Q&A: Should you have surgery for cancer?

In this video Q&A I answer these common questions:

-Is surgery is necessary to heal cancer?

-Can surgery cause more harm than good?

-Do needle biopsies and surgery cause cancer to spread?

-And whether or not I would have the surgery I had knowing what I know now.



In the video I reference a study conducted at John Wayne Cancer Institute in which patients with invasive breast cancer who had a needle biopsy before surgery had a 50% increase in metastases when compared to patients who just had the breast tumor removed with no biopsy. Here is that study.


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This Post Has 54 Comments

  1. Ian

    Hi Chris
    So interested to listen to your latest video – especially the section on the John Wayne Cancer Institute – where you talk about the 50% increase in metastases after a needle biopsy – this so rang true with my particular cancer!
    4 months ago, in good health and with no symptoms, I was undergoing an endoscopic examination – during this I heard the Dr say (to his assistant) “I am going to need multiple biopsies” (he took 8 in total) and marked these for urgent return from the lab. Within 2-3 weeks the tumor in my throat had grown considerably and had closed up to the point where I could only drink soup/smoothies and liquids. You will never convince otherwise (and your video confirms it to me) me that the taking of the biopsies triggered or “awakened” the cancer in the most alarming manner.
    I have gone down the opposite route to you – I have refused surgery and have (reluctantly) accepted both chemo and radiotherapy – the tumor has reduced so that I have been able to eat solids again (and put some weight back on) and am following a lifestyle of pretty much everything that you and others have been doing. Feeling good and positive and hopeful for the future
    Keep up the great work, posts and info – it is so inspiring and uplifting
    Thanks again

  2. Kt

    Chris, I agree 110 percent! I had lumpectomy for Stage 1 breast cancer in 2010 and colon surgery(like you) Stage 3 in 2012. I basically have done exactly what you did with no chemo or radiation. Had my one year follow up colonoscopy yesterday and all clear! I pretty much knew it was but wanted the validation for credibility. I have been following your website for the past year and will continue to do so. I thought I used to have a healthy lifestyle but now it has amped up spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. A big bonus to treating my cancer naturally is I did not feel sick, not one day. Thanks so much for all you do! Angels around you:)

  3. Fabrice Leu

    Hello Chris,

    What you do to help people is great, thank you very much


  4. Marilyn

    Hi Chris, Excellent video and information! I agree with what you say. With a diagnosis of breast cancer late stage 2 just over a year ago, like you warn, I knew nothing and was in a panic and followed protocol of biopsy and surgery. Once I was given a chance to breathe and do some research and come out of the shock, I realized that I had options and I decided I could not allow my body to accept the chemo and radiation. If I knew then what I know now, I also would not have had the biopsy or the surgery. (I wish I could go back and sue for what they did.)
    It is so helpful and encouraging to hear others like yourself who have had the same experiences and successfully following an alternate route.
    Chris, I am wondering what are the follow up tests that you have done to track the disease? MRI? CT? Bone Scan? And what blood tests?
    May God Bless you for helping others.

    1. Nicole

      Thanks Marilyn for posing this question, I have that same question! Following God’s lead, I chose not to find out the stage and not to have surgery. I was led to a treatment that will largely include prayer, green smoothies, and Young Living Sacred Frankincense! The success with this treatment is AMAZING! If you are not familiar with it google breast cancer, frankincense and Dr. Lin or Dr. Suhail.
      Praying for your complete healing!

  5. Heather

    Hi Chris,
    I’ve been following your blog for around a year now (even before I got my diagnosis as my intuition told me that something was seriously wrong and I needed to prepare myself -your writings and videos helped give me the feeling that I could deal with this whatever the outcome). I have a couple of questions for you. Do you feel that there was an emotional component to your cancer & do you now feel that your cancer was a gift of sorts?

