Hi Chris,
I stumbled across your website when I was looking for alternatives to Chemotherapy. I believe what you have done is very courageous and inspiring.
I am 32 and have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, no family history, generally healthy – so totally shocking. I have had 2 lots of surgery and the tumour was removed and my lymph nodes were clear. I am due to start Chemotherapy on Tuesday and I am scared.
Since my diagnoses, I have changed my diet completely, pretty much vegan now and feel the healthiest I have felt in a long time. I have researched into healing myself with food and alternative therapies and it just makes sense to me, but there is also something in me that is saying I need to do the mainstream treatment as well, but the closer I get to it the crazier it seems, why would I want to go and get pumped full of toxic chemicals that will destroy my immune system when I feel so healthy and in tune with my body?
I have already been given Zoladex (meant to suppress ovaries – in the hope to remain fertile) and already I notice the changes in my body, not sleeping, spaced out and off my food. I just can’t imagine putting my body through this for 5 months with ongoing treatment for another 5 years.
I wish I had the courage you had. What do you think of doing the mainstream treatment alongside a plant based diet and alternate therapies?? Or is it counteractive? I am confused!! The hospital system here (Hervey Bay, Australia) just seem to want to through every treatment at me, Chemotherapy, Radiation, Herceptin for a year and hormone treatment for a following 5 years – they’re reasoning for this is because of my age and that the tumor was grade 3 & triple positive – but the cancer could potentially all be gone already?? And when I ask what is the cause of my cancer, they say “its just one of those things” Isn’t that ridiculous?
I would appreciated any comments you have, you can be as blunt as you like. Maybe that’s what I need.
Thanks for taking the time to read my mail, and thanks for sharing your story.
Hi Kellee
I know EXACTLY how you feel right now and I was in the same situation as you. The doctors removed my tumor and had me planned for chemo when I decided not to do it. I was confused and frightened just like you. They told me some of the same ridiculous things.
If you’ve read my post Why I Didn’t Do Chemo then you know that I didn’t have a peace in my heart about it. It just felt wrong deep down in my soul. When I discovered other natural survivors of worse cancer then I had, it encouraged me even more to go the natural route.
I’m not a doctor and can’t give medical advice, but obviously I chose not to do chemo because yes, it does destroy your immune system, and it is also a carcinogenic substance. I decided to do every natural therapy I could find FIRST. If none of it worked, then chemo would be my last resort. That was my plan.
Doctors do not control your life, you control your life.
Two of my favorite quotes:
“Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something more important than fear.”
And “If you’re scared, Do it scared.”
My opinion is that mainstream cancer treatment does more harm than good.
Your cancer could be all gone, but your body may still be a place where new cancer cells could thrive. This is why it’s critical to get hardcore about your health, which it sounds like you’re doing already.
If you decide to postpone chemo, there is a support system for you that I can help you connect with.
You can also read my related posts on chemotherapy HERE.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
Chris Beat Cancer is ad-free and reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from an affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!
This Post Has 71 Comments
I am also healing myself holistically, and the key thing to remember is, that 9 times out of 10, the cancer didn’t just pop up overnight. Which means, you have time to think about things. First, see more than one oncologist, because you may get different treatment options. I’d also check out a naturopath for holistic options; they will also work with you for combing treatments. I do know my holistic doctor said that the people she treated that combined had to work even harder to counteract the toxins from chemo, than the people who simply said no. Food for thought, and good luck with your breast cancer treatment!
Hi Kellee,
I was diagnosed with breast cancer two and a half months ago, right after my 37th birthday. It was such a shock – I exercised and ate healthily. (Maybe not perfectly, but c’mon…cancer?!?) Anyway, my tumor was HUGE and I had two heavily involved lymph nodes. So, after much research and agonizing, I decided to go ahead with the chemo, surgery, and radiation, in that order. BUT I am also doing a TON of integrative therapies (acupuncture, chiropractic care, Reiki, etc) and my diet is really great. (Blogs like Chris’s have been extremely helpful!) The end result is that the tumor is shrinking like crazy, my lymph nodes are clearing up, and I have had very few side effects. Some fatigue, but I still workout every day and live a normal life. (Did lose my hair – the one side effect I didn’t skip out on.) If you decide to go with traditional, allopathic care, maybe Chris can put us in touch and I will give you advice on what I am doing.
Thank you for sharing that Terri!
Thank you so much for all of your responses…And yes Chris I did give you the wrong email address as I wrote that message at 4am I wasn’t quite with it!! The day after I wrote the message to you my mother arrived to help me out and things went all crazy and I have only got back onto your website today… And I cried! I was touched that my message was here and I had so many responses… THANK YOU!
