Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and young adult cases are rising. Twenty percent of colon cancers now occur in people under 55 and colon cancer screening is recommended starting at age 45. I was diagnosed at 26.
A valuable piece of information that the media often fails to discuss during colon cancer awareness month is that the rates of colon cancer are much higher in Western countries (Europe, Canada, the U.S., and Australia) than in Africa or the Far East.
According to this 2007 paper, the rate of colon cancer is over 50 times higher in African Americans than in native Africans (60 cases per 100k people in the U.S. vs 1 case per 100k people in Sub-Saharan Africa). Colon cancer rates in caucasian Americans are almost as high.
For decades, researchers like Dr. Denis Burkitt have postulated that Western diets, high in animal protein and fat but low in fiber, raise colon cancer risk compared with African diets, which are high in whole food carbohydrates, resistant starch and fiber, and low in fat, protein, and processed oils.
A fascinating 2015 study, nicknamed The African Diet Swap, and published in Nature Communications, confirmed that a high-carb, high-fiber diet like that of rural Africans can substantially reduce colon cancer risk. The study also demonstrated that your microbiome (bacteria living in your gut) plays an important role in this anti-cancer effect.
An international team of scientists from the Imperial College London and the University of Pittsburgh carried out the study with two groups: 20 African Americans from Pittsburgh and 20 rural South Africans from KwaZulu-Natal. The two groups of middle-aged adults swapped diets under tightly controlled conditions for two weeks.
All members of the study had colonoscopy examinations before and after the diet swap. The researchers also measured biological markers that indicate colon cancer risk and studied samples of bacteria taken from the colon.
At the beginning of the study, almost half of the American subjects had polyps — abnormal growths in the colon that can progress to cancer. None of the Africans had them.
For the first two weeks, each group ate their normal diet:
The African American diet was on average 47% carbs, 35% fat, 15% protein, and only 14 grams of fiber, with 3/4 of their protein from animal sources.
The rural African diet was on average 72% carbs, 16%, fat, 11% protein, and 66 grams of fiber, with over 2/3 of their protein from plant sources (a naturally low-fat diet).
Then they swapped diets for two weeks. The African Americans were given “African style” foods which increased their average fiber intake from 14 to 55 g per day and reduced their fat from 35% to 16% of total calories.
An example of one day’s diet for the African Americans: Hi-Maize corn fritters, salmon croquettes with spinach, red pepper, and onions for breakfast, veggie corn dogs, tater tots and mangos for lunch, and Hi-Maize with okra and tomatoes, Hi-Maize corn muffins, Black-eyed peas, pineapple and black tea for dinner (Meat 0-1 time per day). Hi-Maize is a type of corn meal.
The rural Africans were fed a ‘Western-style’ diet with higher amounts of animal protein, reduced fiber from 66 to 12 g per day, and increased fat from 16% to 52% of total calories.
An example of one day’s diet swap for the rural Africans: Pancakes and sausage for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch, and meatloaf with rice for dinner (Meat 3 times per day).
The surprising study results…
After two weeks on the high-carb, high-fiber, predominantly plant-based African diet, the African American group had significantly less colon inflammation and a dramatic drop in multiple risk factors for colon cancer.
In the rural African group eating American food, rich in animal proteins and fats, cancer risk markers increased dramatically after only two weeks.
Professor Jeremy Nicholson, the team leader from the Department of Surgery and Cancer at Imperial College London, said:
“The findings suggest that people can substantially lower their risk of colon cancer by eating more fiber. This is not new in itself, but what is really surprising is how quickly and dramatically the risk markers can switch in both groups following diet change. These findings also raise serious concerns that the progressive westernization of African communities may lead to the emergence of colon cancer as a major health issue.”
Professor Stephen O’Keefe at the University of Pittsburgh, who directed the study, said: “Studies on Japanese migrants to Hawaii have shown that it takes one generation of westernization to change their low incidence of colon cancer to the high rates observed in native Hawaiians. Our study suggests that westernization of the diet induces changes in biomarkers of colon cancer risk in the colonic mucosa within two weeks. Perhaps even more importantly, a change in diet from a westernized composition to a ‘traditional African’ high-fiber low-fat diet reduced these biomarkers of cancer risk within two weeks, indicating that it is likely never too late to change your diet to change your risk of colon cancer.”
The study found that a major reason for the changes in cancer risk was the way in which the bacteria in the gut (the microbiome) altered their metabolism to adapt to the new diet. In the American group, the researchers found that the African diet led to a 250% increase in the production of butyrate, a byproduct of fiber metabolism that has important anti-cancer effects. The Western/American diet cut butyrate production in half.
