I am not a doctor or a scientist. I am a self-educated, chemo-free cancer survivor and I often have people contact me who want to know more about what I did. So, I am going to explain, in the simplest terms, what I have come to understand about chemotherapy. And why I did not do it.
Tell me if this story sounds familiar:
Someone you know finds out they have cancer. They have surgery, multiple rounds of chemotherapy, and radiation. During treatment, the cancer shrinks and disappears. The doctors tell them they can’t find any cancer in their body. They are “NED” (No Evidence of Disease). They announce to the world that they are “cancer free.” Everyone is relieved and excited and celebrates.
Some time goes by, and the patient has more tests only to find out that the cancer is back. And this time it’s spread to their liver, their lungs, their brain, their bones…
They go through more rounds of chemo and radiation, but the treatments don’t work as well the second time. The doctors can’t seem to stop the cancer. Every time you see the patient, they look worse and worse. Eventually, after a difficult battle ranging from a few months to a few years, they die.
So what happened?
This is what happened:
Chemotherapy is toxic poison. It works by attacking rapidly dividing cells in your body, which affects your hair, nails, skin, digestive system, and blood. This process makes you very sick and can cause permanent damage to various parts of your body, including your brain, liver, hearing, and reproductive organs.
Chemotherapy attacks rapidly reproducing cells, which includes some types of cancer cells. But it also destroys your immune system.
NOTE: Your immune system is what keeps you alive.
We all have pre-cancerous cells in our bodies that are eliminated by the natural processes of our immune system.
If you have cancer in your body, your immune system is fighting it; albeit not very well, but it is fighting it.
If the cancer is growing, that means your immune system could be overwhelmed or suppressed, and not functioning as well as it should. But having cancer doesn’t mean your immune system is doing nothing.
If you take chemotherapy and it doesn’t kill all the cancer cells, you will find yourself in a very vulnerable position with a decimated immune system. You will have little defenses left to prevent any remaining cancer cells from reproducing.
Here’s the scary part. If you still have cancerous cells in your body, they will proceed to take over like wild fire. I’ve seen it happen over and over with friends and family that went through chemo; chances are, you have too.
Sometimes, chemo will stop one kind of cancer, but then the patient will develop an entirely different form of cancer. The chemotherapy and/or radiation caused new, new cancer.
Most chemotherapy drugs are carcinogenic, that means they can cause cancer. Many chemo drugs are so toxic that nurses have to protect their skin from exposure when administering it to patients. These are chemicals that will burn through your skin, but they have no problem putting it in your veins.
This may also sound familiar:
I ran into a friend of the family who had undergone chemotherapy recently. Let’s just call this person “Pat.” Please try not to picture Pat from SNL. Of course, now that’s exactly who you’re picturing… Whatever, here’s the story. I saw Pat several months before the chemo started. I didn’t see Pat again until after nearly a year of chemo. When I did, I was shocked. Pat looked 10-15 years older. Pat went from “middle aged” to “elderly” in less than a year. It was heart breaking. The transformation in Pat’s face alone was unbelievable. Pat’s face was sunken in. Pat’s skin was leathery and wrinkled, and Pat’s hair had grown back thin and lifeless. Pat is still alive and, as I write this, I don’t know the condition of Pat’s health. But one thing I do know and witnessed firsthand: the ravaging after effects of chemotherapy are real.
(Addendum: Pat passed away a few months after I wrote this post.)
When the doctors told me I would have to have chemotherapy, I accepted it, but I didn’t feel good about it.
It just didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t have peace about it.
Then I began to study the effects that chemotherapy would have on my body and immune system, which explained my instinctive resistance. I remember thinking to myself, there’s got to be another way…
This was my thought process:
-My body is designed to heal itself.
-Something inside me is malfunctioning and affecting my immune system, allowing cancer to grow.
-Chemotherapy is poison that will hurt my body and destroy my immune system.
-I don’t want to hurt my body and destroy my immune system. I want to build it up.
-Cancer is not the cause of a sick body, it is the effect of a sick body.
-I’ve got to find therapies that strengthen my body and my immune system, so it can heal itself.
And that’s exactly what I did. I radically changed my diet and did every natural, alternative, and holistic therapy I could find.
If all else failed, chemo would be my last resort.
“An investigation by the Department of Radiation Oncology, Northern Sydney Cancer Centre, Australia, into the contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year survival in 22 major adult malignancies, showed startling results: The overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was estimated to be 2.3% in Australia and 2.1% in the USA.”
-Royal North Shore Hospital, Clinical Oncology (2005): 17.4, pg. 294.
The research covered data from the Cancer Registry in Australia and the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results in the USA for the year 1998. The current 5-year relative adult survival rate for cancer in Australia is over 60%, and no less than that in the USA. By comparison, a mere 2.3% contribution of chemotherapy to cancer survival does not justify the massive expense involved and the tremendous suffering patients experience because of severe, toxic side effects resulting from this treatment. With a meager success rate of 2.3%, selling chemotherapy as a medical treatment (instead of a scam), is one of the greatest fraudulent acts ever committed. The average chemotherapy earns the medical establishment a whopping $300,000 to $1,000,000 each year, and has so far earned those who promote this pseudo-medication (poison) over 1 trillion dollars. It’s no surprise that the medical establishment tries to keep this scam alive for as long as possible.”
-Andreas Moritz, Natural News
Disclaimers Abound
I have shared my story and convictions with many people diagnosed with cancer. I’ve listened to them agree with me and say to me, “You’re right. I know deep down you’re right.” And I’ve watched them choose to do chemotherapy anyway.
Some of them survived (miracle), most of them have not. The hardest part for me is wondering whether or not I could have said something else that would have made the difference. Those experiences added more fuel to my fire, which is why I’m doing this now.
Sometimes when we’re in difficult situations, we just want someone to tell us what to do. I sure did. More than anything.
But, in this case, I can’t tell you what to do. And neither can anyone else. Whether or not you take chemotherapy is a decision only you can make.
And it’s a hard one.
If you have cancer or are undergoing chemotherapy now, what you just read might be terrifying. You may be feeling more confused than ever. I know. I was exactly where you are, back in 2004. This is the time where you need to pray. Ask God to reveal himself to you. Ask Him to lead you in the direction you should go. That’s exactly what I did. The God of the Universe who created you and loves you, has a plan for your life. He answered my prayers and He will answer yours.
I want to encourage you to do your own research outside of what the doctors are telling you, in order to make an informed decision. Take responsibility for your own health. This blog should not be the only thing you read.
This book was profoundly helpful in my decision-making process:
God’s Way To Ultimate Health by George Malkmus. Buy it.
Additional Recommended Reading:
Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients by Dr. Russell Blaylock
There Are No Incurable Diseases by Dr. Richard Schulze
Your body is designed to heal itself.
Your immune system keeps you well.
Chemo kills your immune system.
Read more posts about chemotherapy here
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I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 160 Comments
Chis, this is beautifully written. My mom went through the same thing you did when she was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, and after much prayer, she was led to raw foods and a holistic approach as well. It has completely changed our lives. I can relate to what you are saying about people having to make the choice for themselves, but when I see people who don’t get well, I often think too, could I have said it a little differently or pushed them in this direction more? That is why I started my blog too. I felt as if I needed to do something and share the information I knew, and am continuing to learn. Thank you for being so honest, and sharing your experience with the world. I know many people will benefit from it!
Hi Marisa thanks for sharing your mom’s amazing testimony!
first off–I had no idea you had gone through this. I’m so sorry! but, good for you on being your own advocate.
I have had 2 of my aunts, my grandfather, my father-in-law and a close family friend’s 12 yr old daughter die from cancer in as many years. all of them tried varying forms of chemo/radiation, unsuccessfully. :(
I have not done the research you have done, but have come to have many of the same thoughts/beliefs. thank you for spreading the word!
I have been feeding my family in a similar manner for years, and we thoroughly enjoy it. Some argue it is expensive and time consuming, but I think your health is worth it!! another great book on the subject is “fit for life”about food combining.
all the best!
Joelle–your old carpool buddy and first friend-girl :)
Hi Joelle! Thanks so much. Cancer is crazy and it’s everywhere! What’s scary is how many people are getting it
at a young age like I did. I think a lot of people our age are much more health conscious than our parents were, which is
great! Makes me seem less weird. Thanks for the reminder, Fit for Life is a great book!
I thank almighty God for leading me to great man who cured and deliver me from (Cancer and stroke),his name is Dr Molemen, I was diagnose of Cancer and afflicted with stroke for over 4years now,and ever since it has not been an easy life for me,my friends and family relatives has gone on different research but nothing to present as a cure for me.,I was frustrated for many years until one day I saw a testimony on how DR Molemen has helped to cure somebody of HIV, I said to myself, mine is not different,I had to give it a trial by contacting him through his email { dr**********************@gm***.com} who cast a spell for me and also gave me some herbs remedy, he told me not to doubt his work,and within 2 days time that i was going to see changes in my health, well friends today as i am sharing with you my testimony i am healed my stroke is gone and i am living healthy again… friends if you are sick of any disease at all just email Dr on ( dr**********************@gm***.com) or call him on +2347036013351) ..
Great article! These are many of the reasons I too chose not to do chemo. Unfortunately, doctors lead people to believe they don’t need to make any life changes, and they do the chemo, and cancer comes back. Change your life, change your health.
Your blog is inspiring and so is your straight-up sentiments about your journey. I’m sure it wasn’t easy to put yourself out there but sharing your story certainly gives hope. I can’t imagine how difficult the road was for you but can relate to the frustration of having an illness without a “silver-bullet” cure. It’s great to connect with others and know that there are other alternatives out there when the traditional ways come up empty. That and a good sense of humor with a “kick some butt” attitude goes a long way ;) Best wishes to you Chris and keep writing and rockin’.
What do you know about this guy: http://www.burzynskimovie.com? Is he legit?
Yes Burzynski is definitely legit! I found out about him early on. He was on my list of doctors to see if I couldn’t beat it on my own. Thanks for the link. I had not idea they made a movie about him. Learning new stuff everyday!
Love you brother!
Hi Chris,
Congrats on your success! I am curious as to what holistic therapies you did? Colonics, Reflexology, etc and how often? Keep up the great work!
Hey Michelle
Thank you!
I did everything I could find and afford, which is why I started this blog, to document it all for anyone who wants to know.
Yes to reflexology, enemas, acupuncture, structural integration, reiki, reconnection, tons of herbal supplements…it’s really too much to go into in a comment reply.
But stay tuned I’ll eventually get it all on here!
Thanks for your reply Chris! What is “structural integration” and “reconnection”? Is that similar to “repatterning”? This blog is great and so informative! Thank you!
Did you use the coffee enema? I read about that, sound good, but weird too. Can you blog about how to actually do this right?
Hey Miss Angee I did and yes it is weird. I plan to post on it eventually. In the meantime, you can find some info and supplies at http://www.enemabag.com
really you have to get corporate and salesmen on us eh… sick phuck
Gerson therapy dear
Could you share sources (hopefully online resources, instead of books to buy) for some of your assertions? Some of your points seem contrary to my own understanding, and I’d like to reconcile that.
The ones that stand out the most:
1) the dependence upon the immune system to detect and destroy cells that have mutated into cancers
2) the parts of the immune system that are most damaged by chemotherapy (thus inhibiting the action of #1)
They make good premises for a syllogism, but they seem too oversimplified for me to buy. This is coming from someone recently through a bunch of different chemotherapy treatments, so our perspectives are already quite differing. So too have been our cancers.
I don’t argue that a fundamental change in how one lives one’s life can affect huge positive health benefits, and perhaps even create a less inviting environment for cancer. No argument there. I think it’s the vehemence of your hatred of chemotherapy. For someone with an extensively spread blood cancer, surgery isn’t an option. In the emergent case of massively enlarged organs that cannot be removed or resectioned, a fundamental change in lifestyle may be too late.