So an update on what I am doing…. I saw my oncologist again and asked a ton of questions – he put forward a pretty good case of statistics and I felt I ‘should’ do it – and I did.. I had one round of Chemo.. The first few days were not so bad, but then it was horrible, all sorts of weird things are happening to my body and mind.. I decided then I would never do that to myself again. I have since been researching and reading a LOT of books..and have found a common thread to healing myself with nutrition, detoxing and holistic therapies!! I feel fantastic, I have a lot of skeptics but my Mum & husband are fully with me so thats all I need…. I have lost my hair because of that 1 dose of Chemo, but I quite like it, its like a rebirth! :) Thanks again for your reply, and thanks for your website Chris, you have given me more confidence that I am on the right path..
Bright Blessings
HI Kellee, I have just found your posting on I live in Mackay, Queensland, and have just had a double mastectomy. The cancer has spread to some lymph nodes and I am awaiting test results to see if it has spread to other parts of body..
I, too, am very sceptical of chemo and radiation treatment. I have been on a raw food diet for about 5 months and I feel really great. Would you be able to contact me so I can ask you some further questions.? Thank you,
Hey! I hope you’re doing good! I just read your post and have some things that might interest you if you want to email me privately. I have some links to many holistic therapies for treating people with cancer. Also my father taught us to deep breath at a very young age in elementary and we’d wake up and do it every morning early hours. We didn’t know it at the time but he was treating his own cancer and preventing disease for the rest of his family and he’s in his sixties now and plays tennis baseball basketball and looks much younger than his actual age. Anyway just shoot me an email to sa********@gm***.com and I’ll send you some video links that will knock your socks off! Good luck with your journey!
Hi Chris, Cortney & all of you whom have shared your stories. I feel like today my prayers were answered! I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 29, had the bilateral surgery & have since started chemotherapy, out of fear! I have had two of the 6 recommended rounds & I have not once been at peace with this choice & not once have I accepted the way my body feels is NORMAL. THIS IS NOT NORMAL. After reading your site today Chris I have made my decision that I wanted to make post surgery & that was to not do chemotherapy & just change my life physically, nutritionally & mentally. So thank you, thank you, thank you! After four months I feel happy (insert smile here), actually happy!!! The drugs are ridiculous & the side effects are even worse. To anyone out there, be at peace with the decision otherwise its all downhill!
Just wondering if there are any Canadian contacts Chris that you can recommend or groups you can make me aware of in my neck of the woods? All the best & wish me luck! I AM SO EXCITED FOR MY NATURAL JOURNEY NOW :)
Hi Kristyn!
I am so excited for you! I don’t know anyone in Canada so I can’t help you there, but definitely get these two books: God’s Way to Ultimate Health by George Malkmus and Cancer Free by Bill Henderson. They are invaluable resources to beating cancer naturally.
Please stay in touch.
Thanks Chris. I am on my way! I have the support of EVERYONE. I am still recovering from my LAST treatment but I am feeling so empowered now and overwhelmed with hope & faith! Stay tuned…
Don’t forget: Cancer-Outside the Box by Ty Bollinger and “Cancer Battle Plan” by Anne Frahm, full of helpful information—and there is soooo much more, its overwhelming for sure. Bottom line, what God has provided for the health of our bodies is always the best medicine. Trust God, seek Him, and let Him guide you to health.
I’m so with you girls,……I’ve done 4 chemotherapies so far (still have 4 more to go), but considering going the “natural way”….Don’t have much of a support around here, but would love to see how those of you who have decided to go “naturally”, are doing….
Hi Denisa,
Wow – that is a lot of chemotherapy they want you to do… I really feel for you and your poor little body, it must be horrible…
I am so glad I made the decision to stop chemo, it is 4 months on now and I feel fantastic, I am working with a great intergrative doctor and all my recent tests/scans came back clear. I believe I am cancer free and will now continue to live my new nutritious, peaceful and happy life well and ensure cancer doesn’t have an environment to grow in again.. As you can see from my earlier posts to Chris, it wasn’t an easy decision to stop conventional treatment, it very tough going against the ‘normal’ method of treatment, tough explaining to family and friends what you are going to do, but it is your decision your life and you must do what is right for you…Have faith in your own body’s ability to heal – because it will.
Hi Kellee,
I’m so happy to hear that you’re doing well and your tests came back clear……I turned down my last chemo, so I made a decision! I’m so happy about it and I’m in peace with my decision…..I would love to learn about your progress and the way you’ve done it…..!