More interesting facts from the study
Each rural African community has about 5 acres of land, which supports small seasonal vegetable gardens that grow limited supplies of corn, pumpkins, watermelons, spinach and papayas, and a variety of animals, chickens, goats, and maybe a few cattle. Cattle are considered a sign of wealth and are used for milk and only slaughtered on ceremonial occasions.
Milk products are consumed, but rarely fresh. Milk is left outside the huts to ferment and then consumed with relish as ‘maas’. Eggs are also eaten when available, but meat in any form is scarce and generally added as flavoring rather than forming the signature component.
Foods are generally boiled, not fried, and cooked in cast iron pots on open wood fires in a separate hut. Electricity is becoming more available but is still very rudimentary and unreliable. The diet consists chiefly of ‘putu’, a stiff porridge made from refined commercial corn flour called ‘mielie meal’, with salt and vegetables added for flavoring. It is eaten communally and forms the bulk of the 2-3 meals consumed each day. Water is usually obtained from community wells, but also from the rivers.
Traditional African foods provided on the menus for African Americans included Phutu and Samp & Beans. Phutu, a porridge made from Hi-Maize corn meal, is high in resistant starch. Samp is dried corn kernels and the beans used were sugar beans. The Phutu was provided every other day and the Samp & Beans were provided daily. The vegetables provided included sweet and white potatoes, cabbage, and Swiss chard.
Fruits included mango, banana, pineapple, orange, apple juice, and apricot mango nectar. Small portions of protein foods were provided which included eggs, peanut butter, chicken thigh, chicken breast, and tilapia. Small amounts of fats were used in cooking which included sunflower oil and margarine (yikes). Other carbohydrate sources included whole wheat bread, white bread, and white rice. Other foods such as apricot jam, sugar, half and half were calculated into the menus to achieve calorie needs. Cooking methods were similar to traditional African preparation.
Phutu was cooked by adding it slowly to boiling water and stirring constantly to prevent lumps. Buttermilk was also added to the recipe. The Phutu continued to simmer in a pot on low heat for one hour. The Samp & Beans were soaked overnight in water. First, the beans were boiled for an hour in water and then the Samp was added. The Samp & Beans cooked for another hour before adding other ingredients (onion, tomato, curry, salt, pepper). Once all the ingredients were added, the Samp & Beans cooked on low heat in a covered pot for an additional four hours. The chicken and fish were baked in the oven. Eggs were either hard-cooked or fried in a small amount of sunflower oil. The cabbage was sautéed in oil with onions and spices. The Swiss chard was cooked with beet stems. Other foods like potatoes and rice were boiled.
Key Takeaways
-Colon cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer death in Western nations, and it’s largely caused by a diet high in animal food.
-Rural Africans have very low rates of colon cancer because they don’t eat a Western diet.
-The whole food plant-based diet of rural Africans is high-carb (>70%), high-starch, high-fiber, and very low in animal protein and fat, but not strictly vegetarian or vegan. And they don’t have an obesity problem.
-After just two weeks on a whole food plant-based diet with lots of starches (rice, beans, peas, lentils, potatoes, corn, etc.) there was a dramatic shift in the microbiome and a reduction of multiple colon cancer risk factors.
Some additional (and vital) health benefits to the rural African way of life are fresh air, sunshine, daily physical activity/exercise, and lower stress. I strongly suggest you incorporate these things as well.
If you’ve never tried African food, I suggest finding a local Ethiopian restaurant ASAP! The meals are served in large portions, meant to be shared, and consist of a variety of greens, beans, peas, lentils, beets, carrots, and cabbage as shown below. If you want the full authentic experience, eat it with your hands using my favorite type of bread in the world, a spongey sourdough pancake bread made from teff called injera.
Injera shown above. It may not look that appetizing, but trust me, it’s delicious!
A few recipe books you might enjoy:
Teff Love: Adventures in Vegan Ethiopian Cooking
Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed
Article Sources
Science Daily
I've interviewed over 70 people who've healed all types and stages of cancer. Check them out here. Or use the search bar to find survivors of specific cancer types.
I also created a coaching program for cancer patients, caregivers, and anyone who is serious about prevention called SQUARE ONE. It contains the step-by-step strategies used by myself and many others who have healed cancer with a holistic approach using nutrition and natural non-toxic therapies.
Watch SQUARE ONE Module 1 for free here
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This Post Has 83 Comments
I absolutely love it and am planning to introduce it to my fiance this weekend. I first learned about it/tried it thanks to friends from my church when I was growing up.