I’m glad to hear that the surgery and living well have kept you, well, living well!
Hi Tom
I understand where you’re coming from and expect to be challenged.
This article is intentionally oversimplified. I’m sharing the basics in a blog post than can be digested in a couple minutes.
I’m not the world’s foremost expert on health and wellness and have no desire to be.
I’m just a dude who beat cancer without chemo.
The point of everything I say is to encourage you to do your own research.
You should definitely read the books I recommend and more. The more you read, the more supporting evidence you’ll find.
I suggest you ask your doctor those same two questions. If your doctor is like most, he didn’t tell you much, but he will if you ask; to some extent. Which, incidentally, is a story I hear far too often from cancer patients about the lack of information supplied to them about success rates and the effects chemotherapy would have on their body, like “chemo brain” for example.
For anyone reading this who doesn’t know, “chemo brain” is short to long-term brain damage that makes it very hard to think clearly, organize information, remember things, and function in normal life after chemo. A dear friend of mine likened it to Alzheimer’s.
I don’t hate chemotherapy at all, but people need to know what it is and what it does.
Just google “chemotherapy”, “immune system”, etc. You’ll find enough reading for days.
Here’s one I just found http://www.naturalnews.com/023689.html
Hi Chris,
Thanks for the thoughtful reply.
I had the good fortune of working with doctors who were willing to have long discussion with me about their understanding of how my specific cancer (lymphoma) operated, how the different types of treatments effected major cell groups in my body, and what I could expect long-term. Not everyone has this kind of experience.
Reading the article that you linked to, and researching some of it’s warrants, brought me to a few responses:
1 – The quote from “Alan Levin, MD” is used just about everywhere online where people want to slam conventional approaches to cancer treatment. I haven’t been able to find much in the way of the original source of the quote, and he seems to be credited as being both from Harvard and from UCSF.
2 – The study from Australia showing a real small up-tick in survival benefit from chemotherapy was very selective in which cancers they included. Blood cancers and other cancers with really significant chemotherapy benefit rates were excluded. Still, dismal results for other cancers are dismal results!
3 – Abel’s research, from 1990, is tied in as a stunning conclusion at the bottom. “If they tell you that chemotherapy is your best chance of surviving, you will know they are lying or are simply misinformed.” This research is from 1990. 1990! So much changed about the types and amounts of drugs. But the real kicker: the paper may not actually ever have existed!
Many of these articles use the same quotes and studies, copied and pasted from each other, to talk about how chemotherapy continues to be discussed as viable because the drug companies want to keep making money. Your oncologist is lying to you to keep them making money! Oh, and buy my book about homeopathic medicine at Amazon!
My realization: For my cancer, chemotherapy was very effective. I ended up having a complex case and I’m in good shape now. For other cancers, chemotherapy may be completely useless and a waste of quality of life. I think I might be taking your feelings about chemotherapy as something approaching a personal attack; that’s a silly thing for me to do, and I need to stop it.
Hi Tom! Thanks again for writing. This is a very timely discussion as I have a new post up today with more information I think you’d appreciate. It’s called “Freakonomics and Cancer Treatment”. Very conclusive research that actually validates both of our points.
Tom, Marci here; a 3 year ovarian cancer survivor that is trying to decide what to do next since the 4 temporarily successful rounds of treatment (2 chemo, 2 Avastin) were not successful enough. It seems my cancer is back again. I urge you, get you to take this opportunity to use any or all of the holistic approaches out there to build your system up. OK, chemo helped you, but please, please, please make your body as strong as you can so that it may never be needed again. I am personally looking into Gerson Therapy because they have cured many people of many different deadly diseases. God Bless You.
1.Lymphoma is one of the FEW cancers that chemo works for. You got lucky.
2.The cancers that Australia’s study apparently left out only make up 2-4% of all cancers. Leaving them out wouldn’t affect the results that much. I also wouldn’t trust someone in the pharmaceutical industry’s “interesting” response. Wait…I think I remember seeing at least some of the cancers that chemo is effective for in the results table (the best was at a dismal 40%).
3.I found a German translation of Abel’s paper on Amazon.com, and have heard a doctor say that conventional treatment for adult cancer hasn’t improved since the 1920s.
4. At least you admit that you’re being silly by taking this as a personal attack, chemo survivors can be very annoying and ignorant about alternatives, especially when you can’t comment because you don’t have an Amazon account.
For anyone reading this who doesn’t know, “chemo brain” is short to long-term brain damage that makes it very hard to think clearly, organize information, remember things, and function in normal life after chemo.
My jaw just dropped after reading this! I thought this was just a myth! I have this! Before chemo, I was well organized, remembered alot and all that….
NOW!? I can’t remember my next appointment, to make my childrens appts. school functions…. I’m so glad this isn’t a myth. I swear I thought I was going crazy!
I am in nursing school and my sister was recently (1 year ago) diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. She has declined surgery and every other conventional therapy in order to go the natural route. I have strongly encouraged her to have the tumor removed surgically and THEN do the diet change. But she is insisting that the diet plus the rebounder will literally “flush the tumor away”. Her husband tells me that the tumor has grown. Are there real people out there who have had large tumors go away with a vegan diet? I agree with the fact that chemo kills off our immune cells and I can understand why my sister doesn’t want to have chemo, but believing that her tumor will disappear by way of a diet seems extreme. I love how Tom and Chris are able to converse without insulting each other and with rational arguments. I would LOVE to see more of this kind of dialogue. Thanks so much!
I just did the same as your sister, I was diagnosed with stage 3 BC in oct 2012, i actually went thru 4 rounds of chemo but refused everything else including surgery, what i got from my onc, lets just say all the books peg them right, they want your money, only the people who have their eyes open will see this, your faith plays a big part in how well you get, am i cured of cancer dont know, I plan on not worrying about it,Just going to live my life the way god meant for us all to live, veg & fruits straight out of the garden, no chemical, or sprays.My sister & husband felt the same way as you, til i handed them enough information to show them i have a shot.. I’m no longer scared to die because god has shown me the way
how are you, good luck, i hope your doing better!
Obamacare has posed a threat to some of us women. In October 2013, doctors were given the go by the federal health organization to start testing women for cervical cancer “genetics” in the human body. Without notification, my doctor ran a cervical cancer genetic test on me. I had been with the same man for 5 years and had normal papa every year before that for years and years and years. November 2013 they tell me that I have HPV and that I am most susceptible. The nurse says, so many women go through this it is no big deal. She tells me that I need a biopsy to determine whether or not I have progressive cancer cells in my body. None of them told me it was genetic testing. They led me to believe I actually had HPV. I asked them if my period could cause a false positive and they told me no. It turns out it can. I had my initial test during my period and it likely caused a false positive. I did the biopsy and the doctor tells me everything looked good but he wanted to run labs. December 26, 2013 I get a phone call. You don’t have cervical cancer, false alarm. 1300.00 is what that cost me and two holidays. I requested paperwork later on to see that the testing was genetic and that my genes have a high chance of cervical cancer (MAYBE). Likely if I don’t care for my body. According to the doctor my diet change that month may have eradicated the cancer cells. Yea, there were none to begin with. It is a big scam. Drink lots of water. Eat farm grown fruits and vegetables without crazy poisons and fertilizers. Avoid processed and doctors and you should all be ok.
I can tell you this… I had to do my own research. I was never told to change my diet. Just to continue eating. I was never told to alkaline, eat right, sleep well take supplements… I never knew chemo would kill my still healthy immune systems. I never would have chosen chemo. I was sent home after given a death sentence of less than a year. I don’t have anything to loose by trying these alternative techniques and neither do you.
I was supposed to start on Zometa, a drug that was supposed to strengthen my bones. The doctor, who is Indian, was talking so fast, I didn’t hear her clearly when she said that the drug would also MAKE MY CANCER WORSE! No way! And when I told her to cancel it, she tried to give me this guilt trip about brittle bones and stuff like that. I hung up on HER told MY ONCOLOGIST that if she was NOT taken off my team I was leaving that clinic, I don’t care WHO was paying for my treatments! this was crazy! Chris I commend you for sticking this out despite all the odds… To Tom, I will give you the same advice I was given, NOTHING beats a failure but a try. What else do you have to loose?
Awesome comment Miss Angee. Very powerful. Thank you so much for sharing!
I just want to interject that my chiro/naturapath/homeopath dr is doing amazing things for people with blood cancer etc. He works with a Dr from Greece that does a test on your own cancer cells to see what effectively treats your cancer and come up with a tailor made plan for each individual. It tests 50+ natural agents and 50+ chemo agents over a period of 6 days. THIS shows you what your magic bullet is. My test showed that 6 natural herbs were very effective against my ovarian cancer along with Vit C IV infusions (which are extremely effective). He uses diet, supplements, Rife machine, etc however much you can afford. He also does regular blood work to make sure your body is in balance. He works with an oncologist open to this test because a few of his patients only respond to a chemo. he will support you thru chemo or whatever is necessary to beat the cancer. (sometimes you have to hit if from all angles.) I am really impressed with this treament. It’s been 2 1/2 years and my petscan is clear.
I called a lot of the alternative clinics in the US and none of them would treat me without a sample of my tumor in order to test it. I don’t understand ANY doctor administering chemo without this kind of test to make sure it’s effective against your cancer. Otherwise it will do so much more damage to the body. April 2009 Life Extension magazine has great articles on this test. There are also doctors from Germany doing this.
My favorite books are Cancer Free by Bill Henderson, and Cancer: Step Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger, and Outsmart Your Cancer by Tanya Hardin Pearce.
I eat a lot of veggies with high quality meat and blenderized vegetables/fruit. Very low sugar and carbs. I’m gluten free so hardly any grains. The cottage cheese/flax oil diet by Johanna Budwig is also very good to add. The list could go on but most other protocols have been discussed in this forum.
Great website Chris! Thanks, I’ve considered doing some kind of blog myself.
That’s great Jeanna! Would you mind sharing your Dr’s name and where he is located? Thanks!
Hi Jeanna, this is my story and Im trying to make adecision whether to go on with chemo,or not.: Please let me know what you think?
Hi Susan Marie, 05/29/2014, My tumor was removed contained from my uterus on March 6, 2014. No cancer in the lymph nodes or any other organs. But there was microscopic “clear” cells, they call aggressive found. at first it was stage 1b, then after tumor review board it was downgraded, thank you Jesus, to Stage 1a. which meant no radiation, but still 6 weeks of chemo. I have had had one treatment, which I went through without too much pain, other than joints, muscles and headache, but no nausea. I did loose my hair after two weeks. I have felt so great and lots of energy after the first week, BUT, I am a believer in Jesus healing and I have had much much prayer. I just dont think I need or want to subject my body to anymore chemo. I want to walk in my healing
and live with a healthy program for myself. I don’t like the thought of what this chemo is going to do to my immune system. My family wants me to go ahead with chemo though wanting me to have every chance to kill these cells. I don’t know how to proceed because I don’t want to let them down. They do have faith also and believe in the Lord Jesus,, but are so concerned for me. Can you give me more insight on how everything worked out for you and your family? I hope this reaches you as I see your post is 3 years ago. Thank you and God Bless, Pamela Jo
Chris, I have a few questions for you. I may have missed it but what type of cancer do you have and at what stage? Funny you mentioned Lung cancer in your blog. that is exactly what I have, metastasized to the liver, spine, skull and ribs. Initially the doctors thought it was TB, then Breast Cancer until they finally settled on the left lung. Small Cell. Stage four.
Second, have you heard of the Budwig Protocol and if you have, what do you think of it?
