My TV Debut (and my Mom’s!)

May 17, 2012

Today Fox 13 Memphis aired a news story about my decision to fight cancer with nutrition and natural therapies instead of chemo.

As you know the media can easily edit anything you say to make you look like a fool,
so I was a bit apprehensive about how it would turn out…

But surprise, it was really great!

And I think my mom got more camera time than me LOL!
But it’s cool, cause she’s awesome.

At one point in the segment you will see me chopping vegetables with some sexy saxophone music in the background.
For the record, I have not, nor will I ever, chop vegetables to sexy saxophone music.

Also it comes across a bit like I’m against all doctors, but I’m not. I’m am deeply grateful to gastroenterologist Orin Davidson, surgeon Dr. Guy Voeller; integrative oncologist the late Dr. Roy Page; and Naturopath Dr. John Smothers.

Big thanks to Fox reporter Lauren Johnson for doing such a terrific job with this.

Update June 9, 2012:
Three weeks after this story aired it was completely deleted from the Fox 13 News site!
The story had thousands of likes on Facebook and was one of the most popular on their website. Why would they take it down?
My guess is they got a few angry phone calls from big money advertisers in the medical industry, specifically the local cancer clinics.

Remember: Advertisers control the media. If it wasn’t for advertising dollars, the news would be off the air. And the pharmaceutical and medical industry are some of the biggest advertisers around. News stations will do whatever it takes to keep their advertisers happy.

This is a perfect example of how information about nutrition and natural therapies is suppressed.

The Cancer Industry does not want you to be able to heal yourself!

Fortunately I found the video on a third party site called and embedded it here.

Update July 17, 2013

So I today I just noticed that the video was missing…
I did a google search for it and came up with nothing.
I’m going to try to get a copy from the news station.

Beat Cancer Kitchen: Deliciously Simple Plant-Based Anticancer Recipes Get it on Amazon here
Beat Cancer Daily 365 Days of Inspiration, Encouragement, and Action Steps to Survive and Thrive Get it on Amazon here
Chris Beat Cancer: A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally Get it on Amazon here, or anywhere books are sold.

I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.

I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.

Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here


Chris Beat Cancer is ad-free and reader-supported. If you purchase a product through a link on this site I may receive compensation from an affiliate partner (like Amazon). Your support helps fund this blog and my mission so my team and I can continue to do the work that we do. Thank you!

This Post Has 23 Comments

  1. jeanne

    HA!! That was a GREAT interview! You are inspiring people to NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE! I would totally do what you’re doing although I know our doctors would absolutely try to scare you out of it. You put it so well when you said that poisoning your body into health didn’t sit right with you. I really believe that. If we are fearfully and wonderfully made (which we are) then the Lord put within us the ability to heal – adding poison just
    doesn’t make any sense.

    Thanks for sending me the link. I don’t watch the local news. Glad to see it.



    1. Bryan

      I really am glad you healed yourself and wish I would have the same success too. The internet actually has thousands of sites promoting alternative treatments and bashing chemo. But after reviewing all of the facts and success stories it seems there are more success stories from chemo than I’ve heard from nutrition. I’d be jumping up and down too if I had cancer and it was cured by nutrition. The fact is there are 7.6 million worldwide and over like a million in the US alone. I love your site and I love your idea and support for nutrition but 31 survivor stories from many who actually had chemo in the first place isn’t proof enough that nutrition alone is enough. Keep up the good work, I wish poison wasn’t the answer either and it’s not in a lot of cases, they die anyway. But a lot live after chemo too!

      1. Bryan

        7.6 million deaths from cancer and over half a million deaths in the US each year. If you could edit this into the comment that would be great. Thanks : )

  2. Rifat Sheikh

    Hey Chris,

    God bless you Chris! You’re an awesome guy! My father has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and we have been going through the same thing where our oncologists are making us feel like “crap” because we said no to “chemo”.

    Like you we too have gone all natural and pushing strongly an alkaline based diet/plant based diet, and you are sooooo RIGHT in this altenative route; there is an improvement in my fathers health, but we are certainly not out of the woods yet. I’m going through fields of books if you have any recommendations for pancreatic cancer I’d most welcome it. awesome website and Awesome Mum too, she was a joy to watch and to be inspired and yes she got more air time than you LOL, she deserved too!

    The greed of pharmaceutical MUST end, watching my father going through this has changed me and my family, I’m now working on a project of bringing an alternative awareness if cancer, you are so right the cure is in NATURE.

    Thank you for being so brave in taking that leap of fairh and being totally inspirational to us all, may God truly bless you with great health and prosperity always. Amin!

    With deep gratitude

    Rifat Sheikh (Mr)
    London, UK

    1. Nitish

      Vitamin D, coral calcium and get plenty of sunshine each day, like 2 hours of full spectrum sunshine cures cancer too!