Is there any way maybe Chris can give you my email?
Hi Denisa
Sorry I haven’t been on here in a while, but yes I am definitely keen to share with you what I have been doing, so Chris you are very welcome to give Denisa my email or vise versa.
Looking forward to connecting with you. :)
I’ve sent you the friend request on FB, so we can connect ;-)
Hi Kellee,
I was wondering if you could get in touch with you somehow. I am 40 years old, had a mastectomy in June due to breast cancer and have since found out that I am triple positive. I have decided against chemo but being HER2 positive is the scariest part for me. I would be interested in knowing what treatments you are doing to off set being HER2 positive. Let me know if there is a way I can reach you or perhaps you could post on Chris’ site if you don’t mind.
Thank you, Lisa
By judging what the women have said above, scared and statistics stating chemo prolonging your life. When I rejected the chemo, the physician left the room shaking her head. And then I rejected tamoxifen, ohh I really felt scorned. I left one nurse speechless when I said…there are side effects if I take, like other cancer. I want a pharmaceutical with no risk. They use that behavior to scare you. I was scared, but hopeful, because I had some information. Mine was serious, I had C in both breasts stage 1 or 2. Yes, it is a risk to say I reject chemo, family was not pleased, but hey…life is a gift and if it is my time to go, God will take me. Everyone does not live to be 100 and maybe I am not one of those people. I chose to trust my God and work on improving my immune system. okay, so maybe I have another 5 – 10 years, I know in my heart after reading these type of stories (health after chemo), I would not say I regret not having chemo. Yes, I am a little different and radical. I have a healthy attitude on life/death. Life is a gift, the current pharmaceuticals have a high price of side effects…it helps, but it might harm me with something else. Now that’s scary!
A tumor was found and I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I had surgery a month and a half ago to remove the tumor and some lymph nodes (stage 3b)… I had misgivings about chemo all along, wasn’t sure about it, felt rushed into a decision by my surgeon, but after talking to the oncologist and hearing her tell me that chemo would improve my chances of survival by 20%, I thought, I want those extra numbers on my side.
So I went through my first round four days ago.
It was dreadful, absolutely painful, and I don’t think I can possibly do that to myself again. I want to stop chemo and never go back.
Have I hurt my body and compromised my immune system too much by that one round of chemo so that now, if I stop and try alternative treatments, my new methods might not work? Having done the round of chemo, I will have to build my body back from a lower point than if I hadn’t done it, right? Did I dig my own grave by doing it and changing my mind??
I am so scared! And more importantly, I don’t know if I have the commitment to rigorously change my life as I will need to in order to beat the cancer. I ate very well to begin with, exercised a lot, and yet I got cancer… how much more will i have to do to beat it??? how much more now that I hurt myself with a round of chemo???
Hi Susan Marie
Does chemo hurt your body? Yes.
Are you at the point of no return after one round? No, I don’t believe so.
There are many people who have recovered using natural
methods after chemotherapy didn’t work.
But you have to do some hardcore detoxing.
Raw foods and juice fasting like I did is a must.
Read the books on my Resources page.
Get Dr Richard Schulze’s Incurables Program.
And find a local naturopath to work with.
You are in control of your health.
Be brave!
thanks, you’re an extremely generous person for setting up this blog and sharing all you know. your words are kind encouragement.
I’m ready to begin my juice fast — I wrote you when I felt most low and am a lot more centered now. I’ve done difficult things in the past, this is one more!
my best wishes to you and your family.
Hello, My dad has prostate cancer at age 67, after surgery they found cancer cells remaining in the local area. His second opinion doctor does not reccomend chemotherapy because of his age also claiming prostate cancer is a slow progessing cancer so he will be on watchful waiting. I want to put him on natural medicine how can I find all this information on what to eat..please help me.
Hi Lynn. Check out my Resources page in the menu bar at the top of my site.
There are several books I recommend.
Not even sure but felt like saying I had pre cancerous cells my last pap had a leep done now after my 3rd baby and possible thyroid cancer I adopted a veg diet and have been bleeding/menses since. Is my body trying to clear a cancer? I feel dumb asking:( oh and no results on my last scan yet .
why are all us young chicks getting thy ca? i have had it 2 years, but i doubt i coulda had the beautiful baby i have if i hadn’t radically changed my diet. my thyroid cancer is slow growing, so we’re just watching it and i’m meanwhile trying to find out what it will respond to. oddly enough, i juiced ONLY for 2 months and the tumor shrank rapidly. going back on just a vegan diet after, it didn’t seem to shrink anymore. who knows. but i couldnt keep juicing only, it was killin me! now i’m trying some chinese herbs, but i take curcumin daily, mushroom extract reishi and juice/eat salads/vegs mostly. it is a scary road, but i can certainly say i earned my cancer. i smoked and ate like a pig! i lost 60 lbs though after all that. good luck and let me know if you find anything that will save us all!