Forgive me! I just read your About Chris section lol Oh also the kimchi and noodles I mentioned is prepared with white sugar, not a whole lot but I wanted to know if I can ask my mother to either eliminate the sugar or ask her to prepare it with stevia instead
Chris this is a great website/blog you have here. Congratulations on beating cancer! there are some great documentaries and books about changing diet and lifestyle to overcome and prevent illness but I like your upfront, frank and down to earth’ness. I too am not a doctor but do believe that whole foods, alternative therapies and looking after your mind and body is crital to wellbeing. I am working in Shanghai and if anyone here is in health & wellness let me know, its about time this industry gets started here. Unfortunately “Westernisation”, junk food and illness is taking its toll in China.
All the best!
Your blog is what those of us who have cancer want to see, not promotion of products that “cure”, s string of faceless testimonials, and a link to an online store (e.g. cancerfightingstrategies.com). Instead-A real live person who can give us insight. Thank You!!! This year I had stage III colon cancer, an operation at UCSF, and 6 mos. of chemo. After 3 mos off chemo, a week ago, I found out I now have stage IV and I start another 6 mos. chemo regimen again next week.
I want to incorporate as much of your approach into my life during and after chemo. I fully understand the destructive impacts to the immune system of chemo. I will have access to a nutritionist and an integrative medicine doctor. However, I have a few questions:
1. What are your thoughts about supplements? I notice you used alkalizing green powder.
2. Nutritionists have told me that maintaining your weight was essential to ability to endure chemo and fight cancer. Were you able to maintain your weight pretty much while you were fighting off the cancer on your primarily vegan diet? (incidentally, I believe that eating too much meat contributed to my cancer)
3. During your period fighting the cancer what did you eat for breakfast. Did you just have veggie juice?
4. What did you do for exercise during that time? Do you meditate?
5. What is the most recent ctscan you’ve had and the results?
6. Did you use enemas during your “fight” like Gerson therapy promotes? Did you fast also during?
Congratulations on your success. I really appreciate what you’ve done with your web site. You have very creatively shown us how to apply much of the knowledge that can be found in various books and web sites. It also gives some hope.
Steve Nish
Hi Steve. Thank you. I’ve seen those other sites and I know exactly what you mean.
1. I took a ton of supplements, this is a new blog for me and I haven’t had time yet to post on all the ones I took.
Here are some I took the most from Garden of Life: Primal Defense, RM-10, and their Perfect Food greens powder. Read the book Patient Heal Thyself for recommended doses. I basically took any natural supplement claiming to boost the immune system that I could find.
Check it out Dr. Richard Schulze. He’s great. http://www.herbdoc.com
2. I definitely lost some weight on the raw vegan diet, but I wasn’t concerned about my weight.
3. For breakfast everyday I drank a green powder mixed with water then juiced. I also did a lot of juice fasting. There’s a post about that on here.
4. For exercise I used a mini trampoline called a Rebounder three times a day, it moves your lymphatic system like no other exercise. I ran some, but only 1 or two miles at a time. I also worked out once a week, but not hard. I went to the sauna often to sweat out toxins.
I prayed and meditated on healing scriptures constantly. I will email you some if you want.
5. My most recent CT scan shows no cancer. I’ve had 4 or 5. I won’t be having anymore. Too much cancer-causing radiation in that procedure.
6. Yes Definitely Gerson Therapy. Definitely Coffee Enemas.
Bottom line is I did everything I could afford and find time to do.
Strongly Recommended Reading:
Natural Strategies For Cancer Patients
God’s Way To Ultimate Health
Patient Heal Thyself
There Are No Incurable Diseases
Steve, my wife Micah and I will pray for your healing.
Please keep me posted on your progress.
Hi Steve,
I wanted to send you a note about raw veggies and chemo. I agree with this site 100%, and perhaps you i already know this, but you must be careful while eating raw foods while on chemo. It really has more to do with your white count. If your white blood cell count is extremely low, you have to at least steam your veggies.
I wasn’t going to respond at fisrt, but the day you wrote is the day (not the year) I ended up in the hospital because I spiked a fever, and they couldn’t figure out why, but I ended up spending 3 or 4 days on iv antibiotics. Only then did i learn the bacteria from people touching the veggies and fruits with thin skins can be fought off by someone with a normal immune system, but not someone who is neutropenic(comprimised immune system). So no raw veggies or fruit with thin skin from the grocery store and no mayo, although if you are following the things on here, I would think you aren’t eating mayo anyway. I don’t know why the doctor or nurses never told me this immediately.
Hope your doing well,
Thanks Jessica. Unfortunately chemo decimates your immune system to such an extent that you can be vulnerable to very simple bacteria in raw foods. Lightly steaming is the best way to cook veggies to preserve nutrients and kill bacteria.
Hi Steve, so sorry to hear that your stage III colon cancer has progressed to stage IV cancer even with doing chemo. I was about to start my chemo (I have stage III colon cancer with 6 out of 16 lymph nodes involved) when a friend showed me this article about WNT16B. Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle found that healthy cells damaged by chemotherapy secreted more of a protein called WNT16B, which boost cancer cell survival. Tumors often respond well initially, followed by rapid re-growth and then resistance to further chemo.
Hi Chris, Congrats! I have followed a similar immune path and am also NED. I had stage 4 Adrenal cancer with mets to the liver and lungs in addition to the primary tumor. Many of the philosophies you talk about I also believe and have utilized. You have a great site with good info for people with cancer that has not spread to distant sites (other organs) etc.
However, there are nuances I believe are very important to clarify.
1. The approach you speak of (immune enhancing diet and rest) is almost never enough when cancer has spread to distant site (e.g. liver, lungs, etc) or if surgery has not been performed to eliminate the original tumor (I’m guessing you had surgery to eliminate the primary tumor? I think it’s very important that those that visit your site understand this.
2. The natural immune approach declines in effectiveness as we age and diet can’t reverse this decline. the decline starts around 50. Clearly a great diet will make the most of what we have, but it’s still not going to be nearly as strong as a 25 year olds immune system given the same diet. However, the good news is that there are a number of therapies to enhance the natural immune system (e.g. cloning immune cells and sensitizing them the cancer then reintroducing them to the body — this is a system developed at the university of washington and has cured a 50 year old of stage 4 melanoma. It’s currently in trial at a number of cancer centers).
Also there are other new therapies that are being developed to enhance the immune system that can work alongside diet. (this is the approach that worked for me — and imagine the shock of my Mayo oncologist when I didn’t die within six months but actually slowly reduced all tumors tilll I was NED (he said that he had probably misdiagnosed the original mets and that they weren’t cancerous till I reminded him that they had been biopsied).
In any case, you have a great site, but if you could clarify and also add more therapy options for people with mets and or older people I think that would be very important.
If you’d like more info please call 612 581 2619.
Best, Amy
Hi Amy your story is great and thanks for your thoughtful insights!
1. I’m not claiming that what I did cures all cancers, however there are documented cases of all cancers being cured by natural and alternatives therapies. Also yes I had surgery to remove a stage 3 tumor which talk about often and is in the “About Chris” section.
2. You’re right about age effectiveness being an important consideration, but again there are cases of people over age 50 recovering through natural methods. Perhaps the most exciting thing are the discoveries of new immune boosting therapies. That’s what doctors need to be doing to cancer patients; supercharging their bodies natural defenses. Not destroying them with chemotherapy. I think this would be great post topic. I’ll be in touch.
Hi Chris, I was led to this on you tube after praying about this. Too long of a story to post here but I think you’re prayers were the first and most important thing you did and secondly I think this confirms what you’re doing:
God bless you in 2011
Wonderful story. Thank you so much for sharing the link Ron.
I agree with you.
Her testimony so closely parallels mine, that I got a little choked up watching it.
Hello, my aunt (who is one of the great loves of my life) has just recently been diagnosed with stage 4 renal kidney cancer. I’m just starting my research and feel so overwhelmed and so scared. I want to save her. I talk to God everyday and ask for direction, and I belive that finding you is part of his answer. I am interested in nutritional info (my aunt is in her 60’s), meditation/prayer (I find myself just saying “please God save my aunt” and would like something more eloquent) and if you could just point me in the right direction to continue my research, I’m not finding to much on kidney cancer. Thank you for your courage to share your experience and God bless you and keep you strong. Sincerely Maria G., Pembroke Pines, FL
Hi Maria
So sorry to hear about your Aunt.
It is very hard to lead someone else down the path of natural healing if they don’t want to go.
I would give her the book God’s Way to Ultimate Health, you can get it on amazon.com
That book opened my eyes to alternative therapy for cancer and may for her as well.
Another great book is Cancer Free by Bill Henderson
Hi Chris!
Thanks for this blog. I’m a chiropractor and I always try to educate people about the fact that your body heals itself when properly nourished. I’m glad to have found your site. It’s nice to be able to share experiences of others with my patients. I will be sure to point people this way.
Thank you Hailey!
Hi Chris (and everyone),
I am in London, England and have been diagnosed with stage 2a of Hodgkins Lymphoma. I’m 35 and otherwise seemingly well. I’ve had one cycle (2 treatments) of chemo and I don’t want any more. Friends are concerned about my decision and medical professionals are trying to persuade me to continue. Thanks for the work you’ve put into your site. I think it’s one of few places I will find practical help.
You’re welcome Rita!
I would never ever do chemo again!!!!!!!!!!!!! It destroyed my beautiful hair! And destroyed my body!!!
I re-read this now (and probably will many times again) to bolster myself in my decision to stop after one session of chemo — I’m nervous about telling my doctors that I will be stopping. I’m grateful to them for surgically removing my tumor, but as for any remaining microbes of cancer that may return or grow, I’m going to take responsibility for dispelling and destroying them going forward. In a word chemo felt like suicide and I will not allow that in my body ever again.
I began my juice fast (ala Dr. Richard Schulze) yesterday — happy Independence day all around! — and it feels so good to be actively cleaning up my own mess. I remind myself that ALL my past behaviors were not wrong, in fact, some were very right, it’s just that now I need to add new healthy behaviors and let go of anything that was detrimental to my well-being.
Hi Susan Marie, 05/29/2014, My tumor was removed contained from my uterus on March 6, 2014. No cancer in the lymph nodes or any other organs. But there was microscopic “clear” cells, they call aggressive found. at first it was stage 1b, then after tumor review board it was downgraded, thank you Jesus, to Stage 1a. which meant no radiation, but still 6 weeks of chemo. I have had had one treatment, which I went through without too much pain, other than joints, muscles and headache, but no nausea. I did loose my hair after two weeks. I have felt so great and lots of energy after the first week, BUT, I am a believer in Jesus healing and I have had much much prayer. I just dont think I need or want to subject my body to anymore chemo. I want to walk in my healing and live with a healthy program for myself. I don’t like the thought of what this chemo is going to do to my immune system. My family wants me to go ahead with chemo though wanting me to have every chance to kill these cells. I don’t know how to proceed because I don’t want to le them down. They do have faith also and believe in the Lord Jesus,, but are so concerned for me. Can you give me more insight on how everything worked out for you and your family? I hope this reaches you as I see your post is 3 years ago. Thank you and God Bless, Pamela Jo
ii wanted to add cannabis is showing great results in beating cancer.Please watch Rick Simpsons”run from the cure” on youtube and check out all available about the science behind it..bless
I agree with this 100%. As soon as it is conveyed someone has cancer to the medical establishment they quickly give the person chemo or radiation to purposely destroy their ammune system! They have to convince the population that cancer is incureble and propagate the how deadly it is. Any doctor or researcher or rugular person that has found an alternative treatment with good results gets persecuted not congradulated! Especially if the method or cure is cheap and found everywhere look at apricot seeds or marijuana, There are testomonials of people that have successes with both the list goes on. Both Apricots and Marijuana were made illeagal (as treatments). 2 Doctors in toronto canada are using DCA, a compound cheap and inexpensive and it cures cancer those Doctors are now getting persecuted by health canada! Cancer is reversible but not if they can destroy your immune system first.