That plate sure looked good, but I really can’t believe it is because they eat more carbs ? I can almost bet you from what they are eating, is because it is ALL Natural Food ! I don’t think they have shelves , Frigs, and Freezers for all their Processed Foods from the grocery stores., (as a joke) because they eat healthier then other countries.
The lower meat and higher fiber is the key, Debra.
Many people eat low meat and plenty fibre and still get diseases moron
Such kind words, deadbeat! Appreciated!
Carbs are natural food! Rice, beans, potatoes, carrots, beets, lentils, peas, corn, millet, wheat, teff, all fruit, etc. :)
You are an idiot and you crackers and Americans will never be as healthy as these people because your genetics are all fucked up. It is more of the fact that people on Africa have superior genes than nutrition and of course melanin does play a huge role in health and maintenance. So you see, you and the rest of you whiteys are doomed with cancer. Plus if you had a brain, you would know that there are fridges, refrigerators, shelves, kitchens, etc in many countries in Africa. Only someone who lives in cave or is a brainless does not know this
Great post Chris!
Sounds much like what Weston Price found 70 years ago when he was writing Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Hi Chris…I don’t think I could realistically change my diet that drastically so that I’d get the amount of fiber that they do. Can you recommend a fiber supplement that is ok to take every day?
BAD idea! Either eat right, or die. Supplements are unnatural! Period! Get used to it . . .
Supplements are unnatural? What is unnatural about herbs and supplements like bee pollen, royal jelly?
vitamins are concentrated chemicals and vit D in particular is a hormone.
Not to say “Don’t take them, but, where in nature does one go and harvest a bottle of supplements? I take plenty – when there is imbalance in my maturing body, IF the cause can be traced to specific nutrients that can be added to my diet harmlessly, or with the least harm during the rebalancing period, then I return to natural foods as these are both in balance and the nutrients are in the usable form the metabolism best uses.
Adding nutrients always adds risk of adding the wrong ones, too much/too little, and ones that are hard or impossible for the gut to break down, and the gut bacteria to digest them have to be present.
One example is B-12. If you add cyanocobalamin, a cyanide derivative, the gut and liver use up more natural Methylcobalamin (Real B-12) to convert this harmful synthetic imitation B-12! Then also, if swallowed, real B-12 is not separated out of the last of the gut of maturing people where their digestion is impaired by age, and it passes out. Better to dissolve under the tongue for direct blood transfer.
Lots more Nfo is available. Just be aware!
I don’t take or recommend fiber supplements. See my post “What I Ate Today” for an example of a days worth of delicious high fiber meals. :)
hey christina, are you my long lost sister or something?
donald fafard :o)
I still have great memories of eating at an Ethiopian restaurant on business trips to Washington, DC many years ago. I’d love to find one in my area.
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,
i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of BREAST CANCER. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advice each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,AND MANY OTHER TYPES OF CANCER, AND MANY OTHER DISEASES, ETC contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com explain your problems to him and he will give you a naatural medicine to solve them
Interesting post. I am a Carmel skinned women…. not “African” American as labeled…and I don’t eat the “African American ” (what is that?) diet… Lol So not sure how such comparison came about….. Not all “black people” eat this way. I survived cancer as well.
Hi Chris
This is Awesome stuff…maybe this Rural African Food would be instrumental in giving me some relief for my 4 year problem with my bowels…to stop the diarrhea…and let me go back to some sort of normal…(perhaps this is not the right kind of comment to make here).
…however, I feel I must tell someone to see if anyone else has a similar problem like this and how they handled it!!!.
You should be tested for celiac disease (wheat intolerance, etc.) and other food allergies and then be on a strict gluten-free diet reading labels and careful of even microscopic amounts of gluten.
Gluten UGH! This is NOT the problem, but a FAD! The problem is the rest of the diet! Get that straightened and the gut flora needed to digest nutritious gluten protein is present, and the beneficial gut bacteria the gluten feeds will produce assimilable protein and other body health nutrients.
Please,m do NOT follow FAD diets! How many thousand years of natural diet on gluten grain have people happily and healthily lived? Who cares that grain with higher gluten content are grown? Get your gut right by the right diet, then gluten is another nutrient.
