Food Babe Vani Hari, author of Feeding You Lies, Exposes Food Industry Secrets

Vani Hari aka the “Food Babe” has arguably made the biggest impact on the food industry of anyone in the last decade, striking fear in the hearts of food producers and restaurant chains, with her investigative research exposing unhealthy food ingredients and her viral social media campaigns, which have resulted in billion dollar companies actually changing their formulas.

Since the advent of industrialized food, food producers have been able to get away with using questionable, unnecessary, and in some cases demonstrably toxic additives, preservatives, flavors, and colors in the food they sell to us in order to increase profits. But times are changing…

Because of Vani’s grassroots campaigns, ‘Goliath’ brands like Subway, Starbucks, Chipotle, Chik-fil-A, Anheuser-Busch, and many more have improved their formulas by removing unnecessary and potentially harmful food additives, eliminating GMOs, sourcing antibiotic-free animal protein, etc. and fully disclosing the ingredients they use in their recipes so we know exactly what we are eating and drinking.

In our interview, Vani shares aspects of her personal sickness to wellness story that she’s never shared before, and talks about some of her most surprising discoveries and biggest wins in changing the food industry for the better. This is a really fun one. Enjoy!

Download interview transcript here.

Show Notes
-The Food Babe origin story [02:35]
-Vani’s immigrant parents adopt the American diet [04:06]
-The industrialization of food [06:09]
-Results of a 50-year processed food experiment [07:04]
-Vani was on 9 prescription drugs as a teenager! [07:45]
-The tipping point in Vani’s health [09:00]
-Detroit, MI – a health food hotspot [13:22]
-The Food Babe blog is born [15:31]
-Her first successful food ingredient investigation campaign [17:30]
-Some of her favorite food industry accomplishments [18:23]
-Toxic food additive dimethylpolysiloxane [20:53]
-U.S. food companies use safer ingredients in other countries! [20:03]
-How the food industry manipulates data and the media [23:05]
-Her viral Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte exposé [26:00]
-Food Babe takes on Big Beer [30:21]
-The power of social media to change the food industry [35:45]
-“Hey kids, that’s the Food Babe!” [38:15]
-What she’s the most proud of since becoming the Food Babe [40:15]
-“People you care about most can be the hardest to help” [41:40]
-The Subway Yoga Mat campaign [42:50]
-The Chipotle campaign [48:52]
-“What’s the point in improving processed food?” [51:58]

Vani’s latest campaign, which she alluded to in the interview, is Tell Kelloggs to Stop Targeting Kids with Cereals Full of Artificial Ingredients (like Baby Shark cereal. Yes, that’s a real thing… SMH)

Connect with Vani Hari:
The Food Babe Way book
Feeding You Lies book

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