Way to go, Chris. Too bad that most of the country (and probably the world) is so brainwashed into believing they only have one choice, mainstream medicine, when they get cancer. I hope you live a long and healthful life, and thank you for your efforts to spread the word of sensibility. We need such information to continue to be available, more now than ever. Thanks again!
Hi Chris,
I am so happy that I came across your blog. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in late October. I opted to have a double mastecomy. They only found a small amount in my left breast none in my right & both lymphnodes that were removed were negative for cancer but yet my doctor highly recommends me to have chemo once a week for 12 weeks. She claims because of my age it could come back.I denied treatment & I’ve been scared ever since. Not knowing if I’m making the right decision, you see I have 4 yound sons & want to do everything I can to be here for a long time. In my eyes hosptals are a business too & chemo treatments are a very expensive. After I told the doctor I didn’t want Chemo she told me that I would have a 30% chance it could come back but chemo would knock that percent down to 15%… I’ve been a risk taker since I was a teenager so I told her at 44 I will take that risk, then she offered me to go t a weaker chemo once every 3 weeks and my chances of it coming back would be 20%, again I refused now they prescibed me a pill called tamoxofin, and I’m not sure if I should take take either! It’s just so confusing but I must say after reading your page I feel relieved that I’m not alone in thinking that Chemo is Bad for me! Thanks Chris for making us all aware! ~Lynne
I would love to have the opportunity to email you. I’m 33 and was diagnosed with early stage breast cancer two weeks ago. I am strongly considering not doing chemo. mi********@gm***.com
Hi Mirra
I have emailed you with some information that might help and Lynne I have information to help you too especially re things you can do to support yourself if not taking the Tamoxifen. I have chosen not to go down that route. Please drop me a line at cl****@cl**********.com and I can share what I know.
May I email you too? I am so grateful to come across this blog and find there are others facing breast cancer/chemo/tamoxifen and not wanting to go that route. Everything in me says not to, and I have read/researched so much, and now this blog is to be included. I really wanted to speak/communicate with others that have chosen NOT to go the conventional route but am really having a hard time finding them. So many choose to do so. I also worry that the statistics are inaccurate as once people are done with chemo, many go back to the lifestyle they had before which may not be so healthy, thus reoccurrence. I am vegan and live a pretty health lifestyle, however, there is always room for improvement such as the raw. Thank you all and I hope that we can connect, I would really love to chat with you! <3
Absolutely! Use the contact page
Kudos to you for healing yourself from cancer and not succumbing to Big Pharma’s agenda. I eat an organic diet but could improve on it greatly so I enjoy looking at what you eat and your recipes. Again, I am so happy for you and wish you great health for years to come!
Told I had Esophageal cancer June 2011. At the time stated stage 4 and was in Esophagus, lymph nodes and liver.
I did do 6 rounds of chemo ending Nov 2011. Since then a couple of scans showed good results and I have been feeling fine. Now latest scan shows no issues except with the liver. The lesion there has increased in size. I do not have any symptoms and all other test (blood) show no issues at all.
I have been asked to start another round of chemo and am having a real problem with it. Spiritually I hear ‘have faith’ Body wise I feel great. Mind is a confused but in a pretty good place.
I think my immune system is improved since being off the chemo and with proper attention it may be powerful enough to deal with the liver lesion. I just cannot see doing more damage than I have already done and I really do feel God, me and loved ones and handle it. Just a bit scared. Anyone have chemo once and then stop when asked to do it again?
Contact lifeextension.org at 800-226-2370 they pointed me in the direction of Nueropaths,mercury free dentist,labs to work with for various test and even gave me some suggested detox and a wealth of other links for info on anything I could have thought! Ask to speak with an oncologist regarding your particular cancer and they will have information specific for you with resources when they call you back. God Bless you and stay prayerful.
Hi Chris and other commenters!
Do any of you have a recommended cancer Naturopath that you would recommend? Or… ?? (In the Orange County, California area).
Any insight would be helpful. Thank you!
Hi John, I’m sorry I don’t know anyone out there
Hi Chris , My husband just was diagnosed with stage 3b NSCC about 2 weeks ago, inoperable, we are doing the whole organic package and supplements, anyway the onc said he had 2 weeks before the tumor might kill him, and we better start chemo asap. He refused chemo but has had 6 radiation treatments and the tumor is shrinking without chemo, not really thrilled with the prospects of radiation either, but are taking supplements to help radioprotect. Need to find a good onco/ hemotol in new england area to work with us so we can get blood tests etc… any ideas… ,
Hi Heather, I don’t know anyone up there but any oncologist can do bloodwork for you, you just have to explain to them on the front end what you are doing and ask if they are comfortable working with you in that capacity.
They may try to talk you into chemo at some point, be prepared for that.
Hi Heather – may I ask what supplements your husband was/is taking to guard himself from the effects of radiation?
Chris – are you familiar with Dr. Hoffer or Max Gerson (daughter is Charlotte Gerson)
Hoffer no, Gerson definitely yes!
Hi Chris. My niece has AML M7 leukemia. She was born with it and it was discovered at 8 weeks. That first time, she went into remission for 3 1/2 years without treatment. Just before her 4th birthday it returned and aggressively so the gave her 6 mths of chemo, a stem cell transplant which worked for a few months and then finally she had a bone marrow transplant with a 25% chance of survival. The bone marrow grafted but it didn’t work. Now she has gone home (very happy about that) and they are weaning her off her drugs-except pain relief as she is in palliative care. They
think she has 3-4 weeks. She is 5. I discovered
you after researching Essiac tea. Within an hour of receiving the news there was nothing more they could do, an unknowing friend posted a link to Essiac on fb. So I researched it. Bought some and did the brew. I am testing it on my healthy but whooping coughing kids. They love it. I didn’t want to suggest it if it was horrible as they have gone conventional all the way. Is it too late for this to help? She’s a strong little girl with a will to live despite the last 18 months in hospital. I thought I might offer it as an immune support rather than cancer cure as I think they would be more open to that. The coincidence of this showing up on fb is too hard for me to ignore.
Normally I don’t respond to these, but Bob yours is so perfect I couldn’t resist.
You sir are a sheep. You have been spoon fed lies your entire life by the medical industry via the media
and that is why you believe I am wrong.
I haven’t been lucky. “Luck” is a shallow, godless view on life.
Nature exists in perfect order.
The human body, just like nature, is Intelligently Designed to work in perfect order.
You have 100 trillion cells in your body, each cell is more complex that anything man has made!
You think that 100 trillion cells work together in perfect harmony on accident, by chance?
Cancer is the body’s response to overwhelming toxicity.
It is the body’s brilliant attempt to save your life!
The earth was designed for us by God.
Everything the body needs to heal can be found in nature, specifically whole plant and animal food from the earth.
Are you familiar with Newton’s Third Law of Motion?
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
That’s a SCIENTIFIC LAW OF NATURE just like gravity.
Only by working with gravity can man fly. Any attempt to ignore or defy gravity will result in failure
When you go against the Laws of Nature you will reap sickness in your body.
When you abide by the Laws of Nature you give your body the ability to heal.
What I am doing IS intentional.
If you did even the smallest amount of research you would find that chemotherapy is for the most part ineffective for all but three cancers: childhood leukemia, testicular, and hodgkins lymphoma. And even for those it the survival rates are dismal. This information is on this site but also it abounds in hundreds of published industry studies. Go to pubmed and learn something from the REAL evidence that is out there.
Do you realize that when an oncologist tells that your particular cancer has been shown to “RESPOND” to a particular drug, what that really means is it that the drug has shown to shrink tumors by 50% for 4 weeks. That’s it. No remission. No cure. Just 50% tumor shrinkage for 4 weeks. That’s what they industry calls “RESPONDING”. Look it up!
Every Oncologist knows this, but most are trapped in a system that pays them HIGH six figures to keep doing exactly what they are doing, despite the dismal results.
Burzynsky charges his patients because insurance companies won’t cover his treatments, despite his incredible success rate. There are many courageous MDs just like him who have left the brutal and barbaric “cut poison burn” cancer treatment and are getting phenomenal results.
Dr. Thomas Lodi, Dr Nicholas Gonzalez, Dr. James Forsythe… just to name a few.
Nutrition and natural therapies will NEVER be used in conventional medicine. For one simple reason: They cannot be patented and are not profitable. Wake up Bob! There are over 1000 drug company lobbyists in Washington DC alone.
It is absolutely a conspiracy. It’s a conspiracy of greed and continued effort to maintain control over the mega billion dollar allopathic medical monopoly.
With the exception of trauma cure, the entire allopathic medical industry is built on three lies: that you have no control over your health, that you are a victim of good or bad luck, and that you cannot heal yourself.
“Think about what your blog is doing”
I know exactly what it’s doing. It’s waking people up and giving them the power and information to heal themselves. Read the survivor stories and comments on this site. They are incredible!
Again, luck has nothing to do with it.
You ARE right about one thing though:
I’m not a genius and I haven’t discovered a miracle cure because there is no cure!
That’s the biggest lie of all.
The body creates cancer and the body can heal itself of cancer.
I’m just a regular guy, but I’m one of thousands of regular people who have rejected toxic pharmaceutical drugs, taken control of their health, and radically transformed their life.
Anyone can do what I did!
Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
Best written manifesto on Natural Medicine I ever read.
May God bless you.
It’s amazing what people will believe from traditional Doctor’s who earn a huge portion of their income from prescribing medication! Of course they are going to recommend chemotherapy! So many practitioners would not have jobs if it weren’t for the quick fix of pharmaceuticals! It’s this ONE WAY of thinking without researching other avenues that I can’t help but think people with this one track mind are idi*ts!
Im having trouble finding a current story and I hope you will read this, 05/39/2014: I also posted this to Susan Marie, 05/29/2014,
My tumor was removed contained from my uterus on March 6, 2014. No cancer in the lymph nodes or any other
organs. But there was microscopic “clear” cells, they call aggressive found. at first it was stage 1b, then after tumor review board it was downgraded, thank you Jesus, to Stage 1a. which meant no radiation, but still 6 weeks of chemo. I have had had one treatment, which I went through without too much pain, other than joints, muscles and headache, but no nausea. I did loose my hair after two weeks. I have felt so great and lots of energy after the first week, BUT, I am a believer in Jesus healing and I have had much much prayer. I just dont think I need or want to subject my body to anymore chemo. I want to walk in my healing
and live with a healthy program for myself. I don’t like the thought of what this chemo is going to do to my immune system. My family wants me to go ahead with chemo though wanting me to have every chance to kill these cells. I don’t know how to proceed because I don’t want to le them down. They do have faith also and believe in the Lord Jesus,, but are so concerned for me. Can you give me more insight on how everything worked out for you and your family? I hope this reaches you as I see your post is 3 years ago. Thank you and God Bless, Pamela Jo (this is my email, ho********@ya***.com) thanks again
Bob you are a freak! I am guessing you have not had cancer yourself! I had to have chemo prior to my mastectomy. 6 cycles, I only did 4, my onco was angry, I went over his head & got an order from my surgeon to have an MRI. It came back good, yes the tumors are small enough to be removed… was it the chemo?? No, according to my surgeon, yes it was a drug, but it was herceptin,not chemo! And yes, I have declined hormone blockers by controlling it with my diet. Dear Bob, wise up, those blockers they want to give me can cause other cancer & deadly blood clots! Just because you eat junk & not food, doesn’t mean you know anything about cancer, chemo, and docs protocols. We are ran by ‘big pharma’… my new onco, yes my 3rd, agrees with me, but can’t promote it… get it yet???