Hey Justice You doing the right things! Don’t stop searching.
I’ve read that there’s often an iodine connection to thyroid cancer. Either too low or too high iodine can be a causation factor.
Have you had your iodine levels tested?
Hi Sascha thanks for writing!
I have no idea what’s going on in your body…
but please keep us posted.
Howdy Chris,
I’m on my raw juice fast and i have a salad here and there. Breuss treatment, little known. People mostly know of Max Gerson. His diet is much easier than the Breuss Cure. But the Breuss method is how i got it shrank much smaller. I think you’re right about the iodine. i was in hypo-hell! fat, tired and bloated. now i’m the complete opposite! i think i didn’t get enough iodine. now i’m looking into Dr. Brownstein and Derry who cure breast, thyroid, lung and other cancers by simply using high doses of iodine. i know of another lady who finally was able to get her cancer under control by using iodoral. if anyone has beat thyroid cancer naturally, please contact me at go**********@ho*****.com or if you just want to comiserate. i do feel like the vegan way is the way to go, but i’m tired of waiting for the tumors to disappear!
To all of you cancer patients who are taking the advice of this one person and using it as an alternative to conventional medical treatments please rethink your decisions. The only proven cure for cancer is chemotherapy,radiation and surgery. I have yet to hear about a long term survivor on natural or holistic treatments alone. Just look at steve Jobs, he died. He is one of many. Please combine it as a complimentary in your medical treatments if you want but not as an alternative. Please please please rethink your decisions, this is your life. As for chemotherapy very aware of the horrific side effects but they are short lived and your body does have the ability to recover. It’s a matter of life or death.
Chemotherapy has actually killed a lot of people who could have had a longer life if it wasnt for the toxic treatment.
I know several people who have come into my health food store and have followed similar holistic treatments as Chris recommends. I have a 65 year old woman who had breast cancer and refused treatment and juiced and followed a raw diet. That was several years and her cancer is gone without surgery, chemo or radiation. Another is a 62 male with prostate cancer who followed Chris’s protocol and is cancer free after 4 years.
I believe that most people that do have cancer spend time and research on what they feel works best with them.
Eleni…I am sure that you mean well with your advice, but you should understand that each person’s cancer is unique to them…so what will work for one, may not work for another. Chemotherapy is horribly toxic to the body and just does not have the cure rates to support it’s use. Steve Jobs died yes…but he had pancreatic cancer and survived 6 years past his original diagnosis! This is a cancer that typically kills within 5 months of diagnosis. It is almost 100% fatal. So one could argue, that Steve Jobs lived because of his choice to use alternative methods!
And I am two years past a breast cancer diagnosis. I did not do chemo and have absolutely no regrets about that. I follow a lifestyle very similar to Chris and I am without a doubt, the healthiest I have ever been.
I had uterine cancer in 2005 and elected to have a total hysterectomy to have it surgically removed. Uterine cancer is 90% curable by surgery ALONE! I had the carte blanche of cancers!
Well here we are 7 years later, and I am “clinically cured” by my 5 year mark. Now I have “a very large destructive mass” in my hip/ball socket. They say it originated from my original cancer 7 years ago. I have a hard time buying that crap. I feel my eating habits never changed because no one told me that eating had anything to do with cancer! But it does, the evidence is overwhelming….look up Otto Warburg, Johanna Budwig, Max Gerson, Linus Pauling, Dr. Nick Gonzalez, Oasis of Hope, etc.
But still it is kinda like being in a dark room looking for a doorknob located in the corner! Holistic medicine has no support: FINANCIAL or social. If I go the conventional route, I have health insurance. If I don’t like their methods, I have to pay for my own services.
You are first of very dumb and ignorant for posting this. Chemotherapy is a holocaust procedure of poisoning people for profit. It does not kill the cancer stem cells which are the root of cancers, Also, Vitamin D is important to cure cancer, most important with calcium and magnesium. You need to alkalinze your body. Cancer can’t grow in an alkaline environment. Follow the profits. Nutrition is science, I do have a biochemistry degree and understand science well. You must juice, take vitamin D3, tons of turmeric, lots of raw lemon juice, to alkalize yourself. It does work. Read about SOME SCIENCE, anerobism is root CAUSE of all cancers. Cancers can’t live in an alkaline environment. You have to eat low glycemic foods too.
