I have some fantastic news to report. Three days after it launched, my podcast hit #1 in the iTunes Health category, and topped the iTunes podcast charts at #36 overall! And I made it into the iTunes New and Noteworthy section as well.
Thank you so much for making my podcast launch a huge success.
In the last week I’ve traveled from Memphis to California twice. I attended two events and connected with some incredible folks that are helping me reach more people. The next 12 months are going to be my most productive ever. :)
Today I’m dropping podcast episode #2, which was recorded at an awesome Airbnb space that I stayed at near Santa Cruz, with a sauna, hot tub, an outdoor shower, and a walking trail to the beach. YES.
In this episode I answer the following questions, which were submitted on my facebook page.
-Are you vegan?
-Do you eat a whole food plant-based diet?
-What are your thoughts on the Nourishing Traditions / Weston Price Diet?
-Are phytates really bad?
-What’s the best diet to prevent cancer?
-What do you feed your kids?
-And more
Listen to episode #2 on iTunes
Android users can listen with the Stitcher app
Selected links mentioned in the podcast
[Video] What I ate today
[Video] My blood test results
[Video] The Tower Garden
Vital Choice Wild Seafood
The African Diet Swap
One last thing.
Please subscribe to the podcast and take a moment leave a rating and/or review on iTunes. Thanks!

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
Chris Beat Cancer is ad-free and reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from an affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!
This Post Has 10 Comments
How do you feel about eating grains and legumes if you have an autoimmune disease? Should you be grain free? Thanks
That’s a tricky one. I think legumes are wonderful, better than grains… Best advice is to find a naturopathic practitioner to work with that can help you identify dietary triggers and address other potential causative factors in your body and environment
Hey Chris! I have switched from eating a mainly vegan diet to adding some salmon and occasionally organic chicken. I checked your vital choice recommendation and I can’t afford it haha Any other suggestions? Is wild caught from Kroger at all safe? Also, after watching your blood work video I’m really interested in having some routine bloodwork done. Did you have to request a specific group of tests to get all the info you needed?
I thought your comments on phytates were very interesting. To see them demonized in the paleosphere and embraced here prompted a little cognitive dissonance. I will certainly be thinking about it and looking to learn more. But, what about lectins found found in beans and other grains? The claims are that they can damage the gut lining, promote inflammation, and interfere with metabolism. I seem to recall specifically that the lectins are capable of binding to the insulin-receptors on cells and that, while insulin is programmed to “drop off” the receptor at a certain point, lectins do not and thereby stimulate the cell to produce insulin indefinitely (or I suppose until it’s temporarily gone.) I do not claim to be an expert by any means. But, I do know that when I ate a carb-rich diet that included plenty of beans and whole grains, I had terrible problems with hunger and satiety and was never able to lose weight mainly because of that. My current diet trends towards much lower carbs and sugar but certainly not even close to Atkins or ketogenic prescribed levels. I think I’ve also read that lectins have anti-cancer benefits. In the long run, I feel like my diet is healthier without them, though, because I eat so many more fresh, nutrient-rich vegetables in lieu of grains and beans. For starches, I go mainly for sweet potatoes, plantains, and bananas. When I’m not having the occasional cheat meal, that is! Thanks again for your blog and podcast. As a fellow cancer survivor, I am certainly not here to criticize; just to engage and learn!
The healthiest long-living people around the world eat tons of beans, starches and grains. My understanding is that lectins are disabled by cooking. :)
Grains, beans, starches, and I blow up like a balloon, can only handle paleo, and even that I do not like. I just had a quarter green apple, small banana, 4 tbsp of hemp protein powder, cup spinach, cup almond milk, 500 mg curcurmin, 400mg, tri magnesium, some glutamine powder, all into vitamix, and every joint in my body now aches. I know people cancer free 20 years, and they still smoke, drink, eat garbage, etc. but clearly they are living on borrowed time. Still, being diagnosed correctly in the first place is everything, vs. struggling with invisible illness year after year, I go to the gym and all I get are injuries. I went to the medical system, and all they did is talk me out of healthy body parts, then alienate me as my health continued to nosedive. Chris is right though, beans, starches, grains, etc. are good, but need to be soaked and cooked, beans are sulfur rich, and will bind to, and carry toxins out of the body.
Love what you & Ty do….thank you! Lost my 52 yr old mom 7 months ago to cancer (treatment got her if you ask me). Hey is your podcast on Tunein Radio app? Tried searching and couldn’t find it-Listen to all my other podcasts there. thx
Thanks for sharing your story! Praying for you ! <3
Do you know the beljanski products from naturel source? What do you think about them?
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