You know someone is living in the matrix when he counters with > someone charges for their services => while the cancer industy makes $100,000,000’s a year and don’t cure a thing.
I mean who would question or “reinforce distrust in the medical establishment”?……. The population has never been sicker or more diseased => Keep takin those drugs Bob.
I say Bob is a troll. Don’t bother with him.
I believe fear can blind you. I had two friends with cancer who died a couple of years ago. One of them had a video called, “Healing Cancer From Within” and had asked me and my other friend to watch it because she felt it was true (I have known the truth for over 15 years and that’s why she wanted me to watch it – maybe to get more confirmation or assurance?) I wish now I would’ve been more persuasive but I didn’t realize how fear can have such an influence on people. I see the importance now of God’s gift more than ever – the Comforter/Holy Spirit, “who will lead you into all truth” AND “…I counsel you to buy from me gold (wisdom) refined by fire so that you may be rich….and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see.” Revelation 3:18
March…found I had cancer in my r. breast. Onco insisted on chemo although I said “no”. I used prayer and visualization and positive meditation. My count was a high #5. after the surgery the pathologist reevaluated and I was a very low #3 and the cancer was sheathed. No chemo and I feel great. I am happy I found your blog before I went to surgery and I know I was able to heal myself with self actualization.
I was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 uterine MMMT, a rare and aggressive cancer. I have been living a very healthy lifestyle all my life; 2 yrs ago I was exposed to alot of radiation when recovering from a riding accident and wonder if that’s what overcame my immune system; the cancer took over. I had a radical hysterectomy; refused lymph node removal and refused chemo/radiation. I am doing acupuncture, chinese herbs, EMB therapy with a wonderful healer, and eating healthy. My question is: can the effects of radiation exposure 2 yrs ago (CT scans and lots of chest xrays) be “undone” if no more radiation is allowed? I had to have another CT scan in August when I was diagnosed but it came back with no tumors in any of my organs. Thanks, Karen
Dear Chris, I feel so happy to have found your blog. When I read it I couldnt believe that your thought process on being diagnosed was exactly the same as mine.
I was diagnosed in June 2012 with breast cancer. I was told that I wouldnt need chemo. I went ahead with mastectomy & reconstuuction only to be told that I would need chemo for ‘prevention & protection’
I refused chemo, as you said my gut told me that It would be the wrong thing to do for so many reasons. I have totally changed my diet & life style. No animal products, no dairy no refined foods or alchohol! Its loosely based on the Rave Diet. I excercise & meditate regually & have just bought a rebounder!I feel the best I have ever felt! I do wonder though if there are any tests I can have to confirm if I am cancer free? I live in the uk. Litha :)
hey chris iv just came across your blog and im very interested in your success story battleling cancer. i am only recently been reseaching on the subject. my girlfriend has lumps on her body. shes been eating less, getting tired, very sharp pains in her ribs and very bad moood swings. i have done a little research on lumps and have read about someone in a similar position that went to the doctor and said that she had lung cancer. what would you recommend to prevent this possable cancer. she is aged 18.
Hi chris
Can you pleas tell me were this doctor is, this lady mentioned it : Jeanna
JULY 10, 2012 AT 9:06 PM
Or can you please tell me about any good doctors in south africa, hoe knows about lymphoma cancer hoe does this test that jeanne posted about !!
With guidance and grace of GOD Almighty, I am presently helping my wife battle stage 4 colon cancer. In 2010 she had surgery, a six month session of chemo and was pronounce cancer free. In 2011 it resurfaced in her lungs, about 5 nodules on one, and about 3 on the other. Although I am not a chemo fan and I have been doing a lot of research on natural alternative cancer treatment, because of the uncertainty of how fast the cancer would spread, we had to choose chemo again. The treatments reduced the number of nodules down to 2 small spots over a year’s time, now the cancer has found it’s way to her brain. Understanding why the chemo will no longer work at this point, they want to do radiation in 3 to 4 weeks for 10 days. I am against it, my wife isn’t sure. At present I have begun administering a treatment of natural alternatives that we once started in the beginning and others that I’ve learned about in my research, along with a healthy diet which has always been a part of our battle. I believe in the natural treatment of curing cancer and pray that we are able to reduce the size of the cancer before we return to the hospital, to demonstrate to the doctors that natural alternative treatments works to eliminate the treatment of radiation. I just wanted to share my story, ask for your prayers, as my wife and I will pray for all who are experiencing this unfortunate ordeal.
I can explain chemo by using an example unrelated to chemo. My grandfather got viral pneumonia in 2006. He suffered a heart attack because some idiot nurse let him have coffee one morning with his meds, likely also because he was suffering an illness. Anyway… It takes TIME for the body to heal from something like that. Viral pneumonia can render an individual unconscious for three weeks or longer. Instead of letting him breathe on his own after he was revived, they put him in a drug induced coma and poured blood pressure meds in with I.V. Fluid into his body at a rapid rate. They drowned him!! He was so bloated and loaded with fluid, idiots. They killed him in 5 days. No matter of the three weeks it takes the body to heal from viral pneumonia. Thank the veterans hospital for all the screwed up crap they do to vets. Anyway. My point is that doctors have one agenda. Money, fast paced, family time, vacations, and more empty hospital beds for the next person. How many chemo patients do u see in hospitals overnight?? You don’t. The sooner you start chemo, the sooner they get paid. If chemo works, they miss out on more money. Now why would they go and do that?? Doctors always prescribe the latest and greatest antibiotics right? They never take your advice on what you want to take, it is who they get kickbacks from.
Awesome post :) The logic I used to talk my hubby out of chemo, was this. Chemo is toxic poison (like you said), and would make any healthy person sick. How is it supposed to make sick people healthy?!? You can’t poison yourself back to health. It makes no sense.
Thank you Bridget! I like the way you think. :)
This is a great blog, Chris. I’ve done a lot of research on alternative cancer treatments and I have come to the same conclusions about chemo and the body’s ability to heal itself. I’m in the process of applying to med school right now, and it’s my hope to become a physician with a focus on natural healing. It’s sad how doctors are taught so little about nutrition. I hope to be a voice of change in the medical field and point more people toward fighting cancer and other diseases naturally. Thanks for sharing your story.
You cannot become an M.D. without selling your soul to the devil. You will be compelled to push pharmaceuticals which will destroy and kill your patients and horribly deform innumerable children in the womb. The Highest will condemn you for all the evil that you Will do. Pull back now.
As “holiness” pointed out, it is true that you will struggle to complete your education while holding onto your personal morals as well. HOWEVER, do not let that controversy stop you. BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD… Just expect the difficulties and be prepared for them when they arise. If everyone ran off scared and didn’t try to change anything, this world would continue to spiral downhill and god knows where we’d be right now.
:) Good Luck!
I recently witnessed the suffering of a Stage IV cancer victim at a hospital (the cancer spread to every organ in his body). His sister was crying every night. The victim was groaning in pain every few seconds, of what kind of pain I cannot even imagine. A few weeks passed and a stretcher arrived to move the victim elsewhere, presumably to wait for him to die. I’ll paraphrase your words: Everyone knows CT scans and Chemo can cause cancer, but they do it anyway. Ignorance will be with us ’til the end of civilization it seems.
I agree with you Chris…
I’ll never forget what the father (who was an internist teaching at a major American medical school) of a childhood friend told me when I was in my teens: “If you ever get cancer, you should know that the mainstream medical establishment has absolutely no idea what they’re doing. You will be a guinea pig for toxic chemicals, which will not cure you, but will make you sicker. Chemotherapy is the 20th-century corollary to medieval blood-letting. If you ever get cancer, find an alternative therapy, preferably based on natural cures. It will be your only hope.”
This blog is amazing! I do not have cancer, but have become very interested in exercise and diet, as I know these are things that can be controlled and directly affect our health. Great advice for those trying to fight cancer, and for those who want to prevent it!
Have you written a book? You should!
I just read your blog and want you to know that I too refused both chemo and radiation, I had early pancreatic cancer, I had surgery that removed 3/4 of my pancreas. Well that was four years ago and I do have digestive and glucose issues but other than that I am perfectly fine. Of course they wanted me to have those treatments, but both my parents went thru that and they both died any ways, colon and uterine cancer. Pancreatic cancer is considered a death sentence except for a mere 5 percent, they way I figure it is somebody has to be that 5 percent. I just knew that I didn’t want to go thru what my parents went thru which was pure hell, and I am here to talk about it.
I had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 3 years ago. I had chemo and radiation. Now I have a ct scan that shows something on my right lung. I didn’t want chemo the first time and if it’s back I don’t want it again.! It’s hard to be brave enough to go against what the medical doctors want you to do. Please be in prayer for me, as I’m sure I will be forced to make a decision soon! I think my mom would be on board with natural approach to cancer, but I know my wife would want me to take chemo. She still thinks doctors are our friends!
Hello I was diag with stage 3 breast cancer 3a. I did it all at md Anderson while 9 yards. I than found a man and he had gone to ann wig more in Puerto Rico so I went done for two weeks and felt great .. Lost 15 pounds.. I am know working with a holistic man of 60 years.. And will be young back down to Ann wig more next month .. With breast cancer it had a lot to do with your relationships husband etc.. I meet so many women that have had bc and not in a happy marriage .. Share the knowledge .. I do e believe I would have gotten sick if I was not in lonely marriage .. My immune went down and the shit got I. .. Dr at md Anderson said to be sugar feeds Cancer.. Get your nutrient on the outside and yes he said this is big business !! I wish the dr would open up a place that directed us to healthy lives nutrition and emotion. They could still make a good income ! Health and hope to all
I am also a cancer survivor. Completed chemo at 3 years old, in remission for 21 years and my parents call it a miracle as well. If I were old enough to have made the decision myself, I would have chosen to help my body heal itself as well, as I try to in my day-to-day life It is so inspiring to see someone who is as passionate as yourself and willing to take the time to put together a website and blogs to spread the truth to those who have this decision to make (and who may not even KNOW there are Natural options out there!) It is a real shame that the world is so controlled by pharmaceutical options, as opposed to natural remedies.
Thank-you for making this website!!
(The only thing I’d suggest is to make it clear that faith is faith, no matter what ‘religion’ or path of life you may follow, it’s simply believing in something that matters, and to pray to whatever entity/entities that call to you. I would not want someone who has a stereotype against the common Christian entity of ‘God’ to be hesitant to head your awesome advice for that reason)
Hello Chris,
Just thought you should know that some sites have used your story in a very deceptive and dangerous way. One example http://www.collective-evolution.com/2013/10/09/cancer-survivor-refuses-to-support-cancer-charities-see-why/
The article seems to suggest that your cancer was cured by going vegan. This is patently not true as I understand it (correct me if I am wrong) you did have surgery correct? That may have done the trick or at the very least helped your recovery. I would assume you would not appreciate others using your story to advance their own flawed health advise.
No, do not go entirely vegan. The body does need protein… At least some form of it. Make sure it isn’t processed and is farm fresh. You can ask farmers how they do their growing of their animals and how they deal with bacterial issues. Most are not afraid to tell you.
When I had my daughter, I was in labor for 64 hours. My midwife told me to go on penicillin to avoid infection. She is an idiot. I had horrible rashes for three months and so did my newborn. I got sick often that year and I was even told I had evidence of cancer two years later, at 26. I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t lose weight. I worked out, ate healthy, nothing was working. I juiced and ate all the food groups. Then it dawned on me after drinking lemon water for a week and I started losing weight, my PH was off. Needless to say, I haven’t had that weight losing issue again.
Before I had my daughter I had a problem conceiving. I tried all kinds of things. I did a two week blood cleanse and that month I conceived. Not a coincidence as I had miscarried several times prior. She was born healthy.