STEVE JOBS, ate fruits and high glycemic diets. He did chemotherapy and shrank to a stick and killed himself, read the FACTS WOMAN!
Please google “Kim Tinkham”.
This is a woman that was on oprah Winfrey talking about holistic lifestyle curing her breast cancer. Oh well!!! this woman is dead.
Please all you people opting out of conventional medical treatments read her story, it is sooooooooooooo sad, a life could have been saved. Breast cancer is much more curable than ever.
Read her story.
Eleni I’m sure you mean well, but there is a massive amount of information that natural therapies are much more effective than conventional treatments.
I just went to a funeral of a 35 year old mother of three who died of breast cancer. Conventional treatments did not extend her life. They accelerated her demise.
I know the Kim Tinkham story. Using her and Steve Jobs as a basis for the argument that natural therapies don’t work is like saying there’s no oil in the ground because you didn’t find any in your backyard.
I know tons of long term natural cancer survivors just like me. I get emails from them almost every day. They’ve written books, they have websites, they share their stories on youtube, some of them are featured and even comment on this site… You must not be looking very hard.
In fact, my friend and natural survivor Cortney has been featuring natural breast cancer survivors on her blog for the last month.
Treatment of breast cancer with chemo has a 1.3% 5 year survival rate.
If you really want to know the truth about the effectiveness of chemo,
read the clinical research from a 14 year study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in the post below.
Chris, i have a very close relative that has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and has decided not to have any medical treatments. Instead she has become a raw vegan she is following a holistic lifestyle. As there is no proof of long term survival with patients who choose alternative, my fear of losing her to this dreadful disease is of great concern. I live with someone who did nine cycles of chemotherapy sixteen years ago and yes it was a battle but he is still here and healthier than ever. I have also lost people to chemotherapy so i completely understand her concern. I hope you live a long and happy life, but when i stop and think logically if one of my children were diagnosed with cancer the choice would be easy, medical treatments all the way. There is no way i would feed them wheatgrass and make them raw vegans.
Also in your case the fact that you had surgery helped your outcome, as for her no surgery no nothing so the tumor is there and it is an invasive and agressive form.
I hope you and her and everyone else that practices alternative are around for very many years and prove people like my self wrong.
As for Steve Jobs and Kim Tinkham they are real people, true stories so of course i will use them. After all the majority of the population uses medecine so why not use these people that are known and have a story.
Put her in touch with me. I will direct her to the best natural and alternative treatments on the planet!
My son had bowel cancer and I begged him and his wife to go down the alternative treatment route but sadly they didn’t listen. A week after the first chemo session the treatment had to be stopped because his health deteriorated so quickly and a week later he died. He complained of a terrible burning feeling. The chemo killed him.
I have to live with this everyday for the rest of my life. When I hear people saying that chemo is the best cancer treatment I want to scream ‘murder’ because that is what I think it is.
My daughter-in-law asked the doctor about alternative treatments and she was told not to waste her energy and not to look online for other treatments. She and my Son were young and innocent and thought the doctor knew best.
Because of that doctor I lost my only child.
My sister April, age 35, just died of breast cancer. drs. told her they were going to cut it out of her, perform a hysterectomy, and she would do chemotherapy(the toughest kind they could throw at her). after all this was said and done her torso looked like a cutting board. everywhere she was cut the cancer “coincidentally” spread there, and after a radical mastectomy she already had cancer growing in her chest wall. it isnt possible to get all breast tissue, but drs. won’t tell you this. knowing what we know now, if we could go back, i think she for sure would had gone to Switzerland to see a dr. there who has an amazing sucess rate among his patients. his methods are more inventive and made for the specific person at hand. most patients end up in life-long remission. Most other countries do not treat cancer the way the U.S. does. i wish people would wake up and quit being so willfully disillusioned by the propaganda that drs. put out provided by pharmaceutical companies. it is sickening what is being done to our people in this country. and it comes down to the almighty dollar. i would tell the lady above, Kellee, do not do chemo! it is bad enough she has already had surgeries, that is probably her death sentence. she needs to really get to work on boosting her immune system, that and the healing miracle by the Lord is her chance of survival.
Audra thank you so much for sharing your heart and perspective.
I can’t even imagine how difficult it was for your family to see her suffer.