As a person with lab confirmed gluten sensitivity, do tell- exactly what shall I eat to fix this “faddish” problem, since you have it all worked out? Please, I need to know.
gluten sensitivity is due to a leaky gut which is caused by the typical western diet. go to a plant based diet concentrating on fresh vegetables and fruits and within a short time your leaky gut will become ‘tight’ again and you won’t have gluten sensitivity. speaking from experience and a terminal diagnosis 5 years ago of progressive, inoperable anterior cerebral artery disease. the side effect was no more polyps, no more ulcerative colitis (no more diabetes within 3 days) and no more leaky gut. what a pleasure now to eat everything I couldn’t when I was a diabetic and not have ONE SINGLE PROBLEM FOOD TO WORRY ABOUT (other than animal products).
it’s been over 2 days now since my reply to you, I was hoping to get a response to my actual real life story that I shared with you.
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of BREAST CANCER. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,AND MANY OTHER TYPES OF CANCER, AND MANY OTHER DISEASESetc to contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of BREAST CANCER. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from. any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,AND MANY OTHER TYPES OF CANCER,etc to contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com
Modernized Wheat contains 13 chromosomes as opposed to ancient wheat which has 2 chromosomes, not to mention, far less gluten. And when prepared traditionally using your own sourdough starter, further breaking down the difficult-to-digest components of wheat, you can be sure that gluten sensitivities and allergies are not a fad. Our food is adulterated and diminished. But there is hope. Replenishing gut bacteria through GAPS or SCD diet is a start, and then move onto whole Food and grass finished/pastured animal protein.
AND with the act of desiccating wheat becoming so prevalent, modern wheat is becoming poisonous as well.
Thank you, Kate! Happy New Year, as well:-)
The best way to make our health work in our disappearing nutrient world is stay close as possible to the soil. For that soil we also need to stay close as possible to soil that is not polluted with synthetic and mined and waste-dumped anything. Volcanic soils, glacial till deposits, dried sea beds forested over, rehabited deserts, urban gardens with natural soils produced from sea creatures and plants, old abandoned small farm land with good or amended trace minerals and non-commercial garden soil in backyards are all resource points where the food plants produced provide the required nutrients our body metabolism needs for it symbiotic nutrient processing with all the organisms that assist the chemistry.
Gut dysfunction is a simple lack of the required nutrients, usually minerals, that support the organisms that make separation and synthesis of body nutrients for the body. Perhaps you are familiar with natural plant inhibitors used to naturally control unwanted species?
For lawns deep green, add iron, but this added degree of iron is an inhibitor to moss. For lichens and moss on roofs, apply the iron, but it leaves rust, so apply zinc that doesn’t but the natural element deters these plants. If you want grass-free asparagus in your garden, apply table salt to their bed. The grasses and most other garden weeds do not live in rather high salt soil, but asparagus thrive in it.
If you want disease and pest free garden and farm plants without any pesticides at all, provide them with soil nutrients from the ocean in large percentage of the total soil content, NOT as a small supplemental dressing applied seasonally. Bugs and plant diseases simply cannot live in plants filled with plenty of the full spectrum of nutrients.
This is the same in our body. Instead of adding small doses of limited nutrients aimed at specific ailments, apply massive full diet nutrients supplied by the healthy plant foods produced on nutrient-dense soils.
This allows our body to have all the selection and amounts of nutrients for any of the endless maladies that constantly present themselves in our environment. At times much more of a given nutrient is necessary to bat down a given attacker. another ailment requires yet a different nutrient in much larger amount than a minimal quantity to sustain bare minimum metabolism as assessed by the wholly deficit FDA scam system.
In current world nutrient crisis due to bankster invasion of our farming, this takes effort that goes far beyond so-called “organic” foods’ selection – they are grown in nutrient-deficient soils and the FDA allows very nasty chemical additions to “organic” foods as well.
Another and more vital issue is the degree of inflammation that our food selections have. The immune system runs on essentially two inflammation resources that when out of balance the system applies the one with the most quantity. Sadly, the one least present is the cell-soothing and metabolism-enhancing element, omega 3 fatty acids complex. The omega 6 fatty acids complex is now blamed for nearly all cancers, as this far out of balance nutrient is used by the immune system to cause healthy cells to go into a state of inflammation and cease their healthy metabolism, causing them to decay and be highly susceptible to cancerous growth.
So, with all the vital nutrients our body requires to be and maintain its healthy metabolism far out of supply and balance, just reestablishing this balance and degree of nutrient supply will reverse most, if not all dysfunction.
Maybe this helps a bit . . .
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of Herpes using. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from. any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,LOW SPERM COUNT,etc to contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com..