    I firmly believe that there was with mine. I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer this February and had a hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oopherectomy and lymph node sampling in April. It was only stage 1A1, so I’m considered cured with surgery, but I know that I need to change my lifestyle and work on myself as I created the conditions for cancer to flourish in the first place and don’t want a recurrence. I was molested as a child and hadn’t really dealt with it and had never been to a gynecologist even though I was 44 years old out of fear. This cancer was a gift because it forced me to deal with things that I had been repressing for nearly forty years. I started working with an energy healer shortly after my surgery and also did Emotional Freedom Technique with him (where you tap on certain acupressure points while verbalizing about what troubles you, followed up by positive affirmations) to deal with the abuse. I have found my courage and even took a Reiki course, which I had wanted to do for twenty years, but had been too shy to pursue. I then moved across the country to be with my family and start anew. I’m comfortable with my decision to have surgery (the strangest thing happened -I had a slight prolapse shortly after the abnormal bleeding that led me to get checked out, so it was as if my body was rejecting and trying to expel my uterus and so I just KNEW that it was cancer and that surgery was a good idea for me even though it took a long eight months from symptoms to diagnosis). I am now consulting with a naturopathic doctor and continuing my emotional work. I also got a puppy to help with my healing :)
    Love & Light~*

  6. Kristina

    Unfortunately in my area, if a person refuses treatment for anything, especially cancer, the hospital actually takes them to court to force treatment. I know a woman who wanted to do natural treatments for cervical cancer and the hospital managed to get durable power of attorney for her healthcare and then did what they wanted. Just by refusing treatment they were able to prove she was unfit to make her own decisions. She died a few years later of an aneurysm (I’m assuming unrelated). I avoid doctors now, so no one can ever test me for cancer. I’ll just follow your diet and pray for the best. Thanks for all you do to get the info out there!

    1. Chris Wark

      Wow. that’s scary. Where do you live Kristina?

      1. Kristina

        A small town in northeast Wisconsin.

        1. Heather

          I am from WI, too. That’s scary. :-(

    2. michele

      I have heard about this happening to parents who had children with cancer and wanted to use alternative treatments for their children, but I never heard of it for adults. that is very very scary. It is mind blowing, actually.

  7. Beebs

    Thanks for spreading the word, Chris.

    How to diagnose lumps on forearm, one in the neck, and two nodules on lungs without a biopsy?

    Has anyone heard of Dr Moreno, who use urine to test the level of cancer cells floating around, but not the site?

    See this link: http://navarromedicalclinic.com/

    Input much appreciated.

    Many thanks.

    1. Chris Wark

      Hi Beebs, the Navarro urine test has a good reputation of reliability.

  8. Gretchen manzer

    Hi Chris, would you say this information still applies to a brain tumor? Or do the “rules” completely change as far as rejecting surgery and leaving a tumor in the brain.

    1. Chris Wark

      Hi Gretchen I believe the body is capable of healing any cancer, if given the proper nutrients and care. :)

      1. Peet Louw

        Hi Chris,
        Please contact me, I really need to connect with you.
        Have a look at our website http://www.healingtruth.co.za to see what is happening in Africa, South Africa.
        Blessings and thanks,

      2. Gretchen Manzer

        Thanks for the response. A week or two, I found a link on your site to a study that had been published showing which types of foods were best against each specific type of tumor. I can’t find it anywhere now! Do you perhaps have the link to that study? My brother has a stage 4 gliobastoma and we are trying to figure out which specific foods pump him full of!

      3. Thressa, Young

        Hello Chris
        My name is Thressa, my sister has been diagnosis with stage 4 cancer and we are losing her fast. We don’t have money but we are watching her die daily. She had the surgery and Chemo for 6mos. She Went to the Doctor and the doctors sent her home saying there is nothing they can do but make her comfortable with meds that don’t work. Please help her we are watch her die daily. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP US WE ARE DESPERT WITH NO WHERE TO TURN OR HELP

  9. Margo

    You might want to look at another study that was done after the one you cited. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16164918
    It reaches a different conclusion than the other study. The search continues……

    1. Chris Wark

      Thanks for sharing this Margo, well they can’t both be right, can they? Makes one wonder…

  10. Michael

    thanks for the vid, this just backs up what i have read about surgery. this coming Monday the 29th i am getting my 3 month petscan since my recent surgery, still didnt know better yet. of course the petscan after my surgery was clear, i refused the radiation that they offered, and now am on my own for my care, lots of things have changed in think for the better, we will see, i do check on your blog often and share it with those i meet that have cancer whether a patient or caregiver.

