Cancer surgery video of me from 2003

Today is New Years Day, 2014.

On this day ten years ago, I was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery with a 4-inch vertical incision straight through my belly button, and a third of my large intestine removed.
That was the lowest point of my life…

A few months ago, while rummaging through some old stuff, I found a video clip of me in the hospital, shot immediately after I came out of surgery. I was in recovery, barely conscious, waiting to be taken to a room.

But somehow I managed to film myself for a few moments. I’m glad I did.

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Video: Chris gets a colonoscopy and silly on drugs

Ok so here’s a video of my colonoscopy adventure yesterday. It’s been almost four years since my last one and I was about a year overdue. Four years is a long time and I’ll admit I had a little “scanxiety” leading up to the procedure.

I’m strong, and healthy, and feel great, but I was still a little nervous about the results…

This is probably the only time you will ever see me doped up on camera.
Micah and I got a lot of laughs watching and editing this.


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The Best Exercise For Your Immune System:

Back in 2004 when I first started to research natural therapies I read every natural cancer survival testimony I could find. I found many common threads and one of them was jumping on a mini trampoline, aka Rebounding. I figured since so many natural survivors and health practitioners were doing it there must be something to it…

Here’s a video I made about rebounding along with a detailed blog post about the science behind rebounding.

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Tea Up! My Favorite Healthy Teas

Another key component in my cancer fight was drinking copious amounts of herbal teas. Specifically the ones with high anti-oxidant and immune boosting properties. Most days I would have a hot cup in the morning, iced herbal tea with meals, and a hot cup before bed. I highly recommend you get these super healthy teas into your body, pronto!

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Why I Didn’t Do Chemo

I am not a doctor or a scientist.  I am a self-educated chemo-free cancer survivor and I often have people contact me who want to know more. In this post I explain in the simplest terms what I have come to understand and believe to be true about chemotherapy and why I did not do it.

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I Juiced to Beat Cancer and Turned Orange!

The Centers for Disease Control and the National Cancer Institute recommend you eat at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies per day, but 10 servings per day is optimal. Let’s face it, that’s tough to do! Most folks I know don’t even average 1 serving per day.

Our bodies are starving for nutrients and juicing is the best way to extract massive amounts of nutrients from vegetables; without having to sit down and eat several pounds of vegetables per day. Knowing what to juice and what not to juice is critical.

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