I think you should try it Larry!
hi chris,
can you tell me specifically why you deleted my comment to
Jaya Pandey Jaiman as I am an avid supporter and promoter of your site and would like to know what part of it you were offended by.
thank you,
I have seen GREAT success stopping diarrhea by taking liquid bentonite clay. A couple tablespoons twice a day between meals. Yerba Prima brand or Sonne.
Hello. I’m here to Advertise my work.
Contact me on +2348154707699 email me also dr********@gm***.com
Spiritual Native Doctor that do care and GOD heals.,
living @Ijebu-igbo.. i can be of a great help to you
and i because i am wonderful father to me.
i am is very powerful is a great man with prophetic word,
he is also specialize in all kind of spell like,
(1) If you want your ex-husband or ex wife back. (2)
if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4)
You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6)
You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8)
If you need financial assistance. (9) Herbal care (10)
If you cannot be able to satisfy your wife sex desire due to low reaction. (11)
if your menstruation refuse to come out the day it suppose to come or over flows. (12)
if your work refuse to pay your salary, people owing you?.
(13) solve a land issue and get it back. (14) Let people obey my words and do my wish.
(15) Do you have a low sperm count? A LOT of people have been successful working from this man.
Don’t use some others you’ve tried before to judge this one. Remember, you’ve to give it a try before judging.
Give a chance and see where it goes. Don’t hesitate to Contact me on +2348154707699 email me also dr********@gm***.com
okay nice meeting you
This Chris guy is an idiot. This is not rural African food but some food from a country in Africa and you are an idiot for believing everything it read. What works for certain people in the continent of Africa won’t work for whiteys like you
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of Herpes using. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from. any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,LOW SPERM COUNT,etc to contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com
Hello Larry, eat raw for some months and you will notice the difference in the first 2 months.
YUM!!!! That looks so delicious. Thanks for broadening our perspective Chris!
Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of Herpes using. Doctor ifalokun Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from. any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX etc to contact this man for cure of any kind of diseases on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com
The Washington DC/Virginia/Maryland area is a good place to eat this and other international food. Arlington county, just across the Potomac River from DC has over 100 languages being spoken and many wonderful restaurants – who wants to eat bland unhealthy American food there? I never did – I miss it – sorry I had to move away. No other city has such great food that I have been to – maybe NY City or LA, but no personal experience there. Southern American food does have many African dishes in it – some of this can be found in the south in African restaurants – Georgia and the Carolina’s, Mississippi, Louisiana, etc. New Orleans is great for good food!
Shut your ignorant illiterate American mouth up. There is no such thing as African restaurant you idiot. Africa is a continent. What if I called American food North American food and classed caribbean, Canadian, American and Mexican food as one and the same North American food? American ignorance is why people call Americans dumb
Watch out for the sunflower oil mentioned – can cause allergic reaction – olive oil better.
Hello. I’m here to Advertise my work.
Contact me on +2348154707699 email me also dr********@gm***.com
Spiritual Native Doctor that do care and GOD heals.,
living @Ijebu-igbo.. i can be of a great help to you
and i because i am wonderful father to me.
i am is very powerful is a great man with prophetic word,
he is also specialize in all kind of spell like,
(1) If you want your ex-husband or ex wife back. (2)
if you always have bad dreams. (3) You want to be promoted in your office. (4)
You want women/men to run after you. (5) If you want a child. (6)
You want to be rich. (7) You want to tie your husband/wife to be yours forever. (8)
If you need financial assistance. (9) Herbal care (10)
If you cannot be able to satisfy your wife sex desire due to low reaction. (11)
if your menstruation refuse to come out the day it suppose to come or over flows. (12)
if your work refuse to pay your salary, people owing you?.
(13) solve a land issue and get it back. (14) Let people obey my words and do my wish.
(15) Do you have a low sperm count? A LOT of people have been successful working from this man.
Don’t use some others you’ve tried before to judge this one. Remember, you’ve to give it a try before judging.
Give a chance and see where it goes. Don’t hesitate to Contact me on +2348154707699 email me also dr********@gm***.com
Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of Herpes using. Doctor ifalokun Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from. any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advices each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX etc to contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com
hi, i’m from south africa. the vast majority of the population here eat the kind of diet described above. it may be possible that this type of diet reduces the risk of colonic cancer. however, because of the massive amounts of starch in the local diet, there is an overwhelming number of men and women who develop fatal cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
not a very good idea, guys, not as a permanent diet at any rate. unless you’re happy to simply swap one fatal disease for a bunch of others.
Brendan, I tried looking for statistics that support your claim but could not find any.