  11. Wendy Sater

    Hi Chris…wow I was diagnosed in early June with breast cancer, they did a needle core biopsy (6) samples. My husband’s job went out of business last July so unfortunately I have no insurance, or so I thought. Turns out when I went on SSDI in 2003 they enrolled me in Medicare…I had great ins with hubby’s job so I cancelled the medicare…so I thought. They left Medicare part A on there…why I don’t know…I just found out last week that I even had it. I have been turned down by everyone now because I have “insurance”. I have tried thru the state, county, doctors, hospitals, every org you can imagine and no one will help. I even offered to pay a surgeon cash in advance to remove the mass but they have refused that too. My husband and I went straight into changing our lifestyle from foods we eat to clearing out cleaning supplies. I have been approved for the Rick Simpson Oil and have placed my 1st order. I also have a list of supplements that help fight cancer. I was feeling pretty positive about things til I saw the stats on having a biopsy with IBC. I am scared to death right now. I know with God’s help I am in the fight of my life. What are your thoughts and/or suggestions since there is NO option for me to have this mass removed and I did have the needle core biopsy?

    1. Janie Kuepker

      Wendy how did you get Rick Simpson oil. I need sone for colon cancer that spread to stomach.

  12. MedicineWoman

    Thank you! Did any of you use Cannabis to get well?

  13. Beebs

    Hi Chris, Thanks for your reply. I will probably use this test to self monitor. Thank you for spreading the word and sharing. Light and healing thoughts to all.

  14. Xena

    Several years ago after much research I found the same facts. My oncologist denied none of the facts and qualified the medical industry approach to surgery, chemo and radiation as the only way to prolong life accepting this may cause metastases. What is missing from their approach is that we also want to be healed without destroying our quality of life. Great article Chris!

  15. D. Liz

    Always good timing to hear your messages, as some of us pray for divine intervention in dealing with cancer; i was diagnosed three 1/2 months ago with Stage 2 lymphoma; and you have been so inspirational and thanks to you, i have changed my diet radically immediately. I will go back to my doctor for him to monitor progress; i am not taking any medication for this, at his moment is all my diet, exercise, meditation, and lots of faith, grace and love from my family. I am so grateful for all your messages, you are part of my faith. Thank You.

  16. Jenni

    Hi Chris-

    Thanks for another empathetic and intelligent post. I’m at about 10 months post-diagnosis for Stage 4 breast cancer and this is just where I sit in regard to thoughts about surgery. I did have a double mastectomy in December but I don’t truly regret it as I had always wanted a reduction. Folks really just don’t know what to say when I tell them it’s just what I always wanted for Christmas! ;) They also don’t quite get it when I say that God graciously and omnipotently gave me cancer so He could save my life either. I suppose you have to be there, huh? ;)

    Anyway, just wanted to tell you yet again how much I appreciate what you do, how I cherish that you work pretty hard to get all this much-needed info to the masses,u including me. I’m certain that me finding your site was God-ordained. I am up to my eyeballs in homeschooling my kids and training for a sprint-distance triathlon so as much as I want to (and feel led to) join you on your natural healing bandwagon, this is not the season for me. For now, I share my story with anyone who wants it (and some who don’t) and I freely give out your website and name. I pray that others are moved to drastic action upon reading your story as well as the others you share.

    Speaking of which, I’m waiting for marker results and if they are where I think they are going to be, I’ll write up a survivor story for ya and email it soon….