Most people just don’t have any idea how brutal and ineffective
conventional cancer treatments in the U.S. are.
Slowly but surely, people are waking up…
Who is the doctor in Switzerland that you are referring to?
Wow…I’m sorry but I have to comment to the ones that say chemo is the only way & that Chris is the only one…do a little more research and you will find Kris Carr who has been 8 yrs living with cancer and no chemo using alternative, Jess Ainscough became a carrot juice guzzling, lentil-loving vegan after they told her that her arm would have to be amputated at the shoulder because of a rare cancer. There are more people than you think that have decided not to put poison into their bodies.
I am glad that Chris and all the other people that have gone with the alternative method are speaking up so we know there is another way. Doctors don’t tell us everything. I could go on and on about that.
Just know this Chris is not the only one out there. Check it out!
The bottom line is that cancer is a horrible disease that takes a lot of our loved ones. I have lost many friends and relatives to cancer. What treatment one uses is such a personal decision. My aunt whom raised me is currently battling cancer and I have talked to her about alternative natural therapies and unfortunately she has gone with chemo. I’m very disappointed but have to respect her choice. We could all argue which is better, and have our “examples” but ultimately there is a force that determines more… God. Faith and our will plays a big part. So does love and support.
So today on Thanksgiving day… what I am grateful for is the fact that NOW we have alternatives and people like Chris who have the courage to educate us on those alternative therapies.
Thank you and God bless you all.
Take a bottle of honey mix a bottle of coconut water together.take a shot @ night.
Very effective for cancer of any kind.
Note: the healthiest honey is local, raw, unheated and unfiltered
Short bio of Dr. med Ryke Geerd Hamer
(German New Medicine)
Good stuff thanks JR!
have you guys heard about essiac herb for breast cancer…the indians been using it for that from way back,,,wouldnt hurt to use it instead of the chemo in replacement..why do they insist on 8 chemo treatments i woould think that even one dose should kill all the cells in ones body..why do they demand so many.. i believe there is a cure for every disease out there naturally from God…it may be prayer or herbs or maybe even the chemo..i dont know…every persons journey is different
After 2 year and 8 months my ex-gf is still doing very fine after refusing surgery/chemo and radiaton. Posted our ‘story’ on many forums and even scanned the medical files, straight from our doctors computer, and sent them to ‘Beatis’ from anaximperator (a site fighting against alternative therapies for cancer – very biased people there). By accident I discovered the ‘German New Medicine’ (GNM) of Dr. Hamer (our story is in the ‘Hamer house of horrors’ section on that site). Also used B17 (diet is on my site).
A less pleasant consequence of (the theory of) GNM, was that my gf thought our relation was atleast part of the cause for her breast cancer, and as a result we broke up one year ago. I’m really glad she ‘s still fine, of course, and that she found a partner better suitable for her. Anyway, it’s a very difficult (and personal) choice: non-conventional or conventional cancer treatment. Good luck!
[Ronald November 27, 2011 at 10:55 am
Yeah, yeah… I’ll tell you for the last time: the documents I’ve sent you were given to us by our doctor (printed out from his computer). He got them from the hospital/oncologist, through a ‘medical netwerk’. So, maybe there wasn’t a ‘pathology report’ amongst them, but the diagnosis ‘malignant breast cancer’, confirmed by core biopsy, was clear, as was the suggested treatment (mastectomy/chemo/radiation). I really dont understand why you make such a fuss about this (after all, even if you would admit the fact that this was a case of malignant breast cancer, you could always say – like many people already did – that we just got lucky).
Anyway, you’re taking the easy way out again, by calling me a lier… (and ignoring the point of my last comment: chemo = ~1% extra differential survival rate).
Really feels stupid to keep posting on your biased site (what’s the use, really), there’s no way you ever gonna admit that ‘my story’ is true, and that there are better alternatives to cure cancer than the ‘modern’ way of cutting, poisoning and burning people (after more then 40 years of intens scientific research, which still costs tons of money every year).
Good luck to the people who visit this site.]
Hi Chris
I am 48 years old and have just had a malignant breast tumor removed. As I live in Canada the process is painfully slow and as of yet I have not been told whether they want to do radiation or not. Either way is of no concern to me because I am going green, raw, juice, meditation, yoga and anything else I can find to boost my immune system and beat this cancer. So I have been living a 99% raw lifestyle for the last 6 weeks. the only thing missing is my juicer which I will have shortly. My question is the following. I know that sugar is a huge no, no for cancer, but are dates also to be avoided. I have been very good avoiding all refined sugar, maple syrup and agave.