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,
i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of BREAST CANCER. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advice each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,AND MANY OTHER TYPES OF CANCER, AND MANY OTHER DISEASES, ETC contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com explain your problems to him and he will give you a naatural medicine to solve them just with the medicine
A cracker who lives in South Africa huh? You people will never really be South African so stop deceiving yourselves
OMG, you sound very american
HI everyone my name is sarah i am from america,
i am here to share my testimony,Today makes it 6 month since I was. cured of BREAST CANCER. Doctor ifalokun and also a spell caster of Herbal medicine which flushed away the virus and every other disease from my body. this is not a story but a real life testimony. I was introduced by my cousin who leaves in Nigeria and was also cured from Breast Cancer by Dr ifalokun. The significant aspect of this medicine is that it flush the blood and body system from any kind of virus/disease in less than a month… I advice each and every one suffering from breast cancer, HIV/AIDS, HEPATITIS B, CANCER, HERPES SIMPLEX,AND MANY OTHER TYPES OF CANCER, AND MANY OTHER DISEASES, ETC contact this man on +2348154707699 and also email him at dr********@gm***.com explain your problems to him and he will give you a naatural medicine to solve them in just a month just the way he solve mie
Thank you for stating the other side. It wasn’t making sense to me, either.
oh, PS: the food IS delicious, for anybody wondering… :-)
There’s gotta be a reason that the healthiest population in the USA is Loma Linda, California, largely populated by 7th Day Adventists……..who are mostly vegan.
absolutely. i’m not sure if you’re responding to my comment but if not please read it. also, okinawins who didn’t die of an accident typically lived to over 100 and studies showed only 1% of their diet was animal. once a month they would slaughter a pig for the whole tribe and everyone would get a few slices and for the rest of the month it was plant based.
you are right about the 7th day’ers except the majority are vegetarian not vegan.
out of those vegetarians, 8% are vegan.
i’d love to see a longevity comparison between the vegetarians and No Oil VEGANS.
I just wonder, are sunflower oil and tub margarine (yikes) belong to traditional African Food?
not at all !!
these are western poisons that have slipped into the rural African diet.
go back to basics, no animal, no added fat, only plants that come from the real earth and you will become healthy beyond your wildest dreams.
Dummy this is not traditional African food. That is like saying that ciche is traditional European food. People in the African continent eat different types of food and many vary from each other. The food i question is only eaten by people in that country in Africa
forever grateful.I am here to testify about my life.
i was diagnose of thyroid cancer,stage 4 and my doctor told me that my chance of living depend on no medication but only almighty God. so I gave up started praying and I was patiently waiting for my death until one day my boss visited and told me about Mr Robert, how he helped his wife fight against cancer. so I decide to give it a try with the help of the email he gave me #ri***********@gm***.com I purchase 60grams of cannabis oil from the medical centre. with the help of God after 3 months now, I am back to my normal life. I am very grateful and I will continue to testify about Roberts and save more life. contact email ri***********@gm***.com.
forever grateful.I am here to testify about my life.
i was diagnose of thyroid cancer,stage 4 and my doctor told me that my chance of living depend on no medication but only almighty God. so I gave up started praying and I was patiently waiting for my death until one day my boss visited and told me about Mr Robert, how he helped his wife fight against cancer. so I decide to give it a try with the help of the email he gave me #ri***********@gm***.com I purchase 60grams of cannabis oil from the medical centre. with the help of God after 3 months now, I am back to my normal life. I am very grateful and I will continue to testify about Roberts and save more life. contact email ri***********@gm***.com
forever grateful.I am here to testify about my life.
i was diagnose of thyroid cancer,stage 4 and my doctor told me that my chance of living depend on no medication but only almighty God. so I gave up started praying and I was patiently waiting for my death until one day my boss visited and told me about Mr Robert, how he helped his wife fight against cancer. so I decide to give it a try with the help of the email he gave me #ri***********@gm***.com I purchase 60grams of cannabis oil from the medical centre. with the help of God after 3 months now, I am back to my normal life. I am very grateful and I will continue to testify about Roberts and save more life. contact email ri***********@gm***.com.
“Eat like an African and drop your cancer risk”
This makes sense. In the South African area of KwaZulu-Natal on this wonderful diet, the life expectancy is 61 so no time to get cancer.
so, Nibor, out of the entire massive continent of Africa you select a very tiny area in southern Africa on the coast which eats a very heavy western type diet and use their life expectancy statistics as an argument against a plant based diet?
did you even read the article specifically about a rural, traditional diet compared to a western diet and flipping the Americans with the Africans diets?
thought so.
agenda much?