    With blessings to you (and from),

  17. Vanja

    Hi Chris,

    Your blog has been my go-to since my diagnosis of early breast cancer almost 8 weeks ago now.
    I’m 30 years old with 2 young kids & as most women I never thought this could happen to me but it did.
    Thanks to my dad & also to your blog I embarked on a new journey in life. Within the last 8 weeks, I completed a 42 day ie 6 week water fast where I shed many pounds however I came out stronger not only physically but mentally too. the fear i had is gone.
    Last two weeks I have been drinking juices (mainly carrot & ginger) and starting green smoothies tomorrow. The next phase for me is raw vegan lifestyle (not diet but lifestyle!).
    I have decided against the surgery & the “treatment” that they have been forcing on me – chemo & radiation! The surgeon has completely ignored my new lifestyle & the fact that the 15mm lump I had at the start of this is actually smaller under touch. I am having an ultrasound next week to confirm this however I know that I’m on a right path.
    Thank you for your blog & for the information you have provided – it has truly been an eye opener for me. :-)

    1. Chris Wark

      42 day water fast! Vanja that’s awesome!!! Clearly you have a very strong will to live and I have no doubt that you will.
      Sounds like you are right on track. Please keep me posted on your progress. :)

    2. Beth

      Hi Vanja,

      I am interested to know how you are doing?


  18. Ed

    Hi Chris.

    You mention using bloodwork to monitor tumor progress. What bloodwork are you talking about. I just finished chemo/rad at Sloane and they think yo need to wait 6 weeks to do another PET scen to determine if the procedure was successful.

  19. Rebecca Cody


    I, too greatly admire the work you to do showing people how to clean up their lives and their cancers.

    Here are a couple additional thoughts on the subject of having or not having surgery.

    First, if a tumor is blocking a vital organ or obstructing the bowel, or a brain tumor is causing terrible pain, surgery may be required to alleviate the immediate danger. That seems like a big “duh!”, but I think it’s important for people to know that, as much as they would like to do it all naturally, there are some situations where surgery is life-saving while you get your act together with nutrition, forgiveness, etc.

    There are actually several ways that surgery helps cancer metastasize. There are at least five articles in the archives of Life Extension magazine describing these and showing how to minimize the possibility of metastases through diet, supplementation, and even in requesting a particular type of anesthesia for breast cancer. Check out http://www.LEF.org.

    One thing that helps cancer spread is taking narcotic pain medication, which apparently anesthesizes the immune system as it hides the pain. So, the less invasive the surgery, the less you are likely to need Oxycontin, morphine or other narcotics.

    Most cancer tumors put out metastasis, but they also circulate chemicals that prevent these metastases from growing. Removing the tumor then allows the metastases, that are already all over the place, to grow rapidly. So, that’s a big incentive NOT to remove a tumor. However, if everything you are doing is not shrinking the tumor, surgery may still be required.

    Another thing I think ALL cancer patients must do is have a blood or saliva test to see if they have the genetic defect, MTHFR. Some 45% of the population has one gene for this and quite a few of us have two. Anybody who tests positive has a GREATLY diminished ability to detoxify through the liver. There are things you can do to enhance detoxification if this is the case, but you need to know. Otherwise you can juice fast and do coffee enemas and every other detox mode you’ve ever heard of and it won’t help. You have to give your body what it needs to overcome this condition on an ongoing basis. A good place to begin learning is at http://www.MTHFR.net.

    Keep the good info coming.

  20. Alicia

    Someone very close to me is currently dealing with stage 2 breast cancer (size of a small lime)and has radically changed her diet to closely match yours. I’d never hear of you before today, so maybe you’ve answered this questions dozens of times; but how long did it take you to rid yourself of the cancer, and is the diet change the only thing you chose to do? Was wondering about other alternatives you might have added. Feel free to email me privately if you prefer. Thanks so much. Alicia

    1. Chris Wark

      Hi Alicia, see my FAQ page

  21. Brent H

    Thank you Chris!!! :-)

  22. Farrah Dearlove

    Hi Jenni.
    I too am a Christian passionate about Jesus and I must tell you God did not give you cancer. God is not able to give bad gifts, only enemy does that that. However…., God works out good for all those that love Him. So He turned your situation around but certainly didn’t cause it.