The body can be damaged by processed foods and unhealthy fats. Just eat lots of fruits and vegetables with every single meal. Avoid unfiltered water. Fluoride is disgusting for the body. Oil pull. Take a multivitamin if you absolutely have to. Avoid milk without potassium. That’s my biggest recommendation if you still drink processed milk. Some states have banned farm fresh so much it is hard to find.
Chris, did your family get freaked out because you did not do what the doctors say to do?
Yes, that’s a typical reaction. :)
Hi I agree with you im face this now they advised chemo after I was diagnosed with breast and had a double mastectomy ,but chemo doesn’t sit well with my soul for all the same reason you mentioned ,and I have been praying about it and your blog has just help me become more sure that I wont be doing chemo and will go the homeopathic route and change my diet , thanks
I was diagnosed with Stage 1 IDC breast cancer and precancerous signs in the opposite breast. Underwent BIL mast with reconstruction on Oct 3rd. Final report showed clear nodes with micromets to one node, oncotype score of 12 (which indicates no chemo needed) but because my tumor was 1.8 cm my ONC is advising chemo. Getting a 2nd opinion tomorrow Nov 8, but after reading this blog I will NOT be doing chemo. I might add there is NO family history of cancer and mine only came as a result of taking estrogen after my hysterectomy 3 years ago. I am 52. Any other breast cancer friends want to connect email me at cj****@li**.com
What all did you do? I have cancer myself, stage 4 and chose to do natural. I haven’t felt sick at all, except when I do detoxes. I look 100% healthy when people find out I have cancer they find it extremely shocking and some people don’t believe me when I tell them. Please email me ra************@gm***.com
Chris, I just wanted to say I find your blog fascinating! I am an RN and I work on medical/surgical floors. Ive had several patients on chemotherapy the past few months. One I remember telling me that she had chemo, but didnt get the awful effects like most do (nausea, weight loss, lack of appetite), etc. She said her doctor told her to go and eat whatever she wanted. She had an appetite and cravings for things like sugar, ice cream, donuts, etc. I wanted to be like, Ahhh nooo!!! But all her doctor cared about was calories. She had no idea that diet plays such a huge role in beating cancer.
It is SO SO sad to me how this information is just lost on everyone. People are dying! My husband and I have already discussed that if either of us or our 3 children get cancer, we are doing it 100% through nutrition and holistic measures. I have your site on bookmark. haha!
God bless!
Do not do hormone therapy. Just a suggestion in case you ever looked at it.
Chemotherapy does not permanently damage the immune system. If the cancer is beaten, then the chemotherapy is stopped, and immune cells begin dividing again and return to normal functioning. So there is no reason to suppose that recurrences are due to a damaged immune system as it recovers afterwards. And yes, while someone is receiving treatment there is a weakened immune response to the cancer, but a lot of the time this is deemed okay because it is reasonable (it really is) to think that the immune system alone cannot deal with the disease, and so we introduce a chemical that will attack the cancer. Anyway, if what you are saying is true, why would it not have been picked up upon?! (Please don’t tell me it’s some kind of conspiracy).
If penicillin can damage the immune system for years, why the heck wouldn’t chemo. Explain yourself.
Just because something can happen doesn’t mean it will, and certainly not every time. Just because penicillin or chemotherapy can cause long lasting damage to the immune system doesn’t mean it will, nor that it is likely. Do you see?
I was diagnosed in May 2010 with stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma. I did not have surgery, other than to remove a mass from my skull for biopsy. I had 6 chemo treatments over a seven month period and I was declared cancer free in February 2011. I did lose all of my hair, but it has grown back thicker than before. Yes, I lost a lot of weight, but I gained it all plus some back. I do not look nor feel like I have ever been sick. I personally don’t think that I would be here today if it had not been for the chemo and I would do it all over again if necessary. I’m happy for Chris that he was able to beat his cancer with surgery and healthy eating only. I don’t think people should take Chris’ story as the gospel. It’s important to work with your doctor to find the best treatment for you. I do believe in healthy eating and getting enough exercise, but I’ve tried some holistic treatments for my RA and have been very disappointed to say the least.
Congratulations on beating cancer. It’s always good to hear success stories. Anecdotal evidence is a very dangerous thing, however. Encouraging this strategy could very well lead to lives lost unnecessarily. Scientists work very hard to develop effective chemotherapies, and although they aren’t 100% perfect, there are numerous peer-reviewed studies that show their worth. Just because your strategy works for one person doesn’t mean that it will work for everyone. Pharma, as a whole, is there to make money, but many of the researchers that develop these drugs are doing it because they want to help humanity.
A Yale Grad Student Researching Chemotherapy
they will NOT research hemp oil in cancer studies because it is not a money maker. Why won’t they do research on cancer with this? No way to patent it that is why. They will only use what brings in a lot of profits. Chemo is the ONLY drug in which drs are given a cut of the profits to use. THat is why it is pushed on people. Watch Rick Simpsons RUN FROM THE CURE on youtube. He actually thought the cancer institute would want to know what he accidently found out about hemp oil. THey were not interested. He is an older gentleman and not a pot head and never was.Also, chemo is classified as a success IF the patient lives 5 years. If they die 6 years later, the stat is never changed.
Thank God Almighty that lead me to Doctor Thomas who with his humanitarian heart help my son that had cancer of the brain with his Hemp Oil. I am so grateful that my 17 years old boy is back alive and healthy and can do all this thing he like without any hindrance in his life. Doctor Thomas you are the best and i will always give thanks to God for you to have long life so you can help many more people on earth with your medical service to humanity. with you i now believe that the Hemp Oil is real and True, for all those who have problem relating to cancer and other diseases should contact Dr. Thomas for his medical service at: th******************@ho*****.com, Tina, Miami, US
the there are no incurable diseases by Dr Schulze is available free on his website herbdocblog go there and scroll down through the books on the right of the screen also on the left go to search by disease. This man cured the incurables with his save your life program (biser)
Ok, I don’t know why I am drawn to this stuff…I have no cancer, I am not sick, I don’t have family or friends that are sick…I am just finding myself searching for answers to my health questions. Maybe my inner self knows that I am sick? Maybe I am destined to help others heal themselves? Yep. No idea. Hope I am on the right path. Thank you so much for providing so much. I appreciate it. :)
How is chemo legal. It doesn’t do anything but destroy your body. My aunt had chemo after they found a lump in her breast. She went through chemo and the cancer was gone. Not for long. Not even a year later she went for tests and doctors found the cancer was back and now spread to other areas. She went through chemo again and surprisingly cancer was gone. Again, not long after she started feeling sick again. This time when she went for testing the cancer had spread to every part of her body. Why are doctors pushing chemo on patients when they all know that it doesn’t work. My aunt was the nicest person I’ve ever known. She didn’t deserve to die. How we put men on the moon but cant cure cancer is beyond ridiculous. We deserve the truth and nothing but the truth. If chemo doesn’t work STOP GIVING IT TO PATIENTS! That goes for all these other drugs. Watch commercials on tv about a drug that helps with one thing but then you have to hear about 30 different side effects. Some which are death. Crazy! It’s obvious that scientists aren’t trying to find cures. They try to find band aids. Why? MONEY
Ridiculous comment. All cancers are different. Chemo is incredibly effective in some, such as Leukemia and less effective in others. Go look at the increased survival rates of those stricken by various forms of breast, lung cancer and leukemia and you’ll see over the past 10 years or so survival % has jumped much higher due to advances in treatments…including different types of Chemotherapy as part as a full treatment plan worked on with an oncologist. If you think you’re going to beat most cancers just by eating healthy then you are kidding yourself.
In November 2013 I was diagnosed with Stage II Lung Cancer and underwent surgery. I had the lower quadrant of my right lung removed. Enter now the BADGERING by my doctors to begin chemo. While heavily medicated and scared to death I gave in and agreed (against my inner voice) to chemo. I only did one round of chemo and that was more than I should have done. The chemo was “adjunctive” therapy- in “case” the cancer cells had spread else where. By day two ALL of my hair had fallen out and by the end of round one I had lost 40 pounds, my WBC was ZERO, I was so frail I could not even sit up by myself. Through all of this I never stopped praying for God to tell/show me what I should do concerning continuing my chemo. The thing is he had been telling me (my inner voice) since my diagnosis to not take chemo but I ignored him. What Chris has so elegantly stated to us is the truth, check out the research. It has now been 12.5 weeks since my last POISION treatment and I am still suffering side effects: nausea, fatigue, WBC 3.7 (slowly raising- thank the good Lord no longer 0), Monocyte .2 (also raising slowly). I have learned a valuable lesson- research any and all diagnosis, medications, tests, or procedures that doctors tell you are necessary. I hope and pray Chris’ message reaches others before they fatefully put their lives at risk.
Sue them for malpractice. Tell a judge it made everything worse. Start a juice cleanse. Get PH strips and test your acidity and adjust accordingly. It is super simple. Eat lean meat from a local farmer and farm eggs. Take a safe multivitamin and avoid fish oil. Drink tea with burdock and dandelion root daily for two weeks. Repeat after a month. It is a great detox. Take oxypowder, it is the next best thing to a colon enema. If your cancer doesn’t start to disappear I would be dumbfounded.
The whole thing here is that not all cancer will kill you. Even in the same part of the body, there are many, many different kinds of cancer. Not all of them will kill you. Some people survive cancer without any treatment at all.
Hello every body, i am here to testifies on how dr zack balo help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for 2years and 4months, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 3 days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the cancer was gone,And now am so happy and free from it thanks to dr zack balo. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address wi*****************@gm***.com OR call +2348078927387.
I thank almighty God for leading me to great man who cured and deliver me from (Cancer and stroke),his name is Dr Molemen, I was diagnose of Cancer and afflicted with stroke for over 4years now,and ever since it has not been an easy life for me,my friends and family relatives has gone on different research but nothing to present as a cure for me.,I was frustrated for many years until one day I saw a testimony on how DR Molemen has helped to cure somebody of HIV, I said to myself, mine is not different,I had to give it a trial by contacting him through his email { dr**********************@gm***.com} who cast a spell for me and also gave me some herbs remedy, he told me not to doubt his work,and within 2 days time that i was going to see changes in my health, well friends today as i am sharing with you my testimony i am healed my stroke is gone and i am living healthy again… friends if you are sick of any disease at all just email Dr on ( dr**********************@gm***.com) or call him on +2347036013351)
Cancer has multifaceted causes: I ate vegan and exercised 4 times a week, meditated and had dealt with all past issues and had a very destressed life. Despite that, I was actually not surprise that I developed a breast cancer, why would I be? It runs through the maternal line of my family and I also live in a contaminated word, hell I drink fluoridated water! So, simple solutions will always be elusive. I see it as a big trade off: medical fraternity stresses the slash/burn/poison eradication, then there’s the vegans vs the juicers, vs the alkaline crowd. Personally, I am scared stiff to go through anymore lumpectomies (or mammograms for that matter.) I feel I am having to weigh up risks and probabilities based on rubbery figures and old science while terrified I will make the wrong decision, one that fucks up my life. Radiation can cause heart attacks down the road, or lung cancer. Juicing may starve you or overdose you on sugar. I can’t digest raw food. Ask me in a year when faced with a recurrence how I am going, if I am unlucky enough to get the second cancer. Right now I am in limbo, happily cancer/drug free and blissfully uncommitted to any therapy except my Chinese herbalist who is building up a stagnant liver qi and immune boosting. Oh, and by the way I have Hashimotos. Try finding any info on how Chemo interacts with thyroxin, good luck on that. Best wishes to all.
