first kidney disease, neuropathy then blood cancer. A week ago I went to a hematologist/oncologist and was told there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I looked it up and it is caused by 3 things, pesticides, the atomic bomb residue and genetics. One or all. I did a lot research and found out that many herbs (there are 4 of them) preventthe blood from spiking. I am at .1 now when you reach 2-4 you have blood cancer. The only cure for blood cancer right now is oral chemo which you only live 5-10 years with this. I do not have symptoms just yet. I am going to take the herbs and they are green tea extract, curcumin, aswahgeba, and quercetin. I have started not eating sugar (if I do very small amounts) and eating more fruits and vegetables and less animal protein. No one in my family has this and I was born in 1959 and in 1945 was the atomic bomb. If someone in my family died of this they probably never knew. The oncologist said smoking doesn’t cause it either. What?? There are many pesticides in one cigarette of course it can Wish me luck! Can’t afford all of this but can’t afford to die either.
I had surgery for bladder cancer in July 2014. They want me to have chemo to. But I have seen your site. I to would like the nutritional program Karen or Chris please. hu*******@be*******.net
Hi Pam, go to
In 2004, I was diagnosed with Hormone Post breast cancer at the age of 42. Did the surgery, chemo and rad therapy. At 5 year milestone mammo, was found stage 1 triple neg in right breast. Did the treatment thing again. 1 year later triple neg back in left breast. Genetic testing showed BRCA gene 1. Had double mastectomy and waited until 2013 to do a diep surgery. Now triple neg, stage four has appeared in left breast and into muscle and area of lower spine. Have been to several doctors and specialists at world known centers. The last 10 years have been hectic to say the least. On top of all this, my spine has several issues and have had various procedures done thru pain mgmt. Taking care of twins and fighting illness after illness is not been kind to the body. I know about food, I was a chef and baker before I ended my career. My big issue presently is no real appetite for food. The rAre occasions I am hungry, not much is eaten. Stress level off the charts. At this point there is no plan in effect. Waiting on a second biopsy because more lumps were found last Tuesday.
Thank you, Chris, for all you do to help others. I’ve had skin cancers in the past and cleared them using black salve. I’m now finding more and more moles pop up everywhere. God shows me things or gives me feelings of what I should do when I ask Him about things. I think that the new moles, which itch, are cancer. I have heard you on The Truth About Cancer and have the series. Just a couple of weeks ago, I saw your name somewhere. I came to watch your video with Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby. I’m a fan and own all of his books. I want to thank you for offering the Square One program. I’m signing up! I do use products and foods to help me, but it’s time to really get serious now. I just feel it. May many be blessed through your putting this additional tool out there. God’s blessings to you and your lovely family!
The link to your free cancer coaching program is not working.
I guess we have to learn on our own, outside conventional medicine, but with help of wise individuals who have learned hard way…… NATURE GIVES US EVERYTHING BUT WE MUST LEARN (WE ARE TAUGHT TO LIVE AS STUPID “CIVILIZED” HUMANS, and IGNORE MOTHER-NATURE AND ITS POWER)
Now that you are cancer free, how has your diet changed?
How does your theory support the fact that children and babies are diagnosed with cancer every day?
A lot of chemicals are in our food air and water supply. Flame retardant chemicals as well as auto fumes and others carcinogens that are taken in by the mother are also passed along to her unborn child as well as the sugars and chemicals they put in baby food. I’ve also noticed that some people have a greater natural resistance to such things.
if the sperm and egg are not in top notch condition then one cannot expect a baby to be. how many generations have been injected with vaccines so far? What about farmers that use poisons that get into the air and water supply and soil, bsides our food? How many people ingest big pharma drugs that contain so many toxins alot of which are eliminated from the body and where do they end up? over 20 years ago there were reports of dolphins etc in antarctica having prozac in them. What have people been taught that food is? petrochemicals in the shape of a real food item found in a box that lasts forever, never to go bad and mouldy because it is not live food. To stay alive we have to eat live foods.
When you have a malnourished mom and dad you have a malnourished baby, we have been progressively been getting sicker and sicker with each generation from all the toxins in our life
I would like to give you some details however my main point/question is have you got recommendations post chemo/radiation? My partner has an anaplastic astrocytoma stage 3 that has grown in size after treatments, almost tripled in size in fact.
You say that if you have cancer you have time to decide what’s best for you. My brother didn’t have time. He was 56, diagnosed with gallbladder cancer beginning of March 2011 and passed away April 30, 2011. He didn’t have time. They couldn’t do chemo or radiation and couldn’t remove his gallbladder. The only thing he could eat was fruit and vegetable juice, but it didn’t help him. PLEASE edit your video and take “you have time” out of it.
Hi Chris I found your website four years ago when I found in nodule in my lung. I’ve been a faithful reader and believe in what you subscribe to. Yesterday I found out that I have cancer in my liver that is spread from an original spot that is undetermined. I need help as soon as possible to navigate what to do, I will not do chemo. I’m hoping you still do health coaching? I’m a 38 year old Christian mother of six. I’m from Tennessee living in Los Angeles. I’m asking you to please help me I’ll pay whatever your fees are plus double, I trust you because of roads are blocked for so long.
