Chris Beat Cancer Top 5 posts of 2012

Well it’s New Years Day and I’m sitting on the couch in my jammies drinking my morning concoction (16 oz of ozonated water with 4 grams of vitamin c and green tea extract)
and reflecting on what a terrific year 2012 was.

Nine years ago today I was in the hospital recovering from colon cancer surgery.
And the year that followed (2004) was the toughest year of my life physically and emotionally. That was when I radically changed my diet and lifestyle and took my health into my own hands….

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Study: Mistletoe Effective Against Colon Cancer

What a perfect story to post three days before Christmas!

“Mistletoe gives the kiss of death to cancer.”

In a new study, Zahra Lotfallani, a researcher at University of Adelaide in Australia,
(that’s her in the pic) found that one type of Mistletoe extract called Fraxini, when compared to chemotherapy, was more effective against colon cancer cells and less toxic.

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Penny Heals Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer Naturally!

My name is Penelope Villabert. In June 2011 I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer progressing to stage 4 with metastasis in the liver which had multiple cysts. The tumor in my pancreas was as big as a fist and inoperable. I was told I had only 3-6 months to live…

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Study: Are cancer patients’ hopes for chemo too high?

(Reuters) At least two thirds of people with advanced cancer believed the chemotherapy they were receiving might cure them, even though the treatment was only being given to buy some time or make them comfortable, according to a U.S. survey.

Researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that 69 percent of patients who were terminally ill with lung cancer, and 81 percent with fatal colorectal cancer, did not understand that their chemotherapy was not at all likely to eliminate their tumors.

“Their expectations are way out of line with reality,” said lead researcher Deborah Schrag of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institution in Boston, speaking to Reuters Health…

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Ed: Crushing Stage 4 Liver Cancer with Cannabis Oil and More!

My husband of 34 years was diagnosed with stage 4 primary liver cancer in March 2012. The doctor told us there was not much to be done since the tumor was 7 inches covering his lower lobe and also had spread to his lymph nodes. After one week at home we decided to do what we have done for many years, rely on ourselves.

We started making phoenix tears and he was off the morphine in one week. Within a couple of weeks his pain and swollen stomach disappeared and with it came hope and a good quality of life. His tumor marker went from over 6000 to normal and he is feeling well.

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Vincent: Chemo-Free Stage 4 Colon Cancer Survivor since 2006!

In late 2006 I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer with metastasis to the liver
Surgery was necessary as the colon was almost blocked and I had 2 small tumours removed from the liver in a second operation 3 months later.
I refused all other follow up treatment that was offered, much to the disgust of the highly paid oncolgist…

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