    God Bless you.

    1. Jenni

      Hi Farrah,

      Thanks for taking a moment to write to me. I hope Chris forgives us for taking over his comments briefly, but I felt led to respond to you.

      Yes, I appreciate your post, but I’ll have to kindly disagree and here’s why…

      Cancer is merely a symptom that something is wrong in the body. A headache or a rash is also a symptom. none of these are inherently evil or bad, they just are. Whatever symptom it is only occurs so that the person can become aware of some imbalance in the body and make corrective action, whether that be chemo or a change in diet, or exercising more, or surgery. The symptom tells us that something must be changed.

      And while I hear what you’re saying about God not causing bad things, I don’t claim that my cancer is bad. In fact, it is a miraculous act of love from the sole Creator of love itself. In the very marrow of my being, I believe sincerely that God gave me this cancer.

      I do not view my cancer as evil or bad or awful. It is a blessed gift given to me to save my life and possible those of my children who also now eat much healthier and are more cognizant about their food choices. I feel joyfully blessed that in His infinite wisdom, God caused this momentary but meaningful wrench to be thrown into the midst of my life. It has only drawn me and my family closer to Him and nothing can be wrong about that.

      I know some folks see cancer as a devastating situation, but for me, it is a joyful reminder that God is in control always, and that He loves me completely.

      I hope you can get what I’m trying to explain. God bless you too, Farrah and thanks again for your note.

  23. ToBeExpected

    Jenni, I must second what Farrah wrote – there is no way that God can give you cancer. A bad name is given to him, when such is attributed to him. He allowed you to have it, yes, like he allows us all to get sick and die, but give it to you, personally? No way. The reasons for cancer are way too numerous to mention here, as Chris would no doubt agree with, and we as humans have to contend with this condition, oftentimes if not all times, it is brought about by mans mismanagement of the earth and it’s resources. Just one example – radiation – the earth, as we speak is swimming in it and that’s not due to God. Fukushima is still spewing very dangerously for all, do you hear about that? No? Do you hear about the continuing deaths from Chernobyl? Did God cause those catastrophes? No. Please do not blame God. The visible vindication of his Sovereignty is showing us now we just cannot do without Him and his help. Much love to you.

    1. Jenni

      Yes, I realize now this is a hard thing to grasp. But for me in my personal, intimate relationship with my God, He has gifted me with my cancer. I am not blaming Him; I am thanking Him and praising Him!
      I understand the reluctance to see Him as vengeful or wrathful, but obviously the bible says otherwise. However, I am not saying He is a mean awful God who burdened me with a hideous, fatal disease. I am saying…. My God loves me so much and knows me so well. He gifted me lavishly by allowing, causing, making me have cancer. He SAVED MY LIFE to HIS GLORY by giving me cancer.
      I’m sorry, but you just won’t be able to convince me that my cancer which the docs gave me only a 20 to 40% chance of surviving, is not a gift from the Lord. The disease is a gift, the healing is a gift, and the opportunity to bring Him glory through it all is a humbling gift as well.
      Many blessings,

  24. Angel

    I can tell you from experience that radical changes to your diet and lifestyle can help a LOT of other diseases besides cancer. I’ve drastically changed my diet over the last 4 years. Baby steps, but I’m now eating a vegan diet. My autoimmune diseases (I have three of them, and one is potentially fatal) have been in full remission for over 3 years. I’m about to (nervously but optimistically) go off all meds. My doctors are stunned. We have to remember – most of them aren’t trained to treat us with anything other than drugs. One of my meds is a form of oral chemo. And I’m DONE with it. No more poison for me. Chris, I love your website. It’s very well laid-out and informative. Thank you!

  25. Vanja

    Thank you Chris and thank you for your blog!
    You have kept me strong during those 42 days – your blog, the videos & just your overall determination!

