Dr. Christine Salter on healing cancer with integrative therapies

Dr. Christine Salter is originally from Great Britain, where she trained as a naturopath and osteopath. She was invited to the United States to join the staff at Uchee Pines Lifestyle Center where she worked with the late Calvin Thrash, MD, and Agatha Thrash, MD.

Dr. Salter also earned degrees from Logan College of Chiropractic and St. Louis University School of Medicine. Dr. Salter holds board certifications in Family Medicine, Obesity Medicine, and Integrative Holistic Medicine. She is a member of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy, The American Academy of Stem Cell Physicians, and Seeds Scientific Research & Performance.

Dr. Salter has been working with cancer patients for over 30 years. She is trained in the use of Repurposed Drugs in Oncology, Mistletoe Therapy, Advanced Intravenous Therapy, and other integrative therapies. In addition, she works collaboratively with conventional oncologists to optimize conventional cancer care while decreasing the adverse effects of those treatments.

Dr. Salter is the founder and medical director of The Center for Vibrant Health & Wellness in Creve Coeur, Missouri.

Dr. Christine Salter is a brilliant and talented physician with a compassionate heart to help cancer patients heal and thrive. She has an immense amount of practical wisdom to share.

Some fascinating points of interest that we cover include off-label drugs that can be taken around surgery to help prevent metastasis, pain medicines to avoid that can promote metastasis, mistletoe therapy, key anticancer nutrients, and more. Enjoy!

Watch our interview below, or listen to it on the Chris Beat Cancer podcast on iTunes or Spotify.

Unedited transcript

Show Notes
-How Dr. Salter discovered integrative medicine [1:22]
-The difference between osteopathic and chiropractic medicine [6:01]
-Reducing the risk of metastasis around surgery [10:24]
-Helpful medications to take around cancer surgery [17:32]
-How chemotherapy increases cancer stem cells [25:27]
-The importance of nutrition and immune support [28:40]
-Benefits of mistletoe therapy [32:34]
-Why the primary tumor should be removed [36:39]
-4 important nutrients that can activate the immune system [40:35]
-Reasons to avoid fever suppression [48:31]
-The benefits of hyperthermia therapy for cancer patients [56:35]
-Why glutathione should be avoided for metastatic cancers [01:00:04]
-How autophagic blockers can help prevent metastasis [01:02:02]
-Why autophagy can be problematic for cancer patients [01:03:51]
-The challenges of attending med school as a holistic physician [01:07:38]
-Tea: a powerful cancer stem cell killer [01:10:22]

Connect with Dr. Salter:
Website: www.drsalter.com
Facebook: Dr. Christine Salter
YouTube: Dr. Christine Salter

Resources mentioned in the interview:
How Ivelisse healed stage 4 colon cancer with mistletoe

Scientific References:
-Cimetidine in colorectal cancer – are the effects immunological or adhesion-mediated?
-Pilot study – cimetidine enhances lymphocyte infiltration of human colorectal carcinoma: results of small randomized control trial
-Repurposed drug combination reduces risk of recurrence following surgery for colorectal cancer| Cancerworld Magazine
-Propofol-based Total Intravenous Anesthesia is Associated with Better Survival than -Desflurance Anesthesia in Colon Cancer Surgery

Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


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This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Patty greenler

    This was very interesting thank you so much. I have fought for your lymphoma and I am what they call in remission. I’m a two gonna have to get a CT scan another six months anyway I just really appreciate your program. I have the CDs, but I know a lot of times I don’t hear a lot about lymphoma that would be great if we could hear something about that. Thank you for all the work you do, thank you for all your guest and knowledge. Have a wonderful day.

  2. William Nietsch

    Greetings Chris!! I just viewed your pod cast with Dr. Salter and was so impressed with the interview!! She is an amazing source of information. What a brilliant, fabulous person!!! Thanks for your email about this pod cast. Chris I’ve been following you for years, having been cancer free for 3 yrs. from prostate cancer……….Thanks again….Bill

  3. Pamela Simard

    Thank you so very much for your interview with Dr.
    Christine Salter. What an amazing woman. I will try and read her monthly newsletter.
    Most of my ancestors died with cancer. So far at 75, I am free of cancer. I have your books Chris. Thank you for all the work you do to educate us.

  4. Marlene Topnik

    I just watched your interview with Dr Christine Salter. I enjoyed every minute of it. I was very impressed with the amount of training she has completed and the knowledge she possesses.
    I loved the insights and information she shared, on the proper steps to take when addressing cancer, to help achieve a positive outcome. I will definitely check out her monthly news letter!
    Thank you for all you do to help educate us and get this important information out there.

  5. June

    Absolutely enjoyed every minute.
    Thank You soso much

  6. Marie

    I have been dedicated to holistic healing and prevention for decades, and I have lived an incredibly clean lifestyle but have nevertheless been blindsided by a cancer diagnosis at a young age and am shocked at the holistic world. Many practitioners won’t even take me on! I have contacted two practitioners that have been featured here, hoping to find someone on my wavelength; Dr. Salter charges over $1100 just for an online consultation to see if we can work together, and Dr. Jenn is 10k for three months !
    This doesn’t exactly inspire trust. The medical establishment has called my condition curable, and the holistic world is out of reach. There must be so many people like me who end up with nowhere to turn.

  7. Marie

    Perhaps a delete comment option would be helpful. I don’t deny the feelings from my previous comment and do feel people should charge whatever they want, but it doesn’t feel like an alternative or even an integrative approach is remotely within reach.
    Thank you nevertheless for what you do. I had been following you for years prior to my diagnosis.

  8. Lesley

    Thank you both for this interview, absolutely fascinating. X

  9. Kris

    What was the antibiotic information specifically?

  10. Leaha Kitzmann

    Could someone please give me some suggestions…ideas…whatever to help my husband with the Cancer in his liver….I already have him on the plant based diet by Chris Wark

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