Audree: Beat Breast Cancer Naturally in 1980!

Please tell us your name, what type of cancer you had, and when you were diagnosed:
Hi, my name is Audree Lee and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1980, 6 months after my mother died of cancer.
My father died 2-1/2 years before her.
They both chose Chemo and Radiation.
I was given those options, but I decided to take my health in my own hands and started by changing my diet. I had 3 months before my surgery and on the day of my surgery, as I was being checked in, I realized there was no longer a lump in my breast. I was told I had no choice in having surgery, so I did, and they found no mass or lump. Praise God! Today I still eat this new lifestyle and have been free of cancer for over 32 years.


Describe your experience with conventional doctors and treatments:
Going to the traditional doctors made me see, especially after watching my father and mother die to their hands, that their only concern was which treatment I would take from them. They were not interested in working with me if I was taking my health in my own hands, but I’m glad I did. I feel better in my 50s than I did in my 20s.

What alternative therapies did you do and which ones helped you the most?
I first just started by changing my food. It seemed to be what I did the most and there are other therapies that I added, like using a filter on my water, doing a sea salt bath, drinking herbal teas and taking supplements. I do green food therapies and learned how to relax to keep myself free from stress.

My diet consists of live foods, 80% raw, 20% cooked, juicing with nuts and seeds.  I still eat the same diet today with more live foods as I found it works better for my body and I feel better when I do.  I do drink herbal teas, mostly ginger because it keeps my stomach and body calm, green tea, and calming teas.

Today I eat more herbs, and live food as I have found now that I am older, I don’t require very much cooked foods.  It is because of the cold weather that I enjoy it from time to time.  I feel better in my 50s than I did in my 20s.  Life is a blessing and I enjoy sharing with others who need help.

What books, products, and supplements do you recommend?

Selenium, Vitamin C, Iodine, potassium, Vitamin D, vitamin A, zinc, Omega 3-6-9 Oil, Chlorophyll and Spirulina. Sometimes CoQ10

Here are some websites I recommend:

Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Nic

    Perfect. This is a great story and it needs to be shared to help people wake up from the institutionalized medicinal nightmare that we cannot seem to escape.

  2. John Tod

    I must refute the comment made by the last person. Yes we CAN escape if we want to. Everyone has a choice. More and more people are seeing friends and loved ones die from cancer at the hands of “conventional” medicine (read: cancer industry medicine) and are starting to wake up and realize that chemo drugs rarely work and do more harm than good. Same for radiation.

    I was diagnosed with prostate cancer and after I learned the only “treatment” was removal of the prostate by surgery or radiation and a possible follow up with more radiation treatments and maybe even chemo to clean up what was left I said, “Uh, uh….not for me.” I have done a full body detox and eating everything organic that I can get my hands on, heavy on the salad. I drink only filtered water. I used to go through a ton of diet soda. All that Aspartame. Crap! That was probably one of the reasons I ended up with prostate cancer. I eat REAL healthy now. I still haven’t got a date for CT scan. I think I’ll ask my doc for a PSA test. I am getting impatient to see what’s going on in there.

    1. chrisbeatcancer

      I think Nic’s point is that information sharing is what helps people realize they can escape.
      You’re both right.

      Also fixed the links
      Thanks John


  3. Keith

    Audrey, this is a great story. I am creating a web site on these diets.

  4. Charlene

    Wow.. I just love this site! Iv been reading all these survivor stories and have been totaly amazed :-) my mother died of breast cancer over a year ago and i wish i had come accross this site earlier:( I have recently found a small lump on my breast which has gotten me so worried and will be getting it checked out but after reading all these amazing stories i feel so much more positive.. Thankyou and god bless! :)

  5. Mrs Biddle

    Strange that she only just noticed the lump had disappeared on surgery day. I am touching mine everyday to see if it gets smaller or bigger.. how could you not.

    1. Christine

      Good point……any response?

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