    I will keep you posted & I believe with all my being that my story will be an absolute success like yours.

    ~ Vanja :-)

  26. john

    A friend sent me your link after she saw you on TV. I watched “Q&A: Should I have surgery for cancer?’ video and you make some good points. I do have a few issues with what you have stated and generalizations you make.

    I have had two glioblastomas. The first was discovered when I was not feeling well and had a very bad headache. The pressure in my head was intense. The tumor was removed in December of 2010. I don’t believe I had any choice other than surgery at that point. I remember saying that I could not go on feeling the way I was. That tumor was 5-6 cm…small, in your opinion.

    I opted for radiation and chemo, and made some lifestyle and dietary changes but could be doing more. Your ideas and comments in this area are sound advice. I am also part of the clinical trial for the Novocure TTF 100A device, a non-invasive treatment designed to disrupt the division of cancer cells for glioblastoma patients.

    The second tumor was discovered in November of 2012. It was discovered during a routine MRI. The tumor was 3mm (millimeters). You stated that about 6cm is the smallest “they” can detect. My doctors did not rush to remove this tumor. We waited over 6 months to keep an eye on it and monitor it. It continued to grow, but a slowed pace due to the device. When it was about 6mm, I had surgery in May.

    My point is this: Although I have not read your entire blog, I find this video to be somewhat misleading and to overgeneralize for all types of cancer.

    There are “aggressive” cancers. I have one of them. There is only so much room in one’s skull. Sometimes surgery is necessary, and a matter of life and death.
    “They” are able to detect tumors far smaller than 6cm.
    Not all cancers are the same.
    When asked, Steve Jobs said the he would have surgery if he could do it all over again.

    1. Chris Wark

      Thanks John. You are right. I misspoke in the video. I meant to say millimeters, not centimeters.
      And the smallest detectable lesion size by PET scan is 0.7cm, by CT scan is 2-3mm.

      I’m not sure where you got the idea that I think surgery isn’t necessary sometimes…
      Did you even watch the whole video? I covered this.

      Also any implication that nutrition and natural therapies don’t work because they didn’t work for Steve Jobs
      is not well reasoned. First off, no one really knows what “alternative therapies” Steve Jobs even did.
      And second, over half a million people are dying each year in the U.S. from cancer.
      If you apply the Steve Jobs logic to that, conventional therapies are a complete and total failure,
      and no one should ever do them because they are failing over half a million people per year.

      There are some very encouraging natural survivor stories on my site. I suggest you spend some time reading them,
      and I hope your choices work well for you.

      For everyone else
      Here’s an article that explains detectable tumor size well.

  27. Mylene Kennedy

    I listen to your video!!
    I just loove it!!
    So true and amazing!!
    That im not the only one to think like you!!!
    Medicine is crapp these days.. it’s all about the money…Not about the human’s life!!
    Chris do u have books to recommends… .
    Vanja.. How u learn u had a breast cancer.. did u have any lumps..?
    If u have lumps.. where they were in ur breast. and did u had any symptoms …?

  28. Monique

    Hi Chris, Thanks for doing this video. I first found your site just after I was diagnosed with Stg 3 colon cancer in Feb of this year. After having chronic diarrhea related to Chron’s and colitis for over 10 years it didn’t come as a big surprise, although I was scared at first. They told me they wanted to removed my entire colon. Before I got the diagnosis I’d begun a juice fast as stayed on it for 10-12 days. I began researching, changed my diet and other lifestyle habits along with seeking alternative treatments that I still do today with chiropractic, kinesiology-nutrition and reiki. I especially have found the work of Andreas Mortiz to be very enlightening. The fear subsided greatly and through these changes as well as love and support from my very dear friend Tom, I’ve made improvements though now while I’m on short term disability find myself struggling to commit to a healthier lifestyle. I’m not having my condition monitored by any tradition means as I believe it would do me more harm than good at this point. It is no small coincidence that I remain plagued by the same issues I’ve had after all these years of chronic/hellish b.m’s. I know it’s up to me, ultimately, and this is part of the work I have to go through with my struggle and eventual evolution, though can you please share what your turning point was? What happened in your life that inspired you to make lifetime changes that you became committed to doing? Thanks so much for all your time and energy! Love – Monique

