Freakonomics vs. Cancer Treatment.
And the winner is…

Economist Steven Levitt and writer Stephen Dubner are two awesome dudes who teamed up to write two of my favorite books in the last few years. They use research and statistical analysis to solve some of the most complex riddles of modern life. Needless to say, I was thrilled to discover that they spent some time studying the cancer treatment industry. The question they address in SuperFreakonomics is this: “Why is chemotherapy prescribed so often if it’s so ineffective?”

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Sea Salt vs.Table Salt. Does It Really Matter?

You’ve probably heard that a diet high in sodium is unhealthy because it is a risk factor for Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease. Processed foods have very high levels of salt, and a diet high in salt actually leads to salt dependence by your body. This is why you crave salty foods; just like a smoker craves the nicotine in a cigarette.

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The Top 12 Dirtiest Fruits and Vegetables

Unless you’ve been living in a cave or perhaps Cuba, you’ve probably heard that buying organic produce is better.
The most important reason to buy organic is to avoid exposure to the toxic chemical pesticides and fertilizers used to grow commercial produce these days.

The pesticides they put on our food have been linked to some serious health problems like Cancer, Birth Defects, Parkinson’s, Asthma, Autism, ADHD, and more.
Here’s the most recent report of the cleanest and dirtiest produce based on FDA and USDA data.

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Tea Up! My Favorite Healthy Teas

Another key component in my cancer fight was drinking copious amounts of herbal teas. Specifically the ones with high anti-oxidant and immune boosting properties. Most days I would have a hot cup in the morning, iced herbal tea with meals, and a hot cup before bed. I highly recommend you get these super healthy teas into your body, pronto!

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Is Weekday Vegetarianism A Thing?

We all know the arguments that being vegetarian is better for your health, the environment, and animals – – but in a carnivorous culture it can be hard to make the change. Graham Hill has a powerful pragmatic suggestion.
Be a weekday vegetarian.

This 4 minute video is excellent and neatly summarizes my post-cancer diet. Watch it!

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Why I Didn’t Do Chemo

I am not a doctor or a scientist.  I am a self-educated chemo-free cancer survivor and I often have people contact me who want to know more. In this post I explain in the simplest terms what I have come to understand and believe to be true about chemotherapy and why I did not do it.

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Sleep With Me: How Much Do You Really Need?

We’ve all heard that most people need 6-8 hours of sleep per night, but you may need much more, like 9-10.  Not getting enough sleep night after night leads to a “sleep deficit” that keeps growing.  And with that sleep deficit comes a gradual degradation of your health. A major key to health is figuring out how much sleep you need, then getting it.

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In January of 2004, one month after my surgery, my wife Micah and I went to the cancer clinic for the first time.

It didn’t go so well.

I had already decided against chemotherapy after researching successful alternative therapies.
To my dismay, my decision was not well received by my wife, family and friends. After many heartfelt and well-meaning “interventions”, I reluctantly agreed to go meet with an oncologist to hear what he had to say.

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