Notice how your dumb ass said American and then said African but one is a country and one is a continent so you are foolishly comparing a country to a one billion plus continent like the fool that you are. In case you don’t know colonisation from you paleys has caused a number of countries and communities in Africa to have a more Europanized diet. And besides you paleys should continue to get cancer don’t copy people from the continent of Africa now simply because it suits you bastards, after all your people are civilised so why don’t you continue your civilised diet?
Would love some more recipes …
My wife battle with Breast cancer started 2 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all did not work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 2 years, but today i am here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of cannabis oil medication. This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me. And if you have any kind of cancer diseases, there is no need to waste money on Chemo or Radiation, go get cannabis oil from Rick Simpson cancer research centre( ri***********@gm***.com ),this is a medication that totally kill cancer cells
My wife battle with Breast cancer started 2 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all did not work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 2 years, but today i am here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of cannabis oil medication. This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me. And if you have any kind of cancer diseases, there is no need to waste money on Chemo or Radiation, go get cannabis oil from Rick Simpson cancer research centre( ri***********@gm***.com ),this is a medication that totally kill cancer cells>
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at: ri***********@gm***.com, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear.
Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and healthy.
You can contact for your own medication at: ri***********@gm***.com>
How did you use Cannabis oil and Hemp oil to cure cancer? My mom just died of pancreatic cancer and would like to know these cures. So happy that you are with your Mom and she’s cured.
Angela I would love to know more about it. Can you please answer me to yz******@gm***.com
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at: ri***********@gm***.com, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear
Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my mother back alive, strong and health.
You can contact for your own medication at:
First of all you ignorant fool Africa is not a country but a continent. There are some communities and people in Africa who would be st a high risk of cancer because none of them eat like these people. Would you like it if someone called you a North American as opposed to an American? Your stupid, ignorant white ass obviously thinks that the more than 1 billion people in Africa are that healthy and cancer free and everyone in the continent dresses like the lady in the picture, dumb ignorant cracker
My husband has been suffering from bypass surgery recovery of duodenum up to 4 feet of small intestine , so lowere 2/3 is left and attatchedto the stomach. The carcinoma, adenocarcinoma was original in a small intestine at jejunum. This was resected last 6/15. We are being told and prepared for Fofox 5 a chemo treatment for colon cancer. Small bowel is very rare and studies haven’t been proven successful.
The immediate problem is the management of pain and nauseaas, healing from surgery without another obscruction. He’s not had a bowel movement sinceproblems of obstructionsstarted 3 weeks and had problems with adhesions and gastroparesis with last summers surgery.
He has been trying just about every thing he can medically at hospital to help. Go lightly, MOM, Reglan, nothing is working. Any remedies? He is not eating and not drinking much. PPN for nutrition.
Best hopes for healing when he can’t eat yet?
are you guys on a no oil whole food plant based diet and if so for how long?
5 1/2 years ago i had progressive, inoperable brain disease along with diabetes and out of control blood pressure. within days the diabetes was gone then the blood pressure became normal and in 20 months my terminal brain diagnosis had completely reversed.
i did not cheat one bit and followed dr esselstyns, “prevent and reverse heart disease” to a tee along with dr mcdougalls suggestions. nothing is going to change unless YOU make it change and immune busting chemotherapy and radiation is counter productive.
start off with bits of fresh fruit and veggies and hopefully he will work his way up from there.
Hello, My name is Alexis from US. I am here to let you know if you are having issues with your health, The solution is out there. I was cured of HIV with the use of a herbal medicine from Dr Baba Ogu. I was diagnosed with this virus for almost 12yrs but i was cured within few weeks after drinking the herbs which Dr Baba Ogu sent to me. Dr Ogu is a herbalist doctor. I know of this doctor through others people testimonies, they were all thanking him and praying for him. He has herbs for the following illness, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetic 1&2, Impotence, HBP,Herpes 1&2, Hiv, Chronic, Arthritis, Depression, Frustration etc. He is also a spell caster, he cast spell to bring Divorced lovers together, a spell to make more profit in business, good luck spell, etc. Email him now via: dr*******@gm***.com You can also call or Whatsap him on +2348137291215. Please once you are cured, let people know about it. Together, we fight to become healthy. God bless you
I fell in love with Ethiopian food since hanging out with Ethiopian students in college in Washington State (back in the ’90’s). Since then, everywhere I move to the first thing I do is find the local Ethiopian or, since Eritrea’s independence, Eritrean restaurant. I currently live half way between Munich and Salzburg and the closest Ethiopian restaurant is over 1 hour away. So I started making my own Ethiopian food about 2 weeks ago. I made Injera using a rye sourdough starter I got from a local baker. It worked great- spongy, with the holes, slightly sour. Today I made my own sourdough starter using only teff -for 100% teff (gluten-free) injera. Will know if it works in 2-3 days. Sourdough ferments the flour, “predigest”, and makes it a probiotic and prebiotic. There have been studies with first generation African kids (Somalia) living in Canada who have a higher incidence of autism than the average canadian. Many interesting things regarding the gut microbiome are looked in that study including missing the fermented foods from the Canadian diet.