Disqus_cnwmqhm2c5: Just curious. Please note that this is a friendly question. You said you ate vegan diet. Is that LIVE fresh vegetables and fruits OR cooked veggies or processed veggies (I have seen vegetarians eating fake meat made of flours).
You need to juice and take a damn multivitamin lady. Do a colon cleanse for 2 months while you are at it. Cleanse your body with dandelion and burdock root teas. Drink filtered water. OIL PULL (teeth). If you haven’t cured your cancer in a few months, I would be absolutely surprised.
My Name is Susan williams, From United States. I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about what this man called Dr Dahiru has just done for me, this man has just brought back my lost Ex husband to me with his great prayers, I was married to this man called williams we were together for a long time and we loved our self’s but when I was unable to give him a child for 2 years he left me and told me he can’t continue anymore then I was now looking for ways to get him back until a friend of mine told me about this man and gave his contact email, then you won’t believe this when I contacted this man on my problems he prayed and bring my lost husband back, and after a month I miss my month and go for a test and the result stated am pregnant am happy today am a mother of a baby girl, thank you once again the great Dr Dahiru at ar*******************@ya***.com for what you have done for me, if you are out there passing through any of this problems listed below: (1) If you want your ex back. (2) if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4) You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6) You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8) If you need financial assistance. (9) How you been scammed and you want to recover you lost money (10) Cure for HIV – you can contact him via: email: ar*******************@ya***.com
2004 was a lifetime ago when it comes to Cancer treatments. Your experience also would be unique to the type of cancer you had, and the age in which you developed it. Your statistics of only 2.3% advantage/60% survival using chemo is not valid for other kinds of cancer such as Leukemia in children where the survival rate is over 90% in 2014 and the drugs they use are different than what was used in 2004. I would urge those reading the above article to make sure they understand the huge advances in cancer treatments over the past decade. Different drugs are used today with different protocols and many of the side and negative effects have been greatly reduced compared to a decade ago. In theory it might sound nice that eating well and getting sleep, etc could boost your immune system to fight cancer. But if you’ve got cancer rampaging through your body and you’re just not able to fight it, it is better to get rid of the cancer if at all possible first, and then rebuild your immune system as quickly as possible before another cancer can occur. Talking with a well trained Oncologist is absolutely essential.
Yes, there have been advancements in a few cancer like childhood leukemia and testicular and some lymphomas, which I acknowledge in the post, but for the vast majority of other cancers, treatments are not better. They may be using some newer drugs but the outcomes are the same. Cancer is now the #1 cause of death in the world. It is #2 in the U.S. and soon to be #1. You’ve been hoodwinked by industry propaganda. Just look at the death rate. For most cancers, treatments are not saving lives.
Chris, was reading last night in the UK they are trialling on humans a cancer treatment which they found in a mole rat I think it was the only animal in the world known to not get cancer, they have trailed it on humans and no side affects and apparently curing them. They tested in labs and all other rats got cancer except this rat. Do you know anything about this??? I wrote to you around a week ago asking your thoughts on biopsies as I was having a colonoscopy and endoscopy well I went ahead and spoke to the oncologist and asked him not to do a biopsy and he told me the internet is dangerous and biopsies do not seed cancer or spread it and made me look like a fool, anyway long story short he took out a polyp which I believe is safe? Rather late now if it isn’t but nothing else was found no biopsy was taken but I said to the doctor I’ll hold you to your word on that, tell me Chris is it scientifically proven that biopsy can seed the cancer I read it somewhere but didn’t take note of who stated this? Fingers crossed my results come back negative I get them at the end of this week, even if it does come back negative this has been a wake up call and an eye opener to how much we need to take care of our bodies do we can be here to watch our children grow, marry and raise children of their own, it’s great to have people like you willing to open up and share your life stories and wisdom to help others:)
Healing from HIV-AIDS, i never taught gr******************@ou*****.com who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, i have tried almost everything but i couldn’t find any solution to my disease, despite all these happening to me, i always spend alot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day i was just browsing on the internet when i come across a great post of !Holly! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime i really wonder why people called him Dr Gumbala , i never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so i quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing i will never forget that anyone who contacted him is ! always getting his or her healing in just 3 days after doing all he ask from me, so i was amazed all the time i heard that from him, so i did all things only to see that at the very day which he said i will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and i becomes very strong and healthy,this disease almost kills my life, so i went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said i am HIV negative, i am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr Gumbala gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at: gr******************@ou*****.com.
My husband had a tumor remove d from his pancreas the whipple but the biopsy showed afew cancer cells may of still got into his body he had a few chemo treatment s than started radiation treatment s and was supposed to do both together but couldnt handle it so chomo was put on hold till after the 28 radiation treatment s were finished than started the chemo had one more treatment but had to stop it was to damage ing for him platelets were dropping white cells were dropping anyway maybe had 2 months of a 6 month treatment so what are his chances please talk to me
Round up 10,000.00 and reash out to the gerson institute in Mexico. They can save his life.
My husband had the whipple surgery but couldnt finish the chemo it wasdoing to much damage but what now
The immune system leaves cancer cells alone (the body even builds new blood vessels to support tumors – this is called ‘angiogenesis’ by the medical ignoranti); the immune system seems to even fight the owners body in many cases (google it, you’ll quickly find a list with over a hundred so called ‘auto-immune disorders), etc. More than 22% of all breast cancer disappears on its own if never discovered (google ‘cancer disappears, there are some official studies about this), so why would your doctor tell you that chances for this to happen are only 1:50.000 or worse?. In my years of research, I actually stumbled upon only one theory that covers the cause for ‘disease’ very thoroughly and this is German New Medicine (GNM). Since we’re not just biological machines, there are ways to surpass (shortcut) even GNM, but for most this is, short term speaking, too far out, so for these people I suggest GNM, which goes straight to the cause for cancer, diabetes, etc. Other ‘alternative therapies’ focus on getting rid of the symptoms, so in that aspect they’re not so different than ‘modern medicine’, be it that they don’t use highly toxic chemicals, thank God. I witnessed first hand the disappearing of two small, but malignant, cancer tumors (confirmed by biopsy and ‘second opinion’), after a combination of GNM and ‘B17’ (which I had suggested to a loved one, more as a ‘back-up’ therapy, because she was very new to all this and only escaped a mastectomy, to be followed by chemotherapy, by an inch – I found out about GNM the night before the scheduled suregery). Don’t underestimate the power of imagination and belief (placebo/nocebo effect, spontaneous remission, ‘miracles’, etc.) and start on your path to a new world view right now. Could go on for hours about this, but hope this already suffices to put some people on the right track. God bless you all!
Please, Ive posted this a few times as a reply, just really need help with my decision. I just dont believe I need Chemo, someone tell me how to proceed with my family and a healthy alternative for my body. I believe in my healing from the Lord Jesus Christ and my family is faithful as well, but they want me to do everything possible so these “clear” cells do not form another tumor anywhere. As is say in this post, Im staged at 1a endormetris, but it is a clear cell type which is more aggressive, they say. Read on for more details and thank you anyone for your help and advise! Blessing to you and yours! :
My tumor was removed contained from my uterus on March 6, 2014. No cancer in the lymph nodes or any other organs. But there was microscopic “clear” cells, they call aggressive found. at first it was stage 1b, then after tumor review board it was downgraded, thank you Jesus, to Stage 1a. which meant no radiation, but still 6 weeks of chemo. I have had had one treatment, which I went through without too much pain, other than joints, muscles and headache, but no nausea. I did loose my hair after two weeks. I have felt so great and lots of energy after the first week, BUT, I am a believer in Jesus healing and I have had much much prayer. I just dont think I need or want to subject my body to anymore chemo. I want to walk in my healing and live with a healthy program for myself. I don’t like the thought of what this chemo is going to do to my immune system. My family wants me to go ahead with chemo though wanting me to have every chance to kill these cells. I don’t know how to proceed because I don’t want to le them down. They do have faith also and believe in the Lord Jesus,, but are so concerned for me. Thank you and God Bless, Pamela Jo, my email is ho********@ya***.com
I wish we could seen your blog before my aunt started chemo. If possible I need advice on what to do for my aunt I tried sharing her story but for some reason it wouldn’t go thru. Please I don’t want to lose my aunt so anyone willing to give advice please email me at ab*************@Ya***.com and we discuss how to comunicate from there. Please anyone who can listen to our story and give advice. Please
I’ve tried to answer Pamela Jo’s post two times already, but my answers just seem to disappear after first being visible for some time… In case they’re waiting approval or something, I just noticed I mistakenly mentioned how powerful Psalm 90 has proven to be in my life, but actually I meant Psalm 91 (memorized it like 30 years ago and don’t think of it as whatever ‘number’ anymore…). Everyone could try this, especially when you’re in the midst of a difficult period in your life – it really works, but you gotta believe and have faith.
God bless
Okay, I’m out of here. My comments keep disappearing and I don’t take bs from nobody. Good luck people.
my brothers and sisters, i want to share a good testimony about a man
called DR OKOJIE how he help me bring down some men who scam me and
collected my 20,000 euro.
those men clam they will help me get a
money from their company to borrow when i was in problem and i needed
money to solve the problem, i contacted them that i need a 13,000 euro
to solve a problem and they promise to give me the money and help me
solve the problem i have.
they give me form to fill which i did,
after i fill the form, they ask me to pay for a registration about 500
euro and also sign a document they provide, i really pay for the 500
euro and i sign the document, after that i was hopping i am going to get
the money soon to solve the problem i have, not knowing they are going
to ask me to pay another money, before i notice what is going on with me
i sell all the thing i have send the money to them,the money i needed
was 13,000 euro, before i calculated the money i have send to them, was
about 20,000 euro, and i already sell all the property i have, i started
crying on the street like a mad person.
before i let people no what
is going on that is making me to become a mad person, a sister i don’t
even no before called me and sit me down, she told me not to cry again
that she is going to help me and i will get all the money i lost back, i
told her is not possible for me to get the money back and how can i
even do it because they collected every thing i have and they are still
asking me to send more money, the sister now told me not to pay any
money to them again that she have one old man called DR OKOJIE who is
going to help me get all the money they collect from me back, i never
believe her, but she told me the man have help her before in a case like
them she gave me the man email address and she told me to
contact him, which i really did, i told the man every thing that happen
and the man told me not to worry he is going to help me get all the
money back from them, he even told me they will pay me double of the
money or they pay with their life. at first i never believe he can do
it, but the man told me to trust him and have faith too, which i really
did because i don’t have option them to obey him, he told me what we are
going to do and he will send me something, i really did what he told me
to do and the next day he send me something and tell me how to make use
of the thing he send to me, i did exactly what he told me to do, to my
grated surprise about 3 days latter the scammed started contacting me
for apology even the family of them join them for the apology, i told
them all i need is my money, and they promise to pay me all the money
back to me but i should forgive them, i told them i have forgive them
but they need to pay me all the money first, that is how i get all the
money they collect from me back, latter DR OKOJIE now told me i should
not collect more than the money they collect from me because i was
really ready to collect double of the money really.
i give thanks to DR OKOJIE for the grate power he use to help me get all the money back.
if you have any problem please contact DR*****************@GM***.COM, FOR MORE HELP.