  29. romie

    thanks so much for making the video. I find it helpful coz i am thinking about having a surgery sooner or layer by the end of this year. The hardest thing for me is to leave rice during lunch n dinner instead jusy have a bowl of salad. I can not make that change yet. I can take chlorophyll drink everyday but sometimes I crave for coffee too. Anyway thanks for alkaline diet info.

  30. Dsauce

    Chris, what do you do when surgery is not an option and you’ve been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, with lymphoma attached to your pelvic, spleen and esophagus?

    A biopsy was done, but now what? What are the options, other than believing that God can heal?

  31. Tracy

    Chris, Thank you so much for sharing all your info with us, it is life changing to so many people.
    I am a 4 year Ovarian Stage III Cancer Survivor. 4 years ago I had radical surgery including a bilateral oophorectomy, omentomectomy, and they removed many tumors and lymph nodes. I also had 6 months of intense chemo. I changed my lifestyle, eating and thought processes years ago. I just had my 6mos. exam and it is back. I have a 5mm tumor near my colon, and they are currently doing diagnostics to look for metastases. I told my self if my cancer ever came back I would try a holistic therapy, but I also am positive for the BRCA1 mutation. If you are not familiar with this it is the gene for Ovarian and Breast Cancer. I have not been able to find any info on anyone doing holistic, juicing therapies it they have the gene for cancer. I am afraid that the gene will negate all the healthy things I try. I did read that someone wrote on your blog that the cancer gene( not mine) prevents the liver from being cleansed holistically. If you could help me that would be great. I am frantically trying to do research to decide if I should do surgery and chemo or not.

    Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks

  32. Isabelle

    My family knew a very experienced, well-respected surgeon and he said under no circumstance would he ever have a needle biopsy. His explanation was the worse case scenario was an intact tumor could be ruptured by the needle resulting in “seeding” the surrounding and the tumor leaking more cancer cells into the surrounding tissue. He also said a needle track occurs when a needle is pulled out when completing a needle biopsy … Cancer cells are drug along the pathway as the needle is withdrawn and again cells are spread.

  33. Oana Teboul

    Hello Chris,
    I so appreciate your blog, this is so rich and inspiring…got diagnosed with invasive breast cancer stage 3 with a 6.5 cm tumor (not kidding!) in October 2013. First doctor told me I was to have my breast and my underarm lymph nods totally removed. After a lot of tears I decided to get a second opinion in a specialized cancer clinic in Marseille, France. There I was told that I would do a round of eight chimio therapies then surgery and to finish radiations…I wasn’t happy of course but decided to undertake chimio. After the first chimio the lump in my breast started to shrink massively and by the second chimio, it was gone…I did a third chimio which was horrendous where I met a woman who was living her third relapse whose heart had been damaged by chimio. And like you, I was shocked that nurses would serve us for lunch huge French stick baguette filled with ham and cheese even to people who had had colon surgery!
    So I started to read and a good friend from New Zealand sent me a DVD, the Beautiful Truth about Max Gerson…and the I decided to stop everything and start juicing! I had already changed my diet when I first felt the lump. This is almost eight months later, I feel great, my blood tests are good, my cancer marker really low. I believe that a body that has created something can take it away given the right tools!

  34. Raymond Picard

    After finding this blog/site, I second guessed chemo and radiation.
    Now, I wonder if surgery can be skipped.
    In my case, surgery means removing my rectum and having a colostomy bag forever!!
    Big decision.
    Once it’s done it’s too late.
    Can changing my diet turn things around quickly enough?
    Would doctors be willing to do follow-up testing to track my progress? Here in Canada?

    Please give me your advice, opinions, I would very much appreciate it.

    Thanks, RayP

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