I mixed my own Ethiopian spice mix- berbere, and made the clarified butter (ghee) with spices they use “niter kibbeh” also. The spices used include turmeric/curcuma, cinnamon, and many others which we now know are very supportive to a healthy gut microbiome. There was even a study showing a strong connection between turmeric consumption and an increase in the production of butyric acid by intestinal bacteria.
As for a comment below- South Africa is one of the most Europe-influenced countries in Africa, at least when it comes to their cuisine. And as Chris mentioned, the diets are become more modern/western everywhere- this begins most often with the more affluent.
So in terms of protein sources, what did you do to supplement meat, poultry, and fish during your 3 month 100% raw vegan diet to battle your colon cancer? If you had to do it all over again, which one would you do, juicing or eating raw, if money was an issue?
Hello ,i am Abigial Caleb from North California i am 43 years
old,i saw a comment posted on Youtube by wandy brimm from Vegas, on
how she was free from skin cancer with cannabis CANNABIS OIL by
doctor odafen , i was diagnosed of HPV infections for the pass two
years , i contacted wandy and she told me that this very doctor cures
HPV cancer , and he also cures HIV/AIDS too, then i contacted
DR,odafen, so he told me what to do to get healing and free from HPV
, so i make provisions for the HERBAL CREAM which i used for two weeks
and now just to see that the exact week which doctor odafen told me i
we be healed i was felling good and healthy , my skin regained, i went
for check up in the hospital and my doctor told me that all the
virus disappeared from my blood vessels and normal, then DR,odafen
asked me to promise him that i we testify of his good herbal work
to the world, so I we like you to contact him
( do**********************@gm***.com ) if you have any health issue i
believe doctor odafen can help, because he is a great herbal doctor that can help you.
In the caucasian population, incidents of high-grade epilepsy used to be controlled (reduced by 90%) by a change in diet AWAY from high carb, low fat TOWARDS a KETOGENIC diet of high fat, low carb. This caused a dramatic reduction in seizures. This dietary approach to epilepsy was well-known and practised among doctors, though you’re not likely to hear them promote it nowadays, with all the anti-convulsive drugs that patients can buy instead. You can read all about this diet, and its variants – just search for the information. Nowadays epileptic caucasians prefer to eat high carb diets, and take anti-convulsive medication to control their epilepsy which has nasty side effects, especially on the unborn child if the patient takes it while pregnant – all this is unnecessary because this condition is pretty much even more than 90% controllable by changing the diet. The reduction in the number of seizures is truly dramatic.
Rural Africans probably have very low rates of colon cancer because they haven’t been exposed to so many Western bugs, in particular papilloma viruses and fungal organisms. Perhaps aggressive sunlight and arid conditions might kill off bugs that would otherwise thrive in darker, damper conditions, like in Europe. That said, female circumcision in Africa began as a means to control papilloma infections of the outer genitalia in women. Just like male circumcision was initially introduced to prevent infections. And, as barbaric as female circumcision might be, it was apparently in fact successful in bringing them under control. And, if you have ever had such an infection in this region, and experienced all that ensures, over a long period of time, you may surprise yourself by considering the alternative as welcoming, as it would simply bring relief and allow you to live again.
Who knows?
It might as well be because they eat only once per day and leve a few hours on ketosis before the next meal comes !!!!!
I AM SO HAPPY THAT I GET CURE FROM HERPES after two years of suffering and pain by this great herbal doctor fa****************@gm***.com i never believe in herbal doctor, but right now i believe in this herbal doctor i contact this virus from my girl friend ever since two years i pass through heir, some body refers this herbal doctor to me but i never believe i just said let me try, i contacted him and he assured me that i we get cured after i have taking his herbal medicine, it was a greatest surprise to me after one week of treatment i went for test in the hospital i was cured from herpes virus it was like a shock to me is this dream or reality. once again a very big thanks for your good work. if you contacted this virus or suffering from any kind of sickness you can contact him fa****************@gm***.com
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