  3. Judy Seeger, ND

    Excellent interview! Loved the part where the doc forgot that he even had you as a patient!

    I appreciate both you and your mom having the boldness to speak the truth. More people need to stop listening to the lies and succumbing to their fears.

  4. Jenn M.

    Great interview, Chris!

    I’m glad you’re trying to get the message out there that we don’t have to poison our bodies to heal them. I couldn’t believe that doctor had the nerve to not remember having you as a patient. What an ***. I fully agree with you that it’s all about money and not being able to patent things; I’ve been saying that for years.

    Gods bless you and mom!

  5. Evelin

    Did they take the video down? There is no link. If you ask, they may give you a copy of it for your own.

    1. chrisbeatcancer

      Thanks for the heads up Evelin. Apparently they just did! I embedded it from another site.

  6. Sarah

    Saw your mail today about this being taken down from the site. You’re so level-headed and logical about it. I was angry on your behalf! lol

    But I’m glad I got to see it while I was there and I think you were able to reach a lot of people who might not have heard anything about alternative therapies.

    Keep it up Chris! ^_^

  7. Avinoam Lener

    Hey Chris, thank you for posting this video and keeping us updated. Your story and your ability to stand up for your life is truly inspiring. Although my approach to healing cancer is very different your victory is worth celebrating in every way. I shared your video on my Facebook page and will make it available for my clients. I am glad to say that in my line of work I hear more and more victory stories like yours. Thank you again for sharing. With joy, Avinoam Lerner.

  8. Barbara

    Hi Chris,

    You are very inspiring and I have great admiration for you.

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 4 years ago while I was temporarily in Italy. I had the best doctors I could find but I also had radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. Thank God is was not chemo. Everything went so fast that I would not have had time to research anything.

    The effect of radio and hormonal therapy is still horrible and damaging your body as much as your mind, not only you have to fight against a potential terminal illness but also to keep you going with the side effect of medications. Your energies should only be devoted to heal yourself.

    Had I known at the time what I know now I would not have any pharmaceutical company earn money on my health.

    Best wishes


  9. Anouk 456

    Hi Chris I have put your story on my fb. Hope you don’t mind. I don’t know you but I’m glad you are healthy.

  10. Marci

    Drat, video wouldn’t play! :(

    1. chrisbeatcancer

      Still plays for me… I don’t know, maybe try again?

      1. Marci

        Oddly enough, I posted it to my FB page and THEN I could watch it and downloaded it for share with friends not on FB! ;)

  11. Kaitlyn B

    Awesome video! My dad is battling stage 4 cancer to an orphan type cancer. The doctors wanted to treat it as colon cancer but my dad doesn’t have colon cancer. We found alternatives with juicing and Dr. Schulze’s cleanses. We are also doing some treatments through Burzinski. So glad you posted this video. Im in a college speech class and I have to pick a topic close to me and I picked cancer and how one size fits all can’t work for cancer treatment and how alternatives save lives. So encouraging to someone go 10 years and still be cancer free with no chemo!

    Awesome blog! I’ve gotten really good info! Thanks so much for posting!

  12. elaine lewis

    Chris, I’m trying to post this great video to facebook but I don’t see any facebook icon to click on! Can you send me an email and let me know how to do it?


    P.S. I am horrified by the oncologist attacking you–just what a cancer patient needs is to be attacked! But more and more, I’m hearing this from people all the time, that their doctor has attacked them or scared them for refusing something–like chemo or vaccinations. Then I found out that cancer doctors actually make a profit from chemo drugs! In other words, the dr. orders the drugs for, say, $5,000, and then charges the patient twice that amount, and gets to keep the difference! So, you cost your doctor a big pay day!

  13. johnsonandbronson

    chris you should put this on youtube
    youtube is more popular

  14. Chris you are a champion in my eyes.I listened to you last week on a cancer healing conferance run an Italian young man from Memphis.My cousin turned me onto the conferance. You spoke,eloquantly, to us about your journey naturally and holistically for wellness and rebalancing.I use a raw food diet,in cojunction with special fitting and designed keratoconic lenses to treat my patients holistically so they don’t need an eventual corneal transplant.I am not sure exactly why the diet works,but it does help stabilize the corneal disease that starts in puberty.Maybe you can enlighten me?
    Way to go,you are my hero.


    1. Chris Wark

      Hi Dr. Jeff and thanks! Putting your patients on a raw food diet is giving them nutrients they just weren’t getting before which helps their body repair and regenerate.

  15. Dr.Jeff Eger

    I referred my cousin to see you and your naturopath.Thank you for explaining why raw food helps my 450 keratoconic patients reverse this sight threatening disease.All I know is it works ,but i have been attacked medically by this discovery by establishment.I work for my patients and believe everything in the body is connected.Could you please email me at my email address?i have some personal questions to ask you please.

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