Oh my goodness, it truly helps! Thank you very much, I will follow your advice and look at the links you have provided. I have had experiences of warmth after prayer for healing, also night sweats and cleansing. I have 5 chemo treatments left, 1 every 3 weeks. I should be completed by the end of August. No radiation is necessary, for which I am very thankful, because after Tumor Review Board i was staged down from a 1b to a 1a. My family insists i do these treatments as I have aggressive, rare cancer cell type called “clear” cell. But there is none in the lymph nodes and the tumor was contained to my uterus when it was remove and I had the robotic complete hysterectomy. I was blessed to find it early and I can feel the Hand of God in all of this! I am praying and believing that the Lord Jesus will prevent any long lasting side effects from these chemo treatments. I find it very interesting that you talked about the emotional trauma that caused this. I did go through quite a few emotional traumas the past two years. Im coming to a peaceful point with them, but still more work to do. I pray for The Lords Heart peace for these things. I will try to do all I can with a healthy life choices and I will read all that you have recommended. Thank you and God Bless you for reaching out to help people. Phillipians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ that Strengthens me. Please let me know if you know any info about these types of cells. Thank you again and Happy Trails to you! Pamela Jo
I know exactly what trauma it was! It involved both of my adult children, whom I dearly love with all my heart. I would wake up with a fear and not know why for sure! This has gone on for at least 2 years. They are tremendous kids and Im such a blessed Mom but I had such a emptiness inside and a worry for the people they were choosing for their spouses, all happening at the same time., and my daughter was about 4 hours away. I wasn’t able to reach them with my inner heart to guide them. Just such loneliness as they were.are my life. My husband works as Field Engineer and travels quite a bit, my life centered around them and was wonderful. I since see how they are well and happy, and after two years of marriage my son is having first baby in December. And my daughter in law has been loving and kind to me. My daughter is happy and enjoying her life and career and husband, I still have my doubts about him. My husband and I try to travel some when he has time off, and are trying to build our life together, just the two of us. We will be married 30 years in October. So, I am counting my blessings and letting loose of those worries and loneliness and find life and ways to reach out to others in my free time! So, yes, Im ready to walk this new walk. I believe The Lord has healed me, but my family insists I complete these treatments. I have the 2nd treatment on Mon June 2, then I have 4 treatments left, 1 every 3 weeks, so I should be completed by the end of August. Unless my white blood cells need a week to recover before the last 2 treatments. If there was a test that would prove or show that Im healed of these rare “clear” cell, microscopic cells, I sure would take it. I have to believe that the Lord will shield and protect me from any long lasting side effects from the chemo. Thank you for your help and any advice you might have! God Bless ya, and happy trails to you! Pamela Jo
My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with instructions on how to make Hemp Oil medicines for about 8 years also,i have provided my oil to so many countries,collection of patients,caregivers, doctors, dispensaries, corporations, and activists that advocate for the use of cannabis extract medicine to treat serious diseases such as cancers, heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, Crohn’s, and other disorders worldwide.
In aggregate, the movement has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that cannabis extracts can eliminate various types of
cancers in humans, and can control diseases that traditional pharmaceuticals are ineffective against.
The results have been nothing short of amazing. Throughout man’s history hemp has always been known as the most medicinal plant in the world. Even with this knowledge hemp has always been used as a political and religious football.
The current restrictions against hemp were put in place and maintained, not because hemp is evil or harmful, but for big money to make more big money, while we suffer and die needlessly. Look at a proposal such as this; if we were allowed to grow hemp in our back yards and cure our own illnesses, what do you think the reaction of the pharmaceutical industry would be to such a plan? Many large pharmaceutical companies that still exist today sold hemp based medicines in the 1800′s and early 1900′s. They knew then what I have recently found out. Hemp oil if produced properly is a cure-all that the pharmaceutical industry can’t patent.
I have come with a brand new plan of making this hemp oil sufficient for people who are beyond reach.For all cancer patients that lives in the Europe,Asia,Canada and USA, contact me on: ri*******************@ou*****.com for your oil.
This is a miracle oil that guarantee you a total eradication.Do not play with your cancerous disease,use the hemp oil and bounce back to life…health is wealth.
Hi, I have been diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma a second time in my life now. First time was back in 2011 I was 22 and this year in March. Last time I had surgery done where 75% of my liver, gallbladder, and a few bile ducts removed/replaced. Then the followed me up with some chemo just in case any cancer cells remained. My recovery was a tough one but I was back to normal within couple of months after chemo. I made a huge mistake by not taking care of my health afterwards and almost 3 years later the cancer is back and it is causing me a great deal of suffering. When I was diagnosed at first I decided to go all natural route. I bought cancer fighting, immune boosting supplements. I tried to change my diet. But I failed with the diet because my temptations and hunger led me to cheat many times and the cancer grew. Now I am dealing with sever ascites and a lot of discomfort and pain. Now my legs are swelling immediately after 5 minutes of standing. walking, or sitting. It’s very hard to exercise. I have no meat on my bones because it’s hard to eat anything and not have it upset my stomach. If I eat only fruit or veggies I will lose even more muscle mass and if I eat protein or carbs, grains I get very upset stomach bloating and pain. Well I finally gave in to chemo a week ago and had my first dose. It was horrible, I thought I was going to die. I threw up 9 times and felt like I was burning inside. I was nauseas for 2 to 3 days and could barely eat anything. Now I feel a big difference in my immune system and how it has gotten so weak ever since chemo. They gave me a shot to boost my white blood cell count but I don’t know if it has helped. They still want me to the same chemo another round and I really don’t want to because I feel like I am just going to give up if it gives me the same result. In the meantime I am taking new supplements now and I am praying and trying my hardest to keep my spirits up. I am so tired of being sick. I don’t know what to do anymore and how long I can handle this but I keep having faith that God will answer my cry. I don’t know if Chemo is worth it, it is aweful just aweful stuff. Why would the doctors put poison in the body when the body is already weak. Sometimes I feel like they are not doing their job very well because it seems like they don’t understand fully how toxins and poisons work on a weak body. I pray that my immune system gets stronger soon and the ascites goes away. I have to get drained weekly now and also due to it I can not rest good so that also plays a big role on my healing. I wish I had stuck with the diet change but really stuck with it, without cheating, when I still had a better chance at fighting it.
My name is Mrs Angela khan from Holland am here because of he wonderful thing that has happened to my husband who had prostrate cancer Doctor us my husband will die of the postrate cancer in the next 5 months All our hopes was lost my husband was already thinking he would die luckily for us, My husband met a friend who introduced him to a Doctor kwameh appiah and to our surprise, just 3 weeks of meeting Doctor kwameh appiah the test result my husband did four days ago showed that the cancer had reduced by almost 60 percent. My husband now lives a normal life and i know that before the 8 weeks Doctor kwameh appiah gave us the cancer will be gone
please don’t lie to yourself that you dont need help or you only rely on your doctor, try and get half where you find it.please if you have postrate cancer or anything related to cancer please contact Doctor kwameh appiah on email ( do****************@gm***.com) l know a lot of people have the same problem my husband had and they need help. i will be very happy to someone just the same way and my husband were helped. god bless you
Hi chris. I read your article and it was very touching. I know a lot of people take chemo when they have cancer. I look at pics of people who took chemo look awful. When I read about your raw diet. I thought to myself maybe I should try that in the future so I can stay healthy. I know most doctors don’t listen to their patients when it comes to chemotherapy but was it difficult for you to decide rather to take chemo or not? Did you tell your doctors that you were going on a raw diet? I’m glad you got better by doing that instead of chemo. Sometimes I’m afraid to stand up for myself and I need your advice on how should I stand up for myself. I hope to hear from you soon. Lynda Medeiros
I was diagnosed of brain cancer 2006 and I want online searching for help so I saw a testimony on how Dr fadeyi help people to cure their sickness and even how he help people to get pregnant with herb and black anccient powers so I contacted him to help to cure cancer am cancer am suffering from. After a while he replied me and told all I need to do and once he cast a spell of cleanse for me, i will regain back my heart I did and today I’m testified also be`cos Dr fadeyi cleanse spell with Herb cure my cancer if you need help from him You can email via:- do***********************@gm***.com or you can as well contact his mobile line on +2348109468820
I have oropharyngeal cancer it,s a type of head & neck cancer I done one round of kemo I weighed 185 pounds before my first treatment I weigh only 110. now I was suppost to done 3 rounds of kemo but the first one almost killed me so I told my wife no more so I found a supplement it,s called graviola , redraspberry & immune support and garlic & green tea . I learned fish oil causes cancer to grow faster so I stopped taking fish oil because mine has gotten bigger but it was shrinking until I started taking the fish oil but I changed my diet no sweets no sugar and plenty of exercise
i agree ive had surgerys and chemo taken my meds and not only do i look but feel drained im literaly wasting away its a rude awakening to think your fighting back but wen really your making it easyer for this disease to take over
• MY HIV DISEASE WAS CURED BY DR NICE, WITH HIS HERBAL HEALING SPELL/ (dr*********************@gm***.com).DR NICE is the only Dr who could ever get my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, I have tried almost everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all these happening to me, I always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one day I was just browsing on the internet when I come across a great post of! Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing spell doctor, sometime I really wonder why people called him DR NICE I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing I will never forget that anyone who contacted him is! always getting his or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so I was amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did all things only to see that at the very day which he said I will be healed, all the strength that has left me before rush back and I becomes very strong and healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so I went to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said I am HIV negative, I am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr NICE gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email him now for your own healing too at :dr*********************@gm***.com
mrs sonia said: june 22nd, 2014
i want to thank Dr ojiesun for the herbal cancer medicine he gave to me
and my daughter, i was suffering from cancer when i gave birth to my
daughter and that was how my daughter got the sickness indirect from
me, but to God be the glory that i am heal with the herbal medicine
that DR ojiesune gave to me when i contacted him. i want to use this
medium to tell everyone that the solution to our sickness has come, so
i will like you to contact this great healer on his email address:
dr*********************@gm***.com with him all your pains will be gone, i
am really happy today that i and my daughter are cured of cancer, we are
now negative after the use of his medicine,my doctor confirm it. once
more i say a big thank to you Dr ojiesune for healing hands upon my life
and my daughter, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and
give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their
lives. email him now he is waiting to receive you.
dr*********************@gm***.com Or contact his number:+2348158729782
Right on brother. What a big fat scam this chemo is. You trust the priests in their white coats at the temple. You pray that they can save you. When they kill you with chemo they say you died of cancer. If you go the holistic approach after several rounds of chemo and then die, the temple priests say that the patient died because of the holistic approach. If you start with the holistic approach before getting chemo, the priests in their white coats say oh well he never had cancer, because no one can be cured using the holistic medicine. Doctors use to bleed people to make them well. People one day will look back on chemo treatment as something out of the dark ages. When will the madness stop.
What I need to know is how many of these success stories are still alive years later.?
Somewhere there should be some kind of statistics as to how many chemo patients are still alive so there should be accurate records to compare somewhere.
I mean good ones. Including quality of life and pain and suffering level in the end.
Does anyone know how I can learn these things?
the doctors here are only keeping chemo records.
Hi Chris!
Your entire website is amazing! You have such an inspirational story.
I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with stage IV Colon Cancer. He has surgery 2 weeks ago. He has a port put in tomorrow, and will start Chemo next week I believe. I worry so much about him! I am praying without ceasing! For his strength, health, mind, body and soul healing. I agree with all you have said! I read Cancer Step Outside the Box last year, and I LOVED it! That book made me realize so much! The Herbology course I am taking has also taught me a great deal!
I have forwarded your web site to my friend. In hope that he can find this information helpful! There is hope! The human body is so capable of healing itself!
Thank you for your story!
God Bless!
You say in your blog what i have told many people with cancer and yes they still run down and get Chemo. But i found out too late, I ended up doing 4 treatments out of 12 becauses i put a stop to the chemo. I had already buffed up my system with immune booster and natural herbs two weeks before chemo started & when doc suggested removal of breast ( i had stage 3 ) I said NO.. i never went back that was two years ago last month. I did juice for awhile i have changed my life style, quit smoking and now my immune system i feel is back up and running, plus i have the lord on my side, but you tell the truth sure wish other cancer patients would understand its the CHEMO that kills them..I now eat fresh produce stay away from the meats canned & boxed foods, keep pushing this blog..
and god Bless
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