Please let me know what your thoughts are on an occasional treat sweetened with dates?
thank you very much for sharing your journey and inspiring so many people.
Hi Sue. Figs and dates were my only sweet foods for many months.
They were my “treats” a few times per week.
And I still maintain that they are the best way to satisfy a sweet tooth.
Neither one is going to make your cancer explode.
I also occasionally ate larabars,raw food bars sweetened with dates.
Yay :D I am so happy to hear this because I love making raw deserts with them.
Thank you
Just published: Anita Moorjani’s “Dying to Be Me“. She had grade 4B lymphoma and was taken to hospital with all her organs failing. She had a near death experience that is the most incredible NDE I ever read and returned knowing that she would heal — and her cancer disappeared in four days. She had lemon sized tumours all over. Incredible book. You can google her too, just google Anita Moorjani NDE and her story will turn up. It’s incredibly uplifting and she has lots to say about cancer.
i’m feeling a little discouraged because i haven’t found a naturopathic doctor, or holistic doctor to help me in my dealing with a negative mammo test. since feb 1st, all i’ve been eating is fresh raw fruits and vegetables.(some organic)i’m shrinking from lack of calories but i don’t know what herbs i should be taking or what i should be doing. i feel like i’m walking this path alone with the exception of the Lord. is there anyway i can get in touch with judy seeger or any of the folks that have helped you, chris? thank you for whatever information you can give me. angela~
Take 5000 IU of Vitamin D3 with calcium and magnesium. Don’t eat any fruits. Eat only vegetables and Avocados, only low glycemic foods, look them up. Take tons of turmeric daily in your diet, hemp seed oil, and raw organic coconut oil one spoon daily.
Juice raw vegetables only like carrots. No fruits or apples.
You should check out Dr. Robert Morse on youtube. He is a naturopathic doctor. He has been helping people heal from diseases for more than 40 years. He will also answer your questions on youtube. Dara Dubinet is also great to watch for raw vegan recipes. Hope this helps!
I’m so happy to discover your site. Please is chewing carrot as effective as juicing. I stay in Nigeria. Can you recommend an alternative medicine doctor in that country so that i can be sure i’m doing the right thing.
Hi Christianah, juicing extracts more nutrients, it separates the nutrients from the fiber. I’m sorry I don’t know anyone in Nigeria.
I’ve read all the posts and am unsure how I feel about natural vs. traditional medicine. Im 38, and just had a double mastectomy for stage 2 breast cancer involving 2 lymph nodes. I’m scheduled for chemo this coming Friday. Honestly, I’d rather forgo the chemo and use natural methods to prevent cancer from recurring. The Drs say I “had” cancer, because they removed both breasts. But my fear is the lymph nodes, which is akin to the circulatory system, and cancerous cell could be anywhere in my body. I’m thinking, on one hand, if I take the chemo, all those cell will die. On the other hand if I go “green” and do nothing else, the environmental acidity inside my body should change, and starve the cancer cells…. but what if it doesn’t work… will it be too late to catch the cancer in time? When will it even be detected? My breast had NO LUMP, it was a fluke that my cancer was found in the first place…. I dont know what to do!!!
I feel chemo is a scare tactic in western medicine. If you don’t do it, your cancer will come back. What they don’t tell you is how much more it messes up your body. Our bodies can heal themselves, we just need to help them. Change in life style and food is HUGE!
I did chemo, double mastectomy my first bout with cancer in 2005. Six months before the “5 year mark” in 2010 the same cancer came back. I have chosen not to do chemo/other drugs/radiation and have changed my lifestyle and the way I eat. Though cancer hasn’t left yet, I feel better than I have my whole life. Cancer doesn’t have to be a death sentence, think of it as a wake up call.
I am having surgery for colon cancer the 27th of June. How fast after surgery did you start the raw foods diet?
Hi Joy I started the raw diet about a week or two after surgery. If I were in your shoes I would start a juice fast immediately all the way through surgery and beyond. Watch the movie “Fat Sick and Nearly Dead” asap.
Food for thought? In the news since this past Sunday –
Headline – Time magazine:
How Chemotherapy May Trigger Tumors’ Resistance
Headline – The Week:
How Chemotherapy May Trigger Tumors’ Resistance
Headline – Fox News:
Chemotherapy can inadvertently trigger cancer resistance
Headline – BBC News:
Chemo ‘undermines itself’ through rogue response
Headline – Digital Journal:
Study: Chemotherapy can make cancer worse
Headline – Medical News Today:
Chemotherapy Can Inadvertently Encourage Cancer Growth
A search of the words chemotherapy and Nelson (one of the researchers in the study) brings up 830 news articles.