Hi Chris I found your website four years ago when I found in nodule in my lung. I’ve been a faithful reader and believe in what you subscribe to. Yesterday I found out that I have cancer in my liver that is spread from an original spot that is undetermined. I need help as soon as possible to navigate what to do, I will not do chemo. I’m hoping you still do health coaching? I’m a 38 year old Christian mother of six. I’m from Tennessee living in Los Angeles. I’m asking you to please help me I’ll pay whatever your fees are plus double, I trust you because of roads are blocked for so long. I am admitted to the hospital now awaiting biopsy’s, I need. help making the next decisions that are coming quickly.
please respond as soon as possible
Thank you
Hi folks ! There is also a wonderful, if not scary documentary with all the warnings, named THE GREAT CULLING. Cheers !
Hello im very glad to found this website. Thank you the person who shared me this link. My mom has diagnosed leukemia and we rushed to start the chemo treatment due of worrying the cells are dividing fast its her 3rd day. And i am thinking of what we stop her chemo after the first session and start caring her diet and eating style. Was there any situations you have heard it done this way and of course succeeded? Thank you
Hi Crist; juicy is very hard for me. I been juicing for two weeks and I have graving.
Hello Chris,
Thanks for what you are doing. My ‘story’ is on a bit different timeline than most and probably a lot stranger. I won’t go into that aspect just now, but want to let you know that you answered a question a few days ago about multiple myeloma (one of the few ‘genetic’ cancers) that had been on my mind. Sure enough, your answer ‘just showed up’ in my email. There is indeed a way to reverse multiple myeloma naturally! Talk about an answer to prayer. Let me give a brief chapter in the diagnosis I received just this summer, presented as humor.
[My oncologist contacted me and said I may or may not be dying. I said, “What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” He responded, “Your MGUS is as good as mine.” Do you know what happens next if the full skeletal bone scan shows one too many lytic lesions? Let me just say that bone marrow biopsies with aspiration are decidedly unpleasant. No cancer cells found, but my blood profile puts me at a 2% annual increased risk for developing multiple myeloma instead of the typical 1%. I don’t know if that makes me an over-acheiver or an under-acheiver.]
For those who are lost right now, let me explain. MGUS – Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance is a disorder of blood cells which may eventually cause a “universally lethal” (incurable) cancer and is a horrible way to go. Most people with MGUS never get the cancer, but almost all cases of MM began as MGUS. So, the joke’s funny because literally “I may or may not be dying.” What’s the first thing to do when given this news? Write some jokes, of course.
The second thing is to get prepared to find alternative answers to chemotherapy. Wanna here the strange part to all this? When I was about eleven years old, I heard a PSA on TV about the strides being made in childhood and adult leukemia. I said to myself at the time, that’s what’ll probably get me. Then I forgot about it. Decades later and after 17 years as a care giver to one dying parent after the other, my health crashed. In researching what may be wrong with me, how to get better and checking symptoms, multiple myeloma was one theme that kept popping up on a regular basis. Four years later, in July of 2017, I found myself diagnosed with anemia and a blood profile which leads to multiple myeloma! Technically not a leukemia, but sort of like it. Now, I find myself gearing up to be an advocate for medical freedom of choice.
Why am I not freaking out with worry? For one thing, God has me in His hands and has been showing me many documentary series about natural treatments for a couple of years already. For another, Chris Wark et., al., have been answering my questions without even knowing it. Together, I have the confidence and power of knowledge to form a plan of action before the worst emerges. Maybe because of this it never will. I don’t see all this as coincidence either. On the contrary, it is surely Providence in action.
I’m Manuel, I contacted HIV in 2009, I was told by my doctor that there’s no possible cure for HIV. I started taking my ARV’s, My CD4 was 77 and viral load was 112,450.none of the pills nor drugs could work as it has being medically proven that there is no cure for this virus, it wasn’t an easy experience to know you are living with the HIV virus, there is nothing I haven’t done to get rid of it but all to no avail, so I gave up on any cure and live with the fate of no cure for it, on a good Saturday evening wondering and thinking about this mystery, I decide to browse through YouTube channels on any herbal cure for it, browsing through I saw a post on channel possible herbal cure for HIV virus, there to my very surprise was testimonies about DR. DIVINE ,I saw a lot of testimonies about him on how he uses herbal medicine to cure HIV,seeing.all these testimonies little joy and hope came to me, Despite still very curios I have to believe and I contacted him and told him my problems, he talk to me and gave me assurance that his herbal medicine has never failed him since God blessed him with the gift to treat with roots and herbs, he only asked me to trust and believe in whatever work he is doing for me as believe and trust is the first key to healing, so I put all my faith in him and with prayers so I believed and he said he is going to prepare me the herbal medicine which I will be using for 21 days, He sent me the herbal medicine and I took it for 14 days which was two weeks, after then I went to meet my Doctor for check-up and I was tested Negative .is a whole new world for me now and I thank God for restoration ,I thank God for using Dr Divine to heal me, The medicine has NO SIDE EFFECT, there’s no special diet when taking the medicine. He also told me a story how he cure a woman with a Genital HERPES, well this is more than a miracle and will not stop till everyone with this deadly virus is cured and I will advise the` General Public who have the same Virus to contact this great DR.
Phone Number for call or whatsapp :+2348121197528
Email: drdivineherbalh
Thank you, Chris. Good advice!
However, the hardest thing to accomplish, is saving a person from their self. It also depends on how far a person with cancer is willing to change their lifestyle in order to live longer. All your points were very well stated.
BTW: What is your opinion regarding Rick Simpson Oil, in addition to nutrition?
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