I would like to ask you if you and your wife have found a suitable deoderant (mainly for your wife)? I have used different things since realizing what I was putting in my shaven underarms, and I am currently back to Naturally Fresh Crystal. I am concerned about the Ammonium Alum (which, from my understanding) is an aluminum salt. This product also carries the “pink ribbon” if I’m not mistaken, which does cause me some uneasiness, as well.
I’d like to hear you and your wife’s thoughts on deoderant for women, if you will.
Thank you! Keep up the good work, Chris.
Hi Kellee,
I am wondering what you are doing naturally to deal with being triple positive. Particularly how you are addressing being HER2 positive?
thanks, Lisa
Heya Kellee
I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago.
I had the lump removed and today I get my results. I too am only 34, no history and I am researching alternative methods. Even if my results are good today, Im still changing my eating life stlye.
I live on the Gold Coast Australia. I will more than likely get the same treatment offered.
I would love to connect over e-mail or FB or something.
My husband is reading an amazing book about a lady that also nursed herself back to health through her diet and he now has put me on a radical diet.
Would be great to converse.
It is good you change your diet. follow an alcaline diet (water and foods). go to infrared sauna o gym with one or get (if you can) an infrared blanket (internet or..) cancer does not like heat. Does not like oxygen, it like sugars: fruits, lacteos, and regular sugars… omit all of them for at least two years. It also likes an acid body.
check the internet for ideas… they will tell you many ideas… not all of them are ‘sound’ so be careful. I am eating (fruit i buy )the seeds of organic apples, pears, and apricots) I don’t know if it will help me but i do it just in case. I am affraid to take as many some people advise… since they are toxic/posonous in large quantities. I am sorry you have brst cancer… there are sooo many women of all ages with brst cancer. I think is the water, the plastics we use at home in cooking, the hormones we are taking to prevent pregnancies and to treat menopause HT etc etc.. too many things. 7 of 10 women get cancer. and men are getting the same with prostate..4 of 10 approx.
I am close to 67 yrs old diag at 65 with Her 2+ breast cancer had lumpectomy with 10 lymphnodes removed I decided against chemo and the burning of my skin and went RAW I am doing fine and know that had I knew a bit more that this may have never happened I work out daily and stay connected to GOD and what he told the Israelites about food
Thank You Chris
Hello everyone.
I was diagnosed with her2+ breast cancer and had a mastectomy last spring and underwent chemo all summer and am now on Herceptin until next July 2014.
I found your site Chris a couple of months ago and also believe all what you are saying here. I just shared it with a friend who has breast cancer and has been told she has bout 6 months to live. I begged her to join me on a new diet and lifestyle. She was looking at your site when we ended our conversation.
I would love to know how all these people in the above mentioned comments are doing now. I am in Canada so please feel free to pass along my email to anyone here or anywhere for that matter.
Thanks so much, Sheryl xoxoxo
I was diagnosed with triple positive breast cancer Dec 2, 2013. It appears as 2 tumors on ultrasound but due to their proximity the surgeon is calling it one, making it 4.8 cm. I have had 2 chemo treatments with Herceptin and pertuzumab. A few days after the first chemo I had H1N1 and pneumonia. I was hospitalized for 3 days. It seemed to just happen at the same time. I don’t like the fatigue and bowel problems that have come after chemo. However, after the first treatment my tumor completely dissolved and became non palpable. I do have many praying for me. I wonder how those with similar diagnoses for longer are doing on a raw vegetable diet without any chemo. I would like to quit. I am single and have adopted a 4 year old child who I love very much and want to be healthy and strong, not sickly and weak.
Chris, you say it perfectly. Tell your Dr. that you want a onco test or sensitivity test for chemo. I demanded it. Guess what? I had the lowest score of a 8. Which means I did not need chemo. I think she was mad. I could tell. If you have any questions please email me at de*************@ya***.com.
I was recently diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer also in the lymph. I felt like running out of one of the best cancer centers in america today, telling me that chemo and radiation are my best chances. I just recently ordered black salve to take internally, and I am going to start the vitamin C protocol. I have gone vegan and juice and take my tumeric, parsley, cilantro, broccoli, pomegranate juice, chlorella, and spurilina. I am scared as the dickens, but I’m more afraid of the chemo and radiation. I have a 1 year old and a 4 your old. Any suggestions for me
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